The Mind's Eye

by LilBit

Copyright © 2008

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the property of Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy, Inc.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse
Feedback: Of course. Please!
Spoilers: Post-Chosen.
Author's Notes: This is the ninth story in the series.  The other stories, in order, are: The Sacrifice, Alterations with Time, Parallel, Life Changes Everything, Stones in the Road, Misdirection, The Devil on My Shoulder and Scorpion Veil.
Pairing: Willow/Kennedy

Summary: The truth about our favorite couple's daughter is finally revealed, and so are its implications.

Chapter One

The curtains on the front window of the room were of a pale sage color, the kind in vogue at the moment. Though made of French lace, they had a 'down home' feel predicated on the hand-made tie backs cinching the cloth to glass knobbed pins. The curtains encapsulated the feel and warmth of the rest of the living room and, in actuality, the entire home.

The furniture in the room was modern but with an eclectic slant. It whispered obvious financial means tempered with modesty. The muted light earth tones forewarned visitors to the dwelling that its inhabitants were women close to nature, and closer to the mysteries of this planet and beyond.

Every detail in the room shouted homage to the wonders outside that accepted by the general population. From the Native American wall hangings to the 18th Century celestial ironworks posing prettily in a curio cabinet, the living room belonging to Willow Rosenberg and Kennedy Prescott seeped in the world reality as known by them.

Despite the toys gathered in one corner and the overflow of books on the Brazilian handmade book shelf, the area didn't feel cluttered or in disarray. There was a simplicity and truthfulness about it. For in every inch of that room rested the foundation of its owners' passions. Textbooks, replicas of ancient weapons, astrological fare and cd music collections; they were tactile representations of the extraordinary women who lived in the home. To truly see the wonders in that place was to look into the minds and souls of the slayer and witch who resided there.

On this cold, winter night, the living room carried in it an air of tranquility. All was quiet. A single reading lamp illuminated the space. It was the only light on in the entire house. Samantha had been put to bed several hours before. There was no television, no radio. Only the faint sound of the furnace blowing warm air out of the floor vents disturbed the otherwise pristine silence. If the scene had been framed, it could have easily been captioned as a new Thomas Kinkaid piece.

The beauty of the room did not stop with the amenities and objects filling it. Sitting on the couch, back against one clothed arm rest and toes barely reaching the other side, was a woman of continuing grace. Slender legs, bent slightly at the knees, connected to a perfectly shaped body. The hair, despite the changes in length over the years, still retained its magnificent crimson shade and its brilliant shine. Alabaster skin, soft to the touch, still adorned the woman and emerald eyes, which could leave a heart pounding, shone just as brightly.

Sitting on the couch, in the peacefulness of her living room, Willow Rosenberg looked as beautiful as a new day's sunrise. Even with a book in her hands and the perusing movement of her eyes as she read the text, the redheaded witch was a vision. Kennedy had recently told her wife, upon her turning thirty, that she was more beautiful now than when the brunette first saw her all those years before at Buffy's home. That statement bore itself true this night. The breath-taking scene of Willow quietly existing in her home was one not seen by anyone, as if created for the sole viewing pleasure of a higher power.

As serene as Willow's surroundings were, they were in stark contrast to the actual state of mind of the witch. Though she looked at peace, the witch was deep in thought as she read the tome saddled in her lap.

Willow had been reading for several hours, ever since Kennedy went out on her patrol. Her book of choice was one dealing with the finer and more intricate inner workings of witchcraft. It wasn't one of the books that would normally adorn her bookshelf in the living room or even the one up in the "office" where her more rare and detailed treatises could be found. Willow obtained the reading material in her lap from the Council's library in London. Since the creation of the 'new order' of the watcher's Council, Giles had insisted that it be stocked with educational and informational books from all sources outside the natural state of the world. The result was a fine collection of books, tomes, reports and more on witchcraft, among other topics.

The interest exhibited by Willow this night was the continuation of her curiosity which had dogged the redhead for over a month. It hadn't been an issue after Kennedy's return from fighting the Moor D'naar demon in New York. In fact, for the period of time from mid-October to just after her birthday, Willow had enjoyed a very peaceful and contented life.

After the "Faith thing" as she and Kennedy referred to it, the Rosenberg/Prescott household was full of happiness and closeness. The holidays went smoothly, Kennedy's mother visited on Thanksgiving and they went to her for Christmas along with spending a few days at Kennedy's father's home. Willow finished teaching the semester at her school and Samantha had fun in her day activities without exhibiting any of the 'unique' behavior she had while her slayer mother was in New York.

During that time, Willow studied her craft further, trying to become more proficient at spells and potions. She also read up on the ability to 'connect' minds, her experience doing just that with Kennedy, Faith and Buffy made the witch inquisitive. She thought her ability to 'connect' was because she had performed the slayer spell. But, she soon found out that other witches could also get into peoples' minds and even do it simultaneously for the individuals involved. There was a small part of Willow that was disappointed in what she learned. The redhead wasn't as 'special' as she thought she was.

As satisfied as the witch thought she was during those months, there was a feeling she would get every now and then about what she could do as a witch. She originally waved it off as left over 'butterflies in the stomach' for having discovered yet another magickal talent she had. However, as the end of the year drew near, the feeling began to get stronger. Willow found herself thinking more and more about what she had been able to do and how far she'd come in her craft. Willow began to wonder just how much further she could develop as a witch. How many more miraculous feats could she create? How close to the edge of control would she have to go to accomplish them?

For someone who, for quite a long time, tried to clearly define the appropriate use of magick and the need to remain in command doing so, Willow found herself examining how she had lately been using her craft. To be sure, she hadn't lost control, turned to the black magicks or even felt on the verge of doing so. But she had been able to 'do' magick in ways she hadn't before. Willow realized that her skills had progressed from doing spells to potions, the rote actions based upon pre-designed formulas, to a sort of free form level of witchcraft. Doing a spell just needed the right words and concentration. That was something written in lots of magick books. Even Xander had set a tome ablaze when he unknowingly said a fire spell in Latin.

What the redhead was able to do now was much different. Her travels in other people's memories, the mind-connecting and even her teleporting were not based upon pre-fabricated words on a page or outlines of a process. Somehow, she knew what to say and how to get her mind to do what she wanted. She was able to take prior magickal talents and succinctly and accurately extrapolate them into another line of abilities not necessarily connected directly. Willow was doing more than going from A to B to C. She was jumping from A to M.

Willow was able to keep her slightly pestering feeling at bay through the holiday season. She kept herself busy and, with all the traveling and visiting, really didn't think too much about it. However, with the end of the school semester, the finish to the holidays and the deep cold of the New Year, that sense of concern came back. The redhead had only one course to teach at school for the winter semester and Samantha's day activities had been curtailed for a few weeks. This left Willow in the house more often with nothing to do but think.

And then came her thirtieth birthday. In actuality, the witch had been contemplating turning thirty for several months before the fact. In the midst of her daily routine, Willow started to observe how different her life was than what she thought it would be. There was a time when the redhead assumed she would eventually become a scientist or researcher. She saw herself curing the world's ills through scientific breakthroughs. This future included Xander by her side. Of course, that was all pre-Buffy.

With her friendship to the blond slayer and her introduction to magick, Willow's world changed. But again, it was still one filled with her aiding the world to be a better place. At one point in time, she thought it would be her and Tara, the witchy duo, being sidekicks to Buffy in the Scooby Gang. That scenario didn't include kids or a home with a big back yard.

During her introspections about her advancing age, Willow always came to scrutinize her present reality which was mother, wife, witch and some of that dependable girl from her youth. During her time in Sunnyvale, she didn't think about the future in terms of being a mother. It wasn't that she hated kids. In fact, Willow liked children; they fascinated her. But, during her teenage years in Sunnydale, being a parent was not a topic that was ever discussed. However, the redhead was a mother now and she loved being one. Her fascination with the children only grew with Samantha.

Motherhood was not the only subject matter on which Willow now had a different perspective. Never, during her time with Tara, could she have thought it possible to love someone more than the blonde witch. But she did. Kennedy was everything to her. They were the yin and yang; different, and yet different in all the right ways. They fit like a picture and its frame; neither as perfect nor as useful without the other.

As Willow reached her thirtieth birthday, she realized how much her life had changed and how much she was thankful for that. She began to wonder what the future would bring her and her family on the other side of thirty.

With all of Willow's contemplation about her life and status in the world, her witchcraft abilities began to take more focus. She realized that how the future would be, in part, depended on how 'witchy' she could actually get. That idea brought back the concern that she was nearing an aspect of her craft that was not cast in the light of knowledge. Her recently acquired abilities were in the grey shades of witchcraft, things not suitable for all those magickally inclined. So, the more Willow thought about her magick, the more she wanted answers to her deepening questions. Was she unintentionally going too far? What lay ahead for her if she let her instincts do as she needed when she needed?

The clincher to turning her inquisitiveness about her extraordinary abilities into downright concern was an innocent statement made by Giles at her birthday party. Much to her surprise, Kennedy had made plans for the whole family to visit Cleveland for her birthday. They spent a long weekend in the city visiting the Scooby Gang which included Giles, who was luckily there on Council business. Even Faith showed, with Miguel. It wouldn't be until after she returned to Massachusetts that Kennedy would tell her about the state of Faith's and Miguel's relationship.

The time with friends was enjoyable and her party at "Slayer Central" was one of the best she'd ever had. During the event, while everyone was mingling and talking, Giles struck up a conversation with Willow.

"Ah, Willow…a most happy birthday."

"Thanks, Giles. I'm glad you're here." Despite all the years, Willow saw Giles as some sort of a father figure. His presence still mattered as did his words and opinions.

With a slight mockish tone, "To think, it seems like yesterday you were just learning to float a pencil…and so shy…Now, you have a lovely family and you are a most accomplished witch."

Embarrassed, "I don't know about the witch part…but I agree on the family." Willow glanced at Kennedy as she said it.

"No really, Willow you are an extraordinary witch. I must confess, there were times when I wasn't certain you could handle the power you had. But, you persevered, got a strong head about you. I see how meticulous and cautious you are with your power. Given what's happened in the past, you've learned how to best use your abilities."

It was that discourse that finally got Willow to look hard at her craft and her expertise with it. Giles was right; she had always been very careful with how she used her magick. Willow had constantly known where her abilities came from, the book from which she plucked a spell or recipe for a potion. Lately, she had gone beyond that, not really caring about how she was able to do the magickal things she did, not analyzing whether she really had control over these new found powers. Willow had researched to be sure, but more in terms of finding out if her acts had been done in the past and if she could replicate it, get better and more proficient. The witch, in some regards, rationalized each new feat, accepting her expanded powers because they were 'needed' at the time.

That ability to rationalize took center stage when Kennedy's mother visited after Willow's birthday. It was an afternoon that really opened her eyes to how far she'd come as a witch. It also made her seriously question her need to better understand how her magick 'worked.' Though her 'accident' that day didn't hurt anyone, she knew she had made a major leap with her craft. Every time she looked at the brooch given to her that day, she cringed. There were times when all she wanted to do was forget what had happened and never think about doing it again. But of course her daughter, who had planted the idea in her head, would never let her forget. Willow knew her magick on that day had crossed a line. What she wanted to find out was whether that line was defensible or not.

As Willow sat on the couch that cold February winter night, her mind was racing with thoughts of her life, her future and her magick. She was trying to find some answers to how she was able to do what she did so easily. More importantly, Willow perused her text to see if her recent talents were the sings of a craft on the verge of becoming disharmonious to her nature . Was her mind progressing on its own without her being able to understand its consequences? Was it akin to the savant who can multiply ten digit numbers correctly but didn't know how or why he could do it? The redhead was starting to wonder if her magickal powers were getting beyond her comprehension.

Willow's time during the last several months had not been filled with only reservations. For all the questions the witch had about some aspects of her craft, she still was very comfortable and expertly inclined with other parts. One example was her assistance to Miguel after his return to Faith. During her teleportation to the man while he was still in Brazil, Willow told Miguel that she might be able to help him with his malaria. Though he didn't think the redhead could do anything for his medical condition, Miguel was finally talked into seeing the witch by Faith. The Brazilian was certain his malaria was of natural origin, the many days and nights he and Faith spent in the Amazon jungle was a sure suspect for its place of origin.

Miguel made the trip to Middleton and Willow performed her mystical examination. She had potions for him to drink and several spells were said which were meant to illuminate any unnatural markers in the man's blood and vital organs. Much to Miguel's surprise, Willow discovered that his illness was not caused by some lone mosquito from the depths of the great Amazon. She established that a curse had in fact been placed on him. It was a quite powerful and well formulated spell.

Miguel and Faith recalled all their battles while in Brazil on an attempt to narrow the possible suspects. They were finally able to whittle the number to a few shaman tribesmen with whom they had tussled due to the harboring of wanted demons. Miguel forwarded the information to Council members in South America so that they could pursue the matter further.

The result of Willow's actions was, in no mistaken terms, Miguel's total recovery. The man was indebted to the witch and instilled with even more admiration than he had already held for the woman. Willow was delighted and proud of herself for her assistance to her friend. She felt as good as she had when she aided Xander to gain the sight in his eye damaged before the final fight in Sunnydale.

It was times like those that Willow told herself she was being overly concerned about her mystical powers. She knew she was a 'good witch,' and would never do anything to drag herself back to the Dark Magicks.

But still, her uplifted feeling from helping Miguel eventually planed and she once again started to think about the extent of her powers and her mastering of them. That was the state of thought for Willow as she sat and read waiting for Kennedy to return.

Willow was so deep in her text that she didn't even hear Kennedy pull into the driveway. In fact, the witch didn't come out of her reading until she heard the door shut and footsteps in the room. She quickly glanced up to see Kennedy standing near the door.

"Hey, baby. How was patrolling?"

Willow watched as Kennedy silently walked over to her, brown eyes intently focused on her. The slayer knelt beside the couch and gently stroked the witch's arm.

"Like the last time."

That answer let Willow know that Kennedy had had an active night. The tone of the answer made it clear that the slayer's post-patrol hormones were in high gear. It was something that had occurred often since the beginning of the New Year.

Even though the demon activity worried Willow relative to Kennedy's safety, there was a part of the witch that sometimes waited with anticipation for her slayer to walk through the door and sweep her off her feet for a session of intense love-making.

Willow could tell that this would be such a night. All thoughts of her magick and the questions she had about her role in it vanished when she looked into those deep brown eyes. They wanted her and she had had enough of thinking for the night. She wanted to shut down her brain and indulge in the physical.

Little did Willow know that Kennedy's night had also been filled with critical thought. The slayer's evening of contemplation likewise was replaced with the need to be lost in her witch's embrace.

Chapter Two

"You'd think a benefit of being a slayer would be not getting cold." Kennedy muttered to herself as she got back into her car. It was the end of her patrol and she was glad to be done with it. Despite dusting several vamps, the brunette's attitude carried a tone of disgust with the weather.

Kennedy sat in her BMW, turned on the engine and then the heater for her seat. Shortly thereafter, she turned on the main heater for the car. "Ok, that's more like it," she said as she felt the chill leave her. Even though she'd been in the thick of battle earlier in the evening, the uneventful end to her patrol and the long walk back to her vehicle gave Mother Nature plenty of time to wrap its cold weather around the slayer's bones.

Kennedy continued her one-way conversation. Rubbing her hands together, "This so blows. Demons don't feel the cold cuz they're dead. But I gotta put up with this arctic crap. Whoever made the First Slayer really didn't think that all the way through."

It was an odd circumstance that slayers were at a slight disadvantage in the rustic winter weather in the less tropical parts of the country. Slayers could hear, run, smell and see better than any regular person. They were so very much stronger and healed miraculously faster. But when it came to temperature, slayers were like the average Jane Doe on the street. They got hot and cold.

Temperate climates, like that in Sunnydale, California, posed no real obstacles for a slayer trying to do her duty. The weather never got too warm or too cold. There had never been a time that Buffy jeopardized herself during patrol because of what she wore. However, for Kennedy and slayer partner Lee Gagno, the winters in New England gave them a challenge. Heavy winter coats, ski jackets, hats and scarves were fashion deathtraps. Those clothes inhibited the slayers' mobility, their critical weapon against demons. It wasn't easy to do a round house kick or move stealthily when one was wearing heavy winter attire.

The solution for those cold nights was to wear state of the art Long Johns and high-end, Polertec fleece outer clothing. It allowed the slayers to move and fight as they needed. They stayed warm in most conditions and especially once the heat from battle kicked in. Unfortunately, in particularly chillier weather, they would still get cold, often during the drudgery of an uneventful patrol. Of course, staying alive was the major benefit to the clothing choice; it trumped any occasional bout of the chills. But that didn't mean Kennedy wouldn't complain about it when it happened.

This night the brunette was alone on her patrol. It was Lee's night off and she was spending it with her girlfriend, Paulette. They had plans to see the latest Angelina Jolie movie. That left Kennedy on her own which suited her fine. The slayer enjoyed taking on the 'baddies' by herself. The brunette liked knowing that she was still as agile and as much of a force to be reckoned with as she was when she patrolled the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The lone patrols also gave Kennedy time to think. She never contemplated anything deeply serious while she was in what she called the "danger zone." That was the time during her patrols when she might come up against a demon. During that phase, she was all business and her mind was strictly on not being ambushed and killing the bad guys.

But there were times during her outings when Kennedy had some breathing space. Driving to her vehicle drop off point, the walk to and from the danger zone and once her patrol was finished were the times Kennedy could freely tackle the issues in her life that faced her.

Kennedy had noticed that the older she got, the more she used that time to think. It was part of her 'alone time' and she took advantage of it. Without the distraction of an active child or a beautiful wife, Kennedy worked out the issues that engaged and bothered her.

The fact that she did that sometimes struck her as odd. There was a time when Kennedy Prescott only contemplated where her next night out would be or whether she could get a particular female to give in to her advances. Weighty issues were for other people; she was meant to train hard as a potential and play hard on her off time.

Though she was still quite an independent spirit, Kennedy had definitely taken on much more of the 'normalcies' of life. She knew that the days of selfish thinking were behind her. And she was ok with that. What she had in its place was so much more satisfying.

It was true that the brunette was happy with her life. She had the woman of her dreams sleeping beside her every night and the most precious little girl that called her "Momma." She loved her work and where she lived.

Kennedy had found a new sense of happiness after she returned from helping Faith. She had once again almost lost her life and it was yet another wake-up call. It was time for her to do the proverbial 'smelling of the flowers.' And she did just that. Kennedy spent more time with her daughter and Willow. They went to some community outings, saw more of the sights of New England and tried to visit family and friends. The few months after her return were joyous and filled with good times.

Patrolling during that time also helped to foster the good feeling. It seemed as if demons had taken a hiatus from the area. There were times when she and Lee would go a couple weeks before they ran into a C-grade demon, never mind a vamp. It had gotten so quiet on the demon front that Kennedy called Giles about it. She wanted to know if other sites were experiencing the same phenomenon. As it turned out, it appeared that there wasn't any pattern. Though the United States seemed to be going through a 'light' phase in demon activity, other world spots were the same or slightly increasing in their demon population. After giving it extensive research, Giles concluded that there was nothing going on to cause a state of arousal. However, he did tell Kennedy he would keep track of all sectors and continue his analysis and review. The Englishman knew how clever and covert demons could be and he didn't want to be caught off guard.

During those uneventful months, Kennedy's introspection of her life intensified. She examined how far she had come in her relationship with Willow, how much she had grown as a person which she knew was mostly due to her redhead. Kennedy thought how interesting it was that she was a mother. She knew that for the longest time, all she wanted was to be a slayer. That was her dream, to fight evil and save the innocents. Being a warrior was the prize. She had assumed she would meet someone, or at the very least keep a steady flow of romantic alliances. Marriage was out of the picture and any type of hetero-like family life was laughable.

Those past attitudes amused the slayer now. She knew they were valid at the time. Given a different action by Buffy or Willow here or there while in Sunnydale and her life could very well have turned out as she saw it as a teenager. But it didn't. Buffy had been resurrected which set in motion the events that led to the resurgence of the First and the brunette's arrival at Buffy's.

The evil intentions of the First strangely ended up being the best thing that ever happened to Kennedy. The genuine heartache experienced by so many during that time was the fertile soil for Kennedy's rebirth as a woman with a purpose and direction. In the beginning, her North Star was Willow and Kennedy followed her like a ship's captain without a compass. Her guiding force eventually included Samantha. For Kennedy, her life had become unapologetically defined by their existence.

The contemplation of her personal life, as time consuming as it was, was not the only subject matter that preoccupied the slayer. Though the end of the previous year had been slow demon-wise, the last few months had seen a revival. However, the activity took on a different nature than before.

The Middleton, Massachusetts area was always known for being a way station or meeting point for demons. It was where demons gathered to make plans or to meet up before going onward to their final destination. Many of the demons that Kennedy destroyed were actually passing through the area. The brunette was sort of like the person who maintained calm at the demon's version of Central Station. The patrols for Kennedy and Lee were meant to break-up plans, stop them before they started and interrupt operations already in play. They got much of their intelligence from the Boston branch of the Watcher's Council. Usually, their targets were demons that had plans of world domination or at least domination of that part of the country. Though the evil beings would try to kill Kennedy and Lee when engaged in battle, the fights were hardly ever because a demon was tracking the slayers themselves. Kennedy and Lee were rarely the targets of the demons they killed, just the enforcers for Good.

Since the beginning of the year, that had all changed. The 'light' patrols soon turned to a significant amount of demon confrontation. The slayers might engage up to a half dozen demons each patrol. Even on a 'slow' night, there were still at least one or two vamps or other variety of demon that each slayer battled.

The other disturbing fact about the change in demon activity was that Kennedy and Lee had become the actual end game for the demons. The slayers didn't realize that initially. It wasn't until Kennedy found some written plans left behind by a vampire obsessed with writing notes that she realized the evil beings were now targeting her and Lee specifically. No longer were the slayers attempting to foil evil plans concerning other people and places. The women were now patrolling and interrogating at known demon hang outs in order to save their own skin. Night after night, Kennedy and Lee found, battled and dusted vampires and other assorted demons that were in the territory for the sole purpose of trying to kill a slayer.

Once Kennedy realized she and Lee were being targeted, she called Giles. Kennedy knew the change from no demons to many going directly for her and Lee could not be unconnected. She suspected that there was some major demon scheme in the works. She had called Giles to let him take the lead in solving it. Kennedy again posed the question to the Englishman whether similar action was happening to any other slayers. Much to the brunette's dismay, it was not.

That left Kennedy to wonder why she and Lee were being singled out. Was it them personally…or the area? Did some demon have a new master plan that involved Middleton? Could they just be a diversion to the real target of an unknown demon plan? Giles had no answers for Kennedy and the slayer herself could find none either.

Even Willow wasn't able to help. In fact, her involvement caused Kennedy more anxiety. After Kennedy understood what was happening, she brought Willow in on her concerns. She thought the witch might be able to sense some new evil in town which would assist her in her quest. The redhead did several spells and much research but came up empty-handed. Then Willow offered that the slayers might not be the main focus. "Maybe they want to get to someone through you," Willow told Kennedy. One answer flooded Kennedy's mind. "Like you, maybe?"

Kennedy had to consider the possibility that the real objective was Willow who, as everyone knew, was one of the most powerful witches around. The thought that Willow might be in harm's way made the slayer blindly infuriated. There was no way she was going to let any evil plan succeed that involved her beautiful redhead.

Once Willow handed herself over as a possible player in the recent happenings, Kennedy became even more serious during her patrols. Every time she encountered a vampire, she interrogated it first before dusting it. She got every piece of information out of a demon before she killed it. Lee did the same.

The unfortunate aspect to their actions though was that they never received any useful information. The demons were actively seeking to kill Kennedy and Lee; however, none ever had any reason behind it other than they were tired of Kennedy and Lee controlling the Middleton area. Kennedy was not satisfied with that response and she kept pushing for a more believable explanation.

As the days of the New Year turned into weeks, Kennedy found herself thinking more and more about the new demon surge and what it might possibly mean. Her thoughts always came back to protecting Willow at all costs.

Sitting in her car now, finally warmed up by the heat blowing from the vents, Kennedy had once again struggled through the puzzle of the demon attackers. As before, she had no answers. However, she did have time for the cold to wear off and the impact of her fights begin to resurface. As she tried to find some clue in the evening's events, Kennedy recounted each vampire battle. She relived how she dusted each creature. In the calm of her car, the slayer's sense of the battles kicked in. With it came the onslaught of the post slayer sexual urges.

