New Friends and Old Lovers

by Kinetic-Kid

Copyright © 2006

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Definitely no money being made. All characters belong to Joss Whedon and ME. I own nothing except whatever characters I may make up for this story.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse:
Kinetic-Kid's Site:
Oh yeah, anywhere, anytime. Just make sure I get credit and let me know where it is.
Feedback: Please Please PLEASE. I live for feedback. I get irritable and upset if I don't get any and I might not continue writing. Of course, if you don't like the story and think it sucks you may not want me to continue!
Spoilers: Pretty much everything – if you haven't watched BTVS – why are you reading the fanfic? This story is, of course, AU.
Auth Note: First thing first – Season 1 happened the way it did on the show. HOWEVER, things will go completely AU after that. Kendra was never called. Faith was the next slayer called when Buffy died. I will be using ideas from the show, but I WILL be playing fast and loose with time-lines for things to fit in with my story. Joyce is aware that Buffy is the Slayer, she found out in her Freshman year.
Pairing: Buffy/Tara

Summary: Sophomore year, a certain blonde Wicca comes to Sunnydale with her mother to escape their abusive home life.

Prologue   Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6    Chapter 7    Chapter 8    Chapter 9    Chapter 10    Chapter 11    Chapter 12    Chapter 13    Chapter 14    Chapter 15    Chapter 16     Chapter 17    Chapter 18    Chapter 19


"I'm going to get us away from here, baby girl." Dianna whispers softly, stroking her fingers through her daughter's blonde hair. "I never should have stayed with him. We should have left the first time he raised his hand to us." Dianna sighs quietly, the tears slowly sliding down her face as she looks at her bruised and sleeping daughter. Slowly she turns to look at the door as she senses her sister behind her.

"Everything's ready. I'll drive you to the bus station as soon as they release her." Jacquelyn sighs softly as she walks into sit beside her sister. "Here's all the money you had in the bank, and I've given you everything that I can." Jacquelyn hands the envelope to Dianna. "Are you sure you want to go to Sunnydale?"

Dianna smiles sadly into her sister's eyes and slowly nods her head. "I have to take the chance, Jackie. I don't have anyone else that I know elsewhere, and at least I'll have a friend if nothing else."

"Let Justine know your address and how to get in touch with you. I don't want to take a chance of you letting me know and that bastard finding where you live. Justine will keep us in touch with each other." Jacquelyn sighs again and leans against her younger sister. "I wish things could have been different for you."

"You and me both." Dianna looks over her battered daughter, ignoring her own aches and pains. "I never should have stayed with him."

"You're leaving now, so don't dwell on the past. You know as well as I do, that you can't change it, but you can make the future better." Jacquelyn smiles softly as Dianna slowly nods her head. "Are you going to get in touch with her before getting there, or just try and run into her?"

"I don't know how I'm going to see her, but I do know I'm going to wait until we've settled in. I don't even know for sure Hank and her got married, or are still together, or anything else about her, since college. She could be totally different than she was." Dianna admits quietly, running a shaky hand through her daughter's soft hair. "Whatever happens, will happen. We can't continue living like this."

"Just take care of yourself and Tara. Justine said that she'll be more than happy to send you money to help you out. She made some smart ass comment about never having time to spend it, anyway, and someone could use it instead of the banks." Jacquelyn smiles as a quiet chuckle comes from Dianna.

"Hopefully she'll get a chance to come visit us. I know Tara misses being able to talk to her. They were more like sisters growing up, than cousins. Even with the couple year's difference between them." Dianna's lip quirks up slightly in remembrance.

"I know she will. And don't be stubborn, accept her help. She honestly doesn't spend any of the money she makes, she lives in the barracks and all her meals and clothes are paid for by the Navy. I don't know if I'm happy with what she's doing, but she seems to enjoy it." Jacquelyn takes a deep breath in wonder at her daughter.

"She's a smart woman, Jackie. She went through training with flying colors and she knows what she's doing. She's finally received the recognition and respect from the guys she works with, so everything should be in the good, now." Dianna smiles softly thinking about her niece.

"I can't help but think about the shit she went through to get to that point, though." Jacquelyn shakes her head briefly. "But, it's what she wanted."

"Yes, it is. I'm going to miss you, sis." Dianna whispers a tear slowly sliding down her cheek, accepting Jackie's arms around her in a tight embrace.

"I'll miss you, too. Just take care of each other." Jacquelyn places a kiss on top of her sister's head, silently praying to the Goddess to take care of her family.

Chapter 1

Buffy grumbles quietly under her breath as she leaves the house, her mother insisting on her coming by the Art Gallery after school to help unpack a shipment she got in. "Go to school, get a diploma, fight vampires and demons, save the world, help unpack shipments. I would really, truly love to have a life!" Taking a deep breath, Buffy looks up, allowing a smile to come to her face at the sight of her two best friends, Xander and Willow waiting at the corner for her. Seeing the happiness on Willow's face for the start of the new school year and Xander's having his usual goofy grin, Buffy can't help but chuckle. Picking up her speed, she quickly closes the gap between them.

"Good morning, Buff!" Xander tosses her an apple. "There's you a little snack for the way into school."

"Thanks, Xan." Buffy grins as she hooks her arms through Willow and Xander's. "Sooooo, what are we going do this year? We pretty much trashed Giles' library last year. Have to do something bigger for this year."

Willow laughs quietly and shakes her head. "I don't think so, Buffy. It took them almost a month to get the library fixed. Giles was not too pleased."

"I could have stayed dead and let the Master live, how happy do you think that would have made him?" Buffy grins as they quickly make their way towards the high school.

"Don't even joke about that!" Willow turns wide eyes on Buffy. "You very easily could have died!"

"I did die." Buffy shrugs and bumps shoulders with Xander. "My big Xander-shaped friend came and saved me."

Xander blushes lightly and looks down at the concrete. "Had to. Between you and Willow, you're my only two real friends. Gotta keep what I have!"

"Well, I don't know what this year will hold, but hopefully not anything too terribly bad." Willow admits quietly as they walk up the steps. "Wonder what Giles has planned for us."

"Research!" Buffy and Xander both pipe up at the same time, laughing as Willow rolls her eyes at them.

"Come on! Brand new school year, new kids and who knows what else is going to happen. It's exciting, and I can't wait!" Willow bounces as they make their way to the library.

"Baby girl, you can wait until the bruising finishes fading to go to school, if you want." Dianna watches as Tara pulls the book bag over her shoulder as she heads towards the front door of the small house they were renting.

"No, mama. I'd rather start the same time as everyone else." Tara whispers, smiling briefly as she glances back at her mother.

Dianna smiles sadly at Tara and nods her head in agreement. Looking over the bruising that was almost gone, but the slight darkening around one eye and cheek still noticeable. Between the bruises and the cast, Tara looked like a poster child for abuse.

They had been in Sunnydale for a couple weeks and were surprised when they had gone to the bank to open an account, that there was already a bank account there in their names and a house rented for them. When Dianna had opened the large, thick envelope and read the letter on top, she couldn't help but cry at the thoughtfulness of her niece. They had finished filling out the paperwork needed and made their way towards their new home. The small two-bedroom house perfect for them, already furnished with the necessities. Nothing fancy, but just very dependable furniture. When Dianna had tried to call the number to reach her niece, she'd been told that she was out on a mission, and probably wouldn't be back for a month or longer. Giving the young man a quick note to give to Justine, Dianna and Tara had quickly settled into the house with their few belongings.

Shaking her head to get out of her musings, she smiles at Tara. "Have a wonderful day, baby girl. I'm going to go look for a job, that way I hopefully won't have to dig into the funds Justine gave us."

"Love you, mama." Tara hugs her mother quickly before smiling and heading out the door.

"Love you, too, baby girl." Dianna smiles softly at the lack of stutter coming from her daughter, but knows that when Tara's around other people it still comes out. Taking a deep breath, Dianna grabs the newspaper, silently perusing it and circling possibilities as she considers when and how she might see her college friend, silently wondering if she was married, had kids and if she would even remember her. Shaking her head, Dianna smiles briefly. "I'll see if I can't find a job first, before hunting her out."

Tara waits nervously in the office, holding the piece of paper with her schedule on it, while waiting for the student that was going to show her where her classes were.

"I'll catch up to you second period!" Willow grins and waves as Buffy and Xander split off to go to their different classes, walking into the office, she stops and smiles at the young girl in front of her. "Are you Tara?"

Tara slowly raises her eyes, surprised at the tiny redhead standing in front of her. "Y-yes." Tara slowly nods.

Willow bites her lip as she notices the light bruising on the girls face, taking in the cast Willow almost asks what happened, but for once, decides to keep her mouth shut. "I'm Willow. Let me see what classes you have." Willow smiles gently at the blonde as she holds her hand out.

Tara gently places the paper in Willow's hand, silently watching the girl.

"You're a senior?" Willow looks up, smiling as Tara nods her head quickly. "I'm actually a junior, but I'm taking some advanced classes. Come on, I'll show you where the first two classes are, then I'll come and get you for the third class that we have together."

"Okay." Tara whispers softly as she follows the redhead.

"Have you had a chance to get your books yet?" Willow questions as she glances up at the clock in the hallway, seeing they still have ten minutes.

"N-Not yet." Tara shakes her head, looking down. "D-d-didn't know where the l-l-library was." Tara admits quietly.

"Well, we're going right by there. We can stop in and I'll tell Giles what books you need, and you can get them either at lunch, after school or before school tomorrow." Willow grins as she heads quickly towards the library.

Tara giggles quietly as she follows the exuberant redhead.

"GILES!" Willow yells as she enters the library, grinning as he pops up from behind the counter with a scowl on his face. "Can you get together the books Tara's going to need for her classes? She'll come back by later and pick them up."

Giles accepts the list from Willow, quickly making a copy of it before handing it back. "You know, you really don't need to yell. I'm not deaf, you know!" Giles grumbles as Willow and the other girl leave the library.

"I know, I just like to see you get irritated." Willow throws over her shoulder, grinning at the watcher. "See you after school."

"Y-you call the l-librarian by name?" Tara questions softly as they quickly make their way to her first class.

"Yes, it's this thing." Willow grins and shrugs. Willow points out where Tara's second class is while they continue heading down the hallway to her first period. "This is it, I'll come and get you at the door to your second period class, to show you to the next class." Willow grins and waves at the blonde before trotting off to her class.

"T-thanks." Tara shakes her head at the quickness the redhead disappeared. Taking a deep breath, Tara makes her way into her first class of the day, smiling at the thought of possibly being able to have a life outside of home, now that her mother and she had moved out from the controlling influence of her father and brother.

Dianna rubs a hand over the back of her neck, sighing before she reaches for the cup of coffee as she looks at the wanted ads. Confused as to where to start, as she looks at the ads, seeing that there were job openings for practically every job imaginable. Having already filled out applications at four different places, she decided to take a small breather and have something to drink as she considers where else she would like to put in an application at.

"Would you like something to eat?" Elizabeth smiles down at the older woman as she feels her coffee cup.

Dianna smiles as she looks up. "I wouldn't mind a little something. Any suggestions?"

"The muffins are quite good. Personally, I like the banana nut muffin the best." Elizabeth smiles softly as she looks at the newspaper. "Looking for a job?"

"The muffin sounds wonderful. Yes, I am." Dianna nods, sighing quietly. "My daughter and I just moved into town a few weeks ago…" Dianna trails off, shrugging.

"Well, in this town there is an abundance of openings. If you don't see what you want in the paper, I would suggest going to the particular businesses that you may be interested in." Elizabeth pats her gently on the shoulder. "Let me go get you your muffin."

Dianna smiles softly as she looks back down at the newspaper, circling a couple other ads that peaked her interest, before the hair on the back of her neck starts to stand up. Slowly raising her eyes to the front of the small coffee shop, she inhales deeply at the site of the tall, blonde woman striding into the shop. Watching the women intently, Dianna takes in the tall, lithe form, realizing that time had been kind to Joyce. Silently wondering if she's married and has kids, Dianna continues to watch her as she places her order at the counter before paying for the food and moving down to wait for her lunch to be fixed.

"I need to get out of here for a while." Joyce rubs her eyes before she stands up to leave the gallery. Quickly striding towards the front of the shop, she stops momentarily at the receptionist's desk. "I'm going across the street to get something to eat. I'll be back later."

Kathy nods her head at her boss, smiling apologetically at the woman, knowing that Frederick leaving like he did, left Joyce in a bind for a buyer.

Joyce quickly crosses the street and places an order for a Diet Coke and a Reuben sandwich. Waiting for the food, she sighs quietly, wondering what she's going to do now. Not really wanting to have to go out of town in two weeks for the weekend to the convention in LA, but knowing that they needed to get some new artists showing at the gallery soon. Having counted on Frederick to go and buy some fresh paintings, and make contacts with hopefully some young and upcoming artists. Accepting the tray with her food and drink on it, Joyce slowly scans the busy coffee shop, wondering if there were any empty tables when her eyes come into contact with deep blue eyes watching her intently. Blinking in surprise at the woman that she hasn't seen for roughly twenty years, Joyce isn't even aware of her legs moving towards Dianna.

Unconsciously licking her lips, Dianna watches Joyce quickly make her way towards her table, her hazel eyes never breaking contact with hers. Folding the newspaper, Dianna sets it down on the edge of the small table and watches as Joyce stands there looking down at her, a surprised look on her face. "Would you care to join me, Joy?" Dianna questions softly.

Joyce swallows hard as the soft, dulcet tones practically caress her shortened name. "Dee…" Joyce shakes her head before sitting down and staring intently at the woman that she figured she'd never see again. "How…?"

Dianna blushes lightly and looks down at the table. "It's a long story, but short version is that I came here, because I knew this was where you were at. I wanted to at least have a friend, someone I could talk to, be here for me."

"How did you know I was living here?" Joyce frowns as she allows her eyes to drink in the sight of the one person that she always wondered what had happened to, after college.

Dianna bites her lip and shakes her head. "I'm not so sure you'd believe me if I told you." Looking up from where she'd been staring down into her empty coffee cup, she searches the hazel depths. Looking up as the waitress, Elizabeth, sets the muffin in front of her, Dianna smiles quickly and pushes her coffee cup towards the woman, so she can fill it again. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Elizabeth smiles quickly, glancing towards the other woman, recognizing her from the other times she'd come in here. Nodding her head at the woman, Elizabeth quickly hurries off to help her other customers.

Joyce looks from Dianna's dark blonde hair, to her kind blue eyes over the soft features, noting the slight differences that age has brought to her college friend. Realizing that if anything, time had made her more beautiful. "You'd be surprised at what I'd believe." Joyce admits quietly as she lifts her drink, taking a sip of the diet soda.

Dianna bites her lip and shakes her head after a few seconds. "I'll tell you, but it isn't something that should be discussed in public." Dianna allows herself to look at Joyce's hand, a quiet sigh of relief easing out when there's no wedding band on her finger. "I was going to look for you in a couple more weeks, after I found a job."

Joyce tilts her head looking at Dianna for a few moments. "How long have you been in town?"

"A couple weeks." Dianna tears a small piece of muffin and pops it in her mouth, chewing as she thinks. "My daughter and I moved here. We've been trying to get settled in, and now I'm looking for a job." Dianna smiles quickly as she watches Joyce start to eat her sandwich.

Joyce runs her finger over the edge of the tray as she considers questioning Dianna further. "Married?" Joyce whispers, her eyes looking up to wait for the answer.

Dianna wipes her fingers before reaching for her cup to sip at the coffee for a moment, getting her thoughts in order before gently placing it back on the table. "If you want to call it that, yes. I'm married."

Joyce raises an eyebrow in silent question, noticing the tensing of Dianna's body and the slight paling of her skin tone, even though the woman had always been on the pale side, what coloring she did have seemed to disappear with her question.

Dianna sighs heavily watching Joyce and the emotions crossing her face. "Home life wasn't exactly…" Dianna raises her eyes up at the ceiling as she considers the proper wording. Running a hand down her face, not knowing what to say, she finally spits out. "It was shit. Tara and I ran away after the last trip to the hospital."

Joyce pales even more than Dianna as the words roll around in her mind. Unconsciously she reaches across the small table to clasp Dianna's hand in hers. "Dee?" Joyce questions softly, her eyes asking what she couldn't bring herself to say.

Dianna feels tears slowly gather in her eyes and slowly nods her head to Joyce's silent question. "Tara and I both." Dianna admits quietly. "We're praying that he won't find us. Unfortunately when I go to get a job, when I fill out the paperwork there may be a good chance that he'll be able to locate us if he knows how to look."

Joyce squeezes Dianna's hand gently, slowly shaking her head. "We need to talk, and this isn't the best place to have this type of discussion." Joyce finally admits quietly. "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? You and Tara?"

Dianna looks intently into Joyce's eyes, seeing caring and warmth with a hint of anger. Knowing intuitively that the anger isn't pointed at her, but at her husband, Dianna smiles softly. "I honestly wasn't expecting to run into you like this, Joy." Dianna admits as she shifts her other hand to cover Joyce's hand that's still holding hers. "I was wanting to get everything situated first, then maybe look you up to talk."

"Things always happen for a reason. Especially in this town." Joyce smiles softly at Dianna. Gently easing her hand away, she digs in her purse and pulls out one of her business cards, flipping it over she writes down her address and her phone number. Handing the card to Dianna she tilts her head for a few moments. "I'll get home around 5:30 – come over then, before it gets dark. We need to have a major discussion, not just personal but about the goings on in this town."

Dianna slowly nods her head, looking at the address on the card, frowning lightly. "This road name looks familiar, where is it?"

"Where are you living?" Joyce questions softly.

"Fremont Drive. A small one story house with two bedrooms." Dianna looks up as she hears a quiet chuckle coming from Joyce.

"That's about three blocks from where I live. If you're heading towards your house, continue down Berkshire and take a left on Revello Drive. We're the sixth house on your left." Joyce explains where she lives and smiles as the dawning light comes on in Dianna's eyes. "Basically a little hop skip and jump from where I live."

Dianna slowly nods her head and tucks the card away in her purse. "May be handy. What about you, Joy? Kids, husband…somebody else?" Dianna practically whispers the last two words.

Joyce smiles and reaches out to gently squeeze Dianna's hand before pulling her hand back. "I have a daughter, also. She's a junior in High School. I'm divorced and there is…no one else at the moment." Joyce's voice drops slightly as she finishes the sentence.

"Tara's a senior." Dianna looks up smiling.

Joyce feels her heart catch at the absolutely beautiful smile crossing Dianna's face. Feeling her heart start to literally pound in her chest, Joyce swallows as she wonders what this is going to mean to their relationship. And how Buffy may react when she finds out, if it becomes more than friendship. "I should head back to work." Joyce whispers softly, looking down at her plate, wondering when she finished her sandwich.

"And I need to put in a few more applications before heading home." Dianna slowly stands, digging in her purse to pay for her muffin and coffee, looking up when Joyce's hand stops her.

"I'll get it." Joyce shakes her head, smiling. Unable to resist, she pulls Dianna in for a hug. "I've missed you, Dee." Joyce whispers softly, smiling as she feels Dianna's arms loop around her neck hugging her tightly.

"I've missed you too, Joy." Dianna admits, allowing herself to enjoy the feel of Joyce's arms wrapped around her for a few more moments before gently easing away. "Tara and I will be at your house at 5:30."

"I'll see you then." Joyce smiles and watches as Dianna slowly walks away. Opening her wallet, Joyce drops some money on the table before heading back to work, silently wondering what the future holds in store for her now.

Chapter 2

"If you want, you can eat with us." Willow waves towards the table, where Buffy and Xander were already sitting, Xander tossing French fries towards Buffy and the slayer catching them in her mouth to chew and swallow.

"I-I don't th-think so." Tara blushes and shakes her head. "I'm g-going to the l-library. Th-thank you, Willow." Tara looks up through her hair and smiles quickly before turning to walk quickly away.

"Huh." Willow watches the blonde walk away. "And I thought I was shy." Willow shrugs her shoulders and makes her way over to Buffy and Xander.

"Who was that?" Buffy questions as she bounces a French fry off Xander's head, grinning as she realizes it had some ketchup on it, that's now made a home on Xander forehead.

"That's just wrong." Xander bitches as he grabs a napkin and wipes the ketchup from his forehead.

"Tara Maclay, she's new." Willow explains, unnecessarily. "She's heading to the library to probably pick up her books." Willow shrugs as she looks at her two best friends. "What are we going to do after school?"

Buffy groans and drops her head on the table. "I have to help mom at the gallery. Then probably do my math homework. First day of school and the idiot teacher is giving homework!"

"I guess that means there's no going to the Bronze tonight?" Xander's pouts at the thought.

"Probably not tonight. We'll see what happens the rest of this week." Buffy shrugs, smiling.

"Have you heard from Angel yet?" Willow questions quietly, knowing Buffy was still a little touchy on the subject of the disappearing vampire.

"No." Buffy shakes her head, sighing heavily.

Xander snarls his nose at the thought of the vampire that disappeared after Buffy defeated The Master. "Useless bag of blood." Xander mumbles, blushing when Buffy looks up and narrows her eyes on him. Swallowing hard, Xander quickly becomes interested in his lunch.

Buffy picks at her lunch as she silently wonders what Angel has been up to since he left at the beginning of the summer. She had hoped that there might be a chance that something was happening between them, but when he left with a cryptic 'I'll be back in a few months', she was left wondering. Finishing her lunch, she looks up at the clock, realizing their lunch period was almost over. "About that time, guys. I already told Giles I wouldn't be able to do the training thing after school today because of mom, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, Buff. See you in the AM." Xander watches as Buffy quickly strides away. "I don't understand what she sees in him." Xander bitches quietly.

"Other than the tall, dark and handsome part? Probably nothing." Willow raises an eyebrow at her best friend. "Come on, Xander. Let's head to our next class. You're going to pass History whether you want to or not, this year!!"

"NOT THE HISTORY TORTURE!" Xander practically yells as Willow drags him out of the cafeteria, laughing.

Buffy grumbles under her breath as she finishes unpacking the crates in her mother's Gallery. "SHIT!" Buffy yells as a huge splinter imbeds itself into the palm of her hand. Stomping out of the back, she makes her way to the bathroom and digs through the First Aid kit, finally coming across the rubbing alcohol and a pair of tweezers. Yanking the splinter out, she investigates the wound to make sure there weren't any other smaller pieces left in the wound before pouring the alcohol over it to kill any bacteria.

Joyce stands at the door as she watches Buffy. "Are you okay, honey?"

"Yes." Buffy growls quietly as she digs around to find a small bandage to tape the weeping wound.

"Here, let me." Joyce comes in and finds the sterile pad and tape as Buffy presses some paper towels onto the wound. "What did you do?"

"One of your crates decided it didn't like me tearing it apart and decided to get back at me." Buffy pulls off the towels and allows her mom to tape the bandage on her palm. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry, honey." Joyce looks up at her daughter. "I have a college friend coming over to dinner tonight, along with her daughter. I want to explain to her about Sunnydale, that way nothing happens to either one of them."

"Mom…" Buffy scratches her head, understanding how her mom wants to help protect people, but most people just don't want to believe it. Or they want to think whoever's telling them about it, is nuts.

"I know what you're going to say honey. But I think she can handle it. We'll play it by ear tonight, okay?" Joyce silently pleads with her daughter.

Buffy sighs and her shoulders drop before she nods her head in acceptance. "We'll see. If you tell them, you get to be the one to break it to Giles. You know how he is about all this secret shit."

"I know." Joyce rolls her eyes. "If he had his way, I still wouldn't know anything about it."

"I honestly didn't think you'd believe me when I finally did tell you." Buffy shrugs her shoulders, a sad smile crossing her. Remembering with a slight shudder how she'd found her mom almost becoming a snack for a vampire after visiting the grocery store. After Joyce had watched in stunned surprise as Buffy took out a couple vampires, she had made Buffy explain everything…The woman surprised that it went back to Hemery High School. After that, her mom hadn't questioned her about being out late and had kept her comments to herself.

"I was wondering if you would mind taking her daughter up to your room and giving Dianna and I some time to discuss things." Joyce broaches the subject, hoping Buffy won't be too upset.

"Am I a damn baby sitter, also?" Buffy growls throwing her hands up in the air. "Buffy, help me unpack the shipment, go to school, go patrol, you need to train, do your homework, now I need to play baby sitter!" Buffy strides out of the bathroom angrily. "How about Buffy, want to go out to a movie, maybe spend the night dancing? How about we rent a couple movies and pop some popcorn, have a normal night for anybody else that isn't me!" Buffy continues to bitch as she heads back to finish unpacking.