What Kennedy went through had happened many times before. Much like the post slayage hunger, her sexual appetite after an active patrol didn't make itself known until sometime after the fights were over. It was like a person not realizing she was hungry until after an engrossing movie had ended.

But once the hunger came, it was like the running of the bulls in Pamplona…unstoppable. Kennedy's sexual desire overtook her and soon all thoughts of demon plans were replaced with visions of Willow. As soon as the urges hit, the brunette knew enough to head home, and quickly. The closer she got to her home, the deeper her need for sexual gratification got. But Kennedy never let her physical component overbear her senses. She was not some uncontrollable animal on the prowl. If she got home and Willow and was not receptive, which was only occasionally, then Kennedy would quell her need the old fashion way. She'd take a cold shower and masturbate if need be. It worked as well as pouring cold water over a campfire.

Kennedy drove home this cold February night hoping that her redhead was waiting up for her. It didn't escape the slayer's observation that on more than once occasion, Willow had purposely stayed awake to happily indulge the brunette's feral tendencies.

It took but seconds for Kennedy to stop her car in the driveway and exit heading for her front door. She smiled when she saw the living room light on. 'She's waiting for me,' the slayer thought. Kennedy swiftly opened the door and entered her home. She saw Willow immersed in the book borrowed from the Council's library. It wasn't until her boots took several steps on the wood floor that the redhead looked up at her.

"Hey, baby. How was patrolling?"

Kennedy could tell by the look on Willow's face that she hadn't been deliberately waiting for the brunette to come home with hormones ablaze. The witch had been researching as she had been doing for many weeks. The slayer felt like her wife had been pushing herself trying to get a better understanding of her magick. Kennedy admired the fact that Willow didn't want to be a powerful witch unless she had the ability to comprehend why she was and what it would it mean in the larger sense. Willow's need to know that which was right instead of the all too human trait of needing to feel superior made the slayer love her more.

It made her want the redhead more.

Kennedy walked over to her, never taking her eyes off her wife's form. She knelt beside Willow and lightly stroked the witch's arm.

"Like the last time," Kennedy responded to her wife's question. She knew the way she answered would let Willow know she was in the mood for more than mere talk.

Kennedy moved her hand down Willow's arm, almost being able to feel the soft alabaster skin that hid below the long sleeve night shirt. Brown eyes followed her fingers as they floated to the witch's thigh, skimming the light cotton fabric that made up Willow's pajama bottoms.

Willow watched Kennedy ease into her foreplay. "How many bumpies?" she questioned knowing her slayer's attention was being torn between conversation and action.

Kennedy didn't look up to answer Willow. She kept her sight focused her redhead's leg. She talked as her hand slowly slid down the leg to an elegant ankle exposed to the elements.

"Uh, four…not too tough…kinda li…" Kennedy's words trailed off as she became fixated on the naked skin. She traced her finger tips around the contours of Willow's foot, examining it as if she discovered something never seen before. Her hand swept along an ankle and then up the slender leg, disappearing under the hem of the witch's pant leg.

Willow felt the soft caress of Kennedy's hand on her calf. It was methodical and sensual. A slight smile surfaced on the corner of the witch's mouth.

"Forget what you were saying?" she said playfully.

Kennedy finally looked up with a devilish grin. "Found something better to do." With that, Kennedy leaned in and gave her wife a passionate kiss. When she retreated, both women were breathing deeply.

Kennedy and Willow looked at each other, inches apart, hearts beginning to quicken.

No more words were needed. The couple had reached this moment many times during their history together.

Kennedy got to her feet and took Willow's hand. She helped the witch off the couch. Without a word spoken, they walked up the stairs to their bedroom.

The soft blue glow from the alarm clock silhouetted the shifting bodies underneath the bed linens. The Egyptian cotton sheets contoured to the naked bodies moving against them. The moans and murmurs, the gasped breaths and sighs of pleasure were the music to the lovers' dance. The moisture on their skin and the heat rising from their bodies were trademarks to the intensity of their love-making.

This was not the usual intimacy shared between long time partners, the oft-relegated 'Saturday night' encounter. This was sex driven by the hunger of a slayer primed by the adrenaline caused from battle. It was the culmination of coursing blood and a pounding heart, all directed to and graciously consumed by a witch practiced to return in kind.

Kennedy was on top of Willow; in times like these she always relished the feel of the witch under her. The slayer was spurned on by the sensation of converging skin, breast against breast; Willow's nipples arching into her. It was being as close to another without melding into the other.

The slayer's lips canvassed the silky feel of her wife's neck. Her mouth tasted every inch as if they'd never known the pleasure. Bronzed hands grasped her partner's and stretched them slowly out to the side and them over the witch's head. The contrast of the cool room air hitting the exposed arms caused a quick shiver from the witch.

Kennedy transferred the witch's wrists to one hand and brought her other back under the covers. She shifted her weight so she was slightly off to the side of the redhead. Bodies still touched but now the bronzed fingers had room to explore. Kennedy's tongue, with stud still in place, traced a voyage around Willow's neck and the lobe of her ear. Those fingers concurrently brushed ever so lightly across the witch's erect nipple. Then they pressed and kneaded with increasing force.

The combined sensations shot a burst of electricity out from the redhead's core. She gasped for breath and let out an obvious sigh of pleasure.

Kennedy's mouth didn't rest. It traveled to waiting lips and took her wife with raw, immediate need. She let her tongue tease the inside of Willow's mouth. It sparred with Willow's tongue, both trying to create a sensation of intensity.

With each passing moment, the slayer's body moved closer and closer to its build-up. In time, it was not enough to kiss her witch; the well of desire was much deeper.

Kennedy moved herself lower on the bed, massaging alabaster skin every inch of the way. The slayer knew her belly ring was tantalizing the redhead as she made her journey. She could feel Willow's muscles twitch as it passed.

Kennedy stopped at the witch's beasts, rising and falling with each deep breath. The slayer took one breast in her mouth, gorging on as much as she could handle. The brunette felt the hard nipple against her tongue. She ran her stud against it and felt the frantic arching of her wife's back. She heard the soft pleas of the woman beneath her, the ingratiated praise. Kennedy knew she had gained perfection when she felt fingernails dig into her back.

The slayer urges felt by Kennedy were not ones of purely self-gratifying need. When she was in such a mood as the one draped in this night, it was not her goal to seek pleasure only for herself. If the goal was merely a climax, she could have satisfied that quickly. To be sure, Kennedy's feral attitudes took on a proactive nature. She was filled with the need for Willow, to see her orgasm and clench and moan. It was a sexual form of devouring her redhead. She had to make Willow reach the pinnacle of sexual pleasure, for that would bring the slayer close to the mark herself.

As so many other nights, Kennedy once again was determined to bring Willow to the precipice. She moved back up and onto the witch. Kennedy gazed into emerald eyes as her hand seductively prowled for the waiting shadow between the witch's legs. The other hand which had held the redhead's hands above her head released them and anchored itself next to Willow. The slayer raised slightly while her hand found its mark and fingers began their ballet.

The slayer watched as the excitement and pressure built in the witch. She felt the body beneath her begin to tremble. The birth of the sounds of release crept between teeth biting a lip to squelch an outburst. The pace quickened, Kennedy's body riding in sync with the movement of her hand. To strengthen the climb for Willow, the brunette kissed the witch's neck, working her way up to the underside of the chin.

When Kennedy felt Willow's fall start, she hurriedly kissed her, plunging into her mouth. Then she watched her witch as the orgasm rolled over her body. The slayer continued her gyrations, feeling every buck and contraction they caused. She finally felt Willow's hand grasp her arm to still her actions. The intensity was too much for the witch to endure.

Kennedy halted her movement and leaned back to view Willow. The redhead looked completely spent. She was breathing in long, deep breaths as if she'd run a marathon. She had a satiated expression. After a few moments, the witch placed her arm across her eyes. Her body relaxed like a rag doll.

Kennedy had accomplished her desire. She had played her wife to exhaustion.

The slayer snuck her lips to the witch's mouth and laid on them a gentle kiss. She inched her way to the witch's ear.

"I love you." It was said so softly, so full of reverence and truth.

The couple remained still until Willow's hand began to caress the small of her slayer's back. With each pass of her hand, Willow's desire to please Kennedy grew. Without too much delay, the witch had recaptured her senses and was now planning on repaying the gift she had just received.

The time for Kennedy to become the submissive was upon them. Willow was now in charge. For the next half hour, the redhead would kiss and stroke and get lost in the beauty of her wife's body. She paid homage to her curves and full lips. There was no part untouched. Buried in between the slayer's legs, Willow knew when her slayer's release hit. She could hear the slap of hands on wood as Kennedy reached back to grasp the headboard. She heard her woman moan and then say her name. The voice melded into the gasping breath and she felt her slayer stiffen her legs as the release coursed through her.

In the end, both women were blessed that night. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

A few hours after the witch and slayer had fallen asleep from their time shared, when it would be several hours still before the new day's sun shone through the slip in the drapes, tiny footsteps echoed down the hallway. The door opened to the women's bedroom and in walked Samantha, her favorite stuffed animal, Susie the elephant, clenched in her tiny hand.

The child quickly went to Willow's side of the bed.

"Mommy?" a little voice squeaked.

Willow stirred instantly; the sound of her child's footsteps down the hallway had already wakened her from her deep sleep.

"Wha..Sammm," the witch said drowsily.

"Can I sleep with you and Momma?" Even as quiet as she talked, there was a needful tone in it.

"Bad dream?"

"Uh huh."

That was enough said. Willow felt the chill in the air and leaned over to pick up the nightshirt that had been discarded earlier in the night. She put it on and sat up in the bed. Lifting the sheets back, she motioned for her daughter to get in.

Willow kissed her child on the forehead. "You go to sleep now."

Samantha turned from her mother and curled up. Willow lay back down and snuggled closer to Kennedy.

"Another bad dream?"

The soft words were Kennedy's.

"Probably just a phase," Willow whispered in response.

They would find out soon enough whether or not Willow's conclusion was right.

Chapter Three

Samantha Prescott Rosenberg was a mystical miracle. Born of two women, a witch and slayer nonetheless, the child upon taking her first breath outside her mother's womb broke all the laws of nature.

Of course, the girl's actual genetic parents were known to only the Scooby gang and an inner circle of Council members. As proud as they were of their daughter, Kennedy and Willow still retained doubt as to the extent that her 'conception' should be known. They did not want Sammie to be ridiculed, tested or poked and prodded for the sake of knowledge. There was also a lingering feeling that they could never be too safe; no place was impervious to evil infiltration, not even the Council. There were too many people they didn't know to blindly assume that none could ever be a threat. The witch and slayer had had too many experiences with Evil weaseling into their life. Not knowing what kind of 'uniqueness' their child might carry, the couple decided not to chance giving away her privacy.

As a result, the parents never corrected anyone that implied they used donor sperm for the conception. Thankfully, no one ever actually bluntly asked who the father was. That would have been tricky for they never lied about their status with Sam. Never did they say that Kennedy wasn't Samantha's parent or one of her mothers. However, it was generally accepted by the couple's neighbors and non-Scooby friends that they were just another lesbian couple who'd gone to a 'clinic.' Oddly enough,. That was also the understanding for those closer to the world of slayers and witches who didn't have a personal relationship with either woman.

That not every knew of Kennedy's genetic link to Sammie wasn't a major blow to the slayer's ego. The right people knew; the ones that would never jeopardize the child's well-being. Willow's parents knew. Kennedy's mother knew as did her father. However, Julia, Kennedy's step-mother, and Emma, the slayer's half – sister, did not know. Julia's up-bringing and her strong "Christian values" was the reason she was never told about Kennedy's slayer destiny let alone the miracle birth of her step grandchild. It was hard enough for Julia to swallow Kennedy's life style 'choice' and her life 'partner.'

As for Emma, Kennedy had plans to tell her the truth about everything at some point in the future. Initially, she thought her sister too young and too susceptible to telling Julia anything that was said. Later on, Kennedy didn't want to upset her life. Emma was engaged in the most basic of Prescott traits – over accomplishment. She was extremely busy with school and her friends. Big sister felt it wrong to disturb that. Kennedy knew, however, that someday Emma would be told the entire truth of her slayer life, including the actual parentage of Sammie.

As for Samantha, life with a slayer and witch for mothers was pretty much as it was for any child. She was loved and adored. The older she got, the stronger Kennedy's feature's emerged. Her hair turned a darker shade of auburn, almost brown with red highlights. Her eyes were still a dark hazel, nowhere near as green as Willow's. Samantha also had more of Kennedy's complexion, a fact for which that Willow was grateful. The witch loved her wife's Latin roots, and her skin tone was one of her best features. All in all, it was becoming evident that, as far as physical traits were concerned, Kennedy was the dominant factor in Sammie's genetic make-up.

But Willow still shone brightly in the young child. Samantha, from as early as her mother's could remember, was a calm, sensitive and sweet child. She had Willow's temperament and her inquisitiveness. Without being coached, Sammie was drawn to books. Even before she could stand, she would grab a book from a book shelf within reach and act as if she were browsing through it. She would spend long periods of time engrossed in turning page after page. When she got interested in television, she preferred shows on the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet channel to the slapstick cartoons on the so called kid stations. She did have a period where she was fond of Dora, but it passed. The only 'kid' show she watched voluntarily was Little Einstein's. She told Kennedy it was because of the music. Kennedy found that interesting since the cartoon program showcased different pieces of classical music.

Samantha was also advanced for her age. She talked with the vocabulary of an older child. The child could draw and paint quite well, much better than a girl her age. It was like she had a natural talent for it.

That's not to say that Samantha was akin to a 40 year old trapped inside the body of a three and a half year old. Samantha was just like other children in most respects. She had dolls and toys and played make-believe. She wanted a bedtime story read to her every night and she didn't like to eat green beans. She had gone through the terrible twos and needed comforting when she skinned her knee.

Kennedy and Willow tried to give her as 'normal' an existence as possible. Though their lives were filled with fighting evil and killing demons, they wanted Samantha kept as far away from that as they could. Their top priority was their daughter's safety. Kennedy kept her slayer weapons stored under lock and key and Willow did the same for her more potent magickal ingredients. They were careful to protect the house from possible demon infiltration. In some regards, it was like the way other parents protect their child from predators and other strangers that might do harm.

Life for Samantha Prescott Rosenberg was not all seriousness and protectiveness. The couple enrolled their daughter in numerous activities. She did gymnastics, dance and swimming lessons. Kennedy got her involved in T-ball, the toddlers' version of baseball. Samantha even went to day school part time when Willow started teaching again. The little girl had many friends around her town and there were birthday parties, play dates and swim parties. One thing that amazed the couple was that Sammie never got sick. It was told to them by Sam's pediatrician that an only child would usually catch every bug and sickness when introduced to a new group of children. Willow and Kennedy braced themselves for a yearlong battle with fevers, earaches and vomiting. Much to their liking, Samantha never got ill. The most she would get was a sniffle or two, but by the next day, she'd be fine. Kennedy commented that she must have "some slayer healing powers of some kind." Of all that the girl could have gotten, Kennedy was thankful hers was the gift of good health.

Samantha learned the typical toddler fare in day school. At home, though, she was exposed to some of Willow's witchcraft materials and Kennedy's slayer ways. Though they didn't go out of their way to teach their daughter, the couple wasn't about to hide their life from her. If Sam asked a question or wanted information, the witch and slayer would answer as best they could. They said just enough to appease the girl's curiosity.

Neither Willow nor Kennedy knew for certain if Samantha would have 'special' abilities. There was a chance she would be like almost every other child on the planet, devoid of magickal or slayer propensities. They didn't examine her or try to determine if she had hidden talents. The mothers knew that any talents would come out in their own good time. Until then, Kennedy and Willow wanted Sammie to just live her life, that being of a very intelligent, sweet child.

The couple started to have suspicions when Samantha began to anticipate the phone ringing or bring things to them before being asked. The older she got the more Sammie was able to do or talk about things before she was directed to. She would get Willow a book the witch thought about reading. She'd get Kennedy an apple just as the slayer was thinking she was hungry. The incidences were not often but regular enough to make her mothers take notice.

Then the child began to anticipate Willow's magickal tendencies. There were several occasions when she seemed to lock into a mystical sense. The child sensed when Kennedy was losing her way during the Popradva drug incident. She also let Willow know how to find answers in some of her magick books. She knew about the Moor D'naar demon and somehow transferred that information to Willow. The girl told her mother she could do certain magickal activities before Willow ever tired them. She would give a look or a nod and Willow would know her daughter was right. The latest episode was after the accident with the brooch. That was when Willow knew for sure her daughter harbored mystical abilities. How substantial they were and how much the child understood them was another issue. It was something she and Kennedy now understood would not go away and they would have to deal with sooner rather than later.

For the three and a half year old Samantha, her abilities were a part of her. She didn't really comprehend that she was able to something 'different.' For the most part, her ability to 'know' things, and that's what it was, made her happy. She didn't know that other children couldn't do as she did. 'Seeing' things was no different than daydreaming or having a thought.

Even as progressed as she was for her age, there was no real way for Samantha to explain what she was able to do. It would be like trying to explain how one got an idea or a thought in one's mind. Samantha did, however, remember the first time it happened. Willow was sitting by the phone looking very nervous. The child could easily sense tension in her mother. With her 'Mommy' it was so much easier since she was very sensitive to her emotions.

"Mommy? Are you ok?" Sam remembered the reassuring smile her mother gave her.

"I'm fine, Sweety. Just waiting for a call from Nana."

Despite the calm voice, Samantha felt that her mother was not fine. She stared at her Mommy, fixed on her eyes. Then she saw her mother answering a phone. There was silence for a second and then the redhead relaxed as a big smile crossed her face. Samantha watched her mother say 'Oh, Mom, I told you Dad's test would come back negative.'

Somehow, Sammie knew what she saw was the truth. She blinked and looked up at her Mommy.

"It's ok, Mommy. Answer it." She pointed at the phone on the wall.

Just then, the phone began to ring. Willow stared confused at her daughter for a moment but then turned and answered the phone.

Just as Samantha's vision had played out, so did Willow's call. Willow was so relieved and happy about the news that her father's cancer had not returned that she forgot about her daughter's words.

After that incident, Samantha had more 'moments.' They did not come with any set frequency. In fact, after the first one, it took four months for the next to occur. The child didn't know when they would come. She didn't try to make them happen. At her age, that wasn't something she could have understood in any regard. When she 'saw' something about to happen, it was always benign or happy, usually a phone about to ring or getting her Momma the cereal box before she asked for it. Sometimes, what she saw came at a time of tension, as with the call for Willow. Most times, though, there was no catalyst. Samantha's 'seeings' were sort of like sneezes. They mostly came out of nowhere.

As she got older, the events were still sporadic but seemed to happen a little more often. She also began to try to get a 'thought' when she saw one of her mother's concerned. She wanted to help them, make them happy and not worried. It didn't always work. In fact, there was no way to know when it would work. But, Sammie did start to understand that she could 'do' something for her mothers.

The child's ability was not just for her mothers. She had had 'thoughts' while at her Uncle Xander's house. She was able to see the demon that went after them when she stayed at her Uncle's while her mothers went to Vegas.

That was the first time that what she saw made her nervous. The picture she got had a bad feeling when it came. It was like the feeling she got when a stray dog barked at her at the local park one day. With her mother protecting her, Sammie knew the bad dog could do her no harm, but that didn't mean she still wasn't scared by the creature.

That sense of badness came to her once again when her Momma went through her 'bad' time. The child got a couple 'thoughts' during that time. It was also when she began to see her Mommy doing witch things. Samantha actually saw her mother researching through her big old books and doing witchcraft. It seemed so natural for her mother to be doing it that Sammie told her so after it came to her. Because the child saw it happen, she knew her mother could accomplish it even if it hadn't been done before. To Samantha, telling Willow to do a new magickal feat was like telling her to make waffles since she'd already seen her make pancakes.

After Kennedy came back from New York after helping Faith, life went back to normal. There was no tension in the house and Samantha had the attention of both her mothers. It was a fun time for her. The autumn leaves fell and there was Halloween, then Thanksgiving. She went to parties at her day school friends' houses and played at home with her mothers. By the time Christmas and Chanukah came around, Samantha forgot about the 'bad thoughts' she had gotten. Instead, she had an occasion to use her ability to 'see' to play a trick on Kennedy.

It was two days after Christmas and Samantha wanted to play with her Momma outside in the snow. Kennedy told she couldn't because she had to go meet Lee at the gym. Samantha then 'saw' Kennedy walk out the door with car keys in hand. The little girl went to the spot where Kennedy left her keys and took them. She hid them under the couch. The child smiled and then laughed out loud as she watched her mother scavenge around the house trying to find them. It was twenty minutes before Kennedy figured out that Sammie took the keys. Though Kennedy knew why Sammie did it, she never knew how.

During those wonderful months, Sam was just a little kid, albeit advanced for her age, but a kid nonetheless. Life was good and she was the center of it all.

Things started to change after the New Year. Sammie began to notice that Willow was reading a lot more from her magick books. She also saw Kennedy clean and inspect knives and stakes more often. She'd overheard Kennedy telling Willow about the increased activity when she went out at night. Samantha took that to mean her Momma's job was getting tougher. In fact, she noticed that her mother had gotten a few cuts and bruises, something that hadn't happened for several months.

Also, the child had another 'thought.' It occurred right after the pretty brooch broke. Willow had been so upset, so devastated by what happened. The scene just came to her. She saw her mother 'fixing' the problem. There wasn't any bad feeling to it. Samantha knew it could be, would be, so she told her Mommy. It worked.

However, after that, Samantha started to feel anxious. Being at such a tender age, she didn't even realize what she was experiencing. Though she could sense tension in others, the child had less clarity as to her own feelings. Sammie started to cling to Willow and Kennedy more often. She wanted to be picked up and babied more. She didn't like to play by herself for too long. Where before she could amuse herself endlessly, now she stayed by her mothers and made them interact with her.

Then came the dreams.

They always happened at night and always when she was in bed. The little girl would be asleep in her bed and then suddenly wake up. Sometimes, she remembered a little bit of what woke her up. It was the barking stray dog one time, a hissing snake another. It didn't happen every night, not most nights. But when she did wake up due to one of the dreams, she was frightened. Sammie would get out of bed and go to her mothers' room. As soon as she slid into their bed, she was safe and relaxed. Sound, undisturbed sleep always followed instantly.

The mornings following those dreams would be filled with explanations from her mothers that everyone had bad dreams. Kennedy and Willow realized that children went through phases. They'd had talked to their mothers and friends about it. They tried to be as supportive and loving as they could be.

The most recent night Samantha crept into her mothers' bed, the dream had taken another turn. This time, there was no barking dog or hissing snake. This time Samantha woke up with the feeling that she had been watched by someone. In her dream, she couldn't see anyone. There was darkness. She was sleeping but there was a sense of eyes looking at her. When she woke up, she was very scared. She didn't dare make a sound. The girl looked around her room and saw nothing.

In that instance, she wanted her mommies. She grabbed her stuffed animal for protection, scurried out of her bed and went quickly to her mothers' room.



"Can I sleep with you and Momma?"

"Bad dream?"

"Uh huh."

The exchange was quick and the bed sheets lifted to give her protection. Samantha climbed in, safe from the bad dream…

…safe from whatever lurked within.

Chapter Four

Willow woke up with a stiff neck. It was caused by the position she had to keep to have any part of her pillow on which to rest her head. Samantha, who was still soundly sleeping, had confiscated most of the pillow for herself. She had also managed to procure half of the bed for her small frame. Willow and Kennedy were squeezed over to share their half. Realizing this, Willow tried to move her daughter over to give her more room. She got a mumble out of the girl but was able to shift her over without waking her up.

Willow slowly turned over on her side to face Kennedy. The slayer was on her stomach, as far over to the side of the bed as she could get without falling off. She had one leg and an arm hanging off the side. She looked to be in just as awkward position as Willow had been. Willow smiled and thought about the things parents endure for their children. The witch and slayer loved their sleep time. They liked having lots of room in bed, albeit not just for the purpose of slumber. That was the main reason for getting a king sized bed. But here they were contorted like they were all trying to fit in a twin size.

Seeing the clock showing 7am, Willow knew it was time to get up. She didn't want to disturb Sammie so she started to move over Kennedy.

Soft and mumbling, "Trying to get frisky with our kid in the bed?…Shame on you." Kennedy opened one eye.

The witch stopped moving and pinched her wife lightly on the shoulder. Just as quietly, "You are more twisted than a pretzel…Be quiet and let me up."

"I'll join you. My arm and leg are numb anyway."

The mothers got out of bed. Kennedy grabbed the pair of flannel pajama pants and long sleeve t-shirt that were on the sitting chair and put them on. Willow found the bottom of her night clothes and did the same. Both women left the bedroom with their daughter still slumbering. As Kennedy closed the door on their way out, she joked, "We gotta get a bigger bed."

The witch and slayer were well on their second cups of coffee sitting at the table in the kitchen when they heard the footsteps of Samantha coming down the stairs.

When the child rounded the corner into the kitchen, Willow was all smiles.

"Hey, sleepy head, finally got out of bed. You're lucky it's Saturday and I don't have a class to teach."

Samantha ignored the comment on sat down on a chair. She had her stuffed elephant with her. She gave a big yawn.

"You still tired, kiddo?" asked Kennedy.

"Hmmmph," the little girl groaned.

"Well you can go back up and sleep some more if you want…in your bed would be nice."

Samantha looked at Kennedy and then looked up as if to see her room. She shook her head and clutched Sarah the elephant.

"Ok. Do you at least want some breakfast?" Willow questioned.

With wide opened eyes and a big smile, "Pancakes?"

Kennedy chuckled. "She is so definitely your daughter."

Willow got out the pan and started to gather the ingredients. As she did, "So Sammie, you had another bad dream. Do you remember what woke you up?"

Softly, "A monster was looking at me."

Kennedy looked up quickly when she heard the eggs Willow was holding crash to the floor. The witch was staring at her daughter with a look of surprise and concern.

"Kennedy, we have to do something about this. What if what she told us is true?"

Willow and Kennedy were having a discussion in their bedroom. It was late afternoon and the women had spent the morning hearing about Samantha's dream and trying to decipher what it meant.

"Wil, I agree one hundred percent that we can't ignore this. I just don't know where to start. Do we tell Giles first…or get some concrete answers first and then go to him?"

"I hate to think what she said is actually true. Her other dreams were just that…kids' dreams." Willow had been through talking about bad dreams with Samantha before. The child had a vivid imagination and it occasionally manifested itself as a nightmare. It happened after Sammie watched part of a Harry Potter movie and when she got scared by a stray dog. Willow tried to think if anything strange had happened which might have triggered this event.

"I want to believe it was just from an upset stomach or something…buuut…" Kennedy lingered on the last word.

Willow knew exactly what her slayer was referring to. "We knew she had some kind of 'special' ability for a while, but then with the brooch thing…and now…This dream was different than the rest."

Kennedy looked worried. "But how could anyone know? She's only ever really done her 'Daisy Gamble' thing with us…and Xan."

Willow stared at Kennedy confused. "Daisy who?"

Kennedy gave a surprised look back. "Daisy Gamble…Barbra Streisand…her character's name in the movie 'On A Clear Day You Can See Forever'…How can you not know that?"

The witch arched her eyes. "Maybe because I'm not a gay man…When did you all of a sudden start liking movie musicals?"

The slayer knew they were getting off course. She also didn't want to get into her slight infatuation with a young Streisand. She held up her hand and waved it.

Willow nodded to end that line of conversation. "All I know is that we know for sure that Samantha really can see into the future…and now she had some weird dream." Willow had a bad feeling that it couldn't be coincidental.

Kennedy put her hands on her hips. "And let's not forget your 'new' talent that you only know about because of Sammie." Kennedy had the gut feeling their lives were about to get complicated again.

Willow turned her eyes up and shook her head slowly. "If only I'd left that brooch in my pocket…maybe none of this would have happened."

The witch thought back to the incident that was now the central act in their life.

"Why are you so edgy?" Willow watched as Kennedy fidgeted while they waited for Kennedy's mother to appear in the airport terminal area.

"I'm not edgy," the slayer replied quickly.

"Geez, if you any more fidgety, you'd blast off. It's like you've got ants in your pants." Then teasing, "Does my little slayer miss her mommy?"

Kennedy smiled sarcastically. "Yeah, that must be it."

Not too much longer, Gabriella Gonzalez appeared with her purse held tightly under her arm. Everyone made their greetings. Gabriella took Sammie in a big hug and told her how much of a lady she was growing into. Willow didn't notice anything different about Kennedy's reaction once her mother got there, but she did see an exchange of glances that she knew had meaning.

"I'm so glad you came. We really miss you around here." Willow nudged Kennedy after that remark.

"I'm just sorry it's so far after your birthday, Willow…Guess we'll call this your belated birthday visit.."

"Well, we didn't get back from Cleveland until the day after my birthday, so a few more days don't count."

"I got here as soon as I could." Gabriella glanced at Kennedy after that comment.

The witch saw that glance shared between mother and daughter. She was beginning to think that those two had something planned.

The trip back to Middleton was filled with updates by Gabriella on life in Florida and with updates by Sammie on her latest toys and songs.

Once home, Kennedy helped her mother get settled into the spare bedroom. Willow noticed it took quite a long time, but eventually the two women joined her and Sam in the living room.

The family chit-chatted and got reacquainted. Kennedy and Willow brought Gabriella current on the events around Middleton. She asked about the other Scooby members and was informed of their status. Kennedy told her about the Moor D'naar demon incident. Though Gabriella knew Kennedy was a slayer, and had actually been saved by her daughter after their reunion years previously, she still shuttered when told of her encounters. She was Kennedy's mother after all and no matter how good a slayer she was, Kennedy would always be her little girl.

Later, they all went out for dinner in honor of Willow's thirtieth birthday. They had a wonderful time and Gabriella gave Willow several thoughtful presents. When they got home, Gabriella excused herself and went to her room. "I'll be right back. There's one more present."

Kennedy brought Willow into the living room and sat her in the witch's favorite chair. She sat in the recliner next to her and Samantha huddled on the floor.

Gabriella came back into the room holding an elegantly wrapped box. It was about the size of her hand. She walked over to Willow and handed it to her.

"Willow, happy birthday. I couldn't have wished for a better daughter-in-law."

Willow took the box and eyed Kennedy briefly. The slayer had a huge smile. The witch carefully unwrapped the present. When she opened the box, her eyes lit up and she took in a gasp.

"Oh my god, this is incredible…Gab…, you shouldn't have. Oh, thank you so much." Willow's tone had a true graciousness to it.

In the box was a brooch. But even to Willow's inexperienced eyes, she could tell the piece was magnificent. There were incredibly sparkling diamonds, five large ones in all, in the center. They were surrounded by a stone she'd never seen before. It was the most intriguing shade of red she'd ever laid eyes on. Around those jewels were a layer of yet more jewels. Those the witch knew and also knew the extreme rarity of them. There were other stones, just as rare and perfect, which formed the outer layer. The pattern was not of a circle or any given geometrical shape. The stones were in a Picasso-esque form. The result was stunning. The platform for the jewels was done in gold. It too had a free form design that blended strikingly with the rest of the piece. Taken as a whole, the brooch was a masterpiece of art.

Willow was speechless. She was used to expensive gifts from Kennedy but didn't expect anything like that from her mother.

"I don't what know what to say…" The witch really was at a loss for words. She got up and hugged her mother-in-law.

Within seconds, Sammie was begging to see the present. Willow didn't give it to her but she did show it to her and let the child run her fingers over it.

Kennedy was gleefully watching her witch during the entire time. She knew Willow would be surprised. She also knew her wife didn't know the whole story about the brooch.

"Babe, that's not just any ol' brooch."

Willow looked at the slayer with intrigue.

Kennedy turned to her mother. "Go ahead, you tell her."

Gabriella smiled at Willow. "Kennedy's right, Willow. This brooch has a very important connection to our family…" Gabriella proceeded to tell the history of Willow's birthday present.

The brooch went back into Gabriella's family over ten generations. It was said to have been made by a priest who had been 'touched' by God. No one knew where the jewels came from; they were of a quality never seen before. It was said that a sea merchant, a very distant relative and the first in the Gonzalez clan, was given it as a reward for saving the priest from wandering banditos. The brooch was guarded with the utmost safety for it was told that the bearer would have prosperity.

Generation after generation it was handed down. Time after time, it was credited with the onslaught of good fortune or of miraculous healing. It was said that the maker of the piece had put a piece of God in it.

Then, unexpectedly, it was stolen. The family history had no definite thief to name. However, a spoiled and ruthless third cousin of the family was suspected. The Gonzalez family story after that event turned for the worse. There was a period of poverty, drunkenness, prostitution and all sorts of maladies. Of course, it was all blamed on the loss of the brooch.

Eventually, the legacy of the brooch began to fade. So much time had passed that the Gonzalez family members began to dictate their own lives again. Some prospered while others merely did fairly. However, the fate of the clan was no longer formed by the brooch but by the hard work of the members themselves.

By the time of Gabriella's father's generation, the brooch was long forgotten. Though some relatives knew of the legend, it was not topic of conversation. With the passing of her mother and father, Gabriella let go of that part of her life. The few relatives she did have were contacted infrequently and visited even less. Though Gabriella had made her peace with her mother about her torrid past, the other family members had never been so forgiving.

Then one day, several months ago, Gabriella was contacted by a lawyer in Argentina. The gentleman told her that he was counsel for a large bank who was in possession of articles belonging to her father. The accounts had been hidden and it had taken that long after her father's death for them to come to light. Because she was her father's next of kin, the articles belonged to her.

Gabriella made a trip to Argentina and got the items. She recognized the brooch immediately. The story had been told to her by her grandmother. She learned it as a fairly tale, being told about the family but obviously not to be taken as truth. Gabriella knew the brooch which now belonged to her was in fact that very one which she had thought was only a made up tale.

She had the piece appraised and was shocked when she was told it to be basically priceless. The article was, in fact, linked to an early medieval artisan who happened to have been a de-frocked priest. Though the family tale was off in some respects, it was true in others. The ownership of the piece appeared to be strongly held by the Gonzalez clan. Gabriella was told that the piece would be welcomed in any museum although it improbable that any could offer a sum to come close to its value. The only way it would end up on display for the public to see was if Gabriella decided to donate the piece.

Gabriella didn't consider giving the brooch away. It was a family heirloom. She had done so much wrong to her family and to her father's good name that she felt obligated to try to make amends. She had the piece of jewelry that had brought prosperity and happiness to her family. She instantly thought of Kennedy and her family. Gabriella, always prone to acceptance of otherworldly things, decided that the brooch should be passed to Kennedy. Even if there was a slight chance of the blessing of the brooch being real, Gabriella Gonzalez wanted that to be gifted to her daughter.

When she told Kennedy about the brooch, the slayer thought about who should be the recipient. She knew that her life had been made whole by Willow. It was the redhead to which she owed everything that was good in her life. Somehow, the origin of the piece, its connection to God or Good, seemed to connect more with Willow. There was something mystical about the brooch and Kennedy had a feeling that magick played a role in it.

So she asked her mother if they could both give it to Willow as a birthday present. After hearing the explanation, Gabriella was just as convinced it should go to the witch.

And that was how Willow became the owner of the Gonzalez brooch.

"This is priceless, Willow…and it is seeing the signs of age. I was so nervous when I brought it here…just sitting in my purse."

Willow got a nervous look. Kennedy knew what she was thinking.

"Don't worry, Wil. It won't fall apart just from holding it. I thought we could get another safe for the house or you could do a barrier spell if you want to keep it here…Either way, it's back where it belongs now…in the Gonzalez family with someone pure of virtue."

The next day, Gabriella was out with Kennedy and Willow was in the kitchen with Samantha. Willow was experimenting with some very potent powders. She was trying to make a concoction that could be shaped into a ball and used as a weapon. The witch was attempting to make something that Kennedy could hurl at demons from a distance and assure their demise. In effect, Willow wanted to create a weapon that was as small as a golf ball but had the 'punch' of a small nuclear bomb. Of course, she wanted the destruction capability without the mushroom cloud, radioactivity or girth of destruction. Her aim was to guarantee getting rid of the demon without causing damage to anything else. That's where the powders came in. The ones she chose were known for their intense energy properties. However, they weren't explosive. Her goal this day was trying to formulate the correct mixture.

Willow had a mystical bowl on the kitchen counter which already had some of the powders mixed inside. She only had one more to add, of course, it was the most potent. Samantha was well off to the side playing with two plastic cups and her stuffed elephant.

The witch had a magick book in one hand and the package of powder in the other. This particular powder was most inert when mixed with crystal chards. The package was about the size of an egg carton. Willow was walking to the kitchen table when she noticed Kennedy's coffee cup by the sink. It was the one with "Boys Suck" written on the side. That made her laugh and think of her wife. Thinking of Kennedy made Willow want to take out the brooch that was in her shirt pocket. Since she received the gift, Willow hadn't wanted to leave it out of her sight. It was more than its beauty. Willow knew how precious the piece of jewelry was, how expensive and she was so honored to have it. She had been wearing it all day. She only took it off when she started working with the powders. The witch decided that she wanted to take one quick look at it before she continued her experiment.

Willow put down the book on the edge of the table and took the piece out. She had only looked at it for a moment when she noticed the book was falling off the table. She went to grab the book with the hand that held the brooch. When she did that, she got slightly off balance and her other arm moved for counter balance. The contents of the box in her other hand shifted and the lid began to come off. Knowing that a spill could be potentially life threatening, Willow had only one option. She quickly, but gently, tossed the brooch onto the table. She then tried to grab the lid but her hand hit the edge of it and knocked it off even more. That force hurled some of the contents out which landed on the floor and a fair amount in the mixture.

In a flash, there was a bright light and large "BANG!" Smoke instantly filled the kitchen.

Willow immediately yelled for Samantha.

"I'm ok, Mommy," the girl said coughing from the fumes.

Willow said a few words and the smoke cleared. She ran over to her daughter to make sure she was fine. Then she turned to see a big chunk of the kitchen table shattered in bits on the floor.

Then she saw little pieces of gold and broken colored jewels.

It took a few moments before Willow realized that the multitude of sparkling and colored specks on the floor were the remnants of her birthday gift.

It had been blown to pieces.

Willow's eyes got wide with shock. Her face went white.

"OH NO!…OH NO!…no, no, no…" Willow's voiced shrieked. She ran to the mess and hovered over it, hardly moving and yet her whole body seemed to shake. "This can't have happened…Oh, no, what do I do?…"

Willow was beyond frantic. She couldn't believe what had just occurred. She had destroyed the Prescott family legacy, its mystery heirloom, a priceless piece of mastered artwork. The story Gabriella told her ran through her head. She recalled how nervous Kennedy's mother was just carrying it on the plane. She knew how much she and Kennedy trusted her with it.

Willow also knew that Kennedy and her mother would be home soon.

"What am I going to do?" The redhead's tone was one of defeat. She had destroyed something priceless and would have to confront her loved ones with the truth. They should never have entrusted her with it. Willow knew there was nothing she could do.

"I've ruined everything…if only I could take it back," she said dejected.

"Why don't you fix it?"

It was Samantha's tiny voice. She was standing behind her mother.

When Willow didn't respond, Samantha spoke again. "Fix it, Mommy."

Finally, Willow heard her daughter and turned to her. "Wuh?"

Sammie smiled. "You can fix it."

The witch appreciated the confidence her little girl had in her. Although she knew that all children held the belief that their parents could 'fix' anything.

"Oh, Sam, I wish I could fix this. But I can't."

The child furled her brow. "Yes, you can. Go back and fix it."

Willow was staring at the mess on the floor when Sammie made her last remark. The witch turned to her girl and looked at her for a few moments. She saw the seriousness on her face. It was the same look she got from the child when she was trying to find the name of the demon in New York.

Willow got a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Sammie? What do you mean 'go back'?"

The serious expression lightened. "Go back to when the box fell…catch it."

Willow didn't want to believe what she was hearing. This was no time to beat around the bush. "Sam, are you saying go back in time?"

The child nodded.

Willow shook her head. "No, Sammie. Mommy can't do that. No one can."

"Nuh uh."

Willow didn't want to continue this outrageous topic. "That's enough, Sam. You're being silly now."

The serious face returned. "I am not! I saw you do it."

Willow's face froze. Carefully, "What do you mean 'you saw me do it'?…You saw me fix the brooch?"

Sammie looked a bit confused. "No, you went…back."

Willow wanted to make sure she understood her daughter. "You saw me go back in time?"

"Uh huh."

The witch was speechless. She had just been told by her daughter that she had the ability to go back in time and change events. She couldn't believe it. That was too much for even the redhead to grasp.

"No, Sam. You must be saying it wrong. I can't…"

Interrupting, "Yes, Mommy, you can…I saw you."

Still not convinced, "But how?…When?" She knew she'd never done anything like that in the past. She'd time traveled, but that wasn't going back in time. It was hardly moving forward in time. She could go into memories, but that's all it was, visiting memories. It wasn't going to real time events in the past. She wasn't a part of the past, only an onlooker.

Samantha couldn't answer her mother's questions. All she knew was that after the crash, her mother was very upset. Sam could feel the guilt and panic flowing off her. She watched her mother in agony. Then all of a sudden she got a thought in her head. It was like seeing a movie. But she knew it wasn't that. Samantha saw her mother, with a book next to her, chant and then disappear. The child couldn't see where she was nor did she have an idea of when it happened. But somehow, Sammie knew that her mother had gone back in time for some reason.

"Mommy, I don't know…but you did it…You had a book."

"What book?"

Samantha thought but for a second. "The saddle book."

Willow knew she was talking about the Chronicles of the Han Nurrabi. Samantha had seen the book several times and told her mother the old worn leather cover looked like the kind found on a horse's saddle. That tome held the answers to some of the most secret questions of the redhead's craft. The book held them in its pages, hidden from everyone unless it thought the reader worthy of knowing the truth.

Samantha gave her mother a reassuring gaze. "Get the book, Mommy. You'll see. Momma and Abuela won't be mad this way."

As crazy as it sounded, Willow started to almost believe her daughter. With all her doubts, she went upstairs and got the volume from its place in the couple's safe. She came back downstairs and into the kitchen.

"The book'll tell you how," Samantha said. Willow chuckled at how easily the child said it.

Shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head in hesitation, Willow finally opened the book. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and began to flip through the pages. Slowly her fingers turned pages, sometimes one at a time, other times whole sections.

Then her fingers stopped and she opened her eyes. In front of her was a blank page. Willow stared hard at it. She tried to keep her mind free but random thoughts entered. They weren't about keeping the brooch from being destroyed but how life might be different if past mistakes or tragedies could be altered. Getting rid of Hitler before he came to power, stopping the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr; these and others came to her.

Willow didn't realize that she had drifted off. She brought her concentration back and looked down at the book once again.

The blank page now had text.

The witch was astonished at what she saw. It wasn't a spell. It wasn't directions for going back in time at all. The passage stated:

--Time altered is time lost.--

It was a warning.

Willow knew then and there that changing the past was possible. She felt it in her bones. The Chronicles had told her it was possible through the warning given.

The witch now had the knowledge that she could go back in time and make sure that the brooch didn't get decimated by the explosion. The question for her now was whether she should try. "Time altered is time lost," she whispered. The implications were obvious. Should she change the past? Should she basically step in God's shoes and undo part of her past? Willow pondered on whether she had the fortitude to take such a bold action. This was not like resurrecting Buffy. She didn't turn back time then; she only brought Buffy back to a different present dimension.

'What right do I have?…What justifiable reason?' The questions filled her mind.

Disappointment on Kennedy's and Gabriella's faces came to her in a hurry. Willow knew that what she had done to the brooch, a result brought about by her own actions, would fall like a ton of bricks on her wife and Gabriella. Sheer clumsiness had destroyed a thing so dear and important to the Gonzalez family. Visions of Kennedy cascaded down on her. Every insecurity the redhead harbored deep inside came rushing in…as did her guilt.

Willow haggled with herself. 'It was only a few minutes ago'…'This is too much of a step to do in a hurry'…'I'm only fixing an object'…'You should discuss this with Giles'…'You destroyed a priceless heirloom and Kenn and her mom are going to be so hurt.' 'Kennedy will be devastated.'

That was the critical factor. She didn't want to hurt her family. Willow knew that she'd only be affecting a few moments of her and Samantha's past since they were the only ones there. Nothing else would change about them. She considered how small of an alteration to the past she would actually be making. With a big gulp, Willow decided to try.

The witch told Samantha to go where she was before the 'event.' Then she put down the Chronicles next to her and emptied her mind. She concentrated on going back to the instant of time when she first thought about taking the brooch out of her pocket. She thought deeply and pinpointed her energy…and waited.

"Hey, at least the brooch isn't in a gazillion pieces." Kennedy said encouragingly.

"True, but I didn't get the powders mixed right so my 'powerball' is still in the theoretical stage."

Willow and Kennedy were finishing discussing Willow's latest talent and what to do about Samantha's latest dream. From that brooch incident, they knew for certain that Samantha had premonitions and Willow could travel to the past and change events. They had been startling revelations.

Kennedy stopped laughing. "Things are getting too weird lately for this to be nothing. Between you and Sam and the demon influx, something definitely smells rotten in fishtown."

"What do we do now?"

With certainty, "You and Dawn try to dig up anything on a monster who likes getting into dreams. We also need to call Giles and let him know about this. Plus, I'd like to know if the demons are getting their groove on anywhere else. Me and Lee'll start putting the squeeze on our demon friends around here and see what we can find out."

The course of action was set.

Glancing sarcastically at Kennedy, "Something smells rotten in fishtown?"

Hunching her shoulders, "What? I've been to Denmark…It's not that smelly."

Chapter Five

After Willow and Kennedy put together a plan to get to the truth about Samantha's 'monster dream,' the slayer called Lee Gagno. It was supposed to be Lee's night to patrol, but Kennedy had other plans for the both of them. She told Lee about Samantha's behavior lately and the strange comment she made about being watched. She got right to the point with her slayer partner.

"Lee, there is no frickin way I'm letting anything hurt Sam. If some demon or spirit, or whatever, has somehow gotten near Sam, I'll god damn tear it to shreds. I need to find out if this thing is for real…and I need you to help me." For Kennedy, it was all about protecting her daughter now. Her little girl was the ultimate innocent. She didn't know how, or if, Samantha was connected to the strangeness that had been happening lately, but she was adamant she'd find out.

"Of course, Kenn. I'll do whatever you need me to do. I hope it was just a bad dream, but we can't take the chance and ignore this."

Kennedy knew Lee would be there to assist. In the entire time they'd been stationed together, the younger slayer had always been a good and dependable slayer and friend.

"Ok, Lee, this is what we're gonna do…" Kennedy explained to Lee her plan to visit their usual demon hangout locations, speak with all their snitches and comb the area for any information about any new scheme floating around or any new demon in town. They were looking for anything out of the ordinary, regardless of how insignificant it might seem.

"That's going to be tricky, don't you think? I mean we've been having a lot of demon action directed at us. What makes you think that they won't try to kill us while we're trying to get info from them?"

Kennedy knew Lee had a point, but this was about the safety of her daughter. It had to be done regardless of the precarious position in which it might place them. "I know what I'm asking you to do, Lee. I know this could be risky for us. But, I have to find out if Sammie's in danger."

Lee was quick to reply. "Hey, don't think I'm having doubts. We gotta do this. I'm just saying maybe we need to have back-up."

Kennedy pursed her lips. "I wish we had the time. I'd get Faith but we need to act on this now."

Lee nodded, thinking and then got an idea. "How about some Willow-made assistance. Maybe she can do magicky stuff…like marbles that explode, or knives that can't miss…you know what I mean."

Kennedy thought about it for a moment. "She was working on an energy ball, but that's still in the developmental stage. I'll ask her. I'm sure she'll think of something we can use…Ok, then we're all set. I'll pick you up at nine."

Before Kennedy could hang up, Lee started to talk. "You know, Kenn, did you ever think that maybe this isn't about Samantha? Maybe it's not her that's being watched? She is a sensitive kid. Is it possible she's picking up on something meant for you? We have seen a lot of action lately and those demons have been coming after us."

Actually, Kennedy had thought about all the possibilities, that the targets could be Samantha, Willow or her. The events of the last few months were like a puzzle. The experiences that her family was having didn't spell out a definite mark or reason yet. So, for Kennedy, right now it didn't make a difference who the real target was. She needed to obtain some strand of credible information to begin to put the pieces together. She hoped she was the real goal for whatever seemed to be happening to them. Having to protect herself from the evil creatures in the world was part of her job description. But the idea that her wife or daughter could be in danger was too disturbing to contemplate.