Joyce winces as she follows behind her daughter, knowing that she feels like everyone is coming down on her, but honestly not knowing what to do about that fact. Helping her finish unpacking the shipment, Joyce looks occasionally over at her daughter. When she notices it looks like Buffy may have calmed down somewhat, Joyce whispers softly. "I would appreciate you maybe trying to give us some time together to talk over things, Buffy."

"Yeah, yeah." Buffy grunts as she finishes carrying the trash out to the dumpster. "You owe me. Eventually I want to have a 'me' day and I don't want to have you saying anything, okay?" Buffy raises an eyebrow at her mother.

"Deal." Joyce nods her head in acceptance. "Thank you, honey."

"You're welcome." Buffy's lip quirks up slightly as she looks at her mom. "So you actually have friends?"

"BUFFY!" Joyce looks up at her daughter. Placing her hands on her waist she shakes her head as Buffy starts to laugh. "You are going to pay for that comment, young lady."

"Probably." Buffy nods, chuckling as she starts to relax somewhat. "Are we done?" Buffy looks around, not seeing anything else for her to do.

"Yes, we are. Come on, if we leave now I can pick up some pork chops for dinner tonight." Joyce offers the truce with her daughter, knowing how much Buffy loves pork chops.

"Let's go." Buffy grins as she practically runs out of the storage area.

Joyce laughs quietly as she follows her daughter at a more sedate pace.

"Mama…" Tara sighs heavily as she slowly follows her mother. "How about letting me stay home, that way I can start studying?" Tara tries to get out of going to her mom's college friends house for dinner.

"Baby girl, she invited both of us. Plus she has a daughter going to the high school that's a year younger than you. Maybe you'll be friends. I want you to enjoy life, sweetie. No more hiding away, we're away from your father now and I want you to have a life outside of school and housework."

"Okay, Mama." Tara gives in, knowing her mother's just wanting what's best for her. Silently Tara prays that the girl isn't a stuck up snob, or decides to pick on her like so many other kids had at her previous school. Looking up at the nice looking two story house, Tara looks nervously at her mom.

"It'll be okay, baby girl." Dianna smiles encouragingly at her daughter as she wraps an arm around her. They walk up the sidewalk to stop on the front porch. Dianna rings the doorbell, silently praying to the Goddess that Tara will find a friend to help her out with her shyness.

Buffy quickly jogs down the stairs as she hears the doorbell ring and opens the door, surprised at the sight of the blonde girl Willow had been showing around the school that day. Quickly stepping back from the door, she waves them in. "You must be my mom's friend from college?" Buffy questions looking at the older woman.

"Yes, I'm Dianna Maclay, and this is my daughter, Tara." Dianna gently urges Tara to look up and take the initiative.

"I'm Buffy." Buffy smiles quickly before trying to catch the girl's eyes, frowning slightly when she notices the bruising on her face, never having been close enough before now to have noticed it. Taking closer inventory of the girl, Buffy notices the way she almost wants to hide behind her mother. "Please, have a seat. Mom's fixing dinner right now." Buffy waves to the living room. "Would either of you like something to drink?"

Tara grunts quietly as her mom bumps her again. "N-no. Thank you." Tara looks up quickly, smiling briefly before looking back down.

Dianna sighs softly at her daughter. "Does Joy need any help with fixing dinner?"

"Ummm." Buffy blinks and shrugs her shoulders. "I'm useless in the kitchen, so I couldn't tell you." Buffy shakes her head, grinning.

"Which way?" Dianna quickly heads towards the kitchen after Buffy points her in the right direction.

Buffy sits down in the chair across from Tara, tilting her head as she watches the girl…young woman gently run her hand over her skirt as she hides behind her hair. "You met my friend, Willow. She was the redhead that showed you around school today." Buffy tries to start a conversation with the quiet woman.

"Yes. She s-seems v-very n-nice." Tara murmurs softly, glancing up to look at Buffy.

"She's extremely nice. Very helpful and smart. Also a whiz on the computer, so if you have anything you need help with, she's the one to ask." Buffy rambles quickly, feeling uncomfortable as she tries to entertain the woman.

"If you h-have s-something you'd r-rather b-be d-d-d-doing…" Tara trails off as she looks down.

"No. No, I don't. Other than my math homework, but I'm stumped on the problem I'm trying to do right now." Buffy shrugs her shoulders, a half smile on her face.

"I c-can help. If you w-w-want." Tara offers softly, raising her head and allowing her hair to slide back from her face momentarily.

"Are you a brain, like Wills?" Buffy questions, a huge grin crossing her face.

"I w-wouldn't s-say that." Tara shakes her head, allowing a crooked grin to come to her face.

Buffy blinks in surprise at how much that smile changed the way the woman looked. "Well, if you don't mind helping me, I'd appreciate it. Damn things Greek to me." Buffy admits. "Do you want to come upstairs with me, and I'll show you the rest of the house. Or I could run upstairs to grab my book and bring it back down."

"I'll c-come w-with." Tara offers as she stands, following Buffy silently up the stairs.

"Hi." Dianna smiles as she watches Joyce work on the dinner.

"Hello." Joyce looks up smiling. "Find the house okay?"

"Yes, we did. Need any help with anything?" Dianna looks at the stove with different pots on it before looking back at Joyce who's slicing and dicing items to put on the salad.

"Nope. Pretty much have everything under control. Would you like something to drink? We have water, soda, tea and coffee." Joyce quickly finishes slicing the cucumber, grabbing a piece and popping it in her mouth as she prepares the salad.

Dianna smiles as she watches Joyce. "A cup of tea wouldn't be bad. I've had about my quota of coffee for the day."

Turning around, Joyce puts the salad in the refrigerator before grabbing the kettle, filling it with water and turning it on. Grabbing down a couple mugs she pulls out her tea canisters and teabags that she has. "Anything in particular?" Joyce questions smiling over her shoulder.

Dianna closes the distance between them and looks down at all the different brands and flavors of tea, chuckling quietly. "Just about every kind you can think of, huh?"

Joyce blushes lightly and nods her head. "Yes. Buffy's wat…librarian, Rupert Giles will sometimes come over and he's English. Love's his tea." Joyce shrugs smiling down into Dianna's blue eyes, noticing the drawing together of her brows in a frown, Joyce plays over what she said, wondering what might be causing it, when it clicks. "Part of what we need to discuss, Dee. We haven't and aren't planning on dating, if that's what you're thinking." Joyce explains softly, placing a hand on Dianna's arm, her eyes showing her sincerity.

Dee shakes her head, smiling. "It isn't any of my business if there is, Joy. What you do, or have done, is your business. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm just hoping to have at least your friendship, again. I'm not looking for anything else."

Joyce turns to face Dianna more fully, taking in her features for a few minutes. "Are you saying you don't want anything but friendship?" Joyce finally questions after a few more minutes.

Dianna bites her lip and looks up into Joyce's eyes, seeing the slight wariness there, she doesn't know if Joyce only wants friendship or if she might want more and is afraid to show it. Sighing quietly, Dianna covers Joyce's hand with hers. "I want your friendship, Joy. I may even should say I need someone to be able to talk to. But after all these years, I haven't ever forgotten you, and that should say something in and of itself." Dianna whispers the last sentence softly.

Joyce considers Dianna's words, a soft smile crossing her face. Reaching up to tuck some loose hair behind Dianna's ear, Joyce whispers back. "I haven't forgotten you, either, Dee." Gently wrapping her arms around the shorter woman, Joyce sighs quietly and hugs her. "But I dare say that you need a friend more than anything right now in your life."

Dianna slowly nods her head against Joyce's shoulder in silent agreement. "But we'll leave the matter open for something more?" Dianna hesitantly asks, smiling as she hears and feels the low chuckle come from Joyce.

"I would say that is a definite." Joyce squeezes her once more gently, before placing a quick kiss on the top of her head. "Let's have some tea and talk about good stuff that's happened in the past and save the other for after dinner, how does that sound?"

Dianna eases out of Joyce's embrace watching as Joyce starts to make her cup of tea. "I'd say that sounds like a wonderful idea. I'll have the Chamomile." Dianna mentions after Joyce waves her hand at the tea.

"Honey, milk, sugar?" Joyce grins as Dianna laughs quietly.

"Maybe a squirt of honey would be good." Dianna gently squeezes Joyce's arm before accepting her mug with the requested honey.

"Where's your daughter?" Joyce tilts her head as they slowly make their way to the living room. Surprised when neither girl was there.

"I guess she's wherever Buffy is." Dianna looks around, chuckling. "She was scared stiff to come here." Dianna finally admits as the two women settle on the couch, sitting beside each other, but with a decent space between them. "It's going to take time for her to come out of her shell." Dianna sighs quietly as she looks down into her tea, shaking herself mentally out of where her thoughts were. "Something for after dinner. So tell me about what's been going on with you since college."

Joyce watches Dianna for a few seconds before smiling and starting to explain what had happened after college.

"Huh." Buffy looks down at the problem that she had finished in record time, after Tara had explained another way of doing it. "That was almost too easy, are you sure that was right?"

Tara giggles and slowly nods her head, brushing her hair behind her ear as she looks at the answer as she sits beside Buffy on her bed. "Yes, I'm s-s-sure."

Buffy looks over at the grinning woman, her blue eyes twinkling merrily. "How come nobody's ever shown me that way of doing it before?"

Tara shrugs and looks at the other problems on the page. "Unfortunately, s-some people only think of one w-way to do something. B-but there can be a d-dozen ways to do it, if they w-would be open to thinking d-differently." Tara grins crookedly at Buffy. Her stuttering still bad, but slowly getting better as the two continue to talk, and after Tara had started to relax in the company of the other girl.

"That I can understand, and agree with completely." Buffy grins back at the girl. "Would you mind terribly if I ask for your help if I have problems again?"

"Of course, n-not." Tara grins and tucks her knees up under her chin, wrapping her arms around her legs. "I'm p-planning on becoming a t-teacher, so this w-would be great experience."

"You'd be good at being a teacher." Buffy nods her head, having been watching the young woman as she had softly explained how to do the problem without doing it for her. Giving her hints when she'd hesitate. "Do you mind if I finish the rest of them and you check over what I did, see if I did anything wrong?"

"Go ahead, Buffy. I'm n-not going anywhere." Tara giggles quietly as Buffy rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Except for dinner with the mom's. How well do they know each other, anyway?" Buffy questions for conversation as she works on her problems, not looking at the other girl.

Tara blinks momentarily, not knowing how much Joyce might have told Buffy about what happened in her life, knowing that a lot of people might keep that quiet from their family, especially since Buffy was questioning her about it. "I know that they w-went to the same college and were p-pretty good friends. Afterwards th-they went their separate ways." Tara shrugs, just giving the bare bones, deciding that might be best for now.

"Mom never talks much about her college days, so I was kind of wondering." Buffy looks up smiling briefly before looking back down and working her way through the rest of the problems. Wanting to ask the blonde about her bruises and broken arm, but for some reason being reticent about questioning her.

"Mama will occasionally t-talk about it." Tara admits as she watches Buffy finish her homework. "She's talked more in the last couple w-weeks since we moved here, than she had p-previously." Tara accepts Buffy's book and notepad, glancing over the problems grinning. "You're good." Tara hands the items back to Buffy.

"Thanks. So what do you like to do? Do you like dancing, music, movies?" Buffy questions, dropping her books off the edge of the bed and flopping down across her bed to watch the other girl.

Tara shrugs her shoulders non-committally, as her father didn't allow music or anything of the sort. "I pretty much w-went to school and w-worked around the house and f-farm." Tara admits quietly.

Buffy watches Tara as she seems to draw in on herself slightly. "Well, you're going to have to come to the Bronze with us sometime." At Tara's questioning look, Buffy grins. "It's the local hangout, where anyone and everyone goes. It's a bar, but they allow kids to go in we just get stamped different color so that way we don't drink." Buffy shrugs. "They have live bands every weekend and play current music with a DJ the rest of the time."

"We'll see." Tara smiles shyly.

"Girls! Dinner's almost ready." Joyce calls up from downstairs.

"Food." Buffy bounces up and off the bed, holding her hand out for Tara. Helping the blonde up she bounds out of the room.

Tara blinks at the energy of the other girl before slowly following her, smiling at the thought of how kind Buffy seems and maybe they could be friends.

Chapter 3

Buffy sighs quietly as they finish dinner when her mother gives her the look, knowing her mom wants her to explain about being the slayer. Looking at Tara for a few moments then looking at Tara's mom, Buffy shrugs. "It's on your head, mother." Buffy grumbles quietly. "I'll be back in a second." Buffy stands up and trots up to her room gathering some of her tools of the trade, tucking them away into inconspicuous places on her body before coming back down the stairs.

Tara and Dianna both watch Buffy leave before turning their gazes questioningly on Joyce.

Joyce smiles quickly. "This part is better coming from Buffy, but I just ask that you bear with her. Sometimes she gets a little…blunt about things." Joyce shrugs before standing to gather up the dirty dishes.

"Here, let me help." Dianna and Tara both stand and make short work of taking the dishes to the kitchen before the three walk to the living room.

Dianna turns to look at Joyce for a second before Buffy came running down the stairs.

"Short of taking you with me to see it for yourselves, I guess a demonstration of what I can do may be in order." Buffy sighs as she looks around the living room.

"There's the metal bars that were left over from the previous owners out in the garage, honey." Joyce suggests softly.

"Good idea." Buffy nods and quickly runs out to the garage grabbing a couple of the 2" thick solid metal bars and walking back into the living room. Setting the items on the floor, Buffy sighs heavily while crossing her arms over her chest. "This would be better coming from Giles, he just has that tone in his voice…" Buffy mutters before starting. "Into each generation a Slayer is born, one girl in all the world, a Chosen One, one born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires, to stop the spread of evil…" Buffy stops as she hears a squeak come from Tara. Her eyes landing on the girl, wondering if she's already freaking.

"Mama…" Tara turns surprised eyes on her mom.

"We know about the supernatural." Dianna finally whispers turning to look back at a shocked and surprised Buffy to an equally surprised Joyce. "We're both Wicca's. We know this is the Hellmouth, but neither of us expected to know who the Slayer was." Dianna turns her gaze back on Buffy. "Or that she would actually reside here on the Hellmouth."

"Huh." Buffy blinks as the shock that they both are aware of slayers, still rattles around her brain. "I don't get to demonstrate my strength or anything?" Buffy pouts at the thought.

Tara giggles quietly and waves to the metal. "Be our guest."

Buffy grins as she picks up one of the metal rods, wrapping it around quickly into the shape of a pretzel. "How about that?"

Tara looks inquiringly at her mother, and as Dianna nods her head in acceptance, Tara grins and whispers a quiet incantation, and the metal rod lifts out of Buffy's hands and untangles itself to be straight once more.

"HEY! No fair undoing what I did!" Buffy grumbles, trying to hide the surprise at what Tara had done. "So you're not only Wicca, but you can actually do magic?"

"Yes, we are both well versed in the art of Magic. That's how I located Joy." Dianna admits quietly, looking at Joyce. "I did a locator spell and found out you were living in Sunnydale."

"That explains a few things." Joyce admits, smiling as Dianna blushes.

"Magic had nothing to do with it." Dianna murmurs softly before winking at Joyce knowingly.

Joyce chuckles and nods her head, knowing that Dianna wouldn't have done anything like that. "So us explaining about being extremely careful if you have to go out at night, carrying holy water, crosses and the like is a definite must. Though we would prefer you not having to go out at all and taking a chance of something happening to you."

Dianna looks over at Tara, smiling gently. "We can probably handle vampires, and some of the other demons the world has. We both may want to practice certain spells to make sure we can toss them at a moments notice, but other than that, we should be okay."

Buffy shakes her head. "I don't think so. This is the Hellmouth, I kill roughly five to ten vampires a night on average. This isn't something that I want you to take a chance with."

"Mama, can I go with her tonight, show her what we can do?" Tara murmurs softly, her eyebrows lifted in question.

"If it's okay with her, I'm fine with it, baby girl." Dianna smiles and rubs Tara's back gently. Looking up at a questioning Buffy, Dianna tilts her head towards her daughter. "Tara would like to go with you on patrol tonight, if that would be okay. She can give you a demonstration of what we can do, but remember, given proper time to prepare, we can also have other spells at our disposal."

Buffy's about to respond in the negative when she sees the silent pleading look in Dianna's eyes, before turning her gaze to Tara, seeing the girl start to crawl back in her shell again, after having finally come out somewhat as the night progressed. "If you promise to heed my warnings, and not take any risks, I'd love to have the company." Buffy finally offers, smiling as Tara looks up, the happiness obvious on the other girls face.

"I promise." Tara grins hugely, her hand grasping her mom's hand and squeezing. "If you have spare s-stakes and holy water, I'll accept them." Tara offers quietly.

"Oh, I have plenty, trust me." Buffy smirks as her mother rolls her eyes and grumbles. Turning around, Buffy heads into the small little room off the living room and grabs a box of stakes. "Take as many as you want." Buffy heads upstairs to grab a couple bottles of holy water bringing them downstairs with her. "Are you two staying here, while we go on patrol?"

"I'll stay until you two get back, then Tara and I can walk back home together." Dianna looks questioningly at Joyce. "If that's okay with you?"

"That's fine. Give us some time to catch up." Joyce smiles sadly at Dianna as she sees the shadowed look cross her blue eyes.

"Giles is going to freak. While we're out on patrol, maybe you can explain to me how you know about Slayers and Vampires." Buffy hints, grinning as Tara blushes and slowly nods her head. "Come on, let's head out on patrol."

"Giles is your Watcher, I assume?" Tara questions softly as she follows the slayer out of the house.

"That's him. The English dude that is our librarian at school is also my watcher. He's going to wonder if everyone living in Sunnydale is going to know who I am before this is done." Buffy rolls her eyes. "He's going to yell at me, I'm sure!"

"We already knew about the Slayer, why w-would he be upset?" Tara bites her lip, not wanting Buffy to get in trouble.

"It's this thing he does." Buffy shrugs not worried about it. "Trust me, I piss him off pretty much every day. Nothing new, and maybe we can make his day tomorrow. Want to meet me at the library early?" Buffy grins hugely, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Okay." Tara agrees, wondering what she's getting herself into. "Who else knows about you?" Tara questions softly.

"Willow, Xander, and Cordelia." Buffy admits, grinning. "Talk about Giles being pissed when that happened." Buffy laughs. "Xander was in the library when Giles and I were talking about vampires. It kind of went from there." Buffy shrugs, smirking.

"How about your mom, when d-did she find out?" Tara walks beside Buffy, stealing a glance at the pretty girl.

"She was late getting home one night, and I went out looking for her. She'd stopped at the grocery store and a vampire was about ready to make a meal out of her." Buffy shrugs as she frowns heavily. "I would have told her before, but Giles always insists on it being this great big secret. I still think the more people that are aware of what's going on, the less likely they are to get hurt or killed. But the Watcher's Council is of the opinion that most people can't handle knowing the truth."

"They're p-probably right." Tara admits quietly. "Most people w-would probably freak at the r-realization."

"So, enough about me. What about you?" Buffy questions as they head in to a cemetery, frowning when she sees Tara drop her head.

"Not a l-lot to t-tell about m-me." Tara murmurs quietly, her stutter becoming worse.

"Easy." Buffy grasps Tara's arm gently. "If you don't want to talk, that's fine. I just hope that maybe you will, one day. I don't have too many friends, so I treasure and want to keep the few I do have." Buffy smiles encouragingly at the blonde.

Tara slowly lifts her head, allowing a small smile to cross her face. "Thank you, Buffy."

"Nah. I didn't do anything. Come on, let's go get you a newbie, that way I can see what you can do." Buffy tugs gently on Tara's arm as they head towards a fresh grave.

Dianna turns to look at Joyce after their daughters leave, wondering silently how to start.

"Let me start." Joyce reaches down and unconsciously threads her fingers through Dianna's. Slowly she explains how Hank and she had finally married once they were out of college, her becoming pregnant with Buffy, through their seemingly happy life until she caught Hank cheating on her with his secretary and their subsequent break-up. Hitting on Buffy's problem at Hemery High, explaining that she didn't realize at the time that Buffy was the Slayer, and that she had burned down the gym that was filled with vampires, on through their living here in Sunnydale and her owning the Gallery.

"Do you see or talk to Hank much anymore?" Dianna questions softly, seeing the hurt in her friends eyes as she had spoken about Hank's adultery.

"Not really. He makes promises to take Buffy places, and ninety percent of the time he doesn't follow through. We've both pretty much washed our hands of him." Joyce admits quietly. "He's supposed to send money for child support, but he hasn't done that in the last eight months." Joyce shrugs, not knowing what to say.

"There's probably places you can go, to have that taken care of, if you wanted." Dianna suggests softly.

"I'm not really that worried about it, to tell you the honest truth." Joyce sighs heavily. "I just wish that he would spend more time with Buffy, I know it hurts her that he's practically disowned her."

Dianna squeezes Joyce's fingers gently in commiseration. Finally after a few minutes of the two women sitting silently together, Dianna starts her story. Marrying Ronald Maclay, becoming pregnant with Donny almost immediately, how things seemed fine until she had Tara. Ronald had become colder and meaner the older Tara got. Finally realizing that he had a problem with having a daughter, that all he wanted were boys. He became more religious, and spare the rod type theory, but only with Tara. He thought the sun set on his son, so it started with Tara getting her butt smacked for almost no reason, then the older she became the more violent he was, finally to the point that he was beating Tara and whenever Dianna would interfere, she'd take the brunt of the beatings. Dianna explained that whenever she noticed he was about to go on one of his rampages, she'd intervene so that he'd take his frustrations out on her instead of Tara, until the last time when she had been at the grocery store. How when she came home, Tara was in an unconscious, bruised and bloody state.

Joyce quietly takes Dianna in her arms as she continues her tale, her heart aching for her long-time friend and past lover. Pressing her lips gently to the top of Dianna's head, she listens as she finally trails off as to how they came here after Tara was well enough to travel. "I wish things had been different for you, Dee." Joyce finally whispers after the longest time, as Dianna finally calmed down and got control of her emotions.

"I never should have stayed with him. I don't even know why I did. The first time he beat us, I lost what respect and love I had felt for him." Dianna admits, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feel of Joyce holding her tightly. "I'm just silently praying to the Goddess that he doesn't find us or cause us problems. That's all I want, to live out my life and actually allow Tara to have a life. The poor girl doesn't know what it's like to have friends and people care for her. The closest thing she's ever had was her cousin Justine, and with Justine being gone the last couple years, it's been even harder on Tara."

"Well, from the looks of things, I'd say her and Buffy are on the way to having a good friendship. Buffy's kind of gotten used to not having too many friends, now that she's the slayer. I asked her once why she doesn't have more friends, and she just shook her head at me before finally whispering that she hated having to end up staking them if they got turned. That one comment hit home more than anything else, what she has to do and put up with. I can't see having to kill someone that was your friend." Joyce admits quietly as her heart aches.

"It can't be easy for either of you." Dianna shifts to look up into Joyce's sad hazel eyes. "So, we're a bunch of sad sacks tonight." Dianna tries to smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Yes, we are. Do you want something to drink? Maybe another cup of tea?" Joyce offers, brushing her thumb over Dianna's cheek to wipe away a stray tear.

"That sounds wonderful, Joy." Dianna leans into the soft caress, closing her eyes as it feels like it's been a millennia since she's been touched with tenderness.

Joyce swallows hard as she has this urge to place a gentle kiss on Dee's lips. Fighting it, knowing the woman needs friendship more than anything at this moment in time, Joyce puts her feelings on the backburner for the time being. "I have some cake, also." Joyce entices quietly, smiling as Dianna lifts her head.

Dianna chuckles quietly and nods her head. "A piece of cake and tea sounds great. Thanks for being there for me, Joy." Dianna whispers as she follows Joyce into the kitchen.

"I'll always be there for you, Dee. As long as you want or need me to be." Joyce answers quietly.

"I know you will." Dianna helps Joyce with the tea and slicing of the cake.

Buffy pouts as she looks down at the small pile of ash. "That's no fun. You throw the flame-y ball at him and he goes up in a flaming inferno then disappears into a pile of ash. I didn't even get a chance to beat on him."

Tara chuckles quietly as Buffy looks up at her with an obvious twinkle in her eyes. "Sorry." Tara shrugs, grinning crookedly at the slayer.

"Okay. So I believe you can take care of yourself, as long as you aren't surrounded by vampires. What would you do if you had a gang of ten surrounding you?" Buffy raises an eyebrow in question as she circles the Wicca.