"Lee, I've thought about every angle on this. I hope to God this isn't about Sam…or Willow. But we both know how evil Evil can be. Right now, I want to concentrate on getting to the truth. What to do at that point?…We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

That night, and for the next several nights, Kennedy and Lee interrogated, talked to and, when needed, physically 'persuaded' the local demons and demon-enablers. They went to demon bars and underworld hang outs. They patrolled the woods and the cemeteries, the back street alleys and the old abandoned buildings. Anywhere they knew they would find a demon, they went. There were fights and compromises, close calls and smack downs. Willow did assist the slayers. She gave them several ropes and knives on which she placed spells. The ropes could bind a body without help and the knives had a sort of self-guided vampire detector on them. They came in very handy.

Kennedy knew she had to keep some balance in her approach to these creatures during the mission. When it was obvious that a particular demon had no information, the slayer resisted the urge to punish out of frustration. Kennedy realized that she still had to be able to keep her wits about her. Losing control would not help them attain their ultimate goal.

During the course of their outings, Kennedy and Lee were attacked numerous times. Only once was it a complete ambush. As before, they were attacked by vampires that seemed to come out of nowhere, for no other reason than to kill them. With each battle, Kennedy interrogated the vamps before she dusted them. She drilled the vampires for knowledge about why they were there. Did they have orders? Who was their leader? Were there others? Was her family being watched? Every time the response was the same, an almost automatic spew of drivel. The statements were rote and though said differently, espoused the same message. In a nutshell, the vampires all stated that the slayers had to die and that the vamp was there to do the job so it could rule the world. The explanation sounded so ludicrous…and memorized…or implanted.

It was the similarity of responses she encountered that made Kennedy certain that someone was behind the vampire activity. Vamps, though the living dead now, were once human beings. As such, they each had their own very distinct personalities. There was no way that they could act so much alike when interrogated.

In addition to her investigation and fighting at home, Kennedy got Giles involved again. She told him that she thought someone was leading the demons. "Maybe it's another vampire. Maybe we have another Dalfort wannabe." Kennedy recalled the vampire that had kidnapped Xander's son to be used in a ritual that was supposed to bring domination. "You need to look into this Giles. Have the Boston people see if there's some new mojo in town." The slayer told the Englishman that Willow hadn't been able to find out any information in her books. There was nothing in the lunar or astrological calendars warning of a resurgence of a demon type. She found no entries signaling the comeback of a demon takeover attempt. Willow had come up empty handed.

"Giles, this seems to be something new…something that wouldn't be on the Council's radar yet." Giles agreed and asked Kennedy and Willow to give him an in depth analysis of their actions since the New Year. "Kennedy, this isn't happening anywhere else. Buffy and Faith report no increased activity. I've haven't located any area that has had such a dramatic increase in demon contact. And what's occurring to you and Lee is more than just more vampires in town. They are going directly after you…I'm very concerned about this."

Kennedy was smart enough to tell Giles that she wasn't sure that she and Lee were the true targets. She suggested that he not focus solely on the two slayers. The brunette was adamant that Giles consider that the slayers were being targeted in order for the leader of the show to get to the real person. "We've got to consider the possibility that maybe whoever is doing this is after Willow…or maybe even Sammie." Giles agreed totally and told her that he would get started immediately and call her as soon as he had any information.

While she waited to hear from Giles, Kennedy continued to investigate. She and Willow spent as much time as they could trying to find some clue to who was manipulating the demons that were going after the slayers. They finally got a break due to a vampire whose ability to be brain-washed was not as good as it should have been.

Kennedy and Lee were patrolling. They had already dusted three vampires and were almost finished with their sweep of the area's cemeteries. As they walked from one site to another, the night got very quiet. There were no usual night creature noises. Even in winter, nocturnal animals were anything but silent. Even the wind seemed to die down. The hair on the back of Kennedy's neck stiffened and she got a tingling feeling down her spine.

"Vamp," she whispered, so softly that only another slayer could have heard her.

The slayers slowed their forward progress, though not so much as to call attention to that fact. Two sets of eyes darted around attempting to find the demon that Kennedy was certain was out there.

Then a part of the darkness seemed to explode at them. It was a vampire dressed totally in black. The creature lunged through the air and landed on Lee. They fell to the ground. Kennedy didn't hesitate; she jumped on the demon and pulled it off her partner. Kennedy threw the vamp to the side and slammed it into the trunk of a large cedar tree.

"How stupid are you? Two slayers…one vampire…and you jump on only one of us?" Kennedy got a sarcastic tone. "Tell me that this is your first day as a vampire…That might explain your completely bone-headed move."

"It wasn't a…bone..I'm not…" The vampire stammered and looked dazed. Then, as if clearing his head, "You must die, slayer…You must both die."

Kennedy noticed the change in tone and attitude. "Don't bother. I know the shpeel…You're gonna kill us so you can take over the power…yada yada, yada yada."

The vamp got a concerned expression. "I'm supposed to tell you that."

Lee, who was standing next to Kennedy, muttered, "Real genius this one." Then she asked quickly, "Who told you to tell us?"

The demon, without hesitation, darted out, "Sh…" Then it realized what it was doing and shut its mouth.

"What we're going to say?" Kennedy said as she crushed her forearm against the vampire's throat.

The creature stared at Kennedy, frightened dead eyes accompanying a quivering lip.

"Answer my friend's question." Kennedy grabbed her spike out of her back pocket with her free hand and pushed it hard against the vampire's chest. "You've got all of three seconds to start talking." Lee moved forward and clutched the vampire's arms and pinned its legs so it had no way to escape.

"I don't have…I'm not with…" The vamp stammered and stuttered. It knew that it had no ability to fight its way out of the grip from the two slayers.

"You might as well tell us. Whoever put you up to this didn't even do a good job of making sure you got brainwashed. You got suckered, buddie. You know you're getting dusted, so why not get back at the demon that put you here…made you do the dirty work." Kennedy pushed the spike harder.

The vampire had such a contorted expression. It looked like it was fighting against itself. Kennedy could see her comment might be getting through. Vampires, for all the evil qualities they shared with others of their kind, were not a very faithful bunch. If they were slighted by another vampire, retribution could be strong and swift. If placed in a position to get dusted caused by the actions of another vampire, then all loyalty to the 'clan' went out the window.

"Who was it?" the slayer asked again.

The vampire looked directly at Kennedy. "Sh – sh-she…told me."

"Who's 'she'?"

"I…don't…don't know. Just…in my head."

Kennedy examined the vampire for any sign that it wasn't giving over all the information it knew. The slayer saw nothing in its eyes. It had told them everything.

At that moment, the vampire tried to free itself from Lee's hold. It was able to get one of her hands off its arm. The vampire tried to reach out for Kennedy's neck. The slayer immediately plunged the stake in the vamp's chest.

In a second, it was dust.

Kennedy and Lee stood there for a moment without speaking. Then Kennedy turned to her.

"Looks like we've got something to tell Wil and Giles."

It was several hours later. Kennedy and Lee had already gone back to Willow and told her about the vampire. Kennedy had called Giles and recounted the event to him. The two slayers and Willow had discussed their next move and with a sincere thanks from Kennedy, Lee had left to go back to her apartment and girlfriend.

Once alone, and though late at night, slayer and witch talked. They now knew that there was a 'leader' and that is was female. They hedged to the fact that a female vampire had orchestrated a gang, for what reason they still didn't know. Despite the odds leaning towards a female vampire, neither woman assumed that the head of the operation had to be of the bumpie persuasion. Willow knew of several instances where other demon types were able to get vampires to help them out. "All we can say for sure is that the ring leader is a female."

"So much for us being the weaker and gentler sex," Kennedy mused. "To get that many vamps in line…This chick must be one tough cookie, evil to the max with a short temper."

Willow injected, "Like Naomi Campbell…just not as mean."

Kennedy shrugged. "At least we've got something now. We just gotta find out now if this 'she' monger is after me and Lee or if we're in the way to the real target."

Willow's good mood dampened slightly. "So much for basking in the glory of our recent discovery."

Kennedy embraced her wife. "Don't worry. I know between the two of us…and Giles if he can get that old man's brain in gear…will figure this out."

Willow smiled. "You're right. We always get the answer one way or another."

Not much later, the women went upstairs to go to bed.

Kennedy was standing in the middle of an open field. It was warm and the sun was radiating down on the spot. She was standing in knee high grass, gently blowing in a light breeze. All was quiet. Kennedy slowly turned around. Directly behind her, she saw Samantha. The child was smiling and calling for her. But the girl made no sound. Kennedy could only see her lips moving, obviously calling for her 'Momma.'

The slayer began to walk to her daughter. The time had a summer feel to it. She moved easily and without worry.

As she got closer to Sam, Kennedy saw her expression change. Joyful eyes turned terror filled. The smile and call for her mother was replaced by silent screams for her mother's protection.

Kennedy stopped, turned and looked behind her. She saw a figure, without definite form and unidentifiable, charging toward them.

Kennedy reached out and grabbed her daughter. She bent down. Firm, but without trying to scare the child, "Don't worry, Sam. It's after Momma. But I need to run to Mommy." Kennedy pushed the girl to help her get a faster start.

Kennedy turned back to the demon and braced for the attack.

Just when she was sure the creature would lunge at her, the figure changed its course and ran even faster…after Samantha.

The slayer bolted around in shock and dismay. Her error of judgment had left her daughter unprotected.

"Oh my God…Sam!…Sam!…" She started to shake furiously.

"Kenn?…Kenne!…Wake up." Willow was shaking Kennedy's shoulder.

The slayer awoke startled. She was breathing hard.

"Kennedy? Are you alright?"

The brunette blinked her eyes several times and finally got fully awake. The room was filling with light from the sunrise rays piercing between trees outside and then through their window. Kennedy turned at looked in the direction of the voice. She knew it was Willow. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust. It was then she saw the concerned look on her wife's face.

"Kenn, what's wrong?"

From that tone, Kennedy knew that Willow saw her anxious look that matched the churning in her stomach.

"It's Samantha…I had a slayer dream…She's after Sam."

Chapter Six

Kennedy was so disturbed by her slayer dream that she couldn't talk to Willow any further. The slayer jumped out of bed and headed quickly for her daughter's bedroom. She knew it was still too early for the girl to be up.

Kennedy opened the door quietly but swiftly and peered in. She saw Samantha still sleeping soundly in her bed, her stuffed elephant by her head.

Kennedy let out a sigh and let her eyes search around the room before she closed the door.

When she turned to go back to her own room, she saw Willow standing a couple feet away.

"She's ok." The slayer said it as if telling her wife of a negative test result. Kennedy saw Willow's shoulders relax. She knew that the witch was also apprehensive after the slayer's behavior.

Both awake and knowing that they could never get back to sleep, the couple went downstairs to the kitchen. Willow turned on the coffee maker and within minutes, the witch and slayer were sitting at the kitchen table, mugs in hand, deciding what to do now.

"Should we get Sam out of here?"

Kennedy thought for a moment. "We need her with us. I'm not letting her out of my sight. We can protect her…Besides, we're not sure what my dream really means…Is someone actually after Sam or just messing with her head to get her to do something?"

Willow could have cared less what the intent was. She didn't want her daughter to have to deal with any of it. "Should we leave with her?" Willow was so concerned for Samantha's safety that she didn't care what they had to do to assure her well being.

"Don't think I haven't considered that. Get the hell out of here and let the Council catch whatever bitch was in my dream…" Then the slayer got very serious. "But what if that's what 'she' wants? How do we know we'd be safer by running away?"

"This 'is' our turf. We do know this place like the back of our hands," Willow said agreeing.

"Exactly. I've got to assume that someone does want Sam, in some way. But, we don't know who is after Samantha. I do know I'm pretty certain it or she isn't from here. If we stay, we can get all the help we need and have the upper hand."

The witch and slayer discussed the matter some more. They went over the pros and cons to staying several times. In the end, they decided they would stay. The couple knew they had to get Giles involved. He had already been called. They wanted as much help and input from the Council as possible. Its resources far outweighed anything that Willow or Kennedy could muster. Plus, staying in Middleton meant that Lee and Terri Pollouda could also help.

Having gotten that issue out of the way did not make the couple feel much better. They were faced with the knowledge that some creature was, in some way, after their precious daughter. That innocent child had become the focus for some evil being. The reason why haunted them.

"What could anyone possibly want form Sammie?" Willow shivered every time she thought about a demon getting its grip on her daughter.

"She's our kid and she has premonitions…Demons have gone after mortals for a lot less than that." Kennedy hated saying that but she knew it was true.

"But she's just a little girl. She's got no control. I don't think she even understands what she can do. How could that matter to a demon? "

Kennedy's voice got low. "Maybe that's the whole point."

Willow thought about what Kennedy said. Could it be that a demon was after Samantha precisely because she had no control over her 'ability'? "But I'm not even sure of what she can do or even how much she knows about it."

"What we do know is that Sam is being targeted. I think we really have to get a better handle on what it is she can do and why that might be important to a demon."

Willow knew Kennedy was right. Unless they understood the power Samantha had, they would not be able to completely evaluate the danger and take appropriate measures.

"You're right, Kenn. We have to know what Sammie can do and how well she can do it."

The slayer looked intently at Willow. "You know what has to be done."

Kennedy didn't have to tell Willow. The witch knew what her wife was implying. "I don't know if I can, Kenn…It's scary enough on an adult. She's so young. How do I know I won't…" Kennedy reached out and took Willow's hand.

"You wouldn't do anything that might hurt Samantha. We both know that. We wouldn't even be talking about this if there was any doubt something could go wrong…But we have to know, Willow. And you're the only one who can find out."

Willow stared at Kennedy for a long time. 'I have to get inside my own child's mind' she said to herself apprehensively. Willow realized that due to Sammie's tender age, the only way to truly get a better understanding of what the child could do was to go to the source, her mind. Willow would have to 'meld' with her daughter in order to feel and think the way Sam did. The witch would be able to 'know' what Samantha knew without having to be told, without the barrier caused by the limited communication level due to the girl's age.

For added reassurance, "Willow, I have complete faith in you. I'll be right here and we'll get through this. Then we'll find out who's trying to get at Sam and I will hunt that demon bitch down and exterminate her."

Willow knew that Kennedy meant every word. No one threatened the slayer's family. That total pledge of protection was one thing that always made Willow feel safe. She would do her part so that Kennedy could then do hers.

"Ok, Rambo. After Sam wakes up and has breakfast, we'll talk to her."

Willow sat with Samantha on the child's bed. Sam had her back to Willow and was snuggled in her arms. The witch and daughter had been in that position, with their eyes closed, for some time. It looked as if the two of them were sleeping.

Kennedy was leaning against the wall by the door, glancing at her watch. It had felt like hours. She'd been there since the couple walked in to the room with Samantha after having discussed the matter with her downstairs after breakfast. Willow tried to explain to her daughter, in terms the little girl could understand, what she wanted to do. The witch spoke reassuringly so as not to frighten or upset Samantha. She told her daughter that they would take "something sorta like a nap…but I'll be able to see your dreams." It was the only way that Willow could think to explain her action.

As mother and daughter sat there, Kennedy paid attention to every breath, every slight movement by them, ready in the event something went 'wrong.' But nothing appeared to be as such. What the slayer saw was just as Willow explained it would be to her. Even though the witch had 'connected' minds before, the slayer was still apprehensive since it was her little girl that was being 'probed.'

The slayer stood up straight quickly when she saw Willow's arms drop from holding her child. Green eyes fluttered open. Kennedy stared at Sam and watched as she too started to 'wake up.' The slayer walked over to the edge of the bed. Willow took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she looked upward and caught Kennedy's stare. The witch gave her a nervous smile.

Samantha turned at the waist so she could Willow's face.

"Did I do good?"

Willow hugged her daughter and kissed the top of her head. "You did great."

It was an hour later and Samantha was outside playing on her swing. Her mothers had let her go only after much pleading by the child. A beautiful, cloudless blue sky covered the mid day view. It was cold and there was only a small amount of snow on the ground; however, Sam was having a wonderful time.

Inside, Willow and Kennedy sat in the back sun room. It had a view of the back yard and they could see Sammie's every move. As they kept an eye on her, Willow told Kennedy what she had experienced when she 'mind-melded' with their daughter.

"She can see the future…That looks like all she can do…not that that isn't huge. But I didn't get any glimpses of her having any kind of memory or present knowledge about spells. She can't read minds…or get onto another person's thoughts. She doesn't have any power to do the things I can…She only gets premonitions…" Even as Willow said the words, they sounded ridiculous. Only being able to see the future was like saying she could only go back in time. It was a monumental gift.

"But does she knows she sees the future?…Does she have any control over it?" Those were the critical questions for Kennedy.

Willow took a few moments before she answered. "She knows that she's right when she gets one of them. She knows it's true. It comes to her like a thought…a picture or scene in her head…Like if you asked her what her favorite dress is…She'd picture her yellow one with the duck on it…" The witch had trouble describing how her daughter internalized a premonition. "It definitely happens easier when there's tension or stress…to you or me. It's like she wants to help and her brain let's go in this way. When it happens, Sam knows she's not telling us about something that already happened…She knows she's not telling us a memory. She understands it really hasn't happened yet, but because it's a real event to her, she doesn't question when or how much in the future it is."

Willow kept telling Kennedy what she felt during her meld with Sam. "She doesn't have control over it. She can't make it happen or not happen. If there's a trigger, she hasn't figured it out yet." Willow didn't know if Sam's inability to control her power was good or bad news.

Kennedy sat silent. She was digesting the information she'd learned. The implications for Samantha were vast. The slayer pondered on how her daughter would grow into her ability. Would she master it quickly or would it take time, like so many other things for young children. Would she gain control slowly like she did her language skills or her eye hand coordination? What would happen to her during the time before she fully understood her unique talent? Most importantly, Kennedy wondered why someone would be after her daughter when the girl didn't have the wherewithal to be advantageous to any demon.

Willow saw Kennedy deep in thought and it was like she read the slayer's mind. "What could any demon want with her? She can't tell the future…She couldn't be made to tell it. Sam can't make herself see a particular point in the future."

Then a horrible thought came to the slayer. "Maybe that's what they want. Do you think that maybe whoever's after her doesn't want her to get her full power?…It could be that Sam would be able to see what the demons would do. If that happens, it would sure make slayers' jobs a lot easier."

Willow got a knot in her stomach. "Get her out of the picture before she's able to stop them." The statement made Willow's anger and fright intensify. Her little girl was being hunted for something that hadn't happened and might never happen if she couldn't control her power.

Kennedy looked out the window at Samantha playing. "It's like those countries where the different factions are at war. The soldiers kill everybody; no matter how young they are…to keep another generation of fighters from growing up…" The slayer glanced at her wife. "If mortals can have that sick view then it would be easy for a demon to."

Willow got out of her chair. "We know what Sam can do…She has premonitions. We know that something has been after you and Lee. Your slayer dream said it was Sam this thing is really after…" The witch's voice strained. "What have we done, Kenn? Did we do this somehow? Put Sammie's life in danger?" She turned and fixated on her wife's brown eyes. "Sammie's in danger, Kenn…They might want to kill her. We've got to stop them. We can't let her get hurt." By the end, Willow's voice was quivering. She was torn between absolute rage for the creature after her child and her need to keep her fury in check so that she could do what was needed for her child, to make sure Samantha didn't become scared. There was also a part of Willow that felt horrible for putting her daughter in this situation.

Kennedy went to her and took her in an embrace. Kennedy was also at a crossroads of emotion. She was filled with hatred for the thing after her daughter. She also wanted to express her dismay at Sammie's predicament. But she knew she had to stay strong. She couldn't let her wife think for a minute that they were the catalyst for this in any way. That would have made it worse on Willow.

Kennedy kept focus on the one thing that was a certainty. The child she loved more than life itself was in very real danger. Kennedy had trouble letting the full impact settle in her brain. This wasn't trying to keep her daughter safe from a skinned knee or a bruised elbow. This was keeping the all too real world of demons away from her. As much as they had tried to protect their daughter and to keep her outside from the destructive forces of evil, those forces had now forced themselves upon the life of their sweet Samantha.

Trying to comfort her wife and herself, "Willow, we will not let anything happen to Sam. She's our daughter and nothing and no one will touch one hair on her head. We're going to find out who is controlling those vampires…and I swear, I will personally make sure whoever it is gets killed, dusted or whatever it takes to get it out of our life."

Willow squeezed Kennedy as hard as she could. The witch knew they would keep constant attention on Samantha until this horror was resolved. She also knew that no one would hurt their child as long as she and Kennedy had any say in the matter.

Kennedy let Willow cling to her for as long as she needed. When she felt the redhead's grip loosen, Kennedy leaned back enough to wipe the wet streak from Willow's cheek.

Softly smiling, "We need to pull ourselves together. Giles is gonna be here soon."

"Willow, what on earth made you even consider going back in time?" The tone of Giles' voice made it evident that he disapproved of Willow's solution to the pulverized brooch.

"Giles, let me explain." Willow felt like a teenager again, trying to gain the Englishman's approval.

"No, Willow. This was completely irresponsible and more dangerous than you could imagine."

Willow and Giles had been talking for about twenty minutes. The Brit was there because Willow had called him a couple days before Kennedy dusted the vamp that told her about the leader. He was so concerned about the increase in activity in Kennedy's area that he told the couple that he'd come to see them. Kennedy then let him know about Samantha's 'monster' and her slayer dream. Giles was already on his way when he got that news. The plan was for the three of them to put their heads together to see if they could come up with answers to what was happening in Middleton.

Once he got to the couple's house and settled in, Willow and Kennedy told him everything they knew. They were in the living room and Samantha was in the family room in view of her mothers.

It was during the initial talk that Willow told Giles about the brooch incident. She relayed the story as a means of telling Giles about Sam's 'seeing' ability. Giles, however, took the news in a very different light. He intensely questioned Willow about what she'd done; how she did it and its consequences. The Englishman was not pleased when he gathered his information. There was no pat on the back for Willow. He was genuinely upset that the redhead had performed such a feat.

Kennedy came to the defense of her wife. "Giles, Willow wouldn't do anything that she thought was wrong. She knew she could do it…and no one was affected."

Giles shook his head and took off his glasses. "You're wrong, Kennedy. Willow changed the past which changed the future. What you're doing now is different because she didn't want to upset you or Gabriella."

"But I didn't make anyone change. It was just me keeping the brooch from blowing up…it's not like I got rid of someone…or did anything to alter how anyone was. We're all the same."

Giles stood up and paced. "Don't you realize everything has consequences? Just because the change might have been small doesn't mean the act was justified. Willow, you of all people know how a little magickal power can get out of hand. Imagine having this knowledge…And yet you still did it so easily."

Kennedy got harsher with Giles. "Hey, ease up on Wil. She would never do anything if she wasn't sure of the outcome. She's one of the strongest witches, Giles. You know that."

Giles looked directly at Willow as he responded to Kennedy. "Yes, she is…but she's not the only one…"

Giles wasn't shocked when he found out that Willow had the ability to change the past. He knew she was an extremely talented witch. She had showed him far more power than he'd seen in all but a few witches he'd known or heard about. He knew she had, for the most part, resurrected Buffy, teleported not only herself but Kennedy as well. She'd projected, mind melded and bore a child with Kennedy. So, when Willow told him she'd time traveled back in time, he wasn't surprised that it was a subject that Willow entertained.

However, he was upset with how easily the redhead acted on her knowledge. It seemed to have given her no real cause for concern. Giles knew the profound impact of Willow's discovery. The fact that she didn't hesitate to use it frightened him. He had seen Willow get enveloped with her magickal powers before. Back then, Willow rationalized her actions as well. He did not want to see the witch go down that slippery slope again. He could imagine Willow contemplating all the good she could do if she just went back in time and stopped evil plots or informed slayers or others of impending doom. Giles knew how strong Willow's desire to do good could be. Her power to affect such total and drastic change gave him serious concern.

But Giles also knew that Willow was not the same person she was when he had chastised her for resurrecting Buffy. Willow had not fallen into the abyss of the dark magicks then; she hadn't gone through the darkest time in her life. Giles understood that, during that time in Sunnydale, Willow didn't know the horrible outcome that could befall her and the ones she loved from her irresponsible use of magick. It would take Tara's death and the desperate months in England that followed to show the redhead the true light. Giles had to believe that Willow was a much wiser and cautious witch now. Though she had used immense power, Giles made himself trust Willow's judgment.

After much struggle, the Brit acknowledged his quick to judgment attitude. "Willow, I spoke too quickly. I do believe that you wouldn't act if you had doubts. It's just that this is such an immense power…"

The witch smiled. "I understand what you're saying, Giles. I know this is 'big…Bigger than the iPhone. And we can talk about it more later, but I brought it up because Sam said she saw me do it. It's her I'm worried about. Her power is just as big…that's what scares me."

Giles let his issues with Willow subside. He now focused on the matter of Samantha's premonitions. "I understand your concern…"

"Concern, hell…We won't let Sam out of our sight…Wil put a barrier spell on her when she went outside to play…just in case."

Giles sat back down on the couch next to Willow. "Ladies, I wouldn't think of making light of this. Your dream, Kennedy, must be taken seriously. We have to accept that Sam is in danger."

Willow spoke. "Why Samantha, Giles?" The witch was back to the rhetorical question of why their sweet little girl was being hunted.

"I dare say, I don't know," replied Giles. "I don't know how the demon world would know she has premonitions. It's possible they don't know. Sam is the daughter to a slayer and a witch…the underworld knows about you and Kennedy. That may be enough."

"Is there any reason for them to believe she would have power?" Kennedy had trouble believing that some demon would go after her daughter on the whim that the child might have some above normal abilities.

Giles rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand. "Actually…there is. I did some investigating after Sam was born…to see if it was…likely…she'd carry any of her mothers' 'special' traits."

Neither Willow nor Kennedy had been told about this by Giles or anyone else. They looked surprised.

Giles quickly resumed. "It wasn't anything official…I was curious more than anything else…Would the daughter of a slayer be a slayer?…Is witchcraft a learned art or is it somehow in the DNA that can be passed down to children?"

Willow realized that Giles had been bitten with the academician's quest for knowledge. The intellectual's inquisitiveness got the better of him.

"What did you find out, Giles," the witch asked. Of all the things Willow had been curious about to the point of researching, whether Samantha would naturally have enhanced powers was not one of them. Anyone who knew the redhead would have thought that very out of character. The witch thrived on acquiring knowledge. However, this involved her daughter. The knowledge gained was not mere facts for conversation. What she would have found out concerned her own flesh and blood. There was nothing that Willow could have discovered about Samantha that would have changed one iota about how much she loved the child. In fact, there were times that Willow wondered if she would treat her daughter differently if she did find something out. The only thing Willow wanted for her child was for her to know she was loved. And that, as far as Willow was concerned, was possible regardless of any potential abilities.

"Well, Willow, I did find evidence that there is a genetic link of sorts to Samantha's activities. Witchcraft can run in families. There are many old tales of the craft being found in mothers and daughters. However, what I am talking about is much more than mothers handing down the traditions of witchcraft to their daughters. I'm not talking about the everyday variety of witchery performed by most who consider themselves a witch. As you know, it is easy to learn a few easy spells, or even several moderate ones. Passing those down to a daughter is like passing down a good pudding recipe. But in those situations, the child does not exhibit any skills absent the schooling. However, there are instances when a daughter, even from a very early age, is able to perform acts delegated to the realm of magick without ever being taught or exposed to it."

Giles further told Willow and Kennedy that the true 'passing down' of the "witch gene", as Giles called it, was not as common as might be believed. "One would think that passing that genetic code would be as easy as passing on eye color." It was not, however, as the Englishman explained, anything like the natural genetic code selection known by scientists and anthologists alike.

"We are dealing with a somewhat unusual phenomenon…The true ability to be as sensitive and open to the potential of the human mind is probably the rarest ability known to Man…that is of, course, next to being a slayer. The chance of having that innate genetic quality incorporated into an offspring is not all that great. We're not dealing with demons here, where these special traits make up what they are. Witches and slayers are mortal even if they aren't exactly 'regular' mortals. There are still the biological reproductive realities that have to be considered."

Giles took off his glasses and turned to Kennedy. "I do believe that it was because of you being Samantha's other parent that she acquired the 'talent' she has." He put the glasses back on. "Many women are so-called witches…that is true…Of those, a smaller number are witches who have their ability not taught to them…but somehow a part of them from birth…like their hair color…Fewer still have genetically passed that onto a child. Even then to varying degrees of success. Legitimate psychic readers may have acquired some enhanced talent. But to have exceptional power, like Samantha's, surfacing spontaneously in a child her age…For that, there has always been a catalyst for the mother witch."

"A catalyst?" questioned Willow.

"Yes. I was able to find an incident when a rather talented witch was forcibly…how shall I say…made to succumb to a half demon…a Frenchman who was half Torchid demon…quite harmless really unless filled up on merlot…actually very adept at playing Bridge for some reason…"

"Umm, Giles?…Getting off focus."

The Englishman turned his attention to the slayer. "Oh, quite right, Kennedy. Please excuse my tangent…As I was saying, the demon type had some unique qualities of its own. The offspring of that incident was a child that had telepathic abilities almost form birth."

"But Giles, Kennedy's no demon and she certainly didn't force me into anything."

"Of course, Willow, but the example is what I was trying to amplify. A similar outcome happened between a woman again believed to be a powerful witch and a man who touted himself a warlock…The point is, it appears that having both biological mortal parents with enhanced qualities increases the chance of their child carrying some of that genetic code."

"So because of me, Sam has premonitions and has some crazy woman after her?" There was a tone of shame in the slayer's voice.

Willow went over and put her arm around Kennedy. She hugged her for support.

Giles added quickly, "Kennedy, no. You didn't cause anything. I said the chance was only increased. You didn't make the outcome a foregone conclusion…but a powerful witch and a powerful slayer made the opportunity enhanced. And quite frankly, I can't imagine not having Samantha in this world. So let me be the first one to thank you for your part in brining that wonderful child into the world."

Those words made Kennedy and Willow feel much better. In the end, the witch and slayer knew that they would have done the exact same to get Samantha, even if they had known the risks involved. Sammie was their child regardless how she came into the world.

"What does all this mean for Sammie, Giles?" Willow needed to know what could be done now.

"My research showed that, in this time of acquired power, the recipient, here Samantha, has the ability from birth. Like other aspects of their being, it gets used. But because this deals with the mind, there is not the control as with other developmental skills. A child learns to walk…she stumbles, falls…isn't very coordinated in the beginning. As the skill is repeated more and more, the more proficient the child gets at it. The action becomes second nature eventually. The same is true with Samantha's premonitions. She probably doesn't know they are happening. She has no control right now. However, as she gets older, she'll come to understand what she can do and learn to harness it."

"But why is someone after her now?"

That question from Kennedy made Giles stop and think. "I wish I knew the answer to that, Kennedy. The Council has received no information that any demon or demon faction has found out about Samantha. We can only assume that a demon has gotten in under the Council's radar. We must assume that Samantha holds some premonition…or might in the future, that is a threat to the demon world."

"How do we stop this, Giles?" Kennedy's question got to the meat of the issue.

Giles stared at the witch and slayer intently. "First thing we must do…is identify this 'female' leader…and that's what I'm here to help you with." Giles said confidently as he straightened his stance.

Willow and Kennedy also stood up as if at attention.

Willow smiled. She was grateful her mentor was on the case with them. "Alrighty then…Lead the way, Giles. We're all yours."

Chapter Seven

Giles watched as Willow's eyes scanned from left to right and then left to right again. Line after line she read, book after book. It made the Englishman think back to the 'glory days,' those years in Sunnydale when it seemed all they ever did was research villains. It wasn't as if the man's momentary lapse covered a lack of effort on his part. Giles too had been absorbed in different treatises and tomes on demons, monsters and other 'things that go bump in the night.'

Examining Willow now, however, brought a certain melancholy nostalgia to his mood. It seemed like only yesterday that the wispy redhead was trying her best to impress him with her thirst for knowledge and eagerness to help. There was a part of the redhead and the others also, especially Buffy, that needed him, not as a father-figure but as a guiding light. Looking at Willow and then around to see the home she and Kennedy had built, Giles knew he was no longer the necessary authority figure. The Scoobies had not only grown up but they had moved on with their lives. They could handle whatever life threw at them. And though they still called and needed the Brit, it was not because they weren't strong enough on their own. Now he was needed because he was the 'Boss', the man in charge of the organization for which they 'worked.'

Giles feelings however were not of sadness. Though he felt a twinge of loss, that feeling was overpowered by the pride he had for what Willow and the others had become. Giles knew he played a part in the person that the redhead had become, just like he had helped to mold Buffy as a slayer and adult. Even Xander was better for having known Giles.

One trait about Willow that Giles knew was as etched in her personality as her DNA was the intensity she gave to her research. She was as engrossed in her reading now as she had ever been back in Sunnydale. The Englishman was truly astonished at how much Willow loved to learn and absorb. What gave him greater pleasure was that the redhead was as comfortable in front of a book as she was her laptop. Despite his growing adeptness at computers and other like technological advances, Giles was still a book man at heart. That Willow could ease herself flawlessly between the two impressed him.

The research the Brit and witch were doing now was the continuation of similar inquiries that had been ongoing for two days. After Willow and Kennedy told Giles of the nature of their problem, the three of them started to investigate immediately. Soon enough though, Kennedy had to go patrolling with Lee and the heavy work was left to the long time Scooby members. Giles and Willow plotted out their plan of attack, the subjects to review, the methods to whittle down the scope of their search. The two worked together like they had been doing it for years. They talked to Samantha when they needed to refresh themselves of her experience, hoping to catch some new insight. Giles had forwarded a decent size arsenal of books to help them in their quest. The several boxes had been delivered by courier just after he arrived.

As they researched, Giles was again impressed by Willow's ability to perform her tasks at hand, that being trying to discover the 'monster' Samantha saw in her dream, and tending to the child. For sure, he knew Willow's level of anxiety wasn't as high as it could be due to her placing a barrier spell around the house. The witch felt safe allowing Sammie some freedom to move inside the house without fear of being attacked or kidnapped. Still, the Englishman was amazed at how Willow kept her child happy and absorbed with other activities while they tried to solve the monster puzzle. There was a part of Giles that understood that Samantha was an extraordinarily compliant child. He saw how the little girl did as her mother asked in order to gain praise from her. It worked. As much as Sam looked like Kennedy, Giles could see Willow shining through in the girl's wonderful personality.

"Oh, oh, oh…"

The noise brought Giles out of his thoughts. He turned to look at Willow who was wiggling her fingers as she read a passage in a book.

"Did you find something, Willow?" Each word filled with hope.

Willow kept moving her fingers as her lips moved to the words she read to herself. "Ahhhh…" Her eyebrows rose. "There is a…" Then her brows dropped as did her shoulders. "Phooey…Forget it…My bad…This guy sounded like he did dream invasions. Just some wacko though. He's a psychiatrist who hypnotizes people to go to him so he can bill insurance companies." Willow frowned and checked the cover of the book. "Is this a demon book or did I pick up a copy of Cosmo?"

The witch closed her eyes for a second and then opened them. She rolled her head from side to side and stretched her arms. "Sam?" she said as she looked around.

"Right here, Mommy." The child was doing a puzzle in front of the TV.

"Ok, Sammie. Just checking."

The witch looked at Giles with a defeated expression. They'd been working for two full days with no concrete results to show for it.

Giles didn't have to be told what that look meant to convey. He was as frustrated as Willow. But he knew they'd only really just begun researching. He remembered times when he'd researched for weeks before getting the first bit of helpful news.

"Don't fret, Willow. We'll get the answer. Perseverance, my dear, that's the name of the game."

Willow tilted her head slightly and gave a small smile. "I know. But I also know I can't keep that barrier spell going forever. Sammie's safe now, but…" Willow didn't finish her sentence.

Giles put down the book in his hands. He leaned forward in his chair. Wiping his forehead with the side of his hand, "Nothing is going to happen to Samantha, Willow. You must believe that. We will find out who's doing this…We've been through this before. You know it takes time."

"I know you're right, Giles. But this is about Sammie…Every time I think someone is out there watching her or planning on doing something to her…I get so…angry…" Willow's tone was becoming sharper. She hesitated to get herself level again. "I have to keep myself from going down that path…thinking about it, you know."

With an understanding nod, "Yes, Willow. I know. She's your daughter. You'd do anything to protect her."

"And I have to keep Kennedy from wanting to dust every demon she comes into contact with…She is so furious…You know how she can get when things don't go as fast as she wants…She's a bomb ready to explode."

Giles had noticed how on edge Kennedy was since his arrival. Slayers were bad enough when it came to wanting to correct injustice. But this was a slayer dealing with possible foul play directed to her own child. On top of all else, the slayer was Kennedy Prescott. Giles had seen firsthand the explosive nature of the Prescott personality.

"I'd like to say I could help you with Kennedy, Willow. But, unfortunately, I dare say she was never one to heed anyone's advice except yours. Your wife is quite the headstrong slayer."

Willow chuckled. "That was such a good use of your British diplomacy. I know she can be pigheaded. But this time, I'm kinda there with her."

Giles inhaled deeply and let the breath out slowly. "We don't even know who our perpetrator is and I almost feel sorry for her. She has to confront you and Kennedy…a very formidable pair if I do say so myself."

The redhead smiled with the recognition. "We can be bad asses when we want to be." She put the book she'd been reading back in her lap and starting perusing it again.

Giles cringed. "Ah, so eloquently put in the American vernacular."

Giles once again found himself studying Willow. This time his thoughts were on the emergence of the woman in front of him now. She no longer was the shy bookworm. She had matured in body, mind and soul. The woman before him now was more self-assured, self-reliant and…contented. That realization hit Giles. Willow was truly happy in her life. Despite the danger and anxiety she had right now, the witch was still completely engaged in her existence.

The Englishman knew that Willow's state was due in no small part to Kennedy. Honestly, he didn't think they would last when he first learned of their 'romance' in Sunnydale. He saw Kennedy as too pushy, too forward and too bold for Willow. He understood the attraction, though. Kennedy was striking and made Willow feel wanted during a time when the witch thought of herself as unworthy of life itself. Giles thought they would share nothing more than a fling, Kennedy being the rebound girl for Willow and Willow just another 'notch' for Kennedy.

But then came the incident with the Trudeiro after the last battle. He saw how deeply in love Kennedy was with Willow. He remembered how easily the new slayer had been willing to die for the redhead. His perception of Kennedy changed at that moment and forever thereafter. Much to his surprise, he later learned that Willow felt the same for the brash slayer. The fact that Kennedy didn't die and she and Willow were able to be together made the ex-watcher happier than at almost any other time in his life.

Since that time, Giles had seen the two women progress in their life together. He saw their love deepen and their bond strengthen. The birth of Samantha had cemented their destinies together. Each bolstered the other's weaknesses and softened their less attractive qualities. Though he didn't know all the particularities of their relationship, and frankly didn't care to know, Giles knew a solid team when he saw one. And Willow and Kennedy were certainly that.

"Excuse me. I'll be back in a few minutes." Giles had been researching for quite some time and couldn't put off going to the bathroom any longer. He walked down the hall and into the downstairs bathroom.

After he was done, Giles opened the bathroom door and started out. When he got completely into the hallway, he noticed Samantha standing at the end of the hall. She seemed to be looking at the wall, as if daydreaming or in a daze.

As he looked, Giles saw what seemed to be a shadow in front of the girl. It wasn't like the child's shadow, but instead a small opaque-ish blur. It was no bigger than Samantha's head and it wasn't stationary. It seemed to hover in front of her.

Giles stared for a few more seconds then blinked his eyes. It was gone.

The Englishman hurried to Sammie, who remained standing at the end of the hallway. When he reached her, the girl turned to look at him.

"Samantha? Are you alright, child?"

Confused and scared eyes stared back. "It's back," she said quietly.

"What is, Samantha?"

"The monster."

Giles picked up Samantha and they went back to the living room.

Willow smiled when she saw them. "Hah, Giles. She's got you being her taxi, now." Willow's smile left when she saw the serious look on the Brit's face. "What's wrong?"

Sammie struggled out of Giles embrace and went to her mother. "Monster's back."

"What!" Willow said loudly.

Giles walked over beside the child, knelt down and put a hand on the top of her head. "Samantha's not seeing monsters in her dreams…I saw something, too."

"You saw something?…Here?…Now?…In the house?…There's something in the house now…and it's after Sam?" Willow hugged her child tight.

Giles took his hand off Samantha's head and stood up. "Willow, I saw something…but it wasn't after Samantha. I don't think it could…What I saw was more of a…shadow…a disturbance in the air."

"Gee, Giles, that makes me feel so much better." The sarcasm was obvious. "There's some 'thing' in my house. You think it makes a difference if it's a disturbance? I'm pretty disturbed myself right now. How did it get past my barrier?"

"Please, we need to try to calm down enough so we can analyze what happened and what I saw."

"You stay calm all you like. All I know is that my barrier wasn't enough to keep whatever it was that you saw out…That means this house is not safe for Sammie." Willow got up, still holding onto to her daughter. "I've gotta call Kennedy."

Giles put up his hand. "Willow, wait one moment, please. What I saw…somehow is…familiar…like I should know what it is."

Willow stopped and waited for Giles to continue.

"That shadow…It wasn't trying to harm Samantha…It was just there…for a few seconds that I saw…just…observing."

"That's totally creepy…Not doing a good job of winning me over to the 'don't freak out' category."

Giles glanced at her and shook his head. "I know it sounds absurd…but I am certain that I've come across that thing before somewhere."

"How, Giles? Did you see one? Recently? A long time ago? Did you read about it?"

"I…I…hmmph." Giles was visibly frustrated.

Willow turned to walk to the phone. "It's all well and good that you think you know what that thing was…but my witchy senses say to call my slayer."

Before the redhead could take one step, Giles yelled out, "That's it!"

Willow stopped and looked at the man. He nodded.

"Yes, yes. That's it, exactly…occhi dell'ombra…shadow eyes."

Willow was stumped. "Gonna share the knowledge, Giles?"

"Oh, Willow, right. Quite sorry. I'm almost surprised you don't know what I'm talking about. What was near Samantha was a remote observation facilitator. A cosmic set of eyes, if you will."

"I'm not sure I understand you."

"Well, you can portal your mind to other places and connect. This shadow is somewhat like that. It was sent here to merely observe…It is much like a camera. It can't do anything but take a snapshot."

"How did it get past the barrier?"

"I suspect it's been here since before you did the spell. These shadows exist but stay in hibernation, for lack of a better way to describe it, until they are 'activated.' There has to be someone some other place who decides when to make the shadow look…pushing the button on a camera, if you will."

"You mean Sammie has a Peeping Tom?" That didn't necessarily make Willow feel any better.

"There is someone who, for whatever reason, wants to keep an eye on Samantha. It could be for any number of reasons."

"This doesn't make me feel any better, Giles. It's still in the house and it's peeping at Sam. Just because it can't hurt her doesn't mean whoever sent it here won't. How do we get rid of it?"

Giles thought for a moment. "Look in your Prosteria Encyclopedia…That's how I know about this…You reminded me when you mentioned your witchy senses."

Willow was again confused. "Prosteria?…That's a witchcraft book. Why would I look there?"

"Willow, I said I was surprised you didn't know what I was talking about because of whom primarily conjures up these 'occhi dell'ombras.'" Giles saw the blank look on the woman's face. "Witches, Willow…These shadows are used by witches."

"Witches?…I've never read…"

"You can't possibly know everything about witchcraft, Willow. But I'm sure of this. I read about them years ago. They were somewhat prevalent in the States in the early twentieth century."

Willow let Giles' information sink in. She stood there with Sammie in her arms.

After a few moments, she looked directly at Giles. He knew what she had just figured out.

"Giles, that means…"

Taking off his glasses, Giles finished the sentence for her. "…The person who sent the shadow…the person who is after Samantha…is a witch."

Willow held her breath for a moment. "Oh crap. Now I really have to call Kennedy."

Chapter Eight

"You have got to be frickin' kidding me. A witch?…after Sammie?" Kennedy thought the last thing she'd ever have to worry about was witches.

After Giles told Willow the origin of the shadow that had come to Samantha, the redhead immediately called her wife. Kennedy had been out doing reconnaissance and came home as soon as Willow asked. Giles and Willow explained the 'shadow' to Kennedy.

"How long has that damn thing been here? How'd it get through Wil's barrier? How many times has that thing spied on Sam?" The slayer had many more questions she wanted answered but decided to start with those.

"Kennedy, the shadow had to have been sent before Willow's spell. It doesn't have the inert energy to breach a spell like that. We don't know how long before the spell it's been here, but obviously at least since Samantha thought she saw it in her dream."

Kennedy looked at Giles confused. "What do you mean Sam thought she saw it in a dream?"

Willow took over for Giles. "Baby, this shadow is just that…kind of like an exterior camera that takes snapshots for whoever sent it here. It can't get into a dream or even a person's mind. We think Sam was probably waking up and saw it and assumed it was part of a dream."

"So this thing was in her room?" Willow's answer didn't make Kennedy feel any better.

"It may be floating around," Giles said. "We know it's not in a fixed place. So, it's likely that whoever sent it has it on a magickal tether, sort of speak, to keep it around Samantha. Because she's the only to have experienced it, and along with your slayer dream, we are as certain as we can be that the shadow was sent to get information on Samantha."

"So now you're telling me that it was sent by a witch? Who would want to do that? We don't know anybody who'd do something like this." Kennedy turned to Willow. "Wil, none of the witches you know would do this…Would they?"

Willow shook her head. "Of course not. But they're not the only witches we've ever come across. We've had our share of wicked witches of the west." That comment made both women remember the episode with the evil Camilla Horn.

"Great. Some witch who feels slighted because of something we did now's decided to come after our daughter? For what?" Kennedy was becoming more frustrated by the second.

Giles saw the anxiousness rise in the slayer's tone. "Kennedy, there are many questions we still need to answer. We must first concentrate on finding out who sent the shadow. The shadow itself is harmless…despite the affect it has all of us just by it being here. However, whoever is doing this is being very cautious. Samantha has only seen the thing twice. I would say that it probably has only been 'activated' that many times. If we can 'catch' it in the act again, we might be able to gather information useful to determine who sent this. Then we can work on finding out why."

"So we just have to sit around and wait for this thing to go after Sammie again?" That didn't sit well with the slayer whose usual plan was proactive involvement.

"No, Kenn, Giles and I will go through everything that we've done involving witches to see if we can figure out who's doing this. You need to keep talking to your snitches and maybe you'll get some info that way."

The three Scoobies kept discussing their plan. The more they talked the more Kennedy got behind the course of action. She knew that Willow and Giles would do as much as they could, just like her, to find out who was spying on their daughter.

They were in the middle of their discussions when the phone rang. Willow was closest to the phone and answered it. After saying "Hello" she listened for a bit and then, "Hey, Emma. Yeah, Kenn's right here." She handed the phone to the slayer.

A talk with her sister was the last thing on Kennedy's mind. As much as she loved Emma, the slayer's thoughts were pre-occupied with Samantha and finding the witch who was terrorizing her.

"Hey Em, what's up?"

Kennedy then remained silent for some time. It was a fact that Emma Prescott loved to talk on the phone. During most of the telephone conversations she had with her sister or Willow, Emma hardly took time to breath. The witch and slayer were lucky to get a word in edge-wise. This time was no different. However, during the call, Kennedy's expression changed. Finally, the slayer interrupted her sister.

"Emma, now is not a good time for you to drop by." Kennedy tried to talk some more but was obviously out muscled by her sister's gift of gab. The slayer got out a few more "No, really, now's not a good time" and "You should've called first." In the end, Kennedy said "Fine" and hung up the phone in aggravation.

The slayer shook her head as she looked at Giles and Willow. "Emma's coming for a visit. She was visiting a friend in Boston. She rented a car and said she's only about twenty minutes away…She wanted it to be a surprise." The last part was said sarcastically. "You know, she is as stubborn as my Dad. When he gets his mind set on a deal, there's no stopping him…Emma's just like that…like nothing else matters…no matter what I say."

"What are we going to do, Kenn?" Willow stated. "We can't have Emma in the middle of this. We don't know how much danger Samantha's in…and we can't afford to have to keep an eye on both of them."

"I know, I know. I'll make her understand she can't stay this time. That kid is such a brat sometimes…Her way or no way."

Giles glanced at Willow and half smiled. Willow did the same.

"Wow, look at that fruit out there," Willow teasingly remarked.

Kennedy saw Willow motion out the window. She followed the witch's line of sight. "What fruit?" Kennedy saw nothing.

Sarcastically, "The fruit that didn't fall far from the tree…You Prescott's are all alike."

The joke was not lost on the slayer. "Hey, I was never 'that' bad…" Mumbling, "Not really."

Emma arrived and instantly took to saying hello to everyone and bringing all up to speed on the recent events in her life. The girl had just entered college, Syracuse to be exact. Being almost a decade younger than Kennedy, Emma didn't contemplate that her big sister's collegiate experience could have been anything like hers. She played with Samantha as she told Willow, Kennedy and Giles about the "totally boring" classes she was forced to take and the "infantile" attitudes of the freshman boys in her classes. "The only thing saving me from completely going insane is living off campus." Being a Prescott, Emma didn't have to worry about sharing a room or living in a dorm setting. Jackson Prescott had acquired a very upscale apartment for her to share with one of his business associate's daughter. Though Jackson Prescott wanted his daughter to have the "college experience," that didn't include co-mingling with those he thought beneath the stature of his youngest child.