"Whimper and cry?" Tara suggests with a raised eyebrow, laughing as Buffy rolls her eyes. "Put a protective spell around m-myself and run like hell towards home." Tara finally answers.

"Protective spell?" Buffy questions with a frown.

"So no one can t-touch me." Tara shrugs at the slayer before whispering the spell. Tara smirks as she walks towards Buffy, poking her gently in the shoulder. "Hit me." Tara suggests.

"I'm not going to hit you!" Buffy stares at the woman in shock.

"You can't, trust me." Tara wiggles her fingers at the slayer. "C-come on, big bad mama, come and get me."

Buffy rolls her eyes and takes a gentle swing at the Wicca, blinking in surprise as her hand slows down to a stop as if it's cushioned and caught in a heavy mass of jell-o. "What the hell?"

"Try hitting it harder." Tara suggests watching as Buffy becomes serious and starts to punch and kick at her shield.

"I'll be damned." Buffy mutters as she finally stops. "That's great to keep you from getting hurt, but it isn't hurting the person trying to get at you."

"No, that shield won't. I didn't w-want you to get hurt." Tara admits quietly. "I can put up a shield that w-would feel like you're hitting a c-concrete wall."

"How long can you hold the shield?" Buffy questions, watching Tara.

Tara shrugs. "I don't know. Never tried it b-before, other than when Mama and I were p-practicing making the shields."

"Well, I feel better about you and your mother being out, now. But I'd still say don't tempt fate. If at all possible, don't be out at night, and stay away from dimly lit areas during the day. The vampires can still move in the shadows, or if it's overcast. Always be on alert, okay?" Buffy suggests as the two women slowly make there way out of the cemetery to continue on patrol.

"I promise." Tara nods her head, smiling as they walk around town. "Do you always p-patrol by yourself?" Tara finally questions after a few minutes.

"No. Sometimes Giles, Willow or Xander will come with me. I try to keep Willow and Xander from coming that often, but they insist. I'm afraid they're going to get hurt." Buffy admits quietly. "Though Xander already saved my life, once."

"H-he did?" Tara questions, looking intently at Buffy.

Buffy nods her head as she tucks her hands in her pockets as they continue to walk towards the next cemetery. "It was last year, there was a prophecy where I was going to die fighting the Master."

"But you didn't." Tara whispers, sighing in relief at the thought.

"Actually, I did die." Buffy admits as she goes on to explain how she fought the Master and she drowned, and Xander performing CPR on her to bring her back.

Tara follow's Buffy into the next cemetery, watching her in stunned silence as she contemplates the information that she'd just been given while Buffy starts to fight a vampire. Blinking a couple times, Tara looks around the cemetery to make sure nothing else was sneaking up on them as Buffy finally stakes the vampire.

Buffy looks around the cemetery before a quick smile crosses her lips. "Come on, it's been a relatively quiet night so far. We'll head downtown and make sure there aren't any vamps looking for a snack."

Tara silently follows the slayer wondering what their life has in store or them, now that her mother decided to come to Sunnydale to live.

Chapter 4

Buffy quickly jogs to the corner of Tara's road, smiling as she sees the woman coming towards her.

"You're early." Tara smiles self consciously at the slayer.

"So are you." Buffy chuckles as they make their way towards the high school. "Eager to meet Giles and listen to him Dear Lord us, and rub a hole in his glasses?"

Tara smiles shyly and shrugs lightly. "I g-guess so."

Buffy sneaks a sideways glance at the blonde, biting her lip as she looks over the barely noticeable bruises on her face. "What caused your injuries?" Buffy finally questions bluntly. Watching as Tara pales and looks away. "I'm sorry, it's none of my business." Buffy tucks her hands in her pockets as they get closer to the school.

"N-no. I g-guess that Mama p-probably already t-told yours." Tara admits softly, taking a deep breath as she slowly lets it out along with some of her nervousness. "M-my f-f-father isn't the n-nicest p-person." Tara explains, coming to a stop as a small hand grasps her arm gently and makes her look at her.

"Your father did this to you." Buffy looks over the faded bruises and down to Tara's arm still in a cast.

"This and w-worse. To b-both of us." Tara admits softly.

Buffy looks into scared and embarrassed blue eyes. Feeling an anger unknown before at the thought of this young woman and her mother being abused, working through her body, Buffy looks away for a few minutes to get control of her emotions. "Where is he?" Buffy finally questions, the tension obvious in her voice.

"Back h-home, I hope." Tara admits softly, blinking as angry hazel eyes come back to look at her.

"You two escaped him?" When Tara nods her answer, Buffy tilts her head thinking for a minute. "He doesn't know where you are, and you're hoping to keep it that way."

"Yes." Tara answers simply, fear in her eyes.

"If he should show up, you're to come and get me, or any of my friends." Buffy orders, her eyes serious. "We won't let him hurt you again, Tara. We fight evil." Buffy growls out the three words deeply. Shaking off the anger working through her, she urges Tara to start walking again, heading into the high school.

Tara looks cautiously at the shorter blonde as they make their way inside the high school. Finally allowing a small smile to cross her face at the thought of her father coming up against this little spitfire.

Buffy strides into the library, Tara beside her, as she looks around, not seeing Giles, she listens and hears him in his office. "If you would like to sit down, I'll grab Giles." Buffy smiles gently at the Wiccan and points to the large table, watching as Tara nods and quickly pulls off her book bag and sits down, her nervousness obvious. Sighing quietly as she wonders how long Tara's father had abused the two women, Buffy shakes off the thoughts as she feels the fire of anger starting to surface again. Dropping her book bag on the table, she quickly strides towards Giles' office.

Giles looks up in surprise at Buffy coming into his office. He looks at the clock and blinks at the time. "Is there something wrong?"

"No." Buffy smirks at her watcher. "But you're probably going to have a mini freak. Come out here, I believe you met her yesterday, but I believe you need a better introduction." Buffy spins around and walks out of the office, leaving a bemused and curious watcher to follow.

"What in the world are you talking about, Buffy?" Giles questions as he looks up, seeing the blonde girl that Willow had brought in the day before to get her books for school. Seeing a shy smile before she dips her head and her hair slides to cover her face, Giles turns questioning eyes on Buffy.

Buffy sighs softly and shakes her head at the watcher. "Later." She whispers before striding up to stand protectively beside the Wiccan. "Giles, I want you to meet Tara Maclay, Wiccan extraordinaire that can be a big help in our fight against the evil here in Sunnydale. She's quite good with throwing fireballs, and levitating stakes to kill vampires with. Plus, I have it under advisement that there are a lot of other things that she can do."

Giles yanks off his glasses, wiping them furiously as he clenches his jaw. "How the…Exactly when did this come about?" Giles finally questions, his eyes narrowed on Buffy.

"Last night." Buffy smirks and looks down at Tara, seeing her obvious nervousness and seeing the slight fear crossing the Wiccan's face. Looking back at Giles, she sees the anger in his stance and realizes that Tara does, also. Crouching down beside Tara, she places a calming hand on the Wiccan's thigh. "He won't hurt you, Tara. He's angry but he'll never raise a hand to either one of us in anger. He has that uncontrollable urge to keep my calling a secret and that's what has him irritated." Buffy explains, in a soft soothing tone, looking up into blue eyes that have locked with hers. Seeing the fear slowly retreat in the blue depths, Buffy smiles softly and gently squeezes the thigh under her hand before standing. Turning a warning glare on Giles, she narrows her eyes at him.

Giles swallows slightly and backs up, seeing the look in Buffy's eyes, along with the words the slayer had said to the young blonde, his eyes seeing the blonde in a different light. In realization that the young woman had obviously been abused, he growls quietly and shifts his head and looks away to get his own anger under control. As far as he's concerned anyone that would abuse a woman, or a young child is the lowest form of scum in the world, even blow the vampires and demons that they fight to eradicate from this world. Taking a deep calming breath, he smiles gently at the young woman. "So, you're a Wicca and know about the demons in the world?"

"Y-yes." Tara bites her lips as she sees the greenish-blue eyes warm and soften towards her, the gentle smile relaxing her slightly. "Mama and I are b-both Wiccan's."

"Hereditary?" Giles questions, surprised.

"Yes." Tara blushes and looks down. "All the w-women in my f-family are Wiccan's." Tara explains softly, slowly raising her eyes back on the Watcher. "We knew of the s-slayer and the H-Hellmouth before B-buffy told us. We didn't know Buffy w-was the slayer, though." Tara looks up to Buffy, a quick smile crossing her face at the slayer.

"How did you two run into each other. It wasn't yesterday here at school, was it?" Giles questions, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"No." Buffy chuckles and sits down beside Tara. "It seems our mothers went to college together and Tara's mom did a locator spell to have a friend she could talk to. Then they came here." Buffy gives a shortened version of what happened, smirking at Giles.

Giles sits down across from the two women, looking intently at the blonde Wiccan. "We can always use another person for research and an adept magic user, would definitely come in handy at times."

Tara looks from Giles to Buffy and back again. "If I can be of h-help, I'd l-love to." Tara admits, smiling shyly.

Giles looks at Buffy with a raised eyebrow. "I'm assuming that's one of the reasons you brought her here to be introduced?"

"Partly. And just to let you know that they knew about the happenings here in Sunnydale. We took out a total of five vampires last night. You can add that to your count." Buffy looks up at the clock, having heard the other students starting to run up and down the hallways as they arrived. Smirking as she hears Willow and Xander coming down the hallway. "Wills and Xan are here." Feeling Tara tense beside her, Buffy turns and smiles encouragingly at her. "You met Willow yesterday, Xander's a good guy."

Tara bites her lip and slowly nods her head as she glances towards the door as the two teens come barreling into the library.

Willow blinks in surprise as she sees Buffy with the new girl sitting at the table talking with Giles. "Umm. Hi, guys." Willow grins cautiously.

"Hey, Buff. G-man." Xander grins at the two, before his eyes light on the blonde. "What do we have here?"

"Be nice, Xander." Buffy growls quietly, her eyes serious. "This is Tara. Tara, you already met Willow, the other one is Xander. Xander, Willow, this is Tara, she's in the know." Buffy smirks at the surprise showing on both their faces.

"She knows?" Willow blinks in surprise, her eyes landing back on the blonde in surprise. Seeing the light blush cross her face, before she hides behind her hair again.

"She's a Wiccan, and will be helping us out." Buffy unconsciously reaches for the blonde, rubbing her back gently. "So we have another person in the fight against evil."

"Cool." Xander smirks, then frowns as the first warning bell rings. "Darn. Got to get to class."

"See not that bad." Buffy smiles at Tara and stands, grabbing her book bag. Watching as Tara slowly stands and nods, looking down. "Join us for lunch." Buffy orders softly as they walk out of the library, the group splitting up to go to their different classes.

"O-okay." Tara stares bemusedly after the slayer as Buffy and Xander head towards their first class.

"You'll get used to it." Willow smirks as they turn down the hallway, walking together until they have to split off to their different classrooms. "See ya' later!" Willow waves and bounces into her classroom.

"Strange." Tara allows a quick smile to cross her face at the group of people that had so quickly and willingly took her into their group, before frowning as she realizes she's going to be late for class if she doesn't stop daydreaming.

Tara blushes lightly as she sits down at the table as the group of friends pick on each other mercilessly. Watching as a beautiful brunette woman with a small entourage of other women behind her approaches the table, she glances at Buffy as she groans.

"Cordy and the Cordettes." Buffy looks across the table at Tara. "Ignore her, she's the head bitch of the bitchettes."

Tara allows a small smile to cross her face before she looks down at her tray of food, gently picking at the food.

"Oh, look! It's the loser brigade…With an all new loser." Cordelia wrinkles her nose in disgust at the group. "You guys really are pathetic."

"Cordy, why don't you and your bleached blonde bimbos go find some other poor kids to pick on. You're not doing any good here." Xander grumbles, narrowing his gaze on the cheerleader.

Cordelia snorts delicately as she looks at Xander. "Like I would listen to you! Part of the dweeb brigade." Cordelia sticks her nose up in the air as she and the other cheerleaders make their way to another table.

Tara watches curiously as the woman leaves, before glancing back at the rest of the group.

"So…dating anyone?" Xander asks, grinning hugely at the new member of the group.

Tara blushes darkly looking down and shaking her head. "N-no."

"Xander!" Buffy grumbles, smacking him on the shoulder.

"OW! That hurts." Xander whimpers as he rubs his shoulders. "I was just seeing if she was dating anyone, what'd I do wrong?"

"You've just met her today and are already hitting on her!" Willow grumbles quietly, looking at the young man.

"Well…" Xander blushes lightly and shrugs his shoulders. "I can't help it!"

"Geeze!! She just moved here over the summer, and hasn't had a chance to meet anyone, give it a rest." Buffy warns quietly. "So, what are we doing tonight?"

"Bronze?" Xander questions eagerly. "I mean, what else is there besides the whole pat…" Xander looks around before lowering her voice. "Besides doing the whole patrol thing, and Bronzing, we don't have a hell of a lot here in Sunnydale to do." Turning to look at Tara, he grins engagingly at the blonde. "Have you had the pleasure of visiting the Bronze yet?"

Tara shakes her head as she continues to look down at her lunch.

Buffy watches the blonde, feeling her heart go out to the shy woman, especially with knowing what happened to her. "The Bronze is a local hangout/bar type place. They have live bands on the weekends and DJ's during the week. We usually just dance, talk and have a good time, if you'd like to go."

Tara glances up quickly before shaking her head. "I don't think s-so. Not r-right now." Tara whispers quietly, looking back down. "Th-thank you, though."

Seeing Xander is about ready to open his mouth again, Buffy shakes her head vehemently. "Okay, Tara. But be warned that we're relentless. You will be going with us sometime in the future."

Tara blushes and nods her head. "Maybe."

Buffy sighs quietly, before turning to glance at Willow, bumping shoulders with her. "And I thought you were shy when we first met." Buffy jokes.

Willow smiles quickly. "I would have never thought that was possible. At least she didn't have Cordelia telling her about visiting the softer side of Sears."

Buffy moans loudly. "God, she was such a bitch!!"

"What do you mean was?" Xander blinks at Buffy grinning at her as the three busts out laughing.

Tara allows a small smile to cross her face as she looks at this group of people. Not used to the joking, and obvious closeness of the group, she straightens slightly as they seem willing to accept her as she is. Tara considers the slayer, realizing the woman had appointed herself her own personal protector for some reason, blushing lightly, Tara picks up her milk, sipping it as she glances at the clock. Realizing there isn't much of their lunch hour left, Tara quickly works on finishing her lunch, knowing her mother will be upset if she doesn't eat.

"Tara, if you want to, we meet after school in the library. Talk over what's happening, what needs to be done, that type of thing." Buffy explains, without going into details so everyone else around them wouldn't think her nuttier than they already did.

Tara nods her understanding. "Okay." Quickly finishing her lunch, she sighs quietly in relief as the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch.

"And off we go…to supposedly learn." Xander grumbles.

"If you would actually open your text book, you might learn something." Willow points out as she gathers her books and her lunch tray.

"Why should this year be any different than any other year?" Xander blinks in surprise. "I'd shock the teachers if I actually did what I was supposed to do."

Willow groans loudly, kicking Xander in the leg as they stand up, heading towards the trash cans, harassing each other.

"Here, I'll take yours with mine." Buffy offers, quickly adding Tara's trash to her tray before sliding the empty tray under hears.

"Thank you." Tara blushes as she slowly stands, shifting her book bag over her shoulder.

"Not easy getting around with a broken wing." Buffy winks, smiling. "If you stay after, you can use the phone in Giles' office to call your mom and let her know where you are."

"I w-will. Thank you, Buffy." Tara smiles softly at the young woman.

"No need to thank me." Buffy shrugs. "Better hurry up before you're late." Buffy grins as the warning bell rings.

"Oh, shoot!" Tara's eyes open wide before she takes off at a quick pace.

Buffy chuckles as she heads in the opposite direction to her class.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Joyce smiles as Dee walks into her office. "Ready to leave?"

"Yes. Tara will be coming home with Buffy after school today." Dee leans against the doorframe, smiling at her friend/boss. Remembering how Joyce had offered her the job as a buyer after promising they would be able to keep whatever happens personally separate from business. Having been working for Joyce the last couple months, learning the business, finally able to use her Major in Art History and Art Appreciation for something. Spending the time getting a feel for what Joyce was looking for, both women feeling confident in Dee's abilities to go on this buying trip to San Francisco.

Joyce looks at her watch. "We have time to stop for lunch before your flight." Joyce offers, a small smile on her face. Thinking about how the two of them have slowly gotten closer as they talked and got to know each other again after all these years.

"Are you asking me out on a lunch date?" Dianna smiles as Joyce chuckles, but doesn't deny the fact. Knowing that they had been working towards becoming closer, but neither one pushing for intimacy. Knowing Joyce was worried about how Buffy would react towards her possibly having a relationship with another woman, having never told her daughter about their relationship in college.

"Let's hit that little Italian restaurant on the way to the airport. I have the urge for some Chicken Parmigiana." Joyce grabs her purse, grinning at Dee.

"Hmmm…Chicken Alfredo doesn't sound bad." Dianna agrees, smiling back at the woman that was coming to mean so much to her, once again.

"Italian it is." Joyce strides up to Dee, looking down at the shorter woman, reaching her hand out to run it soothingly down Dee's arm. "You know we'll watch out for Tara while you're gone. Hell, Buffy's like super protective of her." Joyce chuckles at the thought, before continuing. "I think it hit Buffy pretty hard with what happened to her. She has a hard time thinking about…" Joyce trails off, feeling her own anger showing up at the thought of Dee's husband.

"I know, Joy." Dianna whispers, gently tugging on Joyce's shirt. "Let's go, whenever you think about him you get irritated."

"I don't see how you can be so calm about it." Joyce admits as they walk out of the gallery, heading towards her Jeep, Dianna's carry-on travel bag already in the back, since she should only be gone for three days.

Dianna climbs in the Jeep, putting on the seatbelt as she looks at Joyce. "I can't dwell on it, Joy. If I dwell on it, I'll probably go crazy."

Joyce starts the vehicle, pulling out to head towards the restaurant, reaching over to grasp Dianna's hand after they're on their way. "I know. It just makes me so angry to think about what you and Tara went through. Buffy's even worse than me about it. I hate to say that if he should ever show up here, that we would all be lining up to knock the heck out of him." Joyce warns, her voice low with a hint of the anger she's feeling.

"And I pray that he never finds us." Dianna squeezes Joyce's hand. "Would you consider going out on a dinner date with me Saturday?" Dianna questions softly, finally ready to take that next step with Joyce, if she's ready.

"I…" Joyce blinks as she pulls into the parking lot, easing her hand from Dianna's so she can park the vehicle. Turning the engine off, Joyce turns to look into her old lover's eyes. "Yes." Joyce finally whispers, seeing the young girl she had fallen in love with all those years ago staring out at her from the blue depths.

"Think about where you would like to go." Dianna smiles, surprised when Joyce leans in to brush her lips softly over hers. Closing her eyes at the soft, warm lips caressing briefly over hers, Dianna bites back the quiet moan trying to fight its way out of her throat.

"You know that I haven't told Buffy about our past relationship." Joyce admits softly.

"Take whatever time you think you'll need, Joy. It must be hard to admit to your teenage daughter that you'd had an intimate relationship with a woman, when she's only known you being with her father." Dianna reaches out to caress softly over Joyce's cheek. "I'll never rush you, sweetie."

Joyce brushes her cheek more firmly into the gentle touch. "If it drags out for too long, promise to kick me in the butt to get me going?"

Dianna chuckles softly. "I won't do that, but I might pinch it."

Joyce laughs as she eases out of the Jeep, grabbing her purse and the keys as Dianna climbs out, walking around to join her. "Let's eat lunch, then I'll see you off at the airport. Be sure to call the house when you get in, I know Tara's going to be a nervous wreck while you're gone."

"We haven't ever been apart before. Not like this." Dianna sighs quietly, thinking about the only time they'd been apart before overnight was when one or the other was in the hospital.

Joyce wraps her arm around Dianna's waist hugging her gently. "Let's eat, we'll take care of her."

"I don't doubt that one bit." Dianna hugs Joyce back before the two women walk into the restaurant.

"We're just finding this out now, why?" Buffy stares at the watcher, the shock obvious on her face.

"The Council just told me." Giles admits, rubbing his forehead at the headache coming on. "It seems her watcher was killed and she has disappeared. They're thinking she may be heading here."

Tara purses her lips as she leans forward, having become quite used to playing peacemaker of a sort over the last couple months of living in Sunnydale and being part of the 'Scooby's'. "They obviously thought she would probably b-be working on the other coast. What happened?" Tara glances up and narrows her gaze as Angel comes down from the stacks. Shaking her head at the thought of the vampire, Tara remembers how he'd shown up one night while the group was on a patrol together, talking and planning on heading to the Bronze. Buffy's almost fawning actions over the broody vampire was enough to make her want to dust him. When Willow, Xander and she had continued on to the Bronze, Willow and Xander explaining a little more in depth Buffy's and Angels relationship while the vampire and slayer finished patrol and got to know each other again, Tara had to admit her feelings for the vampire were more along the line of Xander's, but decided not to say anything.

Giles sighs quietly. "From the information the Council was able to get, a very old, very powerful vampire captured the slayer and her watcher. As far as they know, the watcher was killed by the vampire and the slayer escaped. They haven't been able to find her to catch up to the slayer, however what they have been able to deduce is that she is on her way out west."

"So she very well could be heading here." Willow pipes up, looking at the watcher.

"How old is the other vampire? Master old?" Buffy frowns heavily. Glancing up as Angel sits down on the steps to the stacks, unable to help the smile that comes to her face.

"Older." Giles admits. "He's been around long enough that he has cloven hands and feet. We don't have any exact information on him to say how old he actually is."

"As far as I know he's close to five hundred years old." Angel offers, glancing at the group, ignoring the daggers Xander throws his way and feeling anger at the cold blue eyes staring at him from the witch. Confused himself as why he always seems to feel such anger towards her since they hardly are ever around each other.

"Jesus. Just what we need, another five hundred year old vampire." Xander shakes his head. "Where is he? Hopefully back on the Eastern seaboard."

Giles purses his lips and shakes his head. "He is slowly making his way Westward. They think he's chasing after the other slayer."

"Doesn't she have a name?" Tara questions, frowning at the lack of personal information.

"Oh, yes. It is Faith. Faith Lehane, she's seventeen years old." Giles offers as he looks at the small group. "From everything that we know, she has had a very traumatic experience, and life. So, we need to keep an eye out for her, and help her as needed."

"Do we know what she looks like or is it just going to be hope we come across her one night staking a vampire?" Buffy complains, narrowing her gaze on the watcher as he shakes his head.

"No, we don't have anything identifying except she's seventeen with dark hair and dark…" Giles trails off as he sees someone coming into the library, sighing quietly when Jenny Calendar strides in. "Dark eyes." He finishes smiling at the woman.

Jenny smiles at the librarian, before her eyes look around the group, hesitating on the vampire. Silently wishing he had stayed wherever he went over the summer. Leaning against the wall, she nods to the rest of the group, a small smile on her face as she takes them in.

"Great, dark hair and dark eyes is pretty common. That's probably only two thirds of the population in Sunnydale." Xander slides down more in his chair, before looking over at Tara, grinning. "You're not her, you've got blonde hair and blue eyes, so I guess we should cross you off the list, huh?"

"Xander." Tara smacks the young man on the shoulder, smiling. "And you're a man, though you do have brown hair and dark eyes, so I guess that's two people off the list."

"Hey! Someone realizes I'm a man!" Xander puffs out his chest, grinning happily.

Angel fights back the snarl that wants to come to his face. 'Figures dweeb boy and the witch would be friends.' Looking over the group he comments before standing up. "I'll keep an ear open for anyone new in town."

Buffy watches as Angel stands, heading towards the doors as the sun had just went down. "I'll walk you out." Buffy quickly hurries after the striding vampire.

Jenny frowns heavily at the slayer's actions, knowing she's going to have to keep a close eye on the two before turning back to the rest of the group at the table, noticing another set of eyes not seeming happy about the relationship between the vampire and slayer. When blue eyes come back around, making contact for a brief moment, Jenny swallows as she swears she sees a flash of recognition in their depths before they turn back to the rest of the group. Wondering silently to herself once again, if Tara knows that she's more than just a computer teacher/techno pagan like she tells everyone having caught the young woman watching her intently before she'd look away when she caught her.

"Is there anything w-we need to research?" Tara questions softly as her mind swirls trying to figure out what it is about Miss Calendar that makes her believe that she's here more than in the capacity of a teacher. Having felt the magic coming from her a couple times before the teacher locked it away again behind her barriers.