As Emma talked, Kennedy formulated her plan to make her sister go home. It's not that she didn't enjoy having her little sister visit. In fact, Kennedy rather liked the visits that Emma made to their house. They weren't often, but when she did come, they all had a good time. Kennedy was pleased that her father actually had no issues with allowing Emma to spend vacation time with Kennedy and the rest. The slayer was more surprised that Jackson's wife, Julia, didn't put an end to the visits.

This visit was different, however. There was evil afoot and Kennedy didn't know who it was or how big the danger was. There was no way that she was going to let her only little sister walk into the middle of a situation that could potentially be life-threatening.

When she saw Giles start to glisten over from the non-stop barrage of Emma's conversation, Kennedy knew it was time to initiate her plan for Emma.

Interrupting her sister, "Hey, Emma, I'm sure Giles would love to keep hearing about the despicable level of professionalism of your professors, but how's about we give him a break? Come on, I want to show you the new clothes I got."

That was enough to make Emma stop. What weapons were to Kennedy, clothes were to Emma. The girl stood up quickly. "Sorry, Giles. Looks like you'll have to wait til later to find out about my Statistics Professor…I'm convinced the man is a sex pervert." With that, Kennedy rolled her eyes and walked past her sister, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her to follow.

As soon as they were out of the room, "My goodness, Willow. I've only met Emma twice before…and they were some time ago, but I don't remember her being soooo……"

"Talkative?…Mouthy?…Ear-numbing?" Willow finished.


"Yeah. She gets worse the older she gets. In a year or so, she'll probably not ever stop talking."

Willow talked about Emma in a loving way. She truly did like Kennedy's sister. The girl reminded her of Dawn in many ways. Surely, Emma had that rich person's attitude. In fact, in that regard, she was unlike Kennedy. When Willow first met Kennedy, she, nor anyone else at Buffy's house, knew that the brunette came from money, old money. The same could not be said of Emma. She wore expensive clothes, expensive jewelry and drove very expensive cars. She flaunted her wealth in a way Kennedy never did. Willow took that as being due to Kennedy's time with her watcher who installed a small sense of modesty in that regard.

Though she didn't hide her wealth, Emma was not cruel or pretentious about her station in life. Probably because she had a gay sister, Emma did evolve with a 'live and let live' attitude. She was not as religious as her mother and not as concerned with the 'old fashion' values of her father. Emma was of the 'new rich' where what one did behind closed doors mattered far less than what clothes one wore and what parties one attended. Because of Emma's general kind nature, Willow was able to overlook her overly stressed attachment to the material world.

While Kennedy talked with Emma, Willow and Giles started to discuss the possible witches that could be their foe. It didn't take much time for Willow to key in on the recent event with Miguel.

"The last real involvement with a mystical person was when I figured out Miguel's malaria was from a curse. Miguel and Faith thought it had to be one of a few shaman' in the Amazon area. We thought they were all guys, but it turned out one of them was a female shaman. I didn't think about it much at the time because I was concentrating on getting rid of the curse. To me it didn't matter who did the spell."

"Well, Willow, that certainly does make for a very good starting point. It may be that this person found out you lifted the curse and has a vendetta against you. It could be that she's getting back at you through Samantha."

Giles made a few calls to get more information from the Brazilian contingency of the Watcher's Council. Willow also called Faith and asked her about Miguel's antagonist. It wasn't too much longer that Faith called Willow back and told her the bad news. "Found out that shaman died several months back…seems she couldn't cure her own ovarian cancer…Sorry Red."

After getting the disappointing information, Willow felt dejected knowing they were back to square one. Then Giles told Willow of another avenue they could try.

"We could see if Samantha can 'see' any events involving this person. Maybe she can see when the shadow will come back next."

Willow knew Giles meant that they should try to prompt Sam into having a premonition. As much as the witch didn't like the idea of interfering with the natural progression of her daughter's powers, this reason had much merit. The redhead agreed, and she Giles and Samantha spent the next hour delving into the child's 'special' abilities.

As it turned out, Samantha did not have any premonitions about her and the shadow. In fact, the girl was unable to give any information that concerned her own future events. Giles theorized that Sammie's power could not be used to foretell her own destiny. The 'pictures' she saw were always of someone else's future.

The time spent was not a loss, though. Sammie saw the serious mood of her Mommy and 'Uncle Giles.' She knew that they desperately wanted her to give them some information on the person who had sent the shadow. The child tried to make herself see the future, to no avail. But then, out of the blue, Samantha did get a premonition.

"Momma's really mad at the lady…so are you," the girl said to Willow.

"Do you see who Momma and me are mad at?"

"Uh huh."

"Do you know her?"


"What does she look like?…Is she old?…What color hair?" Willow stopped when she saw her daughter getting overwhelmed. "It's ok, Sam. Take your time."

Samantha thought for a moment. "She's pretty…but not as pretty as you or Momma."

This was a start. "Samantha," Gils continued. "Is she young like your mothers?"

A nod.

"Have you seen her before?"

A shake of the head. Then, "But she knows Momma and Mommy."

Willow was stunned. "She's someone we know?"

As Willow and Giles were deciphering Samantha's powers, Kennedy and Emma had made it to the back yard and were having a sister to sister talk as they sat in Samantha's swings.

"Em, you know we like having you visit. It's just that this isn't a good time right now."

"Why not? Giles is here. It can't be that big a deal. It's ok for him to be here but not your own sister? Is this because we're only half sisters? Wait'll Dad hears about this."

"Emily, that's not it at all. Giles is here because he's helping Wil and me with something…The something that means you shouldn't be here."

Emma waited for a few seconds. "Are you and Willow having problems? Is Giles like counseling you? Are you and Willow splitting up?"

Kennedy put up her hands. "Whoa. Hold on a second. Where did that come from? Willow and I are not having problems. We're fine and Giles is no counselor. What made you think we were having problems?"

"Please, Kennedy. I grew up with you. I know how much of a pain you can be."

Kennedy whacked her sister's arm. "Excuse me, but you were so much more the spoiled brat than me…Besides what makes you think if we had problems it would be my fault?"

"You're the one who says how wonderful and sweet Willow is. Even Mom says that Willow is a very nice person."

Kennedy smiled at the news. "Julia said that?" She never knew her step mother had such a high opinion of her wife.

"Yes…and Dad, too. So, you see, if something happens between you two, you've painted yourself in the corner…It has to be your fault."

Kennedy realized that they were getting off topic. She also wasn't so comfortable thinking that she had bragged about Willow so much that her family was starting to see the witch as the saint of the family.

"I really didn't come out here in the cold to talk to you about me and Wil. I am trying to tell you that this is not the time for you to stay and visit. I wish that you could…I really do."

"Why not? You should just tell me the reason. I am nineteen. I am big enough to handle the truth."

Kennedy chuckled. 'You have no idea what the truth is,' she said to herself. She knew she had to give some explanation. "Emma, it might not be too safe to stay here. Don't get all freaked out or go tell Dad or Julia…It's just that…this is not the safest place to be…and I don't want to take the chance of you getting hurt…Ok?"

Emma's eyes widened. "What is going on?…Are drug dealers after you?…The Mob?…Did you lose money on the horses and now some guy wants to break your knee caps?"

Kennedy gawked at her sister. "Where the hell do you get those ideas?…Are you demented or what? It's none of those things?" Kennedy knew that she could have told her sister the real reason she needed to leave. But never having broached the subject of her slayer status, merely saying the truth had far reaching implications.

"Well, what am I supposed to believe when you're all secrety and mums the word. Just tell me Kennedy. It's not like you're some secret agent sworn to secrecy."

Kennedy stared at Emma. She didn't see a kid sister any longer. Emma was a young woman who wanted to know the truth about the danger her sister was in. The more she thought, the more Kennedy realized that the time had come to lay her cards on the table with Emma. She took in a long breath and let it out slowly.

"Ok, you wanna know? You're not gonna believe me."

"Try me. I'm not the innocent kid you think I am."

That remark caught Kennedy's attention. 'What's she mean by not innocent?' she thought. The reality behind that statement was not something the slayer wanted to interrogate her sister about. That would be another conversation. For now, it was the slayer's past and present reality that had to be made known.

"Come with me," Kennedy told Emma as she got off the swing. The slayer walked to the garage; Emma followed. Inside Kennedy got next to her BMW. "Watch," she said plainly.

Kennedy proceeded to lift the vehicle off two wheels and almost onto its side. She put it down just as gently. She then grabbed a knife on the workbench and made a decent sized cut on her forearm. She and Emma watched as the wound began to heal within minutes.

Kennedy looked directly at Emma. "I can hear things no one else can. I can run faster than any person…and I can do a lot of other things…I'm a slayer, Emma. I kill vampires and other demons and fight against the forces of evil. All those horror stories that you thought were just that…stories…are real. Those creatures are real and I fight them so that normal people don't die."

The slayer waited for a reaction from her sister. Emma just stared at her big sister. Then…

"I KNEW IT! I knew it! Dad told me I was just making things up in my head…but I knew you were some kind of super power chick."

Kennedy was floored. "What? How did you know?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Like I said, I lived with you for a long time. Geez, did you think I didn't notice Sinclair around all the time? And I used to sneak in your room and find all these weird weapons. At first, I thought you were a freak, but then I heard you talking to Sinclair one night. He brought you back from some supposed school track meet. I knew that was a lie. He kept saying stuff about your destiny…I can't remember it all now. But it made me think that you were always with him so you could get ready to do some super duper job. Like the CIA maybe. Plus, when I've visited here…you and Willow have some strange books…and no way could you have a night job…That is so not your rep."

Kennedy couldn't understand the calmness with which Emma was taking the news. "Why aren't you freaked out? Why aren't you saying it's all made-up?"

Emma laughed. "I'm not Mom, Kennedy. I've had the feeling something was up for a long time. I even asked Dad but he told me I was just talking nonsense. But you are different. You always were as long as I can remember…I believe in ghosts…course I've never seen one myself. It's pretty rad that my own sister is part of that stuff."

Kennedy leaned against the bench. She was astounded at the ease with which Emma took the news. At that moment, she wondered why she had waited so long to tell her. Then she had a thought.

"What about Julia?"

Emma raised her eyebrows. "Now you're talking fantasy land. Mom is not ready for this. I love her, bu-u-u-t…she is not real good with open-mindedness. She's going to take more time. Maybe someday you'll have to save her from a vampire. That should make it easier."

Kennedy cringed. "Don't even joke about that." She gave a big sigh. "Guess I worried for nothing with you. But now you know that I'm asking you to leave for your own safety."

That brought Emma back to the reason they started talking in the first place. "So what is the big danger?"

Kennedy then told Emma that someone was after Samantha and that she, Willow and Giles were trying to discover who and how to stop her. As part of the discussion, Emma learned that Willow was a witch, and Samantha really was her and Willow's child. To all that information Emma responded, "Excellent!" She was also briefly told about Sam's special ability.

"So you see, Em, it's not that we don't want you here. We don't know how bad this witch is that's been trailing Sammie. We've got to concentrate on that and I don…" Samantha didn't let her finish.

"It's ok, Kenn. You don't need to explain anymore. I'd love to help if you want me too. Give me the chance to see a real demon maybe. But, I don't want anything to happen to Sammie either. If that means I've got to get scarce that's ok with me. I can leave right now if you want?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not letting you leave now…It's too late. We should be able to get through one night without a major incident. Besides, Sam loves having you here. Stay tonight and we'll figure out what to do in the morning."

"Does Dad know?"

Kennedy stood up. "No. I haven't told him. We're still trying to find out who's doing this. Besides, there's nothing he can do. Money won't fix this. And please don't say anything. I don't need a hassle from him at the moment."

"I won't say a thing."

It was settled and the Prescott women went back into the house.

As they walked into the living room where Willow, Giles and Samantha were, Willow motioned to Kennedy. The slayer knew the gesture was meant for her to give Willow an indication of how her talk went.

Kennedy shrugged her shoulders. "She knows…No big deal. She's gonna sleep in Sammie's room tonight." Looking at Samantha, "You get to sleep with me and Mommy tonight."

Samantha let out a happy squeal.

Giles took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "This is becoming a most informative evening."

Chapter Nine

"I can't believe she never said anything to you."

"Tell me about it. This is the same sister who asked me a thousand questions about being gay and also the same sister who squealed to my dad when she found a bottle of vodka in my room."

Willow and Kennedy were in their bathroom preparing to go to bed. After the slayer and her sister came back into the house, activities turned to a more 'normal' nature. Emma played with Samantha and then they all sat down for supper. After that, everyone, except for Giles, had 'family time.' Even though Emma would be leaving in the morning, Kennedy and Willow still wanted to have fun while she was there. Giles spent his time continuing his research. Eventually, it was Samantha's bedtime. After watching TV and further discussions about the life of a slayer and witch to Emma, it finally got late enough for even the grown-ups to go to bed. There was much work to be done the next morning.

Kennedy and Willow were quietly discussing Emma while Sam slept soundly in their bed.

"I forget she's not ten anymore. She's pretty sharp…even if she is still a pain in the butt." As sarcastically as she tried to say it, there was an obvious tone of pride in Kennedy's voice.

"She had a good role model," Willow added.

Kennedy wasn't sure if that was meant to be as a compliment or a jab. "Which part are you referring to?"

Willow smiled. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Kennedy gave Willow a mocking grimace. She leaned over and started to tickle the witch. "Oh, I'll get it out of you."

Willow laughed and wiggled away from Kennedy. "Stop it," she whispered, still laughing. "You'll make me wake up Sam."

Kennedy then embraced Willow and gave her a kiss. "Is that better?" she said devilishly. The slayer then kissed her wife again; this time more passionately.

When done, the couple stared in each other's eyes. There was that 'look' on the slayer's face. It had several days since their last intimate encounter. Kennedy's recent frustrations with the speed at which they were developing information added to her general state of unused energy. Kennedy slightly raised an eyebrow and a smile slid across half her lips. She slid her hand over Willow's breast; the palm of her hand gently touching the cloth of the witch's night shirt. When she saw an approving smile from her redhead, Kennedy leaned in and pressed her body against Willow. The bronzed hand left the breast and slowly followed the contour of the redhead's side and across to the small of her back. It ended at the hem of Willow's pajama bottoms. Fingers played with the waistband and pushed slightly underneath.

The door to the bathroom was slightly ajar, just enough to allow the women hear if their daughter awoke but not enough to let any real light or soft sounds into the bedroom. Willow knew her slayer wanted more; as did she. She wanted to take just a few moments out of their otherwise complicated and frightening life to indulge their need to connect. Plainly put, it would aid them in settling their nerves. It wouldn't be romantic or done with the intensity the couple often performed. But it would be a few precious minutes of just them, calming their fears via the flesh.

Willow leaned in and lightly kissed the slayer's neck. Kennedy understood Willow's answer and instantly reacted by kissing the witch's neck in turn as her hand traveled and caressed the witch's backside. Without much delay, the hand hastily started to make it way around Willow's hip. Willow knew where Kennedy was planning to go and what she had in mind once she got there. The witch put one hand behind her on the bathroom countertop. Her other hand wrapped around the slayer's neck to allow better access. Willow was already feeling the effects of her wife's actions.

Then Samantha rustled in the bed…

Kennedy and Willow became statues, completely motionless.

…Another sound of their daughter moving around on the bed along with soft mumbling.

The couple could literally feel the passion flow out of their bodies. Their tense anticipation ended. Kennedy removed her hand and Willow stood up, arms by her side. The witch and slayer touched foreheads and shrugged their shoulders.

Softly, "It was a good idea."

Kennedy smiled at her wife's attempt to lighten the disappointment. "Rain check?"

"Most definitely."

The women turned and left the bathroom. Willow shut off the bathroom light. They got into bed. Willow had to move Samantha over from her position in the middle. Kennedy spooned behind Willow; Sammie was sleeping on the left side of the bed. Within seconds, Sam shuffled around and put an elbow in Willow's face. The witch moved it gently and thought 'It's gonna be a long night.'

"Are you sure this'll work, Giles? Nothing's happened yet?"

"Be patient, Willow. It will work."

It was late the next morning and Giles and Willow were looking at Samantha who was watching television. Kennedy and her sister were also in the living room with Sammie. Emma was getting ready to leave to go back to visit her friend in Boston. All were waiting for the shadow to return. Earlier that morning, Giles had told Willow about a way to know when the shadow returned. It was an enchantment that would produce a sound, like the ringing of a bell, when the shadow was activated. He told Willow how it was done and deciding Samantha would be in no harm, Willow agreed to perform it on her daughter. The spell had been on for several hours and the redhead was getting anxious for it to prove worthwhile.

"How long are we going to have to wait?" Willow was uncharacteristically impatient.

"We have no idea how long we will wait. The first shadow you said appeared sometime before six in the morning. The one yesterday happened after four in the afternoon. There's been no pattern."

"So it might never do it again?" Willow asked hopefully.

"Possibly..but unlikely. If we want to catch this witch, we need the shadow again."

Giles had planned to freeze the shadow once it returned. He wasn't positive it would work, but he had read a few articles that seemed to infer it was possible. When the shadow reactivated, Giles was going to throw a powder on it. Not just any powder, this material was made from a few ingredients that Willow had on hand and one Giles had gone out and gotten that morning. Giles was impressed with the array of magickal compounds that Willow kept in her house. She almost had her own little magick shop right in her own cupboards.

As it turned out, Willow's wait didn't take much longer. At 11:46am, a chirping began. That was the signal. The noise startled everyone and they all immediately looked at Samantha. To everyone's amazement, the shadow was there, hovering in front of the child's head.

Giles quickly went over to it and threw the powder. It draped the shadow. Giles then took a small camera he had in his hand and took several pictures. He also took a glass tube from his pocket and scooped up some of the frozen, powdered draped shadow. He placed a cork on the top of the tube. Within seconds of his actions, the shadow disappeared and the powder fell to the floor.

"Holy shit! Did you see that?" Emma exclaimed.

Kennedy looked at her sister. "Now you really believe, don't you?"

Emma was shocked. She talked so excitedly that she stuttered. "I c-can't believe it. I mean…I…I…didn't doubt you b-be-fore…but…Wow!…That was…Wow!"

Kennedy went over to her sister. "Takes a little getting used to. Now you see what we're getting into. I think this would be a good time for you to go see your friend Nancy. Are you going to be able to drive?"

Emma looked at Kennedy wide-eyed. "Are you kidding? This is fan-frickin-tastic! This is so better than anything that's ever happened. Wait til I tell Nancy."

"No!" Kennedy shouted. "You cannot tell anyone. Anyone. Do you understand? We don't let people know about us…That's part of the deal. Ok?"

Emma was obviously disappointed. However, after a few seconds of thinking about what Kennedy said, she knew she had to keep what she saw a secret. "Fine. I get it. I won't say a word. Not even to Dad. But you have to call me and keep me up to date." Now that she was 'in the know' Emma wanted to be informed.

"Of course we will,' Willow said.

"Ok. I'll go then. But I hope you realize how unfair it is that I won't be able to say anything. Nancy dates a movie exec and she's always bragging about how she knows the inside scoop about Hollywood stuff. This would blow her gossip crap out of the water."

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, I appreciate the sacrifice you're making for Samantha's welfare."

Soon after that, Emma was on her way to her friend's house. Kennedy knew how much Emma would want to 'show-up' her friend with this revelation. The slayer was just as certain that her half sister would keep her word. Such was the way of a Prescott.

After Emma's departure, Giles, Willow and Kennedy got back to work. The whole time, Samantha stayed by her mothers and played with her dolls or colored. Giles performed several tests on the material in the tube to see if there was any clue to the shadow's owner.

As he worked, Willow took notes. She noted the time of the shadow's return.

"That's funny," she said. "The time has the same last four numbers of my old phone number when I was growing up…What a coincidence."

"You mean in Sunnydale?" Kennedy asked.

"Yeah. It was 417-1146."

Giles stopped what he was doing. "What did you say, Willow?"

"I was telling Kennedy my phone number growing up…" Giles interrupted.

"Yes, yes. But what was the number?"


The Englishman thought for a moment. "And the area code was 559."

Willow nodded. "Yup." Then she saw Giles' expression change. "What is it, Giles?"

"You said Samantha saw the shadow the first time, early in the morning…before six, right?"

"Yes," Willow responded slowly, trying to see where Giles was going with this.

"That's it, then. That has to be the pattern," Giles stated.

"What?" Kennedy chimed in.

Giles turned to Willow. "You'll have to confirm it…but I'm certain we've been getting clues to the identity of our witch. It's been given to us as your phone number from Sunnydale. I am certain if you do a memory search on that night Samantha saw the shadow, the time will be 5:59 am. I know I saw the shadow about 4:15 and if you check my memory, I'm sure it will be actually 4:17."

Willow was stunned. "Why would anyone use my old phone number…from Sunnydale. That place has been gone for years. I've been gone from there for years."

Suddenly, Kennedy jumped up. "The reunion!"

Willow looked at her and after a few moments nodded slowly. "Oh my God. I forgot. My Mom called me a few months back and told me someone called her about my Sunnydale class reunion. She said they wanted to know where I lived so they could send me the information on it."

Giles was interested in what Willow was saying. "Continue, Willow. " She did.

"Remember, Kenne? I got that paperwork, but we couldn't go because that was when you're Mom was coming up." She turned to Giles. "So I just filled in some of the information they wanted and sent it back."

"What kind of information did you give them?" Giles asked.

"Not much. Just where I lived now and that I couldn't make the reunion. I didn't even fill out the whole thing. I didn't think it was a big deal because it was just my high school stuff. Plus, it was all in California. "

"This just happened a few months back?…Didn't it strike you odd that the reunion didn't match up to your graduation year?…I mean it was after the ten year mark." Giles was getting more suspicion with each fact Willow told them.

"Uh, Giles, this is Sunnydale High we're talking about. There wasn't anything that was normal about that place…Why would a reunion be different? Besides with there being no Sunnydale left, I figured it took time for someone to even get the thing started."

Giles was perplexed. "How did they know where to find your parents?"

"I guess they looked them up in the phone book."

"Did Buffy get sent anything?"

Willow thought for a moment. "Ya know, I never asked her. We've been so busy and we weren't going…I guess I just forgot to ask her."

Giles questioned more. "Who did your mother say called?"

"She said Stacey Chamberlin. She was the senior class treasurer."

"Did you ever speak to Stacy?"


Kennedy's brows crinkled. "What are you getting at, Giles?"

The man sighed. "How do we know it was really Stacy that called?"

Willow got up. "Why wouldn't it be? It sounds like something Stacy would get in charge of. Besides, I can clear up this whole thing. Mom said Stacy put info on the reunion on the website classmates dot com. Now, I haven't been to the site, but if we check it out, Stacy's info should be there and hopefully comments about the reunion."

The three of them went to Willow's laptop and within a few minutes, they were staring at the Classmates website for Willow's Sunnydale class.

"This doesn't make any sense." Willow was staring at a part of the site that was in honor of the students who had died during and since the grisly graduation. As plain as day was an entry for Stacy Chamberlin who, at the age of 25, had died in an automobile accident.

Giles said the obvious. "Whoever talked to your mother, we know it wasn't Stacy Chamberlin."

"Who was it then? And why?" Kennedy was in a quandary.

With an anger laden tone, Willow said, "I know who called."

Willow was certain she knew who was behind everything that had been happening to her family in the recent months. She had trouble believing it was true, but she knew it had to be. The reason why was still a mystery, though. Willow knew their adversary and she was about to find out exactly where this witch could be found.

Chapter Ten

After figuring out who was behind the reunion stunt, Willow ran to the upstairs study. Kennedy, holding Sammie in her arms, and Giles were right behind her. Willow ruffled through the books on one of the bookshelves in the room. It wasn't one filled with just magickal and mystical treatises, but also personal items the couple had gathered through the years.

Willow kept searching, thumbing her way across the binders, mouthing the titles as she went. She finally grabbed one of the books off a shelf.

"Here it is." Willow had in her hand her Sunnydale High School Yearbook. It was one of the few things she didn't lose when Sunnydale got swallowed up. Her parents had it and took it when they moved before the final battle. They had given the article back to Willow years ago.

Willow opened the book and rifled through the pages. She stopped when she got to a group picture.

"Anyone look familiar?" she said to Giles and Kennedy as she held the book up to them.

The slayer and Englishman drew closer and studied the photo on the page.

"Oh my goodness," commented Giles.