"No, there isn't. I'm going to go through my books and see if I can find out any more information on Kakistos." Giles runs a hand through his hair as he slowly heads back to his office.

"Well, do you guys want to go to the Bronze tonight?" Xander smiles hopefully at Tara and Willow.

"No, thank you." Tara shakes her head smiling. "I have homework that I need to do." Tara frowns at the thought of her mom being gone for the next three days. Knowing that was part of her job, and the two of them had even talked about it before she'd taken the job working for Joyce. Her mom wanting to make sure that it would be okay with her when she had to leave. Not wanting to admit that she felt nervous about the thought of her mother being gone, Tara had told her mother there was no way that she could pass up this opportunity.

"I guess that means we should head out." Willow grabs her books, standing up as Xander and Tara quickly follow suit. "Bye, Miss Calendar, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Willow. Xander and Tara." Jenny smiles at the threesome as they head out of the library. Heading towards the watcher's office, Jenny leans against the door. "You know that all work and no play makes for a very boring life?"

Giles looks up quickly, feeling tongue-tied as usual around the beautiful brunette. "Yes, well…" He waves at the pile of books. "Anything I can get on this vampire could be of immense help."

Strolling into the small room, Jenny eases her hip onto the corner of the desk closest to Giles. "Yes, but you have to eat. And there's this wonderful little Thai place just two blocks away." Jenny hints, a small smile playing about her lips as she looks at the lightly flushed watcher.

"Yes, well, quite…" Giles yanks off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose. "That sounds quite nice, in fact."

"Good. Then I'll be back here in an hour to pick you up." Jenny smirks as she doesn't give the watcher a chance to come up with an excuse to not go, as she quickly strides out of the office.

"Dear, Lord." Giles stares after the woman, sighing quietly as he wonders what the two of them have to talk about, as they both seem completely different.

"Do you want to go on patrol together tonight?" Buffy smiles up at the tall vampire.

"I was planning on asking some questions around town about Kakistos and the other slayer, to see what I might be able to find out." Angel admits, a small smile playing about his lips as he looks down at the petite blonde slayer.

"Well, I was kinda hoping to spend some more time together." Buffy nibbles on the inside of her lip.

Angel gently brushes a loose hair away from Buffy's cheek, admitting that if he still had a heartbeat it'd probably be thundering in his chest right now. "We've been over this before, Buffy."

"I know. You're a vampire, I'm a slayer, it'll never work. But you have a soul, you're not evil." Buffy points out the flaw.

"Yes, but I have murdered hundreds if not thousands of people while I was soulless. That's something that won't ever change." Angel tries to explain.

"But you're not that person anymore." Buffy presses in closer to the vampire, placing a small hand on his chest. "Tell me you don't feel something for me. Tell me that you don't want to know each other better, and I'll leave you alone." Buffy looks up into the vampires brown eyes.

Angel wants to tell her that he doesn't care for her and never will, but knowing it's a lie and also knowing that she knows it would be a lie, he keeps his lips shut as he stares down into the smiling hazel eyes looking back at him. Sighing at the look, Angel shakes his head. "I'm supposed to be on the path to redemption."

"And in what book does it say the path to redemptions means not having any relationships?" Buffy raises an eyebrow questioningly at the vampire, chuckling before bouncing up and pressing a quick firm kiss on his cool lips. "That's what I thought."

Angel growls softly at the quick caress, the two of them having worked their way closer over the month since his return. The stolen kisses and caresses becoming more frequent. Finally allowing himself to accept that there is definitely something between them, he wraps his hand around her neck, dipping down to kiss her firmly and deeply, giving her a hint of the passion he's kept locked away since he was cursed with his soul.

Buffy moans into the kiss, her hands reaching up to clasp behind the vampires neck as she kisses him back. Blinking at the haze clouding her mind she looks into the desire filled eyes of the vampire. "Wow." Buffy eases back down onto her feet from where she'd been standing on tip-toes.

Angel hears the rest of the group coming towards the door to the front of the school, part of him wanting to stay like this to see what reactions they would get, another part not wanting to cause problems. Easing away from the slayer, he stares at her for a moment. "How about we meet up later? Give me a couple hours and I'll meet you at the Eastern gate to Restfield."

"Okay." Buffy grins happily as she watches Angel spin around and disappear into the night even as she hears her friends coming out of the school, talking and carrying on.

Chapter 6

"What are we going to do?" Willow whispers softly to Buffy and Xander, keeping an eye out.

"We're going to do what we planned." Buffy states exasperatedly.

"But shouldn't we do something different? We always do that." Xander whispers.

"Will you two stop whispering?" Buffy grumbles, shaking her head at her two best friends. "We're not conspiring to kill someone here, we're trying to plan a birthday party!"

"What did you get her?" Xander looks hopefully from Buffy to Willow and back again, not having the slightest idea what to get the blonde Wicca for her 18th birthday.

"Oooh, oooh. I came across this really cool spell book at the Magic Box that I picked up for her." Willow bounces in her seat, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "It has a lot of beginner type spells in it, but I think she'll like it. Plus she mentioned something about she wanted something like that to help me out with, so it's kinda a two fold present." Willow babbles.

"Great, Wills." Xander rolls his eyes at his best friend's gift, that sounds more like a gift for herself. "What about you, Buff?"

"Ummm…" Buffy shifts uncomfortably. "I kind of saw her admiring something when we went to help at the gallery one Saturday, so I bought it for her."

"What? What'd you buy?" Willow questions eagerly.

"I don't know if I should have." Buffy admits quietly, looking at her two best friends. "It just isn't something that one friend buys for another, and I've been debating on whether or not to take it back and buy something else."

"What is it?" Xander leans forward, intrigued.

"It was a necklace with a tear-drop shaped pearlescent opal." Buffy whispers. "When her eyes lit up when she saw it, I had to go back and have them put it on lay-a-way. Mom paid it off for me, and I've been working extra around the house and at her shop to pay it off."

"Buffy, that's a wonderful gift. That's her birthstone, also, isn't it?" Willow questions as she thinks about it. "I thought October had two birthstones? Opal and Tourmaline or something…" Willow frowns at the thought.

"I know Opal is." Buffy nods her head. "You don't think it's too much just to give to a friend? I mean…She's always helping us out with research, slaying and she's actually helped me keep my A average in math…Nothing against you, Wills." Buffy winces.

"None taken. I felt kind of left out to begin with, but after you showed me how Tara broke down the problems for you, making it so much easier to understand, I couldn't argue the fact. I never even thought of doing the problems that way." Willow blushes lightly as she remembered how she'd gotten jealous of the time Buffy and Tara were spending together, until Buffy explained and started to invite her over more frequently, letting her get to know Tara better in the interim. When Tara had quietly offered to help teach her the basics of magic, along with respecting the magic with her mother, Willow had jumped at the chance. Getting back on the subject, Willow shakes her head. "She obviously likes it, and you wanted to buy it for her, that's all that matters. She'd be happy with a hand made card telling her happy birthday on it, and you know it."

"I know." Buffy grins, relaxing.

"Gosh. You two got her great gifts, and I still don't have a clue what to get her." Xander pouts, dropping his chin to the table.

"You have four more days to decide. Remember, Saturday afternoon, Tara, her mom, my mom and me are going to go out for lunch and an afternoon movie before we go out on patrol. We'll be at the Bronze at 7:30, so be prepared." Buffy taps the table, looking at her two friends. "Angel is going to take patrol for me, so we can have some fun."

Xander looks away, snarling his nose slightly at Angel's name, still not able to stand the vampire. "Where is Tara, anyway?"

"She wanted to talk to Miss Calendar about some after school tutoring or something. I think Tara's old school was kind of backwards when it came to computers. And unfortunately, Miss Calendar's class was already filled up before Tara signed up for classes before the start of the school year." Willow explains.

"Will you two be able to get the decorations done? Mom and Mrs. Maclay have already ordered the cake to be delivered there." Buffy grins at the thought. "I'm glad they didn't decide to come, though."

"Too weird having the adults there." Xander agrees, wrinkling his nose at the thought. "Though your mom and Tara's mom both are pretty cool."

"They are." Buffy grins, thinking about it. Happy that her mom seems more relaxed and happy now, actually getting together with Tara's mom and going out quite frequently. "Tara's mom has been a Godsend. Mom hasn't been on my case near as much lately."

The other two teens chuckle as they all lean in to discuss what they have planned for Tara's surprise birthday party.

Tara hesitantly stands at Miss Calendar's door, wondering if she's doing the right thing, having come across the information in a book, along with sketches it was too much of a coincidence that the teacher always seemed to pay an inordinate amount of attention to the vampire.

Looking up from checking the computer programs the students were working on in her advanced computer class, Jenny smiles at the blonde Wicca. "May I help you, Tara?"

Tara eases into the room, shutting the door behind her before coming to stand in front of the teacher's desk. Silently setting down the folder with all the information in it, Tara bites her bottom lip as she watches the differing emotions cross her face, cementing her thoughts when the woman turns deathly pale as she flips to the last page with the sketch and her personal observations. "The one thing I can't figure out is why you're so interested in k-keeping track of what he's doing. It's almost as if you're afraid s-something's going to happen."

Jenny closes the folder, staring down at the information Tara had gathered. "How did you…"

"First off, I always felt your m-magical signature. Not real strong, but definitely there and you are using it." Tara whispers. "But whenever the g-group needed something magical done you never offered and went out of your way to disappear. Mr. Giles never asks you to help with the spells, and if he knew he would ask." Tara's eyes search the older woman's eyes. "Then there's the way you're always p-paying an inordinate amount of attention to him. Even worse when he and Buffy are together."

Jenny looks away, guiltily. Running a hand through her hair, she sighs quietly. "What else?"

"I came across the information on the Kalderash clan that did the original curse, and curiously enough it had that sketch in there of the woman that was killed by Angelus. She has an uncanny resemblance to you…Miss Calendar. Then your coloring would qualify as Romanii, and with everything else…" Tara shrugs looking at the teacher.

"Did you tell anyone else?" Jenny finally asks, slumping back in her chair as she waves to the empty chair by her desk, watching silently as Tara finally sits down.

"No." Tara shakes her head. "I want to know what's going on, and if there's anything I can d-do to help." Tara admits softly.

"You don't like him." Jenny comments.

Tara knows it's a statement, and not a question, but she nods her head. "I don't care if he d-does have his s-soul. There's s-something that I d-don't like about him." Tara plays a finger over her skirt.

"And it has nothing to do with the fact that you care a lot more for Buffy than just as a friend?" Jenny questions softly and seriously.

Tara pales slightly, before her face flushes dark red. "No, it d-doesn't. She isn't interested." Tara looks away after seeing the understanding and sorrow in the teacher's eyes. "J-just because s-someone has a soul, it doesn't mean they're good."

"The demon is still within him. It's just locked away inside, waiting to get out." Jenny admits quietly. "I think you may be seeing his demon."

"So, Angelus can come out again." Tara sighs as she rubs a hand over her eyes as she feels a headache coming on.

"The curse is like most curses, Tara." Jenny taps her fingertip on the folder.

"There's a clause or a trigger for him to lose his soul again." Tara props her elbow on the desk and drops her head into her hand. Definitely a headache coming on.

"One moment of true happiness." Jenny whispers.

Tara lifts her head to look with haunted eyes at the teacher. "Buffy."

Jenny nods her head. "I think so. I've been trying to keep an eye on them hopefully to break anything up between them, but…"

"You need to tell them, Miss Calendar." Tara looks at the woman, her eyes serious.

"I can't." Jenny shakes her head. "My Uncle has been monitoring me, if I hint to anyone about who I am or what his curse is, they'll yank me out of here and send me back to the home country. Tara, I have to ask you not to tell them." Jenny frowns heavily at the young woman.

Tara feels a wave of pain shoot through her as she winces hard. "Miss Calendar…"

"Jenny. I think you've earned it." Jenny offers quietly.

Tara wraps her arms around her stomach, in a way believing with her whole heart that Buffy and Angel both need to be told about the curse. But also knowing it isn't her place to tell them. "Miss…Jenny, you should tell them. But that is your decision, not mine. Would it be better for them to…consummate their relationship and him turn into Angelus killing who knows how many people? Or for them to know so they don't tempt fate?"

"Do you honestly believe it would stop them?" Jenny winces at the look of pain crossing Tara's face at her question.

"No." Tara shakes her head as she looks away. "I guess I should head b-back to the library." Tara slowly stands, glancing at Jenny as the teacher grasps her hand.

"Have you thought about saying something to Buffy? About how you feel?" Looking into Tara's blue eyes, she sees the answer. "Why not?"

"I've seen the way she l-looks at him, Jenny." Tara whispers as tears slowly come to her eyes. "I'm j-just a stuttering, Wicca that's her friend b-because our m-mothers know each other." Wiping the tears away, Tara smiles tremulously at the teacher. "I told Willow I was going to see you to h-help me out with c-computer tutoring, since I know n-nothing about them." Tara lifts her lip briefly. "So, if y-you're asked…"

"If you want, I would be willing to work with you. Give us a chance to talk, if you want, also." Jenny offers as she gently squeezes the young woman's hand.

"Thank you, I may take you up on it." Tara squeezes Jenny's hand back, before slowly easing it from the teacher's grip. "I'm g-going to g-go home, so if you s-see…"

"I'll tell them you had a headache and wanted to go lie down." Jenny offers. "Do you want the folder back?"

Tara shakes her head. "Burn it. No sense in h-having all the information in one spot f-for s-someone else to find. Thank you, Jenny."

"You're welcome, Tara." Jenny sighs quietly as she watches the young woman quickly leave her room. "You are one very bright and surprisingly courageous young woman." Jenny looks through the folder again, chuckling at the woman's ingenuity along with her observation skills. "You would probably make a wonderful policewoman or private investigator." Jenny comments, smiling at the woman's researching abilities. Grabbing her briefcase, Jenny tucks it away inside before locking her desk and shutting down her computer. Heading towards the library, she decides that tonight might be a good night for a little fire in the fireplace, and she knows what would be perfect as starter fuel.

Tara smiles quickly at her mom, as she comes into the house. Looking at the dining room table set for two with candles lit and a bottle of wine chilling, she quirks an eyebrow questioningly at her mother. "Do I need to disappear into my room?"

Dianna blushes lightly as she looks at her daughter. "Well…"

Tara chuckles and shakes her head. "I'll make myself a sandwich and go. I have a report I need to work on, anyway."

Dianna sighs quietly. "Thank you, baby girl."

"Uh, huh. Just remember this when I have a girlfriend." Tara winks at her mother as she heads into the kitchen, pulling out ingredients to make her sandwich.

"I thought someone already caught your eye, baby girl." Dianna comments softly, having seen the looks her daughter's given the slayer. Watching as Tara's hands still from making the sandwich.

Tara swallows and shakes her head. "In this case, daughter is definitely not like her mother, mama. Plus it would be kind of weird if we both were dating them." Tara looks up, trying to smile, though her eyes are sad.

"There would be nothing weird about it, Tara." Dianna shakes her head as she leans against the counter watching Tara finish making the sandwich. "It isn't like we are related to the two women."

"It doesn't matter, mama." Tara clenches her jaw as she replaces the items in the refrigerator. "She cares for that…vampire." Tara hesitates on the word, almost spitting it out. Taking a deep breath, knowing the anger she feels at Angel won't help matters, she shakes her head. "I'm assuming things between you and Mrs. Summers has been going well."

"We've been out on a couple dates, as you well know." Dianna allows her daughter to change the subject, knowing Tara cares for the slayer more than she wants anyone to know.

"You've seemed to have gotten closer here recently, at least when she come here for dinner." Tara points out softly.

Dianna sighs and nods her head. "She's afraid to tell Buffy, baby girl. I think she's afraid that Buffy will be upset and disown her, or something."

Tara looks down at her sandwich, understanding Joyce's problem with telling Buffy. In a way it isn't that different from wanting to admit to Buffy that she cares for the slayer, with them both being women. Having her mom admit that she'd had a previous relationship with Dianna and was now dating her again would probably be even harder. "Eventually it's going to come out. Or Buffy's going to be around town when you two are out on a date and catch you holding hands, hugging or kissing."

"I know." Dianna crosses her arms, frowning slightly. "That's kind of why I've been insisting on Joy coming over here for dinner instead. I don't want to tempt fate until she's ready to let Buffy know."

Tara looks up as the doorbell chimes. "Let me go to my room. Have a wonderful dinner, mama."

"Thank you." Dianna whispers to her daughter as Tara grabs her plate and a soda, leaving the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, Dianna smiles softly as she heads to the front door.

Chapter 7

Joyce smiles at the sight of Dianna as she opens the door. Quickly walking into the house, Joyce pulls the woman into a tight hug. "I'm going to have to tell Buffy soon. This is driving me crazy." Joyce admits, speaking softly in Dianna's ear.

Dianna chuckles and hugs Joyce firmly, placing a soft kiss on her neck. "Might want to wait until after Tara's birthday party, though." Dianna smiles softly as she eases back from the taller woman, reaching up to stroke a finger gently down Joyce's neck.

"That's a definite." Joyce inhales quietly at the loving touch, watching Dianna intently.

"I have dinner prepared, and a nice bottle of white wine chilling." Dianna leads the way into the small dining room, stopping as arms wrap around her waist, pulling her back against Joyce.

"Dee…" Joyce whispers softly into the woman's ear that she's realized she never stopped loving. Allowing Dee to turn in her arms, Joyce looks into loving blue eyes. Groaning quietly, Joyce dips her head down to capture Dee's lips in a soft, exploring kiss.

A low whimper escapes Dianna as Joyce kisses her. Wrapping her arms around Joyce's neck, Dianna returns the soft exploration, pressing into the taller woman's body, enjoying the feeling of being pressed against her old lover once again.

Joyce slowly ends the kiss, her hands clenched around Dianna's waste as she blinks to try and get control of the desire flaring within her, knowing that it won't take much to flame it into a major inferno. "Maybe dinner would be good."

Dianna slowly nods her head, in silent agreement knowing that both women had been slowly working their way to being more physical in their relationship, the touches coming more often and easily. As the exchange of kisses were being snuck in whenever possible, almost having been caught at Joyce's house by Buffy one night.

Joyce sits down at the table, inhaling the smell of the marinated chicken breasts with steamed vegetables along with rice pilaf. "It looks and smells wonderful, Dee."

Dianna smiles softly as she pulls the wine out of the chiller, pouring a half glass for both of them, before placing it back in the ice bucket, sitting down to look at Joyce for a few moments. "It's getting harder, isn't it?"

Joyce places the napkin across her lap before slowly nodding. "I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want, Dee. I don't want to have to watch what I do anymore. If we're at my house having a movie night with the girls and I want you to snuggle up against me, then I want to do it!"

"I don't know how Buffy will react, but maybe waiting until after Tara's birthday party would really be for the best. I don't want anything to ruin this first actual party she's had." Dee whispers softly, her eyes troubled.

Joyce reaches across the small table, grasping Dee's hand. "I'll wait, I promise."

Dianna relaxes and smiles at Joyce. "Are we still having a quiet night here while the kids are at the Bronze?"

Joyce allows a small sexy smile to cross her face. "I don't know about how quiet it'll be…"

Dee chuckles quietly. "Why, Joy! I would almost think you might have naughty plans for Saturday night."

"Then you might be thinking right." Joyce wiggles her eyebrows, the sexy smile turning into a wicked grin.

Dee whimpers quietly, the gleam in Joyce's eyes a definite give away as to what the woman is thinking. "Eat, Joy." Dee finally whispers, trying to get her mind on less…interesting and vivid thoughts.

Joyce chuckles quietly before slowly cutting into her chicken breast. "Where's Tara?"

Dianna sighs softly, thinking about her daughter. "She's hiding out in her room to give us privacy."

"Does she have any idea about Saturday?" Joyce questions curiously, frowning as she sees the sad look on Dee's face. "Dee?"

"Sorry." Dianna smiles quickly, shaking her head. "She doesn't have any idea, as far as I know."

"What was the sad look for?" Joyce sets down the silverware, giving her full attention to the woman that has become a big part of her life again.

Dianna looks down at her plate for a few moments, before looking back up at Joyce. "Let's just put it this way, I'm not the only one in love with a Summers' woman."

Joyce stares stunned at Dianna, letting the words rattle around in her brain. Dianna's in love with her. Smiling at the thought, she blinks as the rest of it starts to make sense. "She…Buffy?" Joyce frowns heavily.

"Yes. But she believes it's hopeless." Dianna admits quietly. "Buffy loves that vampire."

"Angel." Joyce let's her nose snarl slightly at the thought. "Has Tara said anything?"

"No. And she won't. She would rather suffer in silence, than say something and possibly lose Buffy's friendship." Dianna picks at her meal, suddenly not having an appetite any more. Setting her fork down, she picks up her wine glass, taking a sip. Watching as Joyce seems to be lost in internal thoughts.

"Buffy's never given me a hint that she would be interested in women, Dee. But she also seems very protective of Tara. I just joked the other day about how I missed the fact that Tara didn't really stutter anymore. I actually think of it as an endearing quality, when Buffy about jumped down my throat saying it was a good thing. That Tara was more relaxed and comfortable, coming out of her shell and that I was cruel to want her to stutter again." Joyce sighs as she focus' back in on Dee.

Dee chuckles quietly. "Tara hates her stutter. She's slowly becoming more relaxed and less self-conscious."

"She's doing great…" Joyce trails off as she hears the phone ring. Silently watching as Dee jumps up to get it. Looking into the living room, she looks curiously as Dee answers the phone, before setting it down in a device Joyce had noticed before, but didn't know what it was.

"Tara! Justine's on the phone." Dianna calls out to her daughter, as she types into the TTY machine, thankful that her niece had thought to buy and send one after the fiasco of trying to use the Relay Person the last time she called. **J, Tara's coming. How r u? GA**

**Fine. U? Settled in? GA** Justine types back, smiling.

**Yes. We owe u big time. GA** Dianna looks up as Tara comes to stand beside her.

**No owe. But favor? GA** Justine punches in, pursing her lips lightly.

**Anything. GA** Dianna types back.

**Can I come for Xmas? Don't trust going home…Would end bad. GA** Justine types, sighing quietly, hoping Dianna understands.

Dianna unconsciously leans against Tara as her daughter wraps her arm comfortingly around her waist. "Feel like sharing your room, baby girl?"

"I'll sleep on the couch, if she wants the bed to herself." Tara admits quietly. Tara leans forward and starts typing. **Come and stay however long you want. We love you. T…GA**

Dianna kisses Tara softly on the temple. "Go ahead and talk with her, I'll finish eating, baby girl."

"We won't be long, you know she doesn't like to type more than she has to." Tara looks up, grinning crookedly at her mom.

Dianna chuckles and nods, before taking the couple steps to be in the dining area of the small house, noticing the curious look on Joyce's face, Dianna shrugs. "Justine is deaf. We have a TTY machine to communicate with her after the last Relay Person we used was bit of an idiot."

"TTY? Relay person?" Joyce blinks, not understanding the words.

"TTY is a Teletypewriter. You type in a message and it shows up on the other machine at the other end of the line. A Relay Person is like an operator that has a TTY machine and would take Justine's messages and repeat them aloud for us to hear. We would respond, and the Relay person would type it into the machine. Last person we had only relayed about half the conversation and most of it didn't make any sense whatsoever." Dianna explains quietly.

"I didn't know Justine was deaf." Joyce sits back, kind of surprised. "Isn't she the one you said was in the Navy?"

"Yes." Dianna sighs quietly. "She had to practically threaten to sue the government for discrimination for them to allow her in. After she proved herself…after about two years, they actually use her quite a bit around the world. Most people overlook and will do or say something in front of someone they know can't hear. She's great with body language and reading lips."

"Is she a Wicca like you and Tara?" Joyce starts to eat again, relaxing slightly.

"Yes and no." Dianna chuckles softly. "She has the power, but she's never tapped into it. Though she does use it to sense people around her. She's my niece, but she's really a strange woman." Dianna grins slightly. "She'll admit it also. The main reason she wanted to go into the Navy was just to prove that she could do it. She's been in for six years now. From what I can gather, she never spends any of the money she's earned, except for what she gives to her family."

"Is she planning on making it a career?" Joyce sips her wine.

"No. At least she wasn't the last time we talked. She's planning on getting out after this rotation." Dianna glances up as Tara hesitates behind Joyce.

"She's on a two month leave starting two weeks before Christmas. She'll get us the particulars on when she'll be flying in when she has them." Tara's smile is so huge it's almost blinding.

Joyce stares at Tara, the smile showing how beautiful the young woman actually is.