"I can't believe it," said Kennedy at the same time.

They both recognized the same person and Willow knew it.

"That's right. Amy. This was taken before she turned into a rat. She's the one doing this. We were friends. She would have known my phone number."

Kennedy looked intently at the picture of the woman. Kennedy had only had contact with Amy during Willow's "Warren" fiasco. Her experience with the witch left the brunette despising her. She was the one responsible for Willow's penance malediction spell. Because of her, Willow almost disappeared into Warren. It was due to that woman that Willow had put a gun to Kennedy's head and nearly pulled the trigger. Kennedy had nothing but contempt for the woman.

With venomous hate, "Oh yeah, I remember that bitch." Kennedy then realized what she'd said in front of her daughter. "Oops. Sorry, Sammie. I said a bad word."

The child who was still being held by Kennedy frowned. "That's ok, but don't do it again or you'll have to go to time out."

Giles was astounded with Willow's statement. "Are you sure, Willow? I recall that Amy wasn't that powerful as a witch. She had some good tricks…but was she powerful enough to pull off what's been happening here lately?"

Willow pursed her lips. "That's what I've been wondering. It has to be her, Giles. I know she was mad at me when I ran her off. It's pretty obvious she held a grudge because she put that spell on me. I hadn't seen her for about a year before that…She must have kept track of me somehow back then. That spell she did has to be done when the person is close. She must have followed me and put the penance malediction spell on without me knowing."

"But that was then," said Kennedy. "What the hell would make her go after you now…after all these years…and to go after Sammie? She's probably only alive because of us beating the First…because of you doing the slayer spell."

Willow leaned back against the front of the desk in the room. "I have no idea why she's doing all of this. But I'm going to find out. That's why I came for the Yearbook."

Giles studied Willow. Then he tilted his head in affirmation. "You're going to do a locator spell…and then?"

Willow gestured her agreement with Giles' assessment. "That's where the shadow comes in. That is a manifestation sent by Amy. It has some essence of her in it. I should be able to figure out a way to extract that part out which should give me an ethereal picture of her reason for sending the shadow. It'll be like a fingerprint of what she was thinking when she sent the thing into the house. I'm hoping that will tell me why she's peeping on Samantha."

"You can do all that just from that powder Giles got?" The extent of Willow's abilities never stopped to amaze Kennedy.

"Yes, Kennedy, she can. Excellent idea, Willow." Giles too was impressed with Willow's quick grasp of the problem and her solution.

"Not that I don't love you adoring fans, but I wanna get started. I need to know why…and how Amy did this."

Within minutes, everyone was back downstairs. Willow had all the materials she needed to do her magick. Giles was going to assist her while Kennedy and Samantha basically stayed out of their way. Kennedy knew that over the last several hours Sammie had dealt with things over her age capacity. The slayer decided that now was a good time to let the girl have some fun. While Willow and Giles did their work, she played with her daughter in the slayer's bedroom. Kennedy wanted Sam to be her regular self and act like a kid for a while.

Downstairs, Willow got started on her locator spell. She used the Yearbook picture and the shadow powder to help her locate Amy. It took longer than she thought. However she was able to find the woman. Much to Willow's surprise, Amy was not in California. She was closer…very much closer. Willow's ex-friend was in Barringfield, Massachusetts, a mere fifteen minutes away. Willow was able to narrow down the location to a hotel. She stopped trying to get an even more accurate location when she felt her power beginning to wane. She knew she'd need it for the next part of her mission.

"Ok, Giles. We know where she is. Now the hard part…finding out why she's doing this."

Giles helped Willow prepare the site and the materials needed. He carefully set out candles and crystals. He assisted in measuring ingredients and mixing potions. It dawned on him that he was really just a helper to Willow. The student had out-mastered the teacher.

Eventually, all was prepared and ready for Willow. The witch stepped into the middle of the arranged site. She looked at Giles and raised her eyebrows as if to say 'Here goes nothing.'

Reassuringly, "Nothing to fret about, Willow. Concentrate and you will be fine. I know you can do this."

Willow was grateful for the show of support. It meant a lot to her coming from Giles. "Thanks, Giles." The witch sat down and crossed her legs. In front of her was a crystal bowl filled with the potion she and Giles had prepared. Smoke waffled up, snaking its way into the air and around her head. It was from this mystical 'steam' that Willow would hopefully find her answers. Willow sat there and waited until the smoke from the bowl had virtually enveloped her. It seemed to swirl around her, wrapping her like a blanket. The redhead kept a steady pace of breathing, looking directly ahead as if waiting for the smoke to finish its deed. Then eyes closed and Willow took a slow, deep breath. Her nostrils took in some of the swirling air. The witch held her breath, as if she had taken a hit from a joint, and then exhaled just as slowly. "Time to show me all your secrets, Amy…you grudge-holding, rat girl."

Willow began her journey. She would discover the reasons for the torment on her family. She would discover the truth about Amy. Her spell would lead the redhead though a life turned to hate, jealousy and the over-riding desire for revenge.

Amy Hunter's life changed forever the day that she turned into a rat to escape being burned at the stake by brainwashed Sunnydale parents. Before then, she was, though not an average teenager, mostly normal…except for the magick. Like Willow, Amy had found that she had a talent for witchcraft. She had always been freer with it than Willow, willing to try a spell just for the sake of trying.

When Willow finally turned her friend back into her human form, Amy realized how much she had missed and just how significant magick could be. She had spent a couple of years as another species, no small feat for any witch. Her time as a rat also made her re-emergence into the human arena filled with the need to 'catch up.' She went out and lived life; she ate and drank what she wanted and did what she wanted. Mostly, what she wanted to do was become more proficient at magick. She found an incredible sort of high from her ability to alter time and change the natural state of things. It seemed to help balance out the loss of her human life when as a rat.

Amy found, however, after her return, that she could not accomplish the magnitude of magickal acts that she desired. At the same time, she saw that Willow had progressed in her skills to heights she didn't think possible for the shy, nerdy girl she used to know. Willow's separation from her girlfriend and resulting jumbled emotions made the redhead's senses just that more pronounced. The times they went out, Amy saw how easily Willow could conjure and apply her craft. The transformation startled her.

Being thirsty for more magickal skills and time as a real human again, Amy took every advantage to be around Willow. She also began to see Willow starting to need the magick. It was a hunger they shared. Amy wanted to be as powerful as Willow and she was pleased when Willow became a willing participant in their desire for a greater magickal 'high.'

The one-time rat found that extra 'jolt' she needed from Rack, a warlock of questionable credentials. Amy got the 'juice' she wanted to make her feel the surge of her magick flow through her. When she got a 'fix', the woman reached the level of awareness she thought real magickal power must give.

When she saw Willow's cravings for magick increase, she let the redhead in on her 'little secret.' Deep down, Amy wanted to see what would happen if Willow was given the keys to the golden city. Would Willow be able to handle the high? Would the redhead be grateful to her for having opened her eyes to this 'gift?' Like any good junkie in denial, Amy thought that getting high on magick with Willow would bring them closer and in that a desire on Willow's part to share the secret to her abilities.

Of course, Amy's plan did not end the way she thought. Willow hit bottom and realized the error of her ways. Instead of becoming better friends, Willow pushed Amy away. The redhead would have nothing to do with the still conjuring friend. With the break in the friendship, Amy lost not only a high school friend but also her ticket to an inside view on a powerful witch.

Amy Hunter did the best she could after her falling out with Willow. She kept getting fixes of magick. At first, her carefree, wild lifestyle continued. Over time, though, she began to realize that she wasn't progressing in her craft as she thought she was capable of doing. She found herself merely surviving through the days without any real purpose. The witch buckled down from that point on. She enrolled in UC Sunnydale and was determined to make something of herself. She didn't ignore her magickal abilities though. She set a goal to become more proficient at that as well. Gone were the days of using magick as a way to have fun or get high. She wanted real magickal power.

Unfortunately, Amy's quest to be a more talented witch stumbled. Try as she might, Amy could not gather the power Willow had years previously. For sure, she did improve, but not anywhere near the level for which she had strived. Being at UC Sunnydale, Amy heard rumors of and occasionally kept tabs on Willow. Though she didn't hang out at the same places, she did, from time to time, receive pieces of information about the redhead from others she knew. Each tidbit she was told made her realize that Willow was getting even stronger.

It didn't take long before Amy started to begrudge Willow. She convinced herself that had Willow not abandoned her, she too would have been more powerful. She had seen how easily magick came to the redhead and she knew their years apart hadn't changed that.

What started out as a feeling of hurt eventually turned into an overpowering feeling of betrayal and jealousy. Willow was no longer seen as an ex-friend who had 'cleaned up,' but as the person who had killed Amy's chances of being a truly powerful witch. The woman began to hate Willow for her natural magickal abilities. Before long, a plot for revenge hatched.

That plan turned out to be the penance malediction spell Amy cast on Willow. She had heard about the death of Willow's girlfriend and the witch's rampage afterwards. She even knew that Willow had recuperated in England.

Amy made it a point, when she found out Willow was back in college, to keep track of the redhead's every move. She did it covertly, waiting for the moment when she knew she could inflict the most damage.

That day came when she, purely by chance, saw Willow at a grocery store. There was another person with the redhead. Amy made sure that she wasn't seen and followed the two women through the store. What she observed was a brunette who was obviously interested in Willow. She saw the attractive young woman trying, and succeeding, in making Willow laugh. Amy noticed how the brunette tried to get close to Willow. More importantly, she saw how Willow reacted to the flirting. Amy could tell that Willow had some interest in the brunette. She'd known Willow long enough to know when she 'liked' someone.

That's when Amy got the idea for the spell. Willow had shared her heartache over her break-up with Tara. Amy knew that Willow had loved the blonde witch very much. Seeing her now acting slightly attracted to another woman gave Amy the ammunition she needed.

It wasn't hard to place the spell on Willow. A few seconds while the redhead wasn't paying attention at the campus library and it was accomplished. After that, Amy waited. It was some time after the spell was placed that Amy found out that the brunette was a potential slayer. Though she didn't 'live' the life of a magick-hooked teenager any longer, Amy stayed in touch with many of those types. They knew demons and other low-lifes that were more than happy to share information with Amy for the right price.

Amy didn't know exactly what would happen when the spell took effect. She was hoping for weeks of torment. Willow's appearance at her Wicca group, something she did on the off chance she might meet another real witch, again was pure chance. Amy, however, recognized the opportunity when it came to her and seized on it.

She pretended to help Willow, all the while relishing in the woman's anguish. She saw the penance Willow placed on herself, the redhead's personification of Tara's killer Warren, and couldn't have been pleased more. The presence of the brunette, however, was troublesome. It finally came to a head when she vaulted the potential in time to Willow who she knew was on the verge of disappearing into the man that killed her Tara.

Getting her revenge didn't have the effect Amy thought it would. Willow didn't vanish; she got stronger. Amy didn't exact any fulfillment from her actions. She was still as incapable of being a really powerful witch. The turmoil caused by her assisting Willow caused her Wicca group to disband. As much as the other members liked to consider themselves 'witches', when they were actually face to face with one, they panicked. None wanted anything to do with Amy after that night. She was 'not normal' to them.

The rest of Amy's world crumbled when Sunnydale tumbled into the earth. Gone were her contacts. Gone were her everyday aspirations of completing college and obtaining some future independence. She had hoped to settle in some mundane job that paid well enough so she could advance her witchcraft.

What she got instead was a one way ticket out of California. The stories about her assistance to the odd friend at the Wicca meeting and the drudged up tales about her high school disappearance made all the regular people she knew give her the very cold shoulder. She was as alone as Tom Hanks' character in Castaway. Amy used what power she had to help pay her way east and eventually to Columbus, Ohio. She had heard that Columbus was the new stomping ground for the mystical in nature. There she fell in with some shady characters who she quickly found out had some underworld connections.

It was in Ohio that Amy found out about the Cleveland Slayer Central. Carefully and discreetly, the woman prodded for information on the status of Willow. During all her 'down and out' times, Amy thought of no one more than Willow. Again, she placed all the blame for her plight at the feet of the redhead. If only the spell had worked, Willow would have been out of her thoughts for good. But once again, the redhead won out. Not only that, but Willow had actually in a way saved the world. Amy fermented over the fact that she knew she should have also been as powerful and had a hand in doing away with the evil forces.

By the time Amy found out that Willow wasn't in Cleveland, she had that all consuming need for revenge again. She was told Willow was in Massachusetts with the brunette, but could get no other information from her connections.

That's when Amy got the idea of a class reunion. Though it wasn't exactly the right year for the tenth reunion of her high school class, the witch decided that she had to take the chance. She did an internet search for Willow's parents. Thankfully, being the liberal, nothing to hide sort of folks that they were, they were easily found. Amy called and talked to Willow's mother. She pretended to be Stacy Chamberlin and got Willow's mother to give her the witch's address. The rest was easier than she thought. The paperwork from Willow gave her enough information to locate the witch.

It had been Amy's intent to confront Willow about the 'wrong' done to her and, if needed, emphasize the plight caused with a good sucker punch of a spell. Amy knew she wouldn't be able to do Willow in, all the information she was able to garner told her the redhead was even more powerful than before. However, when she saw Willow for the first time after coming to Massachusetts, Amy changed her mind. She had parked her car near the redhead's house. She was only there for about fifteen minutes when she saw a car driven by Willow leave the driveway. Amy followed and immediately noticed a child in the back seat. She tailed Willow to a neighborhood recreational center and watched as Willow helped a little girl out the back seat. Amy knew the child had to be Willow's.

The newest piece of information sent Amy in a whirlwind of anger. Not only had Willow achieved greatness as a witch, she was also in a long term relationship with the brunette, now slayer, and that union included a child. The desire to do more than confront Willow started to grow. Before long, Amy was trying to think of a way to hurt Willow…to make her feel the despair and heartache she had endured for so long.

That's when she decided that her focus needed to be, not on her ex-friend, but on the little girl, Willow's heir. Amy knew that nothing would taste sweeter than getting revenge on Willow through her daughter. What she would do to the girl was a matter for further review.

Amy, at first, spent much time trying to determine what she should do to Willow's daughter. As much as she wanted total revenge on Willow, the thought of killing a child, even Willow's child, was repugnant to Amy. As much of a powerful witch as she wanted to be, Amy was still pure human and there was a sense of right and wrong at least as it concerned harm to a mere child. No, Amy wanted Willow to pay but she wasn't about to lose her soul, as tormented as it might be, to accomplish it. Kidnapping became the frontrunner as a solution, but Amy understood she would have to take care of the child. There was the possibility of selling the child. That would forego her need to raise the child but still exact the revenge she wanted.

That frame of mind changed however after Amy had been in Barringfield for several weeks. One day, Amy was driving outside of Boston when she saw a magick shop. She swore she'd never seen the shop there before. She'd made that drive many times before. It seemed to pop up overnight. Something about its outward appearance made her stop. Inside, Amy felt an energy she'd never felt before. It was like there was magick in the air. The store had the most unusual articles and objects for sale. None of the typical magick shop paraphernalia was there; no eye of newt or toad lips.

As Amy looked around, an old woman came out from behind the counter. The woman was quite small, standing no more than four and a half feet tall. She had gray hair and no teeth.

"Looking for something special I take it," the old woman said plainly.

"No, just noticed the shop and decided to stop."

"No one comes here without something in mind," replied the old woman.

Amy stared at the old woman. It seemed as if the elderly woman was looking into her, into her heart.

"I…I…don't really…" Amy stammered not knowing how to respond.

The old woman slowly nodded her head as she gave a wicked smile. "No need to speak. Your eyes tell the story. Revenge is what you want…revenge is what you shall get."

Amy was stunned. She had never met this woman before and yet she knew Amy's inner desire. The feeling she got from the old woman gave Amy a strange reassurance that the woman was for real. There was no reason to question how she knew Amy's thoughts.

"I need help…I don't know what to do," Amy said respectfully expecting the old woman to give her an herb or a spell book. Amy hoped to receive some assistance in finding a way to use Willow's child against her.

Another crooked smile fell on the old woman's lips. She walked over to Amy and placed her hand on Amy's shoulder.

"You need nothing else. Now go." The hand stayed on Amy for a few seconds and then retreated.

That was all that was said.

Amy left the shop. In fact, she found herself at the hotel she'd been living at without actually remembering driving there. But one thing she did recall was the old woman's words. They kept playing in her head the rest of the day and as she went to bed.

That night, Amy dreamt of getting revenge on Willow. The scene replayed over and over as if in a loop. Each time, the deed done to Willow changed. Each dream segment had Willow's daughter undergoing more hostile activity; each time, the redhead suffered, but not enough. It wasn't until the little girl was dead that Willow's grief poured out. It was then that there seemed to be satisfaction.

Amy woke up as if another person. Now, the thought of killing the child was not repugnant or even questionable. Amy knew that the only way she could make Willow feel true pain was to take away from her the most important thing in her life…her child.

And as easy as that, Amy Hunter plotted to kill Willow's child.

The plan, including the demon surge against Kennedy and using a shadow to get a feel for the family's dynamics and patterns, came easily after that night. Amy never worried that she didn't have the magickal ability to pull it off. There was an inner strength that she now felt which made her believe she could do anything, even take revenge on one of the world's most powerful witches. Amy had hoped to get Kennedy out of the picture before she went after the child. Grieving for a dead spouse and child would be an even greater victory. However, the slayer proved more formidable than she expected. All the demons she was able to gather and brainwash couldn't kill the brunette. In the end, Amy decided that having both women grief-stricken would work as well. She knew there would be a good chance that Willow and the slayer's relationship could not withstand the loss of a child. Losing her child and love would make the revenge just as sweet.

Having chosen her path, Amy set the plan in motion. After her demon influx, she conjured a shadow and sent it to spy on the girl. The time had to be right to take the child. Amy picked Willow's old phone number as the interval for activating the shadow. It was her personal inside joke in all of this.

Once she had the information she needed, Amy would start the next and final phase.

Willow's eyes opened wide and she bolted up off the floor. She teetered off balance and knocked over the coffee table. Finally, she settled herself.

The commotion was enough to cause Kennedy to come bolting down the stairs. Kennedy ran to Willow and held her arms so that the witch would not fall.

"Are you alright Wil? What happened?" asked Kennedy concerned.

"She wants to kill Samantha…to get revenge on me." Willow couldn't believe what she had just experienced. Willow had not experienced the totality of Amy's life or emotions during her spell. Willow hadn't absorbed exactly how Amy got to her decision to kill. The witch had, though, experienced enough of the woman's tale to know the horror of her plan. The thought of Amy killing her child to get back for some college incident was incomprehensible to Willow.

With the redhead's words, Kennedy's face went blank. Then a look of raw fury plastered itself to the slayer's expression. Looking at Willow and Giles, "She won't get the chance because I'm going to kill that fucking bitch!"

The race was on.

Chapter Eleven

"Tell me where she is and I'll have our problem solved with one good punch." Kennedy was stomping around the living room.

"Kenne, you need to settle down." Willow was trying to calm the slayer down.

"Screw that. Tell me where that bitch lives. I'm gonna kill her. It's just what she deserves."

As much as Willow agreed with Kennedy on an emotional level, she knew they could not exact vigilante justice; it would be wrong to kill Amy. "Baby, I want to stop her just as much as you do…but you can't just kill her. She's not a demon…She's human being. You can't cross that line."

The slayer glared at her wife. "Don't tell me what to do. If you don't have the guts to do it, that's your business. But for Sammie, I'll do anything…period."

The redhead grabbed Kennedy by the arm. "Don't you get that way with me…don't get all righteous. You know I'd do anything to keep Sammie safe. But you're talking about murder. That's not right. We can make her pay for what she's doing…but not by being like her…You can't be like Amy."

Kennedy fixated on Willow. She stood there stewing in the words her wife said. Slowly, the primal urge to protect at all costs softened. The slayer realized that Willow was right. She was a slayer, bound by a code of ethics – no taking of human life regardless of how much it might be justified. Mortal indiscretions were punishable by the Rule of Law, through law enforcement and the judicial system. Killing was for demons whose desire was to prey on the innocents of the world. Kennedy was not of that breed. She was a slayer, not a killer.

Willow felt the tension ease in Kennedy's body.

The slayer looked directly into green eyes. "Ok." She didn't need to say anything more. Willow's lightened grip on her arm let the slayer know the redhead accepted the change in her rhetoric.

Giles watched the exchange. Once he knew Kennedy was under control, he spoke up. "We will stop Amy, Kennedy. She won't get away with this. But Willow is right. We need a plan. Amy has acquired much more power than she ever had before. We must make certain that we can capture her."

The three Scoobies spent the next few hours establishing their plan. It was late afternoon by the time the strategy was set. The sun would be setting soon. Willow and Kennedy planned to leave at dusk. The redhead had performed another locator spell and established that Amy was in fact still in her hotel room. As for Giles, his job was to protect Samantha. He had called the regional Watcher's Council Commander who then brought in the head of the area witch's coven. It was to be their responsibility to take control of Amy once the woman was captured. To make absolutely sure that Sam would be safe, Giles was to take the girl to Lee Gagno's place. Though Giles offered to go with Willow and Kennedy, the slayer respectfully declined. "We need to know Sam will be safe. We know she will be with you and Lee."

As extra security, Willow and Giles created a 'fake' Samantha to stay in the house. They took an extra large Dora doll from Samantha's closet and Willow placed a glamour on it. The doll couldn't move or talk but it did look like Samantha and it had some of her essence. It was the best they could do and hoped it would fool the shadow if it reactivated.

Quickly enough, it was time to implement the plan. Willow and Kennedy got ready to leave. They had already called Lee who was expecting Giles and Sammie. Everyone stood by the front door. The two mothers hugged their daughter. Neither wanted to let go.

Willow picked up Sam. "Now you be good for Uncle Giles. We'll be back as soon as we can."

In a small voice, "You and Momma gonna get the bad lady?" She had heard some of what was said during the course of the day.


"Then the monster will go away?"

Willow held her daughter tighter. "You bet, kiddo." After another long hug, she put the child down.

Kennedy put her hand on Samantha's shoulder and turned to Giles. "Don't let anything happen to her."

"I'll guard her with my life."

Kennedy knew the Englishman meant every word. "We'll call you as soon as we have Amy."

Willow went to open the front door when Sammie started to jump up and down.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

Willow, startled, bent down to her child. "What is it, Sam?"

"You have to get the pretty pin."

Confused, "What pin?"

Just as excited, "The one Momma and Abuela gave you…You need it."

Willow, Kennedy and Giles exchanged glances.

"I'd get the brooch if I was you," Kennedy said. They all knew by now not to question the girl's commands.

Willow nodded and headed for the stairs. When she reached the top, Samantha looked at her other mother and motioned with her finger for Kennedy to come closer. Kennedy did and Samantha whispered in her ear. "Remember to look in the flower mirror."

Kennedy crinkled her eyebrows; she had no idea what context to put that statement. She did know however that it had to be important. She got closer to her daughter and whispered back, "Flower mirror. Ok, Sam."

Willow came running down the stairs with the brooch in her hand. She showed it to Sammie, smiled and then put it in her pocket.

Soon after, everyone left the house.

"She's in there alright. Smart of her to pick this place." Willow spoke to Kennedy as she scanned the area from the front seat of the slayer's car.

It hadn't taken them long to get to Barringfield and the couple presently had their vehicle parked across the street from Amy's hotel. Willow had just finished doing another locator spell.

The hotel was located in a very busy section of town. Even though it was almost dark, there was still a lot of traffic on the road. The buildings around Amy's hotel were other hotels and condominiums. Many people were in the process of arriving home for the evening. Amy's hotel room was on the first floor at the front corner of the building, a very visible location not as secluded as the couple had hoped for.

Kennedy strummed her fingers on the steering wheel. "Wwwellllll…not exactly the set up for an all out brawl. Way too many people around. How are we gonna be able to get her without all the neighbors hearing?…I don't think she'll give up just because we ask nice."

Willow pondered their predicament for a few moments. "I know. I can soundproof her room once we get in. That way no one will hear anything from the outside. The drapes are closed, so no one will see anything."

The slayer thought for a second and then gave her wife a devilish grin. "Yeah, soundproof…like you did that time we went to the B&B in Maine. That was some crazy monkey sex. As I recall you were quite the vocal one that weekend. Ooo, very good idea."

Willow almost blushed remembering that little getaway. "Enough memory lane, you pervert. Focus. I can do the spell but not until we get inside there. I'll need some time to put it in place."

Kennedy knew what that meant. "If she sees us, you'll need me to distract her long enough for you to your mojo. No problem. I could beat on her for a while…or…" Willow put her hand over the slayer's mouth.