"Obviously you can hardly wait." Dianna chuckles as Tara blushes lightly.

"It's been years, mama." Tara scuffs her toe in the carpet as she thinks about her cousin. "She was always there for me when I was growing up."

"I know, baby girl. She was more like a sister to you than a cousin." Dianna states softly.

Tara nods, smiling at her mom. "I'll leave you two to your dinner. Thanks, mama."

Dianna watches as Tara heads back to her room, a decided spring to her walk. "Tara used to idolize Justine when she was little. It about broke her heart when Justine joined the Navy and went away."

"Tara would have been twelve when Justine went into the Navy?" Joyce does the figuring in her head, seeing the nodding confirmation from Dee.

"I know we haven't really spoken about it, but what do you want to do for Thanksgiving and Christmas?"

Dianna purses her lips and tilts her head at the woman she's come to care so much for, again. "I guess it depends on what's happened or happening come that time. But I would definitely like to spend them with you."

Joyce allows a small smile to cross her face. "That's something we agree on. My house is bigger and we usually invite Xander, Willow and Giles for the holidays."

"That's fine, just let me know what you want me to make, and I'll bring it." Dianna relaxes again, working on finishing her dinner, before picking up her wine glass to sip it slowly as she watches Joyce as she almost automatically eats.

"I'll have to think about it. I'm so used to having to do all the cooking…" Joyce shrugs, grinning. "Maybe we can get together and make up a menu, plan it out and split things up." Shaking her head, she laughs quietly. "Why am I so worried about this now, we've just over a month before Thanksgiving!"

"It doesn't hurt to plan ahead, that way if we think of anything else, we can add it." Dianna stands and quickly gathers the dirty dishes, heading into the kitchen she sets them in the sink, preparing to run the water when she feels Joyce gently press against her back.

"Leave them for later." Joyce orders softly, wrapping her arms around Dee's waist and pulling the woman against her firmly. Dipping her head to nuzzle into Dee's neck, Joyce allows her fingers to stroke softly over the shorter woman's stomach, smiling as she receives a quiet sigh in response. "We're not young women anymore, Dee."

"No, we're not, Joy." Dianna swallows as she feels one of Joy's hands wiggling its way under her top to stroke over bare skin in tiny, arousing circles.

"But we're not so old that we should be put out to pasture, either." Joyce points out, smiling softly at the low groan she receives from Dianna. "And I don't know about you, but I believe I have rediscovered my sex drive here these last few months after it took a very serious vacation." Joyce presses a hot kiss at the juncture of Dee's neck and shoulder. "Then again, you could always arouse me with a simple look or touch, couldn't you?"

"Trust me, it wasn't…isn't a one way street." Dianna whispers, closing her eyes and tilting her head to allow Joyce freer access to her neck.

Joyce gently turns Dee around in her arms, brushing her lips softly against Dee's before ever so slowly deepening the kiss, allowing her caring and love to show through the caress.

Dianna buries her hands in Joyce's hair, groaning quietly into the kiss even as she returns every gentle stroke and caress, the two women slowly easing back to soft brushes.

As Dee buries her face in her neck, Joyce runs her hands gently up and down her once lover's back. Realizing that the heat, love and desire are definitely still there. But without the rushed, have to have it now, feelings that they used to deal with. Smiling as she realizes it was part of their youth and lack of control that made everything so rushed, Joyce presses a soft kiss against Dee's head.

"I always wonder what might have happened if we'd stayed together." Dee smiles softly as she brushes her cheek against Joy's shoulder. "Then I realize I wouldn't have Tara, and you wouldn't have Buffy. Those two young women make what happens worthwhile, don't you think?"

"Yes, I do." Joyce sighs quietly, hugging Dee tightly to her. "How do you feel about curling up in front of the television and making out like a couple teenagers for a while, until I need to go home?"

"I say let's go." Dianna chuckles as she pulls Joyce towards the living room.

Chapter 8

Buffy smiles as she and Tara work their way towards the Bronze under the 'guise' of doing a patrol. "So the movie wasn't that bad."

Tara chuckles quietly as she glances at the slayer. "You j-just prefer to watch action instead of love stories."

"What can I say? I'm an action kinda girl." Buffy tucks her hands in the pockets of her light jacket. "So, does it feel different being eighteen?"

"Not really." Tara shakes her head looking out at the night. "Just another year gone by." Tara admits softly.

"Hopefully this year will be the best year yet." Buffy comments quietly, Tara having opened up some to what had happened with her father and the beatings both her and her mother had received from the man.

"I believe it will." Tara smiles as she looks over at the slayer, letting her eyes linger for a moment on the beautiful girl…no woman. Though Buffy may be only sixteen, almost seventeen, she is definitely a woman. Sighing quietly, Tara looks back to the direction they're walking.

Buffy tilts her head and looks at Tara as she hears the quiet sigh come from the Wicca. Silently wondering what the woman's thinking about with the somewhat sad look on her face. "Come on, the Bronze is only a couple blocks from here. Let's go dancing." Buffy threads her arm through Tara's, urging the woman to a faster pace than they had been walking, smiling as Tara laughs, loving the melodic sound.

"I don't know about me dancing, but we can go for a while." Tara walks quicker to keep up with the slayer, the two women laughing quietly into the night air, unaware of the dark eyes following them.

Angel silently follows at a distance from Buffy and Tara, his eyes narrowed on the blonde witch. Not liking the sight of the woman and Buffy out together, knowing how Tara feels about his slayer. It was obvious with every love sick look she casts her way. His demon railing that the slayer is his behind the wall that is his soul, keeping the demon somewhat in-line. Never wanting to admit to anyone that the baser, darker instincts of the vampire are something he fights with every day. The soul more like a guide and conscience that helps him keep to the right side of the law, per se. But knowing in the hidden part of his mind that it wouldn't take much for him to become an evil killing machine again, soul or no soul.

Angel finally heads off in another direction as the two women approach the Bronze, needing to find something to take his frustrations and anger out on as the ringing of the shared laughter of the two girls continues to play in his mind.

Tara laughs even as she blushes as the group that she's slowly become a part of all wish her a happy birthday. The small group having taken over the top part of the Bronze, decorating it and even a huge birthday cake with the prerequisite eighteen candles being lit on it.

"Come on! Make a wish and blow out the candles for it to come true." Buffy jokes, gently rubbing a hand over Tara's back.

Tara's smile stays in place even as her eyes become serious as she looks at the slayer. Nodding her head as she knows what she wants, Tara turns back, silently sending a prayer to the Goddess as she leans down and blows out the candles.

"Let's eat!" Xander calls out, handing the cake knife to Tara as he stands there holding one plate, grinning at her. "First dibs on the first dance." Xander wiggles his eyebrows at her.

"Xander." Tara gently bumps into the young man, liking him immensely. Thinking that he's what she wishes her brother had been like. Quickly cutting a large piece of cake, she slides it onto his plate and winks at him.

"Oooh. See, she does like me. Look at this piece of cake." Xander shows the piece, before groaning as Buffy snatches it from him. "Buff, that's not right!"

"Sorry, Xan. That's for me." Buffy laughs as she grabs a fork and settles over at a table watching as Tara quickly slides pieces of the cake for Xander and Willow before taking a small piece for herself, the group around a table, everyone chatting over everyone else.

"How long has this been p-planned?" Tara questions softly, looking at the slayer as Willow and Xander get in a argument over some band that sometimes plays there.

"Hmmm. A little while." Buffy admits, smiling at the Wicca. "Did we pull it off, or did you have an idea?"

"No idea whatsoever. Thank you." Tara whispers as she gently cuts a piece of cake.

"No thanks necessary, Tara. It's your birthday." Buffy laughs quietly as the two companionably talk as they finish their cake watching as Xander nervously stands and walks around the table. "Uh, oh. Looks like Xander's looking for his dance."

"Goddess." Tara blushes. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, go and have fun, Tara. That's what you're supposed to do on your birthday. Just watch your feet. Xander isn't exactly the most graceful Scooby." Buffy chuckles as Xander scowls at her.

"Hey! I resemble that remark." Xander winks as he holds his hand out to Tara. "Please, have pity on a poor geeky Junior. I'll try to keep from tromping on your toes too bad."

Tara chuckles as she stands, accepting his hand as they work their way downstairs.

Willow settles beside Buffy. "Was she surprised?" Willow questions, curious at the thoughtful look on her best friend's face.

"Yes, she was." Buffy smiles as she relaxes back into the chair, sighing quietly. "We're probably going to have to make her open the presents she eyed them like she was afraid."

"You got that feeling too, huh?" Willow sighs quietly, frowning as she hears Xander calling for Buffy as he comes pounding up the stairs.

Buffy jumps up and heads to the top of the stairs. "What is it?"

Xander pants and points down to the floor as a dark haired woman is willingly being pulled to the exit by a vampire. "Tara said, vampire…"

Buffy grunts and eases by Xander, only touching on about a quarter of the steps as she quickly follows behind Tara who's hurrying after the vampire and the woman. Standing behind the blonde in shock, as they arrive out in the alleyway as the dark haired woman dusts the vampire, smirking as she flicks a speck of dust off her shirt.

Tara sighs quietly, looking over the woman as she dusts the vampire. Looking over her shoulder at Buffy, she quirks an eyebrow. "Faith, I presume?"

"That's what I'm thinking." Buffy nods her head, turning her gaze back to the dark-haired slayer who's staring at them with her arms crossed over her chest in a defensive gesture.

"Yeah, my name's Faith. What's it to you?" Faith growls angrily, her eyes flashing as she looks at the two blondes, allowing her eyes to trail over them as she wonders who the two girls are.

Tara tilts her head down as she shifts uncomfortably on her feet, not knowing right now what to say to the angry slayer. Not able to stop reading the slayer's aura as it practically bombards her with her anger, pain, fear and hatred.

"I'm Buffy." Buffy raises an eyebrow at Faith, waiting silently if she knows about her, watching as a quick look of shock comes over her face before Faith schools her features behind a snarl.

"You don't look so tough." Faith growls as she goes to push by the two girls to head back into the bar.

Tara shrinks and whimpers quietly at the rough treatment as she gets pushed into the outside of the building.

"Damn it!" Buffy growls angrily, seeing Tara's reaction. Snatching the dark-haired slayer's arm, she spins her around and blocks the quick punch, slamming Faith against the wall a couple feet from Tara. "You have an attitude. I don't know why, and truthfully, I don't care why. But my friend here doesn't deserve to be pushed into a damned wall! You don't know either one of us, and you've got a chip on your shoulder that I will be more than willing to knock off." Buffy presses her forearm across the other slayer's upper chest, keeping her against the wall as her eyes flash angrily. All she knows is that the woman had scared and possibly hurt Tara, and she did NOT like it.

"Buffy…don't, please." Tara begs softly, moving behind the slayer, placing a soft hand on Buffy's arm, though she stares at Faith, seeing a kindred spirit in the dark-haired slayer as she sees a flash of fear and slight cowering in her demeanor before she stiffens and jerks away from Buffy.

"Yeah, well, whatever." Faith growls, her eyes caught once again by sad blue eyes, not knowing why but she softens her stance as she looks at the blonde. "Sorry." Faith whispers to her softly, before curling her lip at the blonde slayer.

"Don't." Tara holds onto Buffy's arm as Faith goes back into the Bronze, the waves of pain and hurt coming from the dark-haired slayer almost enough to make her buckle to the ground.

"Tara…" Buffy turns to look at Tara, seeing the paleness of her cheeks, she wraps an arm around her waist quickly. "What's wrong?"

Tara shakes her head as she swallows hard. "She's hurting, Buffy. Hurting deep inside her, so deep whatever caused it has to have happened many years ago. And she's never been able to come to terms with whatever it is." Tara runs a hand through her hair, her eyes worried. "I…Let's go inside." Tara eases away from the slayer, having to walk away before she hugs her and tells her she wants more than friendship from her, knowing that ultimately that's all Buffy's offering her.

Buffy drops her head slightly as she follows Tara back into the Bronze, her eyes searching for and finding the dark-haired slayer as she practically grinds herself against the guy that's come up behind her.

Tara stands at the edge of the dance floor, watching Faith worriedly. Glancing over at Buffy as she settles beside her, Tara shakes her head. "I'll be okay, Buffy. Go ahead and have fun." Tara runs a hand through her hair, her mind working on about four different levels.

"It's your birthday, Tara. You should be the one having a good time and having fun." Buffy glances out at the dance floor before looking back at Tara.

Tara smiles softly as she looks at Buffy. "Do you want to talk to her?" Tara reaches for Buffy's hand and squeezes it gently. "I think you two are more like oil and water right now. Maybe give it some t-time." Tara looks upstairs quickly at their two friends looking down watching what's happening. "Please, Buffy?"

Buffy grumbles quietly under her breath. "Fine, but I'm not happy about this. But since it's your birthday, I'll back off…for the time being." Buffy qualifies, her eyes serious. "Both our moms will kick my ass if anything happens." Buffy squeezes Tara's hand back before she heads up the stairs.

Faith watches the two women curiously, having heard the slayer saying it's the other girls birthday. Her eyes slowly taking in the form of the blonde standing by herself now, Faith quirks an eyebrow wondering what's going on behind the baggy clothes she's wearing. Becoming bored with the guy she's dancing with, Faith struts towards the woman. "Come on b-day girl. Time to have the fun." Faith orders, practically slithering up and down the woman, smirking as she blushes darkly.

"Faith." Tara squeaks out quietly, stepping back quickly as the woman's body slithers down her. "Please, Faith. D-don't d-do this." Tara begs softly, her eyes showing her own pain.

"I thought you were all with the girl on girl action." Faith jerks her chin up to the stairs, watching as the blonde slayer glares at her from the top of the stairs, looking like she's ready to come barreling down to them at a seconds notice.

Tara stares dumbfounded at the dark-haired slayer, not knowing what to say to the woman, before she snaps out of her fugue state. "I-I…N-n-no, th-that i-is…sh-she d-doesn't…"

Faith's eyes snap back to the woman as she hears her stutter extremely bad, really looking at the woman, unconsciously stepping closer to her, frowning heavily as the blonde seems to draw somewhat in on herself and flinch slightly. Inhaling deeply in realization, Faith gently raises her hands and backs up a short distance. "I ain't gonna hurt ya'."

Tara closes her eyes and takes a couple deep calming breaths, to get control of her fear. Having become relaxed around her friends, she still shies away from other people's advances and them becoming too friendly, or close. "I-I'm s-sorry." Tara slowly opens her eyes, looking into worried brown eyes. "I j-just w-wanted to t-talk to you. To s-see if you w-want one of us t-to let y-you know where Mr. G-Giles is. And to m-maybe help y-you out."

Faith watches as Tara wraps her arms around herself as she hunches slightly, frowning heavily as she continues to stutter a lot more than she did before when she was talking to Buffy.

"My n-names Tara." Tara offers quietly.

Faith looks away for a minute, her emotions in an uproar as she thinks about what the woman said, having already scared the woman half to death, not wanting to do that again after seeing the obvious signs of abuse. Having seen the look in the mirror on many occasions, though she had ended up doing the opposite of what Tara had obviously done. She'd become louder and gave off a fuck 'em attitude while letting the hurt and hatred simmer inside her. As it looks like Tara had obviously crawled back inside her shell. "Faith." Faith finally looks back at Tara, slowly raising her hand to the blonde, surprised when Tara accepts the handshake.

"D-do you want t-to talk?" Tara questions softly, her eyes searching Faith's, seeing a need within the woman, but also seeing her battling against her own wants and desires. "We w-want to help, Faith." Tara whispers. "There's some b-birthday cake upstairs, along w-with soda if you'd like some. Plus, d-don't s-say a-anything a-about Buffy or m-me. She d-doesn't…"

Faith's surprised to notice that Tara's hand is still in hers as she listens to the woman. Slowly dropping her gaze to their hands, she raises her eyes again. "I don't wanna talk. And I won't say nothin'."

Tara nods her understanding, gently squeezing the warm, strong hand before easing hers away. "The p-people I'm g-going to introduce y-you to know a-about slayers." Tara warns softly, a crooked grin crossing her face at the look of surprise and shock on Faith's face, allowing a quiet chuckle to escape her lips, Tara quickly hurries up the stairs.

Faith stares after the woman, before her eyes rise. Frowning as the blonde slayer stares at her, an indefinable look on her face. Quirking an eyebrow at the woman, Faith follows Tara up the stairs.

Buffy stares hard as Faith practically throws herself at Tara, ready to fly down the stairs and knock the woman out until Tara backs away quickly from her. Watching as Faith raises her hands as she and Tara talks, in a non-threatening gesture, Buffy wishes they would speak up, since she can't make out what they're saying with all the noise in the bar and the distance between them.

"Who is that?" Willow questions seriously as she moves closer to Buffy.

"That's Faith." Buffy answers curtly, her eyes narrowed on the two women as they continue to talk. Her hand clenching on the railing, unaware of the quiet creaking as the metal gives under her grip as the two women more hold hands instead of shake. Watching as Tara nods and says something else before dropping the woman's hand saying something else before turning to quickly come up the stairs, a smile playing about her lips.

"Huh." Willow blinks as she stares at the dark-haired woman wearing a tight tank top and leather pants, shaking her head at the obviously sexual looking dark-haired slayer to Buffy. "Talk about complete opposite to you."

"Yes, I guess you can say that." Buffy murmurs, watching as Tara introduces Faith to Xander before bringing her towards them.

"Buffy you h-have sort of m-met, but this is Buffy and Willow. Guys, this is Faith." Tara introduces, silently begging Buffy to try and be nice to the woman.

Buffy groans at the look Tara's giving her before giving her a quick, curt nod. "Faith." Buffy offers her hand, both women testing the grip, but not trying very hard as they realize they're under Tara's watchful eyes.

Faith turns and looks at the redhead. "Nice ta' meet ya'." Faith nods to the two women, shifting somewhat uncomfortably from foot to foot. "Look, why don't I leave ya' be to enjoy the party…"

"No, Faith. Please…I m-mean, at l-least have a p-piece of c-cake and some soda." Tara begs softly. "Plus I w-want to g-give y-you my h-home n-number. I th-thought if y-you called t-tomorrow m-morning, I could s-see if it w-was okay w-with m-my mama that you c-come over f-for dinner."

Buffy brows furrow over her eyes at the extreme stutter in Tara's voice. The woman only occasionally stuttering around them now. Silently wondering if it's just because Faith is new, or if there is more of a reason for it.

"I…" Faith growls quietly, trying to break the blue eyed gaze, having a feeling that whenever the woman looks at her and asks her to do something, she's always going to give in. Not able to break the gaze, Faith finally grumbles quietly under her breath before nodding. "Okay, Blondie. I'll call ya', but I ain't guaranteeing I'll come over."

"Thank you." Tara grins hugely at the slayer before hurrying over to cut the cake.

Faith stares after the blonde, the smiling countenance and the twinkling blue eyes shocking her somewhat. Feeling someone staring holes in her, Faith turns her gaze straight to the other slayer. "What's your problem?"

Buffy steps up to the dark-haired slayer, staring up into the dark brown eyes. "That woman has been through hell, and so help me, if you hurt her feelings or hurt her physically again, I'll take you down, and take you down hard!" Buffy growls lowly, her eyes flashing with anger. "This is the only warning I'm going to give you. I'll play nice…as long as you do." Buffy stares hard at the woman for a few seconds before turning on her heel and trotting down the stairs to head outside to cool down. Not understanding why she has the urge to rip the other slayer to pieces, but knowing the urge became almost uncontrollable when Faith had basically pressed her body up against Tara. "And what the fuck is up with that?" Buffy frowns, looking up at the night sky, shaking her head.

Chapter 9

Tara nibbles on her bottom lip as she paces back and forth, looking at the phone.

Dianna sighs quietly as she looks at her nervous daughter. When Buffy had dropped Tara off last night before continuing to her house, there had been some serious tension coming from both girls. When Tara had explained everything that happened at the Bronze, Dianna had been surprised at Buffy's obvious jealousness over the other slayer. Though Tara had been confused as to why Buffy was acting that way towards Faith. Silently sending up a prayer to the Goddess that Buffy and Tara will eventually work through their issues.

"Do you think she's going to call?" Tara hesitantly questions, her eyes worried. Knowing from what she'd felt coming from Faith the night before that the woman needs friends and someone to talk to in the worse way.

"Baby girl, you have to give her a chance. If she's hurting that badly, she isn't going to trust easily." Dianna points out quietly.

"I understand that, mama. I just want her to call. She can't trust if she doesn't talk to us and get to know us." Tara sighs quietly as she finally sits down on the sofa. "She's so full of pain and anger, mama. She needs someone that'll be there for her. She's all alone. And I want your opinion of what you think."

"Okay, sweetie." Dianna sighs softly and settles down beside Tara, wrapping her arm gently around her daughter's shoulders, hugging her gently.

"Did you and Mrs. Summers have a nice time last night?" Tara relaxes into her mom's arms, closing her eyes as she feels the love being sent to her from her mother.

"Yes, we did. She's getting antsy about telling Buffy about us." Dianna admits, stroking her fingers through her daughter's blonde hair.

"She's afraid of how Buffy will react." Tara knows how Mrs. Summers feels. Jumping slightly when the phone rings, she looks nervously at her mother before hurrying over to the item. "Hello?" Tara answers softly.

Faith paces back and forth after she finishes the half sandwich she'd snatched out of a trash bin before it had gotten covered over with nasty odds and ends. Looking at the phone on the nightstand beside the bed, Faith pulls out the slip of paper staring at the number for probably the hundredth time. She was only paid up through tonight at this rundown fleabag hotel, and needing to do something soon to make some cash, already knowing she won't be able to live on the streets here on the Hellmouth.

Rubbing her belly as it growls it's displeasure at the meager amount of food, Faith slowly makes her way to the phone. Hesitating for a few moments, she drops her head and closes her eyes as she remembers the softly stuttered offer for dinner. Taking a deep breath and opening her eyes, she picks up the phone and punches in the number she'd memorized. Not expecting much, she'd been disappointed so many times in her life, she figures she hasn't anything to lose. Hearing the softly spoken hello coming across the phone, Faith smiles. "Hey. I was kinda wonderin' if the offer for dinner was good?"

Tara smiles brightly at the huskily asked words. "Yes. P-please, you're w-welcome to come here for d-dinner." Tara looks questioningly at her mom.

"She can come over anytime she wants. If she wants to now, I'll fix something for you two to snack on before working on something for dinner." Dianna offers, smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.

"Mama said y-you could c-come now, if you want." Tara offers, before telling Faith their address.

"Yeah, I might do that." Faith writes down the address quickly, and the directions on how to get to their house. "Do I need ta' bring anythin'?"

"Just y-yourself." Tara relaxes at the slayer's words. "Is th-there a-anything you d-don't like? Or m-maybe r-really like?"

Faith chuckles softly before answering. "I'll eat 'bout anythin'." Faith admits looking at the trash can with the partial wrapper the sandwich she'd snagged had been in.

"Please c-come a-anytime, Faith." Tara plucks nervously at her shirt.

"I'll be there in a bit, Blondie. Thanks." Faith hangs up after she hears a softly spoken goodbye from Tara. Running a hand through her hair, Faith sighs heavily. "I'm only doin' this for the free meal." Faith growls softly, but somehow the comment sounds more like she's trying to convince herself instead of being a statement of fact. Looking in the mirror at her tank top and leather pants, Faith shrugs. "This is who I am." Grabbing her leather jacket that had seen better days, and one of the few things left over from her life in Boston along with a couple sets of clothes, Faith makes sure there's stakes and her knife tucked away before grabbing the key to the motel room and the instructions to Tara's house. Making her way out of the room to walk across town towards the blonde's home.

Tara helps her mom put the two roasts along with potatoes, carrots, celery and onions in the oven. Having learned from Buffy that slayer's had a serious bottomless pit. "I'm going to pull out the Key Lime pie from the refrigerator to thaw out, mama."

"That's fine, you might want to go ahead and throw together a couple of sub sandwiches for Faith to eat. With you mentioning her eating almost half the cake herself last night, I have a feeling she may not be getting enough food." Dianna admits quietly as she washes up the dishes they'd dirtied so far.

"Either that or she has a serious sweet tooth." Tara grins crookedly at her mom. Turning back to the refrigerator, Tara starts pulling out all the different lunchmeats, cheeses, mayonnaise, lettuce and tomatoes. Hearing a loud knock on the front door, Tara wipes her hands nervously over her skirt.

"Want me to get it, baby girl?" Dianna questions softly, feeling her daughter's apprehension.

"No. I'll g-get it, Mama." Tara whispers before hurrying to the front door, opening it to smile nervously at the dark-haired slayer. "Did you h-have any t-trouble finding us?" Tara shifts from the open door to allow Faith in.

"Nah. You gave good directions, Blondie." Faith looks around the small house.

"I was just f-fixing a couple sub sandwiches for you for l-lunch, since Mama and I ate a little before you called." Tara offers, smiling shyly. "You c-can t-tell me if there's anything you d-don't want on them." Tara waves towards the kitchen before leading the way.

Faith grunts quietly watching the blonde in surprise, before following her. "You ain't gotta do anythin' special for me."

"We d-don't mind." Tara looks over her shoulder before entering the kitchen. "Mama, this is Faith. Faith th-this is my Mama, Dianna Maclay."

Faith looks at the older version of Tara, seeing what the young woman will probably look like as she got older. "Hey." Faith nods nervously at the woman, before holding her hand out.

Dianna sees the flaring of the slayer's aura, like her daughter mentioned. So powerful and strong, yet filled with so much hurt, pain, anger and fear that it was almost blinding. Gently shaking the woman's hand, she smiles softly. "Hello, Faith. You're welcome here, so please make yourself at home."

Faith shifts nervously, her luck with adults not the best in the world. The one person she'd finally started to trust being torn apart in front of her eyes kinda made a person leery of being friends with one, even if it wasn't for her other experiences with adults.

"I h-have ham, turkey, r-roast beef, Colby, American, and Swiss cheese along with lettuce, tomatoes and m-mayonnaise for your s-sandwiches. Is that okay?" Tara nibbles on her lip as she looks at the young woman, her eyes hopeful.

Faith smiles at Tara, relaxing slightly at the sight of the obviously nervous blonde, but noticing her stuttering wasn't near as bad as it was the night before. "Yeah, that's good, Blondie. Anythin' I can do to help?"

"You c-can get yourself s-something to drink, if you want." Tara motions to the refrigerator. "There's w-water, soda, tea and l-lemonade in there."

Faith licks her lips at the thought of lemonade, it having been years since she's had some. She watches as Tara's mom pulls down a glass and hands it to her, smiling gently at her. "Thanks, Mrs. M." Faith shifts to the refrigerator, filling her glass with ice out of the freezer before opening the refrigerator, groaning at the site of the obviously homemade lemonade. Pulling it out, she fills the glass, drinking part of it down before refilling it again and putting the lemonade back in the refrigerator. Licking her lips at the sweet, yet tangy concoction. Turning back to watch as Tara piles two six inch sub rolls with all the items she'd mentioned. Surprised at the sight of the thick sandwiches when Tara's done, realizing that's probably more than she's eaten total in two weeks. Looking up at Tara, she sees the worry in her eyes as she makes contact with her. Nodding her head at the sandwiches Faith smiles briefly at her. "Thanks, Blondie."

"You're welcome." Tara relaxes more, cutting the two sandwiches in half before quickly putting the food back in the refrigerator. "Regular, Bar-b-que or sour ream and onion chips?"

Faith glances quickly at Tara's mom, but seeing no censure she shrugs her shoulders. "Bar-b-que, I guess."

Tara grabs the large bag of chips and the plate, carrying them to the table, setting them down.

"Honey, I need to pick up a couple more things at the store. I'll be back in a little while, okay?" Dianna smiles at her daughter.

"Okay, mama. B-be careful." Tara hugs her mom as she leaves the kitchen. "Is it o-okay if I s-sit here while you eat?"

Faith shakes her head in disbelief as she settles down in the chair. "Why are ya' being nice to me, Blondie?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Tara whispers in shock, her eyes huge as she stares at the woman.

Faith shrugs as she opens the bag of chips, dumping a nice pile of them on top of her plate and sandwiches before picking up half a sandwich, looking at Tara before commenting softly. "I wasn't exactly the nicest to ya' last night. And I know I scared ya'."

Tara looks down and plays with the edge of the chip bag. "You weren't bad, Faith." Tara whispers. "It ain't y-your fault that I was s-scared."

"Yeah it was. You might be more skittish than most people, but I was the one that pushed ya'." Faith takes another bite of the sandwich watching the blonde intently. "Ya' can tell me it ain't none of my business, but I get the feelin' your life ain't been the best."

Tara shakes her head and looks up at Faith. "No, it hasn't. B-but I h-have a f-feeling it was p-probably better than the l-life you've b-been dealt." Tara whispers softly, her eyes watching Faith, seeing the woman flinch slightly at her words.

Faith sets the sandwich down, staring intently into Tara's blue eyes. "You look at me, and I get the urge to fuckin' tell ya' everythin'. Why is that?" Faith growls angrily.

Tara bites nervously on her bottom lip, but keeps eye contact with Faith. "I d-don't know, Faith. B-but if you w-want to talk…" Tara takes a deep, shuddering breath before continuing a few moments later. "I'd l-like to be th-there for you." Tara finally finishes. "I think mama and I are p-probably the only ones out of our g-group that would h-have the s-slightest idea and understanding of what y-you may have gone through."

Faith sees the honesty in Tara's eyes. The genuine want to help with no conditions and nothing in it for her. Surprised at the woman's willingness to let her feelings and thoughts to be so openly displayed, Faith looks away, picking the sandwich back up and taking a vicious bite of it. Chewing quickly, Faith takes her time and grabs the lemonade sipping on it while thinking about the woman. "Maybe." Faith finally offers the slight glimmer of possibility.

Tara relaxes slightly, feeling she's given the slayer something to think about, and the opening to come to her when she's ready. Not willing to push it and make the woman run the other way, Tara tilts her head at the woman. "I p-picked up a couple movies to watch. Hopefully y-you'll like one of them."

Faith settles back into the chair, popping a potato chip in her mouth watching the blonde curiously. "What kind did ya' get?"

Tara grins crookedly at the slayer. "A chick flick, one of those slasher movies and an action movie."

Faith feels her lips curling up into an answering smile, relaxing even more as she doesn't hear any stutters coming from Tara that time. "A slasher movie, when we're on the Hellmouth?"

"Yes." Tara giggles at the incredulous note in the slayer's tones. "After seeing some of the things here, the horror flicks don't make me that scared anymore."

"Wait!! You go out and deal with the nasties?" Faith frowns, leaning forward as she looks intently at Tara. "You could get hurt, it ain't just for anybody to be out there, ya' know."

Tara grins crookedly at Faith, feeling her heart warm towards the slayer at her obvious worry. Glad that the woman can be made to care about something, afraid from the woman's aura that she'd decided to say screw it to everything and everyone. "I can take care of myself, Faith. B-but thank you for the worry."

Faith furrows her brows as she stares at the blonde, looking over the feminine features and soft body. "I don't see it." Faith growls lowly shaking her head.

Tara giggles and covers her mouth. "Maybe as a show of trust between both of us, w-we could go out on p-patrol together after dinner?"

Faith stiffens slightly at the thought of the woman going with her. "No. I ain't gonna be responsible for you gettin' hurt." Her eyes flashing angrily at the thought.

"Faith…" Tara unconsciously reaches for the slayer's hand that's clenched on the table, when the slayer jerks it away from her as she barely touches her, Tara whimpers quietly and shrinks away from the slayer at the quick, violent gesture.

"Fuck!" Faith hisses and tries to relax. "Look Blondie it ain't nothin' against you, but I ain't much of a touchy-feely person. Don't take it personal, and I'll try and curb my normal reactions, 'kay?"

"O-o-okay." Tara crosses her arms over her chest and looks down at the table. "I'm a Wiccan, F-faith. I c-can d-do m-magic. R-real m-magic, n-not rabbit out of the h-hat stuff." Tara explains simply.

Faith rubs a hand roughly over the back of her neck as Tara stutters badly again, knowing her reaction set the blonde off. Setting her hand down on the table, she scoots it slowly closer towards Tara. "Truce, Blondie? I'll try and not jerk away from ya'. I don't like hearin' ya' stutter. I've done figgered out it's because you're either scared or don't know the person. You started to relax with me, and it was goin' away. Don't let me fuck it up." Faith wiggles her fingers at the blonde while watching her intently.

Tara looks from the slayer's hand, slowly raising her head to look at Faith, seeing the silent begging in her eyes. Slowly nodding her head, Tara unwraps her arms from around her and eases her hand in Faith's. Surprised when Faith gently clasps it while putting her hand over top of hers and patting it softly.

"Thank you." Faith whispers, relaxing slightly as a small smile finally crosses Tara's face as she looks at her. Squeezing her hand gently, Faith finally eases it away from Tara, picking up another part of her sandwich. "Your mom won't freak with ya' going out on patrol with me?"

"No." Tara shakes her head and relaxes a little more at the slayer's roundabout way of saying she can go on patrol with her. "I actually g-go on patrol with Buffy two or three nights a week when Angel d-doesn't go with her."

Faith looks curiously at the blonde as her tones seem to become cold when mentioning this Angel person. "So, who's this Angel chick? Your competition?"

Tara blushes darkly and looks away, shaking her head. "There is n-no competition. She's in l-love with him. And Angel is a 240 year old vampire with a soul. I'm just a f-friend." Tara whispers the last, taking a deep breath.

Faith stares in shock at the blonde, letting her words sink into her brain. Silently wondering what kind of sick soap opera she's landed in. "Sounds fucked up to me. I thought we were supposed to stake the bastards, not fuck 'em." Faith states bluntly, working on the last of her sandwiches.

Tara pales at the thought of Buffy and Angel doing that. "So not a good idea." Tara whispers softly, her eyes shadowed. "They aren't to that point." Tara adds looking quickly at Faith before standing. "Let me get you s-some more l-lemonade." Tara grabs the empty glass and hurries to the refrigerator.

Faith shifts her head to watch Tara while popping a couple chips in her mouth and chewing them contemplatively. Deciding not to bring up the other slayer anymore, unless Tara does first, Faith considers the blonde and how much to trust her with what's happened in her life. Being a firm believer in the fact that knowledge is power, Faith isn't real giving of her personal details. But something about the woman makes her want to trust her. She doesn't know if it's the like spirit she sees in the woman's eyes, or the openness of the woman, even with what she'd obviously been through herself.

"Here you go." Tara smiles nervously as she sets the glass down by Faith's plate. "Would y-you like some more?" Tara points to the empty plate, nothing but a few chips and crumbs left on it.

Faith licks her lips and looks at the plate, before slowly shaking her head. "Nah. I'm good, Blondie. Thanks for the food."

"You're w-welcome." Tara blushes lightly at the smile she gets from Faith. "Do you want me to take your plate?" Tara questions curious after Faith finishes the last couple chips.

"I can get it." Faith stands, grabbing the bag of chips, folding the end over tightly before grabbing her plate to put in the sink and placing the bag of chips back in the pantry Tara had pulled it out of.

Tara works on rinsing the dishes that had been used, placing them in the dishwasher, looking curiously up at the slayer as she leans against the counter beside her.

"So, obviously you, your ma, Red, Boytoy and watcher dude know about slayers and things that go bump. Anybody else?" Faith questions curiously.

"A couple more." Tara nods her head. "Ms. Calendar, a teacher at the school knows. Buffy's m-mom knows. There's a couple other p-people at school that I think know, but th-they are still in d-denial." Tara shrugs at the thought.

Faith grunts quietly at the thought. Reaching for the washcloth, Faith walks over to the table and wipes it down quickly, throwing the crumbs in the trash can before walking back over to the sink to rinse the cloth out, before draping it back over the middle of the sink. "What all can ya' do?"

Tara looks questioningly at the slayer. "Magic wise?"

"Yeah." Faith nods, following Tara out of the kitchen as she heads towards the living room. Sitting down at the opposite end of the couch as Tara turns towards her, tucking her legs under her while playing with her long skirt.

Tara shrugs and leans into the back of the couch, watching Faith. "A lot of things. But what usually comes in m-most handy on p-patrol is my being able to throw f-fire balls, dusting the vampires, along with levitating stakes and putting up p-protective barriers around me and whomever I'm with."

Faith blinks in surprise at the woman, not expecting the woman to be able to actually do much. "Huh."

Tara giggles slightly at the surprised look on Faith's face. "I c-can do a lot more, but that comes in handy the most."

"I'll give ya' a chance to prove it to me tonight." Faith finally gives in completely, surprised at the absolutely beautiful, full smile that comes across Tara's face. Shaking her head at the thought that the other slayer is a fucking idiot for not seeing what she could have. "So, what'cha wanna watch first?"

Tara laughs and eases from the couch, remembering the glimmer in the woman's eyes when she'd mentioned the action movie. Quickly placing it in the DVD player, Tara grabs the remote, tossing it to Faith before heading towards the kitchen. "Do you l-like lots of butter on your popcorn?"

"Fuck yeah. Clog my arteries up, ain't like they'll have a chance to kill me." Faith watches the previews on the television as she hears the quiet whimper coming from the kitchen at her words. Closing her eyes at her insensitivity, Faith takes a deep breath and mentally makes a note to be more careful of what she says and does around Tara.

Chapter 10

Faith snorts at the sight of the vampire's confusion as he keeps hitting the barrier around her and Tara. "So, ya' can do this one that sorta just absorbs the blows, the other one that makes it feel like he's hittin' concrete, and another one that wraps around 'em like jell-o?"

"Yep." Tara grins crookedly at the look on Faith's face.

"Sweet!" Faith nods her head before pulling her stake and staking the vampire. "How cool is that? I even get ta' stake him through the barrier. You're kinda handy to have around. But I still like to grapple and fight with 'em on a more personal basis." Faith admits, feeling that slight little tingle disappear, realizing now that it's where Tara ended her spell. After the second time, Faith realized what was causing her senses to tingle.

"I figured as much." Tara chuckles as they start to walk around town again.

"I need to get a couple more stakes, do ya' mind my stopping at my room and grabbing them?" Faith looks at her last stake before glancing at Tara. "It's only a couple blocks away."

"That's fine, Faith." Tara tries to keep from frowning, seeing what part of town they're in. Realizing Faith has to be staying at the sleazebag hotel off Second Street. When her mama had come home, and talked quite a bit with the slayer, she'd offered for the young woman to come over for dinner whenever she wanted. Then when Faith had headed out the door with Tara about ready to follow her, her mama had whispered that if it looked like Faith wasn't living well that she could offer for her to stay with them. Sighing quietly, not knowing if the slayer will take her up on the offer, she follows her up the stairs to the motel room. Knowing this was one of the hotels that was used more for pay by the hour, and was extremely cheap and rundown.

"You're welcome ta' come in, if ya' want. I'll only be a sec." Faith waves to the open door before hurrying in to grab the small bag she has her personal effects in and digs under the clothes to pull out her last two stakes.

Tara looks at the trashy room, realizing from the looks of it, the only thing of Faith's is the bag in her hands as she doesn't see any clothes hanging in the open closet, or anything setting out on the dresser or nightstands. Wrapping her arms around herself, Tara looks sadly at the slayer.

Faith glances up, a small grin on her face about ready to make a smart aleck comment when she sees the look on Tara's face. "What's wrong?"

Tara nibbles on her bottom lip and slowly waves her hand around the room. "Faith…" Closing her eyes, Tara runs a hand through her hair. "I'm afraid wh-what I'm g-going to s-say might p-piss you off, and I d-don't want to d-do that." Tara whispers softly, opening her eyes to look at the dark-haired slayer sadly.

Faith growls at hearing the stuttering, Tara having relaxed so much while they talked throughout the afternoon and patrolling that she only stuttered every couple sentences. "Just say it, Tare-Bear. I'll try and not let it upset me." Faith offers quietly, having started calling Tara Tare-Bear when the blonde growled at the vampire that had tried to sneak up behind her while she was fighting two other vampires. The blonde had went into protect mode and set fire to his ass while growling that no one hurt her friend. Not wanting to admit it, but Faith realized at that moment, that she had a friend, and she'd probably do whatever she needs to, to protect her.

Tara wraps her arms around herself and looks down at the stained and hole ridden carpet, her toe unconsciously poking at a hole. "W-would you c-consider staying w-with us? My mama will be okay with it. You can have m-my bed until w-we get another t-twin bed. It'll f-fit in m-my room, if you d-don't mind sharing." Tara hurriedly asks, her eyes lifting up after a few minutes of not hearing anything from Faith, surprised to see surprise and the unguarded look on the slayer's face. The want to belong somewhere, so obvious it makes her heart hurt at the sight. "Please?" Tara whispers.

Faith looks into serious blue eyes, before dropping her gaze to look at the motel room, comparing it to the small house Tara lives in. The small but well cared for and clean house, with two people in it that actually seem to care for her also. Not knowing what she's done to deserve this major change of luck, unless it's just karmic justice, Faith swallows hard. "And give up all this?" Faith waves her hand around at the room, slowly grinning at the blonde.

Tara allows a nervous smile to cross her face and slowly nods her head. "But I have to tell you, there'll p-probably be s-some rules." Tara tightens her arms around herself.

Faith's eyes narrow slightly on Tara and she tilts her head at the woman for her to continue.

"Mama will w-want you to p-pick up after yourself, and g-go to school. Mr. G-giles will probably b-be willing to help us with cost of l-living expenses with f-feeding and c-clothing you." Tara smiles softly, slowly relaxing as she doesn't see anything coming from the slayer that would indicate she would say an outright no.

Faith stares at the woman for a few minutes, before looking down at the bag that holds almost all her worldly goods. The only other things are a hair brush and toothbrush in the bathroom, along with deodorant and just a couple pieces of make-up. "Why?"

"Because w-we want to b-be there for you. And I c-could use a f-friend to t-talk to that understands." Tara whispers softly, the two women having touched very briefly on the fact that they'd been physically abused, though no details were really given on either side, both silently deciding to discuss it again at a later date.

"Yeah, I get that." Faith twitches slightly at the thought, knowing her old watcher had wanted her to try and talk through some of her anger, pain and hatred. She was under the thought that it would help her, but Faith wasn't willing to open to the woman. Glancing up at Tara and seeing the hopeful, innocent looking blue eyes watching her, finding it hard to believe that the woman had obviously been abused in her life and was able to keep her innocence. But realizing that of everyone she's been around the last few years after running away from home that this woman and her mother probably understand better than anyone else would.

Tara shifts nervously as she watches the emotions crossing Faith's face, the internal debate obvious even without the fluctuations of the woman's aura.

"I don't do windows." Faith growls deeply as she turns and heads to the bathroom, tossing her few items into the bag and zipping it closed. Throwing it over her shoulder, she tosses the key to the motel on the bed and urges a shocked Tara out of the room.

Tara blinks in surprise, before a huge smile crosses her face at what this means. "Thank you."

"Odd you thankin' me." Faith growls, shaking her head. "I ain't been in school for over three year's, Tare-Bear. I don't know what'll happen with that."

"Mama will talk with Mr. Giles and see what needs to be done. Maybe th-they'll have some testing you could do and see what grade to place you in. You p-probably won't being going to school right away until they can get your records and we can get you some clothes." Tara relaxes more, sighing in relief that the woman wasn't going to be on her own and would have her and her mama to talk to. Already knowing from the way the two slayers acted towards each other, that they'll be more likely to butt heads than become friends.

Faith rolls her eyes at the thought of this woman so quickly and easily sliding under her defenses. Even her mother had made her feel relaxed and was able to get her to talk. And for the first time in longer than she can remember, she feels almost happy and has a full stomach. "Hope you two ain't expectin' a miracle with me."

Tara gently bumps shoulders with the dark-haired slayer and shakes her head. "We want to be your friends, and maybe, family." Tara explains softly, her eyes serious. "I w-would like to have a sister, Faith. Someone that'll be there for me, like my b-brother sh-should have b-been." Tara eyes fill with pain at the thought of her brother, and in turn thinking about her father and how the two men were so much alike.

"Easy, girlfriend." Faith cautiously wraps an arm around Tara's shoulders. Not real good at giving comfort, and not too sure about how Tara will react, Faith breathes out a sigh of relief as Tara accepts the gesture. "Looks like we got some talkin' to do, huh?"

Tara nods, and hiccups slightly, brushing at her eyes that the tears had partially escaped. Grinning crookedly at the slayer and reaching up with her hand to pat the hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Faith. I know th-this isn't easy for you."

"Yeah." Faith gently squeezes the shoulder before releasing Tara and starting to patrol again. "You got school tomorrow ain't ya?"

"Yes. You can eat whatever you f-find in the house. Mama works at the Gallery with Buffy's mom, Mrs. Summers. Mr. Giles would probably like for you to see him before too much time goes by. He w-works as the librarian at the school." Tara explains, they had spoken somewhat about things, but hadn't gotten into too much detail. More like Faith had been feeling her and her mama out, to see if she could trust them this afternoon.

"What's he like?" Faith turns to look at Tara as the blonde giggles quietly.

"Very proper, tweed-wearing Englishman." Tara grins crookedly, her eyes sparkling as she looks at the slayer. "But he's actually quite funny. He gets in his own digs and comments that a lot of time flies over everyone's heads. You h-have to watch him and p-pay attention. I know he isn't as st-straight laced as he likes to act like he is."

Faith snorts at the thought. "I'll pay attention, see what's the what." Faith looks around as she feels her senses picking up on some thing, or some things. Two different feelings. One that she normally gets when a demon is nearby but the other one is different. Kind of like Tara's when she's casting, but a slightly stronger, different feel to it.

Tara looks curiously at Faith as she sees the woman go on alert, her eyes searching out the darkness and checking behind them as they continue to go on patrol. Finally seeing Buffy and Angel coming towards them, Tara feels more than hears the quiet groan coming from Faith.

"That the bloodsucker that's hornin' in on your woman?" Faith growls softly in Tara's ear, seeing B and the vamp coming towards them.

"Faith!" Tara hisses, her eyes snapping to look at the slayer.

"Sorry!" Faith raises her hands and tries to smile innocently at the woman. "I know, I know. Ain't public knowledge, and you don't want it to be."

"Please." Tara begs her eyes worried.

"I hear ya' Tare-Bear." Faith nods her head and turns back to look at the blonde slayer and the tall, dark, brooding vampire walking beside her.

"What are you doing out on patrol?" Buffy questions roughly, her eyes narrowed on Tara.

"She's with me." Faith growls shifting closer to Tara protectively. "Didn't know she wasn't allowed out. She's able to take care of herself and it ain't like her ma don't know where she's at."

Buffy snaps her head to stare at the dark-haired slayer, her eyes flashing with anger. "She usually patrols with me."

"Yeah, so? Looks like ya' got your own patrol buddy." Faith snarls at the vampire, her eyes taking him in and not liking what she's seeing. "Thought we were supposed to stake the blood-suckers, not be friends with 'em."

Buffy snarls and takes a step towards Faith to be pulled to a stop by Angel. Then her eyes open wide in shock as Tara steps between her and Faith.

"Buffy, please." Tara whispers, her eyes worried. "I don't understand why you d-don't like Faith, but please g-give h-her a chance. She's b-been n-nothing but k-kind and h-honest all day t-today."

"All day?" Buffy's eyes search Tara's face, seeing the light blush coming across her normally pale cheeks, before she turns to look at the smirking slayer.

"Yeah, Tare-Bear here invited me to spend the afternoon with her and Mrs. M. We talked, and we're…friends." Faith allows a genuine smile to cross her face at the word.

"And Faith is g-going to be st-staying with us." Tara adds on softly, surprised at the paling of Buffy's face at her words.

"She's staying with you?" Buffy takes a step back at the statement and the nod of agreement coming from Tara. Feeling a surge of jealousy work its way through her, Buffy swallows not understanding her feelings.

"Buffy, we should probably finish patrol. You have school tomorrow." Angel narrows his gaze on the other two girls, seeing the anger in the narrowed gaze coming from the dark-haired slayer and the look of hurt, along with that damn indefinable expression the witch always seems to have when she looks at him, unconsciously snarling his lip slightly at her.

"We already hit downtown." Tara offers quietly, surprised to feel Faith actually stepping slightly closer to her.

"Good. I guess I can walk with you two on the way back home, then." Buffy narrows her gaze even more on the slayer as she moves closer to Tara, fighting the urge to rip the woman away from Tara. Turning her gaze to Angel, she's surprised at the totally blank look on her boyfriend's face. Turning back to Tara and Faith, she nods her head. "I'll catch up with you."

Tara nods and quickly walks away from Buffy and Angel, feeling Faith right beside her.

"I don't like him." Faith growls softly under her breath as they make it over a block from the other two before slowing down and waiting.

"That makes two of us." Tara sighs quietly, turning to watch Buffy with the vampire. Crossing her arms over her chest as Buffy shifts up to kiss him. Clenching her jaw, Tara looks away from the painful sight.