"Maybe use your razor sharp wit…I only need a few seconds."

Kennedy removed the hand. Looking dejected, "Alright. No wailing on her…for now."

Before the couple got out of their vehicle, Willow put a cloaking spell on them both. It didn't make them invisible but it interfered with their aura. On the off chance that Amy had some mystical antenna up, their presence wouldn't be noticed. They would be able to walk into the building and to Amy's room without any detection.

The plan was to fight Amy only as much as was absolutely necessary. No one really knew the extent of her powers and neither Willow nor Kennedy wanted that hotel room to be the place they found out. Additionally, Amy was still human and not a demon. As much as they wanted to attack her for what she planned to do to their child, the couple knew they would have to consciously restrain themselves from pummeling the woman. This was a find and capture mission, not a find and kill.

Instead of an all out battle with Amy, they were going to attempt to surprise the woman disarm her, to bind her as Giles had done to Willow after she went on a rampage spurred on by Tara's death. Once they had Amy incapacitated, they were going to call Giles and wait at the hotel room until the appropriate personnel from the Council arrived to take Amy away. There was not enough time to have the personnel waiting at Amy's hotel or to assist in the capture. There had been an initial discussion of teleporting Amy to the Council facility but it was nixed by Willow. She didn't want to take the chance of Amy getting free during the transport. If that happened then the witch could escape into any number of dimensions only to reappear at a later time. Willow's biggest concern was keeping Kennedy from doing serious physical harm to Amy before they were able to transfer to the Council personnel. Quite truthfully, Willow worried about her own ability not to take out some form of retribution on the witch for her plan against Samantha.

After the cloaking spell was cast, the witch and slayer exited their car and headed for the hotel. They nonchalantly walked through the check in area and down the hall toward Amy's room. When they got to the door, they both looked at each other. Kennedy took a deep breath and got ready to slam the door open. Willow quickly stopped her and gave her a disapproving shake of the head. Whispering, "No noise. Let's sneak in." She closed her eyes and softly mumbled a few words. They then heard the lock on the door open. Willow glanced at Kennedy and gave her a sarcastic grin.

Kennedy smirked back. She looked at the door and then to Willow. The slayer mouthed 'Ready?' Willow bit her lip and nodded.

The slayer slowly and carefully opened the door just enough to let her scan the room on the other side. She saw nothing and opened it a little further until she could lean in and look around further. She saw no one. Kennedy opened the door still more so that she and Willow could get in which they did. Willow motioned her to close the door. That was the only way the spell would work.

Much to Willow's luck, Amy had to be in the separate bedroom or bathroom. There would be no instant confrontation and it would be easier for the redhead to do the soundproofing spell. In a matter of seconds, it was in place.

The next job was to find Amy and bind her powers. The women started to walk through the hotel room. They were cautious not to make any noise. Willow was starting to think that their plan would run smoother than they thought. Just as she got that thought, she turned and walked into an end table with a lamp on it. The lamp tilted. Willow frantically reached out and grabbed the base to keep it from falling over. The whole time Kennedy watched on holding her breath.

Willow steadied the piece and let go. She looked at her wife and gave an apologetic stare. The witch took a step back away from the table…and stepped right into a bowl full of tiny blue beans.

As the bowl catapulted the objects inside, Willow recognized them as mystical beans used to hypnotize. As they dropped to the floor, making a very audible sound, Willow deduced that Amy must have used them to help brainwash the vampires that tried to kill Kennedy and Lee.

The reason for the beans was irrelevant as Willow and Kennedy set themselves for the full brunt of the noise. The beans landed everywhere and make a loud clatter.

"So much for the Marcel Marseau routine," quipped Kennedy.

The couple heard the commotion of a person running toward them and they saw Amy at the bathroom doorway. She looked half startled and the other half furious.

Willow didn't lose time acknowledging her old friend's presence. "Missed the reunion, so we figured we'd come visit you."

Amy didn't move further from the doorway. She had both arms by her side; they were shaking slightly. "No knocking? How rude." She glanced at Kennedy. "You again? Willow's still letting you be her lap dog?" Amy looked back to Willow. "What's the matter, Willow, couldn't find another witch to replace the dead one?"

"You're just as much of a bitch as the last time we met," Kennedy said fuming. She wanted nothing more than to beat the life out of Amy. But she knew that wasn't the plan.

Amy kept her view on the witch and slayer. As confident as she sounded, the woman knew that she was at a disadvantage. Though she had some confidence she could outwit and defeat a slayer, having to beat her and Willow was another matter. Her entire plan for Willow's ruination lay not in physically destroying the redhead but in causing her demise through losing her family. Willow's grief and the inevitable end product it would cause, that being another attempt by the redhead to end the world, was what Amy strove for.

Amy's attempts to have Kennedy killed were two fold. Having the slayer gone would make it easier to get to the daughter and also cause Willow severe misery. The fact that part of the plan hadn't come to fruition had made Amy aware of the greater barrier to reach her goal. She knew that the only way to get what she wanted was not to take on both women face to face. Her plan was more insidious than an out in the open battle. She would destroy Willow Rosenberg, but not this way, not this day. That meant she had to retreat; she had to escape.

Willow intently watched Amy as soon as the woman came to the doorway. In the few seconds after Kennedy's statement, Willow could tell Amy was contemplating what to do. It was if she could see the wheels turning inside her head. Then the redhead saw Amy's eyes dart around ever so slightly. She immediately knew that the woman was going to try to escape.

"Kennedy! Quick! Get her! She's gonna run!"

At the same time Willow shouted to Kennedy, Amy made a sudden move to the opposite side of the couple. However, Kennedy was much too fast and easily tackled the woman to the floor. She grabbed the witch's arms by the wrists and pinned her down on the floor.

Amy struggled to free herself but was no match for the slayer's strength. So, she started to chant a spell.

"Kenn! Get off her!" Willow yelled. She knew the spell Amy was doing.

Kennedy listened to her wife and rolled off abruptly as the last word of the spell came out of Amy's mouth. As Kennedy fell to the side, fire came bellowing out of the witch's mouth and caught Kennedy's sleeve. Kennedy crashed against the wall.

Willow pointed to the fire and shouted "Extinguish!" A whitish foam like substance shot from the tip of her finger and put out the fire.

Amy, however, had already recouped and directed numerous objects around the room to be thrown at Willow. The redhead ducked away from some of the items. Others, she redirected by a quick motion of her hand. As she ducked and weaved, Willow kept her eye on Amy's movements. The other witch was moving around trying to stay out of the way of an attack by the redhead or Kennedy.

Finally, Willow saw an opening. She threw both arms out in the direction of Amy and directed, "ESTRANGULATO!"

All movement in the witch on the floor ceased. She lay there stiff as if wrapped in an invisible rope. She couldn't even move her head.

Kennedy got up, rubbing the back of her head, and looked to Willow. The witch had a smirk on her face.

"Oh yeah!…Who's the wickedest witch of the west?"

Kennedy chuckled. "You are, Red."

Several minutes later, Willow and Kennedy were standing next to the couch. Amy was awkwardly leaning against the wall, like a piece of lumber. Her arms were in front of her, crossed at the wrists like they were cuffed. Her eyes were laced with hatred for the couple.

"What happened to you, Amy? Why would want to hurt, never mind want to kill our daughter?" Willow truly wanted to know what could have brought her ex-friend to this low level.

"To give you what you really deserve," spat Amy. The woman was only able to move her fingers and her head a little. Her fingers curled as she spoke. "You've always gotten what you wanted so easily. You never had to work for anything…grades…magick…friends…family…And when you were done with someone, you threw them out."

Willow knew she was talking about the end of their friendship. She still didn't know how she'd become the focal point of Amy's dissatisfaction. "First of all, your trip down memory lane took a wrong turn. Nothing was easy for me…I studied like heck in school. And as for friends? It was me and Xander, the poster children for geeks, until Buffy came along. I worked very hard on my magick…You're the one who thought it should come easy…" Then Willow looked at Kennedy. "As for family…I completely lucked out and I sure as hell am not going to let you mess with that."

Amy grinned sarcastically. "You can try to act all innocent now, Willow, but I know the truth. You use people…You used your dead girlfriend to help your magick…You're no doubt using J Lo over here for the sex…You used me. I could have been a witch like you…but you ruined everything…and you did it so you could have the power. You need to have just as much away from you as you took from me."

Kennedy shook her head and went closer to Amy. "You are a crazy person. You're more demented than Brittany Spears in rehab. Even thinking about hurting our daughter is enough for me to kill you." Then glancing at Willow, "But I won't. There's a group of people that have lots of experience dealing with self-centered nut jobs like you."

Amy creased her brows and stared at the slayer. Then her face got taut. Kennedy knew she figured out what was going to happen to her.

"That's right, Amy. The Council will decide what punishment you get for the crime of going after our Samantha." She bent closer to Amy's face. "Be very glad I'm not the one deciding, bitch."

The whole time Kennedy was talking, Willow noticed Amy's fingers moving and wiggling. It wasn't until Kennedy finished her threat that she realized what Amy was doing.

"Kennedy! Watch out!" Willow shouted.

Just as Willow spoke, Amy's fingers straightened and a flash of white light burst forth. In a second she was free.

Kennedy, startled, turned to Willow. "I thought she wasn't able to move or do spells?" At that moment, Amy pushed her hands forward and Kennedy was knocked back like she'd been hit by a sledge hammer.

Willow saw Kennedy get thrown over the couch and onto the floor. She twisted back to see Amy running toward her. "You've got more power than I thought."

Amy jumped on the redhead and they went tumbling to the floor. Amy was on top of Willow, straddling her and gripping her neck with her hands. "And you're just as gullible as always." Amy tightened her grip. She knew Willow would react fast. She hoped to incapacitate her just long enough to make an escape.

Willow felt the power in the hands around her neck. In that instant, she knew the woman was profoundly more powerful than the girl she knew in Sunnydale. Willow knew she would have to react fast to keep from allowing Amy to get away free. Willow couldn't free herself and she couldn't concentrate enough to do a spell. She felt the burning pain of not being able to breathe air in her lungs. She began to choke.

Then, out of nowhere, she saw Kennedy's silhouette and in a blink of her eye, Kennedy was crashing into Amy sending both of them off the redhead. Willow got up in a hurry to see her slayer and Amy battling on the floor. Willow aimed for Amy and sent a wave of energized air at her. At the last second, the fighters shifted and the disturbance hit Kennedy instead. It knocked the slayer across the floor.

"Oh, crap! Sorry, baby!" Willow didn't have time to see if her slayer's was alright because she saw Amy moving.

Amy sprang up off the floor. Looking back at Kennedy and then to Willow, "Thanks for the help. You're slayer's pretty but what a bruiser. Just like I remember. That what you're into now?" With that snide remark, Amy motioned at an end table and it went flying through the air at Willow. It hit her in the head and Willow fell to the ground near Kennedy. She wasn't unconscious but she was woozy.

That was all Amy needed. She did another quick conjure and the couch slid across the room and pinned Willow and Kennedy against the wall.

"Now who's the wickedest witch of the west? Huh, Willow old friend? Bet you wish you'd treated me better now, don't ya?" The desire to flee left Amy's thoughts. Where initially she only wanted to escape, she now felt a sense of power over the couple. Her need to exact some type of vengeance before she left overpowered her. Ina split second, an idea came to her.

Kennedy and Willow couldn't see from behind the couch. They were unable to move the piece of furniture. Kennedy was able to touch Willow's arm.

"Wil? You ok?"

After a few moments, "Yeah, I'm ok."

Both women spoke softly.

"Can you see Amy?" Kennedy asked.

"No. Can you?"


"Geez, Wil. What the hell has she done to this couch? I can't move it an inch."

Willow tried to move it magickally, but her mind was clouded in fuzz. "She's jamming me. I can't do anything. How did she get this good?"

They could hear the witch moving around. Kennedy struggled to see to the side. There was nothing there but the view of the room. "Shit!" she said. "I can't see anything. She tried to think of a way to get away from the couch.

Then the slayer remembered her daughter's words – the flower mirror. Kennedy looked up as best she could and saw a mirror on wall. It had a frame that had tulips in the corners. In the mirror she was able to see Amy. "Well I'll be damned," she whispered. As she looked, she saw Amy mumbling some words and then she saw the witch raise both arms toward their direction. She knew Amy was about to do something.

Quietly, "Wil, she's getting ready to do something. What Sammie told me about the mirror was right. The thing she said to you about the brooch must be too. Can you get to it?"

Willow had a difficult time but she was able to put her hand in her pocket and grab the brooch. "I got it."

"I've got a feeling you're supposed to use it now."

Willow turned as much as she could toward Kennedy. "I've got that same feeling."

Just then, Amy barked. "Hey, Willow, hope you like cheese!"

The woman pointed to the couch and it flung out of the way. As soon as Willow could see Amy, she yanked the brooch out of her pocket and held it out in front of her face as she turned her head to shield her view. As she did that, Amy shouted some words directed at Willow. A flow of air followed the words from her mouth. It streaked toward Willow but hit the middle stone of the brooch instead. The spell bounced off the stone and headed back directly at Amy. It hit her with full force.

A puff of white smoke exploded and when it cleared where Amy once stood…now stood a rat.

Willow and Kennedy got to their feet. Both were shocked.

"Holy shit! She was going to turn you into a rat, Willow."

Before Willow could respond, the rat began to scamper away.

"Catch her!" Willow shouted.

The witch and slayer ran after the rat which raced around the hotel room. Kennedy almost got it but slipped and fell against the front door. The back of her shirt snagged on the door lever and as she fell, the lever lowered and unlocked the door. As Kennedy got up, she actually pulled the door opened with her shirt.

"Where'd Amy go?" Kennedy asked not knowing the door was open.

Just then, the rat stopped running, stood up on its hind legs and looked in Kennedy's direction. As soon as it saw the open door, it scurried to it.

Willow saw what the rat did. "She's going out the door!…Close it!" But before Kennedy realized what was happening, Amy the rat ran out the door into the hallway.

Willow sprinted to follow. "She's in the hall! We've got to get her!" she said as she whizzed by Kennedy.

Moments later, the rat was in the main lobby, close to the wall in a spot undetectable by people. The witch and slayer came running right after and stopped in the middle of the lobby. They searched around trying to spot the rat.

They looked up when they saw a man come in the front entrance. As soon as the man was all the way inside, they saw the flash of something on the ground.

"There she is!" Kennedy yelled as they watched the rat run through the closing door. "Christ! She's outside!" The two women bolted out of the building.

They saw the rat run down the brick pathway. The couple quickly followed.

"We can't let her get away," Willow exclaimed as they ran after the rat. They saw Amy the rat scamper to the sidewalk and run straight into the street.

The rodent was in the middle of the right hand lane when a Truly Nolen Pest Control vehicle, a VW Bug painted yellow with welded on mouse ears and a tail, sped by and ran over the rat.

Kennedy and Willow stopped dead in their tracks and fixated on the dead rodent in the road. They walked slowly to the edge of the street.

As other cars drove by, they kept looking at the flattened and very unsightly scene in the road.

Finally, "Does this mean what I think it means?" Kennedy asked.

"Err, yup.…That is really nasty looking." Willow had a strange reaction. As much as she hated Amy for trying to hurt her daughter, she found her death did not bring a sense of complete satisfaction. She wondered if any punishment would have been harsh enough for the ex-friend.

Kennedy didn't have that same problem. "I'm glad she's dead. Fucking bitch deserved it." For Kennedy, Amy didn't merit any of her time or contemplation. She was a witch that had gone bad and got punished for it. That it came in the form of a speeding tire was alright by her.

The couple spent some more time staring at the road kill. Kennedy then took Willow's hand. "I guess we can call Giles and let him know it's over."

"It's definitely over," Willow said in a relaxed tone.

Kennedy turned and pulled Willow along. "Come on. Let's go get Sammie." The witch followed and they walked to their car.

Inside their vehicle, Kennedy started the engine. As she started driving, Willow took one look back.

"Run over by pest control…How apropos is that?"

The women began to laugh. The battle was over and their daughter was safe.

Chapter Twelve

Two days had passed since the confrontation with Amy. The couple had notified Giles of Amy's death as soon as they left the hotel. Over the next thirty-six hours, Giles and the Council did what was needed in order to 'wrap things up.' He had left earlier in the day for London. The couple took him to the airport.

Willow gave her mentor a big hug before he left to go through security. "Thanks, Giles," she said to him earnestly. "I couldn't have done this without you. I know you'll always be here when I need you." The Englishman was genuinely touched by that statement. He could tell that Willow really meant it. She did still need him at times; he wasn't just the 'boss.' "You're most welcome, Willow. I am glad I was able to be of help." He didn't want to say more and risk getting emotional.

Kennedy shook Giles' hand. "G-man…you still got it. Thanks for everything you did."

He chuckled. "I'm glad my advancing age wasn't a hindrance."

Lastly, Samantha jumped up and down. Giles looked at her. "Yes, Miss Samantha?"

"Thank you for making the monster go away."

All Giles could do was smile. There was something Giles felt in his heart that made him certain this little girl was going to be an amazing person when she grew up. She was already an incredible child. Patting her on the head, "My pleasure."

Giles headed home to England. Secretly, he was sad the adventure was over. He of course didn't enjoy Samantha's life being in jeopardy. However, the feel of being back in 'the thick of it' was exhilarating. It had been some time since he'd gotten intimately involved in the lives of his Scoobies. He found himself missing it. As he headed down the runway to get on his plane, Giles started to think about all the paperwork waiting for him when he got back to the head office. 'Maybe I need to get out in the field more often,' he thought as he boarded the plane.

The house was dark except for the glow emanating from the nightlight next to the couple's bed and the light from bathroom. There was no sound to be heard except for the serene breathing of Samantha slumbering soundly in her bed and the muffled noises coming from the master bathroom. On this cold March night, all was at peace in the Prescott/Rosenberg home; all was right again.

Giles had been brought to the airport many hours earlier. It was almost 10pm; Sammie had been in bed for several hours. This was the first night that Willow and Kennedy really felt relaxed with the certainty that all danger was gone and their child was safe. With the death of Amy, the shadow that had spied on their daughter was gone also. Being of Amy's essence, it had dissipated upon her death. There was nothing watching Samantha. To celebrate having their life back, the couple was sharing a nice, hot bubble bath.

"I never did like Amy…She was awful to you back in Sunnydale, and she obviously didn't learn her lesson." Kennedy talked as she held her arms around Willow and pulled her closer to her. The slayer had her back against the tub and could feel the soft, wet skin of Willow's back against her chest as she gathered the witch nearer.

Willow rested against her slayer, placing her arms over the one's around her waist and her fingers intertwining with her slayer's. Though they didn't often get a chance to relax this way, the redhead loved it when they did. It felt so intimate. Even discussing Amy didn't intrude on that mood.

Responding to Kennedy's comment, "She was going to turn me into a rat."

"Good thing you had the brooch."

The couple was quiet for a moment.

Willow tightened her grip on Kennedy's hands. "Samantha's the one that really deserves the credit for stopping Amy. If she hadn't had those premonitions…" The witch trailed off.

"Yeah, I know what you're saying. I wouldn't have thought to find the mirror and you wouldn't have had the brooch with you."

"We have got one unbelievable kid on our hands," Willow said proudly. "I'm actually glad Amy was doing this to get back at me. We thought someone was after Sammie because of what she can do. I'm relieved it had nothing to do with her being able to see in the future."

Willow could feel Kennedy nodding in agreement. "I'm right there with you, babe. Sammie's 'talent' is still under wraps." Kennedy removed her hands from Willow's grasp and pushed some bubbles around. "But…I have one question. Why did the spell bounce off the brooch?"

Willow adjusted her position. "You know, I've been thinking about that. The middle stone on that pin is very different. I didn't know what it was when you gave it to me…still don't. I don't think it's a diamond of some sort…or just any kind of stone you'd get from a jeweler in the mall. It actually seemed to funnel the energy of the spell into its center to send it back."

In fact, Willow was so fascinated by the brooch that she was weary to let it stay unprotected. She knew there had to be more to the stone's properties, so she placed it in the couple's safe and added a barrier spell around it.

Kennedy heard the intrigue creeping into Willow's voice. "Ok, hold on right there. If you're going to go into some theory about magick or supernatural phenomenon, I'm stopping you right now. This is too nice a bubble bath to spend trying to follow one of your Willow babble scientific rants. Look, I'm just glad you had it and used it on psycho rat girl."

"Hey, I was not going to babble…Ok, maybe just a little bit. But it is interesting. And as for Amy, I'm glad it worked. Although, I still can't believe how strong she got. She was never like that in Sunnydale…But then again, I've gotten a lot better at magick since Sunnydale. She must have, too…Still, she was pretty skillful."

Kennedy tickled the witch's stomach. "About that. How come she was able to get out of your binding spell? Sent me across the room…wasn't expecting that. Not losing your touch are you?"

Willow wiggled and then grabbed the slayer's fingers. "No way. That spell would have held most lunatic witches. Like I said, Amy definitely got more powerful."

Joking, "Man, you really must've ruined her life for her to go to all that trouble…I can't believe I married such a soul crusher…You are one big meanie, Willow Rosenberg." Kennedy leaned in and kissed the nape of her wife's neck.

Willow nudged her shoulder against Kennedy. "Yup, that's me…one hard bitch. Me and Mother Teresa."

Kennedy moved her hands down Willow's stomach and slid them across the inside of her thighs. "Uh, Wil? I don't think this is the time to bring a nun into the conversation. I'm not feeling very holy right about now." The slayer's hands began to caress her way up to the witch's center.

Willow felt a tingle shoot out from her core. "Are you trying to start something?"

In a brash tone, "Well, I do owe you a rain check."

Kennedy and Willow started giggling. The laughter soon turned to more serious things. The slayer worked one hand between Willow's legs while the other traveled to one of the witch's breasts. Each began to do its magic on Willow's body. The redhead moaned with the actions of her slayer. Willow knew this was going to be a slow and sensual attack on her body by the slayer. And she was more than happy to subject herself to the talents of her wife. But the witch also knew that Kennedy would get her due. This was going to be a night of passion. Their life was safe again; their daughter back to the world of innocence. No one was trying to harm her or them and their biggest worry was how long the cold weather would hold on.

There was nothing to fear.

The room was dark except for the flickering of a worn out candle standing on an old candlestick holder on top of a decrepit table. There was nothing in the area illuminated that gave any indication as to the type of room or its location. There was nothing to be seen at all…nothing that is but the candle and an ancient-looking stone bowl. It was as big as a dinner plate and about six inches deep. The material of its origin could have been from the volcanic eruptions of Pompeii or the boulders of Stonehenge. The liquid filling the bowl quivered although there was no reason for its movement.

From the darkness came a figure, or more rightly put a disturbance. As it got closer to the bowl, the liquid churned harder. Once beside the table, the presence began to take solid form. It melded and folded onto itself like meringue in a slow turning mixer. Finally, the form took shape.

The being leaned over the bowl, its contents now still as the dead. The reflection staring back up was Amy.

"Well now. The witch and slayer proved to be as formidable as I suspected. The slayer is strong and cunning…The witch powerful and smart." The being smiled. "Not smarter than I, though. The test worked. Amy was the perfect mark. A nudge here and a whisper there and she fell right into line. The perfect scout…to expose their weaknesses…and their strengths. She pushed but not too much. Her death was fortuitous. Saved me from doing the deed."

The reflection that was Amy contorted and folded again. When it stopped, the liquid showed the reflection of the innocent face of Samantha.

In the same empty, tangled voice, "What a child…at last, the tool necessary…and from a witch and slayer…The winds spoke the truth."

Once more, the reflection morphed, the features twisting and turning. It became the old woman in the magick shop for a moment and then kneaded further until it ceased again.

This time the being's reflection was that of a beautiful, young woman, with a face almost angelic. It was a visage that could make one believe that heaven's grace does touch humanity.

She smiled softly and gazed into the bowl, lavender eyes looking back up from the reflection. The liquid rippled and her face was gone.

In its place was the view of a bedroom. Barely visible was movement from the bed. With passing of time came more clarity. The movement became the outline of Willow and Kennedy making love protected under the covers of their bed.

With another smile from the angelic figure, the scene in the liquid's reflection changed to the sleeping Samantha.

The woman's smile faded and, like a stone thrown in the water, ripples washed away Samantha's picture and the beautiful, young woman's face returned.

In a soft, confident voice, "You will be mine, little one. Neither witches nor slayers will save you, or your world…No one can save you…not even your mothers…"

The beautiful face turned cold and warm lavender eyes turned black. "…The end is near."

The End

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