"Ya know, I could accidentally stake his ass one night while I'm out on patrol." Faith offers, a wicked grin crossing her face as Tara turns to look at her in shock. "Just offerin'."

Tara shakes her head and rubs a hand over her face, part of her almost wanting to accept the slayer's offer, but knowing the vampire has been a help to Buffy and the rest of the group, and with his having a soul, not something she can in good conscience endorse. "No, Faith. But thanks."

Faith shrugs and quirks her eyebrow at Tara. "You know she's jealous, don't ya'?"

"Huh?" Tara blinks in surprise at Faith, looking towards Buffy who's standing and talking with Angel but has her gaze narrowed on them.

Faith casually drapes an arm over Tara's shoulder, smirking as Buffy stiffens even more, the look of anger on the slayer's face obvious even from this distance. "Tell me she ain't jealous."

Tara stares at Faith for a few minutes at her casual touching before turning back to look at Buffy. "She's n-not jealous, Faith. At l-least I don't think she is."

"Trust me, Tare-Bear. She's willin' to come over here and rip my arm off my body and probably beat me ta' death with it." Faith chuckles wickedly. "What'cha think? Should we fuck with her?"

"Faith, behave." Tara unconsciously smacks Faith gently in the stomach, surprised at the genuine burst of laughter coming from the slayer.

"You'll do, Tare-Bear. You'll do." Faith squeezes Tara's shoulder gently, liking the blonde even more as she opens up.

Buffy practically ignores Angel as she keeps her eyes on Tara and Faith. Her lip snarling as she sees the easy camaraderie between the two, staring in shock as Tara smacks Faith and the loud full laughter coming from the dark-haired slayer. Practically vibrating with the anger and jealousy working their way through her body, she snaps her head to look at Angel as he growls softly.

"I'll catch up with you tomorrow night." Angel finally states, fighting the urge to let his demon come to the front and take out the witch. Buffy's reaction to the blonde and the slayer slut cementing it in his mind that Buffy cares more for the witch than she's telling him. His demon fighting, wanting to kill his competition while taking his slayer and turn her so they can spend eternity together. Fighting the feelings and desires flowing through him, Angel's unaware of his eyes tingeing towards yellow as he looks at Buffy. "Tomorrow." He practically snarls, leaning down and kissing her roughly before turning and striding away.

Buffy blinks in surprise at the anger and abrupt departure of Angel, her eyes following him for a few minutes until he's completely out of sight. Frowning at the feeling of disquiet she feels in regards to Angel, she turns and practically jogs towards Tara and Faith.

Faith growls softly as Buffy practically pushes her way between her and Tara. Fighting the urge to smack the blonde slayer upside the head, Faith finally smirks, drops back a step and moves to the other side of Tara.

Buffy stares around Tara at the smirking slayer. "So, what were you two up to today?" Buffy finally questions, but looks at Tara intently.

"Nothing much. We just ate d-dinner and watched some movies." Tara looks nervously at Buffy, hearing the slight coldness to her tone. Also noticing that she has her feelings locked down tight, noticing in the past that Buffy usually put her slayer connection behind her wall while she was out on patrol, but usually some things would leak through.

"And now you're best friends and she's going to live with you?" Buffy stares hard at the dark-haired slayer.

"I ain't gonna say best friends, but yeah, we're friends and yeah I'm gonna live with Tare-Bear and her ma. What's it to you, B?" Faith stares back at the slayer, unaware of the three women coming to a stop,

Tara bites her lip and looks from Faith and Buffy who are both extremely tense and practically pushing against her from either side. Lifting her hands she gently presses against both women's upper chests, urging them to take a step back. When they finally do, she breathes out a silent breath and rubs a hand over her forehead. "Buffy, d-do you m-mind going d-down to the end of the n-next b-block for a moment, while I s-speak with Faith alone?"

Buffy looks intently into the somewhat scared blue eyes looking back at her, frowning as it sinks in that Tara's stuttering horribly again. "Tara…" Buffy steps closer to the blonde Wiccan.

"Please, B-b-buffy." Tara begs quietly.

Buffy clenches her jaw, Tara not normally stuttering over her name. Nodding her head sharply, she spins and jogs away from the two women, the anger combating with the worry for top billing inside her.

Tara watches Buffy for a few seconds before turning to a fidgeting Faith. "Faith, I know y-you didn't start it, but do you m-mind not t-trying to irritate matters? Please? I'll work on Buffy. She's really a v-very nice person. And I'm h-hoping one day you two can get along…even if you aren't best friends, but m-maybe at least not at each others throats…" Tara smiles slightly at Faith, hoping Faith will relax.

Faith sighs heavily, her eyes turning to look at Buffy before turning back towards Tara. "She ain't makin' it easy, Tare. But I'll try and do better, and maybe ignore her comments and looks." Faith smiles softly at Tara. "Ain't promisin', you understand. But I'll try."

"That's all I can ask. Thank you, Faith." Tara impulsively places a quick brief kiss on Faith's cheek before heading towards Buffy.

Faith blinks in surprise and reaches up to touch her cheek. "Huh. Don't ever remember bein' kissed without it havin' to do with sex…and even then I usually don't like that level of intimacy." Faith snorts at the thought, shaking her head as she watches Tara close the distance between her and Buffy.

Chapter 11

Buffy watches as Tara and Faith talk, growling quietly as Faith smiles at Tara and almost jumps to rip the other slayer from her friend when Tara places a quick kiss on her cheek and comes towards her.

Tara sighs quietly as she sees the anger on Buffy's face, and her staring at Faith. "Buffy…" Tara starts quietly, stopping as Buffy turns her angry eyes on her.

Buffy unconsciously snarls at Tara when she hears her softly whisper her name. When she sees Tara stop and a quick flash of fear cross her face, Buffy realizes what she's doing and groans quietly. Raising her hands she rubs them across her face and tries to calm down. "She rubs me the wrong way, Tara." Buffy admits after a few minutes as she gets control of herself.

Tara swallows and slowly eases closer to the blonde slayer as she sees that she's finally got control of her anger. Watching shame and a slightly scared look cross Buffy's face, Tara relaxes a little more. "That's k-kind of obvious."

Buffy blushes darkly and looks down, really not understanding why she doesn't like the other slayer. Just knowing that whenever Faith is near Tara, which has pretty much been from the moment that Faith's been here, she wants to rip into the dark-haired girl.

"Please, Buffy. She's h-had a hard l-life of it, so far. She needs f-friends not people that want to irritate her." Tara whispers, her eyes serious as she looks at Buffy.

"How did you get to the point of having her stay with you, Tara?" Buffy questions, the confusion and hurt obvious in her eyes.

"She was staying at the sleaze bag hotel on Second Street, Buffy." Tara sees the look of disgust crossing Buffy's face at the mention of the hotel.

"Demons won't even stay there." Buffy growls softly.

"No, they won't. Everything she owns is in that small bag over her shoulder, and I have a feeling she's h-had even a w-worse t-time of it than mama and I." Tara continues softly, silently begging Buffy to listen to her. "Please try not to irritate her. She's just another g-girl our age, hurting and lost. She hasn't had any structured home life that I can tell, and she's been living on the streets for the last three or four years." Tara cautiously places her hand on Buffy's forearm. "Please, Buffy. Give her a chance. She doesn't have anyone."

Buffy sighs quietly as Tara continues to beg silently, letting sad blue eyes do her talking for her. Shifting her gaze to the dark-haired slayer, she notices the worry on Faith's face before she places that know-it-all smirk on her face again when she realizes she's watching her. Finally realizing it's a defense mechanism for the other girl, Buffy turns back to Tara and slowly nods her head. "I'll try. But if she hurts you, she'll be answering to me." Buffy growls softly, her eyes serious.

Tara grins crookedly and impulsively hugs Buffy tightly. "Thank you, Buffy." Tara whispers in her ear, hugging her for a few moments before releasing her.

Surprised, Buffy finally returns the hug, closing her eyes at the feel of the slightly taller woman's body being pressed against her, feelings stirring to life inside her that she'd never felt before, making her uncomfortable.

Faith chuckles quietly at the confused look crossing Buffy's face when Tara releases her, nodding her head that Buffy definitely likes Tara whether she's wanting to admit it or not. Strutting towards the two women Faith comes to stand right beside Tara. "Gotta get ya' home so you can be all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for school tomorrow, Tare-Bear." Faith wraps an arm around her shoulders silently urging her towards her house, narrowing her eyes on Buffy as the other slayer automatically starts to step closer to them.

Realizing what she's doing, Buffy stops and lets the two women get a couple steps ahead of her before finally walking and catching up to Faith and Tara. Letting Faith stay between her and the Wiccan, though not liking the fact that Faith has her arm around Tara in an almost proprietary way. "Are you going to school tomorrow, Faith?"

"No." Faith answers, her tones cool.

"You c-could come and talk with Mr. Giles, if you want." Tara looks pleadingly at the dark-haired slayer, silently begging her to meet them halfway.

Sighing heavily, Faith nods her head in agreement. "I guess ya' ain't gonna let up on me, until I do it anyways." Faith grumbles, her voice rough with the feelings working through her. Surprised at how much she likes the thought of someone caring for her. Silently wishing that her younger brother had lived. Him being the one ray of sunlight in her life, making the world bearable. Shutting down the feelings coming to the surface, knowing it's only a small leap to tears following, Faith puts thoughts of little Jimmy back behind her walls to only be brought out when she's by herself.

"Thank you." Tara grins crookedly as Faith finally seems to focus back in on her, wondering what had made the slayer seem so happy, and yet so sad at the same time.

"Whatever." Faith grumbles, shrugging her shoulders.

Buffy watches the two women for a few minutes, keeping quiet. Still wanting to rip the slayer's arm from around Tara's shoulders, but working on the anger flowing through her at Faith usurping her place with Tara. Though she'd never been that touchy-feely with Tara. As they reach Tara's house, Buffy slows down as they come to a stop. "Meeting at the corner as usual in the morning?"

Tara looks at Faith for a few minutes. "I th-thought we might go earlier, since Faith will want to talk with Mr. Giles. So, you, Willow and Xander don't need to get up quite that early." Tara smiles briefly at Buffy.

Buffy feels her jaw clench automatically before smiling back at Tara. "Be careful. I'll see you in school tomorrow." Buffy shifts her eyes to look at Faith once more. "Faith."

Faith nods her head and answers simply. "B."

Tara sighs as Buffy turns around and strides away, her eyes glued to the petite blonde slayer.

"You got it bad, Tare-Bear." Faith whispers softly into Tara's ear as Tara continues to watch Buffy until she turns the corner out of sight. Wondering if she'll ever care for someone half as much as Tara obviously cares for the other slayer.

"She's had my heart pretty much from the moment we met." Tara admits quietly, her eyes sad. "It took me a while to realize it. Though it didn't take me that much longer to realize how futile my feelings are." Tara shakes her head and tugs gently on Faith's tank top. "Come on, Storm. Let's get into the house." Tara grins crookedly at the confused look on Faith's face. "Don't think I didn't notice how you were checking out Halle Berry playing Storm in the X-Men movie."

Faith groans quietly as she follow's Tara up the steps. "She's hot. Kinda like Angelina Jolie, don't know anyone that would be able to turn either one of them down."

"Hmmm. I pictured you more for a Brad Pitt or a younger Mel Gibson person." Tara jokes, her eyes twinkling merrily.

Faith unconsciously licks her lips. "They'll do, too." Faith wiggles her eyebrows and grins wickedly at Tara. "I ain't choosy."

Tara laughs at the slayer as she unlocks the door, the two women heading into the house.

"Damn, it Tare-Bear." Faith grumbles, tagging behind Tara on the way to the high school. The blonde not letting her get out of going.

"You're going to g-go and talk with Mr. Giles." Tara turns her head to stare at the dark-haired slayer. "And they're g-going to get your school r-records to test you and see where you need to be in your classes."

Faith groans and shakes her head. "Come on, do I have ta'?"

"Yes. You're going to go to school. You're going to g-graduate, and you will be around for a long time to irritate the h-hell out of me." Tara fights the smile trying to cross her face, the two women having gotten only a couple hours sleep, having stayed up talking for the majority of the night. Faith, not accepting Tara's offer of her bed, had made a pallet on the floor with a couple blankets and a pillow.

"Shit." Faith grumbles, fighting the smile wanting to cross her face at Tara's machinations. Faith finally chuckles softly as Tara grabs her hand, tugging gently as they walk up the steps to the school. "This unhealthy obsession you got for doin' good, is goin' to be discussed here soon, you know."

"We can discuss it." Tara agrees amicably as they quickly make their way to the library.

Faith groans, knowing Tara gave in to easily. "Discuss, but you ain't gonna change."

Tara laughs softly at Faith catching on so quickly. Knowing the woman is a hell of a lot smarter than she likes to put on she is. Entering the library, Tara squeezes Faith's hand gently before relaxing her grip, surprised when Faith keeps hold of her hand. Looking questioningly at the slayer, she sees the slight hint of fear in brown eyes. Firming her grip, she smiles gently at Faith before calling out to the watcher as they make their way towards the table. "Mr. Giles?"

Giles hurries from his office, having already been made aware yesterday morning that Faith had appeared, of all places, at the Bronze Saturday night, and Buffy had in no certain terms let him know she didn't care for the dark-haired slayer, explaining her view of what had happened. Now, as he strides out to the main section of the library, he's more than a little shocked to see Tara standing almost protectively besides the woman that can only be Faith, the new slayer. Blinking in surprise as he sees a quick scared look cross the dark-haired girls face before she puts on a smirk and gets a cocky attitude pretty much pouring from her in waves, fighting back the smile wanting to cross his face as he remembers a young man by the name of Ripper that had pretty much the same attitude as her when he was younger.

"Mr. Giles, I'd like you to meet Faith." Tara squeezes Faith's hand firmly as she looks at the slayer. "Faith, this is Mr. Giles, Librarian and Watcher."

Faith finally releases Tara's hand as the watcher approaches her slowly with his hand extended. Looking back into warm blue eyes, without thought, for approval, she finally turns back to the watcher and holds her hand out to him. "Hey."

"Hello, my dear." Giles shakes her hand while patting it with the other, looking curiously at Tara. "How is it that you two came to be here?"

Tara blushes lightly and shrugs her shoulder, looking down at the table as she finally pulls out a chair and settles on it. "Umm. Faith was at the Bronze Saturday while w-we were there for my b-birthday party. We kind of figured out who she was, and I gave her my phone n-number…" Tara glances at Faith, stopping her explanation as the slayer settles in the chair beside her and grasps her shoulder gently.

"She invited me over to her and her ma's house for dinner, we got to talkin' and they kinda made me an offer of stayin' with 'em. Then she insisted I come with her here today." Faith explains quickly and concisely, without any additional information. "Uh, I don't know what ya' do in cases like this, but if the Council dudes can give 'em money to help pay for my necessities, that would be of the good."

"Well, I do have a spare bedroom at my place, if you…" Giles trails off as he watches Tara look up at him and shake her head slightly, her eyes begging him. "But, living with an old English dude, as I have been called on many occasions probably isn't what most teenagers would like to do." Giles silently makes a note to himself to talk with Tara, to see what she might have already heard or learned. Surprised at how close the two girls already seem to be.

"Umm. Is there any w-way you can g-get her school records, and w-work on getting her placed in classes? It's been three years since she's been in school, and I d-don't know if they'll do p-placement tests or what here." Tara looks hopefully at the watcher. "I'll h-help her study, if you can arrange it."

"Of course. I'll be in contact with the Council later and get right on that. Is everything okay, do you need anything?" Giles offers, looking from one girl to the other.

Faith looks down at the table, not wanting to admit to the watcher that she basically only has a couple pairs of clothes to her name.

"Everything." Tara answers simply, her eyes serious as she looks at the librarian, sighing in relief as understanding crosses his face.

"Well, if you two would like, after school you can meet me here, and I'll forgo Buffy's training to take you two ladies to the mall." Giles offers, wincing slightly as he can just imagine what his Mastercard bill will look like, but knowing he can't begrudge the girl clothes and anything else she needs. Knowing that he should be able to get the money back from the Council with little problem.

Faith snorts quietly, finally looking up to make eye contact with the watcher, surprised at the kindness she sees in his bluish/green eyes. "You're willin' to take two teenagers to the mall? You're braver than most guys I know."

"Yes, well, I dare say I'll probably regret it, but…" Giles quirks his lip at the teenager as he notices her starting to relax. "Tara, if you would let your mother know that whatever she has to buy for the house to give me the receipt, or let me know and I'll buy it for her. Whichever will be easier."

"We're going to need a twin bed." Tara admits. "She can't spend each n-night on the floor or on the couch."

"Consider it done. Is there room in you bedroom for it?" Giles questions curiously.

"It'll be a tight fit, but we sh-should be able to make it work." Tara shrugs, knowing that she'll have to re-arrange her bedroom, but not that worried about it.

Giles pulls his glasses off and chews on the earpiece as he looks at the two young women, still trying to figure out how they came to be this close, when they'd only met not even two days earlier, and from the majority of what Buffy had told him, it was something of a bumpy start. "How about bunk beds? Would that be better in your room?"

"I get the top." Faith grins, liking that idea, knowing Tara's room would be overtaxed with two twins in it.

Tara rolls her eyes at the eager note in the slayer's voice, before nodding her head in silent agreement to the watcher.

Faith listens to the kids and teachers starting to arrive in the school, sighing quietly as she looks at the clock, realizing that here soon Tara will probably need to head to her first class. Feeling Tara lean towards her, Faith looks inquisitively at the Wiccan.

"Are you going to stay here and try to t-talk to Mr. Giles, or do you p-plan on going back to the house?" Tara whispers softly, looking worriedly at the slayer.

Faith shifts nervously as she looks at the man then back to Tara. Her past experience with men leaving a bad taste in her mouth, but warm blue eyes looking into hers, silently begging her to trust this group of people, Faith sighs quietly as she finally answers Tara, watching as the thanks crosses her eyes. "I'll stay here. Probably got some talkin' to do anyways. And we're still gonna talk about this do-gooder shit." Faith warns, narrowing her eyes on Tara, chuckling as Tara just grins at her crookedly. Faith rolls her eyes as she hears the other slayer outside the door talking with a couple other kids.

Tara furrows her brows as she watches the slayer, before her eyes are caught by the library doors swinging open. Unaware of the smile crossing her face as she watches Buffy stride into the library, Tara's eyes drink in the blonde slayer's form.

Buffy looks from Tara to Faith and back again, noticing the closeness of the two girls and how Faith's hand is resting comfortably on Tara's shoulder. Growling softly at the sight, it takes a moment to realize that the smirk and chuckle coming from the dark-haired slayer was directed at her. Snarling her nose and lip, showing a sharp white eyetooth, Buffy narrows her gaze on Faith until she sees the look coming from Tara. Dropping her shoulders at the silent pleading, Buffy relaxes and smiles apologetically at Tara. "Well, I see you two made it here okay this morning." Buffy strides around the table to sit directly across from Tara and beside Giles.

"Like I had a choice." Faith grumbles, though a small smile crosses her face at the light bump she gets as Tara leans her shoulder against her.

"We'll forgo training after school today, Buffy. I have some errands to run and paperwork to do." Giles purses his lips as he considers Faith. "Faith, we do have a lot to talk about, and if you don't mind spending the day here, I'll order a couple pizzas for lunch to eat while we discuss things."

Faith looks down at the table, slowly nodding as she feels Tara's hand clasping hers gently from where she'd unconsciously moved her hands to wring together nervously.

"Maybe I can come here and j-join you two for lunch?" Tara offers quietly looking at Giles, the slayers nervousness obvious to all of them at the table.

"I think that would be a wonderful idea." Giles nods his head, noticing the obvious relaxing of Faith's tense shoulders with Tara's question.

Buffy crosses her arms over her chest, staring at Faith and Tara, trying to figure out exactly what is going on between the two women.

"Thank you." Tara grins crookedly, before looking sadly towards the clock as the five minute warning bell rings. Gently grasping Faith's shoulder she stands, looking down at the dark-haired slayer. "Time for me to go to class. I'll see you at lunch?"

Faith swallows hard, but nods her head in acceptance, knowing Tara is wanting to make sure she was going to stick around. "I'll be here."

"Thank you." Tara whispers, squeezing gently before releasing the slayer and grabbing her backpack. "Better hurry, or we're g-going to be late." Tara smiles softly at Buffy as the slayer groans and hops up from the chair.

"And another week of school begins." Buffy grumbles, unconsciously moving close to Tara, putting her hand gently at the middle of her back as the two women walk out of the library.

Faith smirks at the sight, having seen the quick questioning look Tara had sent towards Buffy when she felt the woman's hand land on her back. Turning back to the watcher, she fidgets slightly.

"Would you like something to drink?" Giles offers softly, making a mental note to use soft tones and slow movements around the slayer, having read her file and knowing that her home life was probably even worse than what Tara's was like.

"Ya' got a soda?" Faith finally questions after a few minutes of staring at the watcher, not knowing how far to trust the man, but knowing Tara obviously trusts him and for now she'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"I most certainly do. I'll be right back." Giles sighs in relief as he shifts the chair back and strides towards his office.

Chapter 12

"Look, Tweed. I don't wanna talk about it." Faith growls stubbornly, pacing back and forth across the library floor, glancing up at the clock and fighting the urge to take off. "Watcher lady was fucking killed by the fucking cloven-hoofed bastard and I high-tailed it outta there like a chicken shit and came here at her orders. Is that what you wanna hear?" Faith finally snarls at the watcher as she spins around to stare at him.

"Faith…" Giles starts, having finally gotten to the heart of the matter, only to sigh heavily as the pizza delivery guy brings in the pizzas. Digging his wallet out of his pocket, he pulls out the money, shoving it in the young man's hands before grabbing the pizzas from him and setting them on the table, his eyes drawn back to the slayer who had jumped up to the upper tier of the library and was striding back and forth up there. "You did what you had to do, to survive, Faith. Anna wanted it that way. She wanted you to live to fight another day, and you're here to fight. If you had died needlessly against Kakistos, you wouldn't be here to help us…" Giles hesitates for a moment before rolling the dice, hoping he's not wrong. "To help Tara. She needs someone that understands on a personal level what she's gone through, someone other than her mother to talk to…and I dare say someone that needs her. She's got a huge heart and she desperately wants to feel needed and loved, plus to give love, Faith."

Faith clenches her hands tightly into fists, her stiff, tensed back towards the watcher as she inhales sharply at him bringing Tara into this. "You play dirty, old man." Faith growls deeply.

"I was taught to fight with the tools that are at my disposal, my dear." Giles whispers softly and somewhat sadly. "I saw something this morning with you two…An understanding and a…common bond that Tara and you both need."

Faith rakes her fingers roughly through her hair as she slowly turns and reaches for the railing, grasping it gently as she stares down at the watcher.

"I can understand if you don't want to talk with me, or anyone else from the group. But you do need to discuss what happened in your life with someone, and the friendship you've already started with Tara with her own past is what you need. Anger and hatred will eventually tear you apart, my dear. Don't let it get the best of you. Let the friendship and love being offered you from that young witch help heal the rift inside you." Giles whispers softly.

"She doesn't love me, Tweed." Faith shakes her head staring down at the watcher, a partial chuckle escaping her lips.

"She does, as a friend and a sister. I may be old, but I'm not a fool, young woman. And you'd be smart to remember that." Giles quirks an eyebrow at the dark-haired slayer as the bell rings for lunch.

Faith blinks in surprise and shock at the watcher. "You…You know about…" Faith shakes her head, not able to say it.

"Buffy." Giles answers softly, nodding his head. "As do you, if I dare guess."

"You wouldn't be guessin'." Faith growls, sighing heavily as she looks up at the skylight in the ceiling. "Fuckin' shit."

"My sentiments exactly." Giles sighs. "Come down and eat, Faith. Tara's class was at the other end of the school, but I dare say she'll be flying in here in record time."

Faith grins at the thought of the woman. "She's too sweet to be in this godforsaken town." Faith grumbles before just swinging over the railing and dropping down to the ground below.

"Some kind of differing version of that statement could probably be said for all of us, my dear." Giles darts a look over his shoulder as he heads towards his office to grab sodas, a small smile crossing his lips as he notices the slayer's head nodding in silent agreement.

"Hey, Tara!" Xander calls out to the hurrying blonde, intercepting her. "You joining us for lunch?"

"Not today, Xander." Tara smiles apologetically at the young man, gently grasping his forearm and squeezing it. "I have a p-previous engagement."

Xander pouts slightly before nodding his head. "Don't much blame you, it's Mystery Meat Monday. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." Tara hurries on her way towards the library, hoping Faith is still there and didn't end up getting pissed off and leaving. In her hurrying she doesn't notice Buffy standing half hidden between the lockers, hazel eyes following her, filled with hurt.

Buffy hesitates, watching Tara practically jog towards the library. Wanting to follow the blonde, a streak of possessiveness working through her, Buffy leans back against the wall with her head down. "If you follow her and keep butting your nose between the two of them, you're going to look like an idiot. A selfish, jealous idiot." Buffy whispers softly to herself. "But if you don't and she hurts Tara…" Buffy unconsciously growls softly until she remembers sad blue eyes looking at her, silently begging her to give Faith a chance. "Damn it." Buffy takes a deep breath. "I'll try, Tara. I don't like her, and I usually stick with my gut feelings on things. It usually doesn't steer me wrong." Buffy finally strides out from between the lockers and heads towards the cafeteria. Trying to put out of her mind how she originally thought the puppet Sid was evil, and Amy, which was actually Amy's mother in Amy's body.

Smiling at Willow and Xander who were already sitting down eating, she waves at the two before heading towards the line to grab something to eat, trying to get thoughts of Tara and Faith out of her head for the time being.

"Hey, Blondie." Faith calls to Tara before the witch has even pushed open the door to the library, already relaxing somewhat with her walking in.

"Hi." Tara smiles softly at the dark-haired slayer as she hurries in, her eyes darting to Giles as he comes out with a hand full of sodas. "Hello, Mr. Giles."

"Please, sit down." Giles nods towards the table, hiding the smile crossing his face as she sets her books down at the end of the table and proceeds to sit down right beside Faith.

"Are you okay?" Tara questions softly, having noticed the anger and fear at the forefront of the slayer's aura when she'd come in. Carefully reaching out, she gently rubs the slayer's shoulder, rubbing a little firmer when Faith doesn't pull away and actually seems to relax with the touch.

"Yeah. I'm good. Just talking about some shit, ya' know." Faith murmurs, a small quirk to her lip as she looks at Tara. "Come on. I know you ain't got long for lunch, so dig in."

"Here you young ladies go. I'll be in my office, if you need anything else." Giles sets the sodas and napkins on the table before grabbing a couple slices of pizza and puts them on a plate before hurrying back to his office, planning on making a couple phone calls.

Tara slides a piece of pizza on her plate and slowly eats it, glancing at the slayer occasionally as the woman works through one of the pizzas in record time before starting on another. "Are you s-sure you're okay?" Tara hesitantly questions again.

Faith sighs and sets down the slice of pizza she was demolishing and looks fully at Tara for the first time since she'd arrived. "You ain't got time to talk about this shit, right now…but how bad of a life did ya' have before comin' here?" Faith questions hesitantly, her voice low.

Tara pales briefly, but fights her normal urge to look away, seeing the worry in brown eyes watching her intently. "Does the last t-time I w-was in the hospital w-with a broken arm, three broken r-ribs, one eye s-swollen shut, and multiple bruises and cuts give y-you an idea?" Tara whispers.

Faith closes her eyes, exhaling softly as her hands clench tightly into fists. Slowly nodding, she just whispers. "Yeah."

"How b-bad…" Tara starts to ask, but stops, not wanting to push the dark-haired slayer.

Faith slowly opens her eyes and looks into worried blue eyes, forcing her hand to unclench Faith takes a deep, steadying breath. "As bad if not worse." She finally answers, seeing the sadness in Tara's eyes. "Eat, witch. We have all sortsa time to discuss this shit."

Tara sighs in relief as she sees the willingness of the slayer to talk to her, opening up. "Thank you." Tara whispers softly, letting her fingers run through the thick, dark hair.

"Yeah, well, when we get down to the nitty gritty on this shit, you may wish I'd kept my mouth shut." Faith shakes her head and bumps gently into Tara. "This make us friends, or somethin'?"

"Yes." Tara smiles at the slayer before she picks up her piece of pizza again. "I think I'd like us b-being friends."

"Yeah, I think I'd like it to." Faith murmurs, a small smile playing about her lips as she thinks about the fact that it'll probably piss off the other slayer. Chuckling quietly at the thought, Faith starts working her way through the pizzas, the two young women eating companionably in silence, both unaware of the eyes of the watcher checking on them occasionally from the office.

Giles smiles at the sight of the two women, seeing the start of a strong bond of friendship starting between the two. "I dare say though the two women seem to be totally different, they're more alike than either of them realizes." Giles murmurs softly to himself before picking up the phone and dialing England. Planning on getting the ball rolling for Faith to be tested and placed in the proper classes along with money being sent for food and necessities that the slayer will need.

"What no after school Scooby meeting?" Xander pouts as he steps into the library, before turning his gaze to Willow and Buffy.

"If you want it to be just us three, we can." Buffy rolls her eyes at Xander as she looks around the empty library, sighing quietly. "Look, I probably should head home and work on my homework. I'm meeting up with Angel for patrol later, so you two be careful, okay?"

"See ya' Buff." Xander calls after the quickly departing slayer, before turning to Willow as they slowly follow the blonde. "Is something up with her? She's seems to be a little grouchy today."

"I think she doesn't much care for the new slayer." Willow admits, holding her books tighter to her chest as they make their way through the school towards the front doors.

"She seemed a bit…intense at the party Saturday." Xander tilts his head, before a huge grin crosses his face. "But she's hot."

"Xander!" Willow frowns and smacks her friend on the shoulder after shifting her books to one arm. "Be nice. You know from what Giles said…or more of didn't say, that things weren't easy for her before coming here. So don't be all boy-ish on her, if you get my drift."

"Boy-ish?" Xander smirks at his best friend. "Are you trying to tell me to be nice and sweet in your to the point way?" Xander jokes, laughingly dodging the next smack coming his way from Willow.

"I'd say to be nice and not flirt with her too much. Though she does seem…different compared to our normal group, there has to be a reason for Giles' comments." Willow exasperatedly tells her best friend.

"Okay, okay!" Xander holds up his hands, giving up. "I'll be on my best behavior…as much as I can be anyways."

"I'll take it." Willow giggles and bounces into Xander's shoulder. "Soooo…what homework do you have and what do you need help with. Mom and dad left again, we can order take out from somewhere, or have pizza delivered if you want."

Xander groans at the mention of homework before licking his lips at the mention of food. Mentally weighing his options, the food wins out and he decides to go to Willow's house, even though she'll make him do his homework. "Let's go."

Willow grins, knowing that food was a definite way to get Xander to do what she wants. Practically skipping to keep up with the longer legs of her friend, she wonders curiously if Faith will be going to high school with them here soon.

Tara giggles quietly behind her hand as Faith turns and glares at her before turning back to the mirror to look at herself.

"This ain't me." Faith growls softly at the slacks and blouse she's wearing.

"You look g-good." Tara points out. The tan chino's and the red blouse bringing out the highlights in the slayer's hair. "You can't wear j-jeans and leather pants all the t-time, Faith. And you do l-look real good in that outfit. Maybe w-we can l-look for black slacks instead?" Tara offers, knowing when Faith had unpacked what few clothes she had, they were all dark blue or black.

Faith sighs as she looks at herself in the mirror. Shifting so she can see Tara more easily in the reflection, she quirks an eyebrow questioningly at the woman. "You honestly think I look good in this?" Faith's hand waves at the clothes she has on.

"Yes, I do." Tara looks seriously at the slayer. "You look g-good in red, Faith. Your dark c-coloring is complimented by the color."

"Okay. Let's see if they got any black slacks, instead of these." Faith gives in, glad she did when she see's the huge smile cross Tara's face with her words.

Tara jumps and spins around to hit the pants rack, sorting through them quickly to find a couple pairs of black slacks in Faith's size before moving to other racks with different shades of red blouses on it.

"But we are gonna buy some jeans, t-shirts and tanks, right?" Faith calls out to Tara as she steps into the dressing room, pulling the curtain closed as she quickly strips the pants off, hanging them back up before unbuttoning the blouse and placing it on the hanger, buttoning the top two buttons.

"And bras and underwear." Tara mumbles, blushing lightly as she hears the growl coming from the slayer, realizing Faith heard her.

"I ain't fuckin' Mary 'Friggin' Stewart here! I'm a hot, sexy slay…teen and I wanna flaunt it, girlfriend!!!" Faith sticks her head out from behind the curtain, her eyes narrowed on the witch.

"Martha." Tara corrects, grinning crookedly as Faith rolls her eyes at her. "Don't you w-want to keep your…" Tara waves her hands at her own breasts while looking at Faith. "All nice and perky?"

"Perky?" Faith shifts back and looks down at her breasts. "They ain't fuckin' perky. They're too big to be perky. Now Buffy's on the other hand…"

"Faith!" Tara hisses as she shoves the clothes into the slayer. "We're n-not talking about her breasts!!"

"We could. I know you've checked 'em out." Faith smirks at the whimper coming from the other side of the curtain as she takes the clothes from Tara. "Anyways, mine are full, bountiful, a handful, gorgeous…maybe even luscious…they ain't fuckin' perky, 'kay?"

"Yes, Faith." Tara rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she waits for the slayer to try on the other clothes to see how they fit before they head to the next store, chuckling quietly as she remembered Giles saying he'd be back in half an hour to pay for the items, giving them time to shop in this store. Knowing the watcher was going a few stores down in the mall to the furniture store to look at beds. Faith having already told him she wanted a really firm mattress.

Faith tries on the clothes, chuckling quietly to herself. Putting one of the pairs of pants in the to be put back stack, as they didn't fit quite right, she has to admit, the feel of the looser slacks and blouses felt kinda good. Carrying the keep clothes over one arm and holding the other ones to put back up in her left hand, she smiles at Tara.

"How did they fit?" Tara questions curiously to the slayer.

"They fit good, except for the one pair seemed cut different or somethin'." Faith admits, nodding her head to the one pair of black pants that's with the tan pair.

"That happens." Tara smiles as she takes the return items from Faith and hangs them back up on the correct racks. "Mr. Giles should be back here in a few minutes."

Faith takes the items up to the register before walking to the entrance to the mall and looks up and down, smirking as she sees the watcher pick up his pace as he catches sight of her. "He's comin'."

Tara smiles at the clerk as she works on pulling the items off the hangers and folding them neatly to ring up. Glad the slayer had decided on keeping the two pairs of slacks and the four shirts. Knowing they'll have to pick her up a couple pairs of shoes while they're out. The old leather motorcycle boots the slayer is wearing, fine for patrol but not necessarily something she should wear to school, or out to dinner if they go out.

"Did you find anything?" Giles questions as he steps into the store.

"Yeah, bought a few pairs of pants and some shirts." Faith watches as he pulls out his wallet and grabs a credit card out of it, her eyes turning to Tara as the witch waits for the clothes to be rung up.

"Where to next?" Giles hands the credit card over before looking at Tara and Faith.

"The Gap, I g-guess would be good. They have t-shirts and j-jeans. Maybe a shoe store afterwards, and somewhere to b-buy underwear?" Tara whispers, blushing darkly.

Giles nods his head, trying not to smile at the obvious discomfort the young woman has about talking about unmentionables. Signing the slip and accepting the receipt along with the credit card, he takes the bag from the cashier and smiles. "Lead the way ladies." As he follows the two young women out of the store, he sighs in relief as he notices the dark haired slayer slowly relaxing more, and joking with the blonde witch. Having to admit the young girl had been tense, angry and disgruntled while in the library with him. But being around Tara opened the young woman up, and he sees the girl that she should be.

"Mr. Giles? Were you able t-to get the bunk bed?" Tara questions softly as they step into the store, turning back to Faith making a bee-line for the button-fly jeans. Chuckling softly at the sight of the young woman acting like a kid in the candy store.

"I think we've found something she really likes." Giles chuckles with Tara, his eyes twinkling as the slayer starts tossing jeans over her arms before hurrying back to the changing room. "And yes, my dear, I was. It won't be delivered until Thursday, however." He winces at the thought.

"That's okay." Tara relaxes. "Faith can always sleep on the couch, if sh-she wants to. Or bunk d-down on my floor again, like she did last night. I'm not going to argue about her using m-my bed again." Tara laughs softly remembering the small argument. "Were you able to get in touch with the Council and see what they c-can do about getting her into school?"

"Yes, my dear." Giles smiles softly at the young woman, her worry and caring obvious for the other slayer. "They are already in the process of getting her school transcripts, what there are of them. We'll have Faith take a special test to see which grade she should be placed in."

"She should be a Junior, shouldn't she?" Tara questions, honestly not knowing how old the young woman is.

"Age wise, yes. However when she was younger, she missed a lot of school and was held back a few years." Giles sees the questioning look on Tara's face, along with the deep sadness. Shaking his head he looks towards where Faith is striding out of the changing room and puts a couple pairs of jeans back before grabbing some more clothes to try on.

"Something for me and her to t-talk about." Tara speaks more to herself than the watcher after he shakes his head, watching Faith sadly. "If you c-can gather the b-books that she'll need, I'll help h-her study for the placement t-test."

"I'm sure she would appreciate your help. Maybe what we can do is alternate nights she and Buffy patrol, giving both young women time to work on their studies?" Giles offers the idea. "Though maybe I should put that idea to both her and Buffy, instead."

"During the week, that sounds like a g-good idea. Maybe on the w-weekends, they c-can patrol together." Tara winces slightly at the suggestion, but hopes that if she keeps talking to Faith and Buffy both, maybe the two women can at least become used to each other, even if they never become friends, planning on going with them on patrol as a buffer.

"I plan on them sparring and working out together, also, each day after school for at least an hour." Giles admits.

"I hope y-you plan on k-keeping an eye on them." Tara looks wide-eyed at the watcher, her meaning obvious by the worry on her face, though she comments anyway. "They d-don't exactly g-get along r-right now."

Giles allows a small grin to cross his face before commenting dryly. "I hadn't noticed."

Tara narrows her eyes on the watcher before laughing softly. "You're rotten."

Giles smirks, having noticed a while ago that Tara seemed to catch most of his comments and jokes that usually went over the other young peoples heads.

"Looks like she's stocking up on c-clothes." Tara comments as Faith hurries towards them with her arms loaded down.

"She needs it. And slaying is hard on clothes." Giles shrugs, not really worried about it.

"They got the jeans buy one and get the other half off." Faith offers, having heard the comments from the two, looking from Tara to Giles.

"How many pairs did you buy, my dear?" Giles helps take the clothes from the slayer and heads towards the register.

"Eight pair." Faith winces at the admittance.

"Why don't you go get another four or six pairs while they're on-sale?" Giles smiles at the stunned look on Faith's face. "Go on." He waves the slayer back to the clothes, chuckling softly as she spins around and practically runs back to the jeans rack.

"She's easily pleased." Tara murmurs softly, having seen the huge smile crossing the slayer's face. "I have a feeling her l-life was w-worse than mine."

Giles grunts softly, not saying anything as he watches the cashier's helper start pulling the clothes off the hangers and folding them in staggered stacks for the cashier to ring them up. "Do you want to grab a bunch of those socks over there for her, Tara?" Giles nods his head to the piles of socks near them.

Tara grins crookedly at the watcher even as she goes to the socks and starts picking out pairs, glancing back towards Faith as the slayer searches through the jeans for her sizes. "Faith, sweetie?" Tara calls softly, smiling as the dark head jerks up and brown eyes look her way. "Just plain white socks, or do you like colors?"

Faith shrugs and smiles at Tara. "Whatever. It ain't like most people are gonna see 'em. I usually just got whatever was cheapest." Faith admits, calling out to the young witch across the store, speaking a little louder for Tara to be able to hear her.

Tara nods and turns back to the socks, picking up an assortment, half of them being plain white while grabbing a few colored ones and some with little non-frilly designs on them. Sighing quietly as she looks around the store, she notices jean jackets, along with hoodies and other types of jackets in the store. Remembering the worn leather jacket that the slayer had, knowing she needs more than that.

Giles looks up as Tara piles the socks on the counter, chuckling. Seeing the hesitant look on Tara's face, he quirks an eyebrow at the young witch. "What else did you see, my dear?"

"Jackets." Tara admits, smiling shyly. "She only has the one w-worn leather j-jacket that honestly l-looks like its seen b-better days."

"Go on, then. Grab Faith and you two look at them." He comments as he sees Faith heading back towards him with jeans thrown over her arm.

Faith sighs as she hears them talking about jackets but doesn't argue, knowing the leather jacket she has is okay for patrol, but not good for wearing much of anywhere else. The holey, threadbare jacket was rescued from a dumpster a couple years ago. "Thanks." Faith whispers, somewhat uncomfortable with all the money being spent, silently deciding that somehow or another she'll make it up to the watcher. Though somewhat still leery of the man, her own feelings that he's a good guy, plus Tara's unwavering support of the man making her trust him more than she's trusted any men her whole life.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's g-get you some jackets." Tara bumps gently into the slayer's shoulder, before urging her towards the wall holding all the different jackets.

Faith groans quietly but follows, a huge smile crossing her face at the obvious pleasure Tara's getting out of shopping with her.

Chapter 13

Dianna chuckles as she hangs up the phone, looking at Joyce as she heads towards her. "Looks like Rupert has decided to take Faith shopping. Tara's along for the company and they're going to pick up Chinese to bring home."

"No dinner out tonight?" Joyce frowns slightly at the thought, the two women having made plans to go out to dinner at the little steak house around the corner.

"Oh, we're still on for dinner. Now I don't have to worry about Tara and Faith's dinner plans. I was just going to see if you would mind picking something up to take home to them before we went out." Dee shrugs, smiling at the blonde.

"At least Tara can cook, it isn't like she's lost in that department, unlike someone I can mention." Joyce rolls her eyes as she thinks about Buffy's lack of cooking skills.

"That's true. I don't have to worry about her starving. We're just going to be on a learning curve to find out what Faith likes and doesn't like. Though from what I could tell yesterday, the young woman will eat just about anything." Dianna admits, frowning briefly at the thought of how Faith had devoured the food like she hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Buffy on a good day has a very healthy appetite. She isn't terribly picky about food, there're just a few things that she doesn't care for." Joyce admits, looking up at the time. "Are you ready to help me close up the shop?"

"Of course." Dianna smiles softly as she follows Joyce out of the small office, heading in the direction of the back of the building to make sure it's secured properly as Joyce says goodbye to Kathy, the receptionist and all around 'Girl Friday'.

Tara giggles as she watches Faith slurp the long noodles into her mouth, one of them flipping up to smack her across the nose.

Chewing and swallowing the food, Faith narrows her gaze on the witch before stabbing some of the Szechuan Chicken and waving it towards Tara. "You pick on me, I might end up startin' a food fight, ya' know."

"No you won't." Tara laughs and works on her Garlic Chicken. "You like food too m-much to waste it l-like that."

Faith growls playfully at the witch before wiping the sauce off her nose with the back of her hand and continuing to eat. The two women being dropped off about fifteen minutes earlier by the watcher and after setting all the bags in their bedroom, they'd settled in the living room on the couch beside each other with the television on low as they work their way through the mountain of Chinese. Faith having found out that Tara's allergic to shrimp when they were ordering, and making a mental note to not get anything with shrimp in it, just to be on the safe side.

"I need to w-work on a paper tonight for probably about an hour. We can go out on p-patrol afterwards." Tara offers hopefully.

"Ya' wanna go out on patrol with me?" Faith turns and blinks at the witch, watching as Tara blushes lightly and nods her head. "You ain't got to, you know?"

"I know. But I'd f-feel better if I was with you." Tara shifts nervously. "There's safety in n-numbers and I want to make sure you d-don't get hurt." Tara more breathes the admittance, than says it. "Plus, I can h-help you learn your way around t-town and show y-you all the places the vampires like to hide out."

Faith fights her initial angry reaction that Tara doesn't trust her out on the streets by herself, mentally smacking herself that the woman was just worried about her. Already knowing from the time she's spent around the blonde that if nothing else, she was honest to a fault and there are usually no hidden meanings in what she's saying. "I don't want ya' to screw up your schoolin' by goin' out with me on patrol." Faith narrows her gaze on the witch.

"I won't." Tara smiles and relaxes a little with Faith's comment, knowing that's the slayer's way of saying she can come as long as it doesn't interfere with anything else. "Eat, Faith." Tara nods to the food, grinning crookedly at the dark-haired slayer.

"Trust me, I am." Faith smirks wickedly as she tips the container to her mouth, getting the last few pieces of chicken out of it before setting it inside another empty container and grabbing another one.

Tara rubs her stomach, having to admit she's full. Setting her half empty container on the table, she stands and stretches, moaning quietly as her back pops. "I'm going to unpack your clothes, and s-start washing them. Anything you w-want me to w-wash first?"

"Nah. I'll wear what I got on out tonight." Faith shakes her head as she hesitates with another fork full of food on her way to her mouth. "I can do the clothes, Tare-Bear. Why don't ya' go ahead and start working on your paper?"

"It won't take me but a couple m-minutes to unpack the clothes and t-take off the tags. I can throw a load in before I start on my homework." Tara smiles softly at Faith before she heads towards their bedroom.

Faith sighs, having a feeling she's going to have an argument with the young witch that she can do things herself, that she don't need someone waiting on her hand and foot. Deciding to wait a couple days and see if things settle down, Faith turns back to the food and decides on what to eat next.

Dianna slides in the chair Joyce holds out for her, smiling as the waiter sets the menus in front of them before getting their drink orders and disappearing.

"It's nice." Joyce looks around at the elegant restaurant before her eyes land on Dee. "The company is better, though."

Dianna reaches across the small, cozy table and laces her fingers together with Joyce's. "The company outshines everything else." Dianne smiles softly at the thought of how close the two of them have become again as they rekindled the fire between them as they learned who they are now.

"Dee, I know we said we would take our time getting to know each other…" Joyce whispers trailing off as she becomes lost in glittering blue eyes.

"But it's getting harder being with each other every day at work, going out to dinner two or three times a week and sucking face on the weekends without it going any further?" Dianna's lip quirks up as Joyce blushes lightly.

"I think you've been spending too much time with the kids lately." Joyce finally chuckles quietly as she looks up when the waiter brings them the bottle of wine. After trying the wine, she nods her head and finally opens the menu with her free hand, gently squeezing Dee's fingers when the woman was about to ease away.

"Speaking of the kids, the newest addition to the family is going to make things interesting." Dianna purses her lips as she looks at the menu, deciding on the six ounce prime rib before shutting the menu.

"How so? I mean, Buffy just grumbled under her breath about Tara having a new friend and that's about all I was able to get out of her." Joyce questions curiously, looking at Dee as the woman giggles softly, not having had a chance to talk to her about anything personal.

"It's Faith, the new slayer." Dianne whispers the last word so only Joyce can hear her. "And from what I can tell, Buffy and her have already about gone at it. She's a very angry, upset and scared young woman."

"So, of course you and Tara have taken her under your wings." Joyce has to laugh quietly at the thought, knowing Tara was almost a carbon copy of her mom and someone in need will always get their attentions.

"Under our wings and roof." Dianna admits, smiling shyly. "She needs friends and family. And from what Tara's told me, Faith definitely got off on the wrong foot with Buffy. And just my gut feeling…Faith's going to keep needling her just for the hell of it. She's already figured out that Tara likes Buffy."

Joyce groans and picks up her glass, sipping it quickly. "Are we running a soap opera here?"

"Sometimes wonder. You have us, old college lovers, one divorced the other hiding out from her husband, both with teenage daughters." Dianna starts and looks up as the waiter comes back asking for their order.

Joyce watches as the waiter disappears to place their orders before looking back at Dee. "And one daughter has a crush on the other clueless daughter who's dating someone that is WAYYYY to old for her."

Dianna blinks and her eyes open in shock. "You know about that?"

"I'm a mother, of course I do." Joyce rolls her eyes before chuckling at the shock on Dee's face. As a somewhat guilty look comes across Dianna's eyes, Joyce shakes her head. "I know that Tara tells you pretty much everything, and I also know that Buffy has a tendency to tell me nothing. You promise to keep Tara's confidences and I won't ever come between that."

Dianna unconsciously breathes out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry."

"No need." Joyce chuckles and shakes her head, shifting her hand so she can trail her fingers over the back of Dee's hand. "Are we too old to tell the kids that we're having a slumber party for adults only?" Joyce questions seriously.

"Nooo…but maybe the kids could have a slumber party at your house, and we can spend the night at my house." Dianna offers, the wheels turning as a slow, sensual smile crossing her face at the thought.

"Call them now." Joyce begs only half joking. "I can't tell you how much I'd love that."

"You and me, both." Dianna agrees, smiling lovingly at the taller woman. "I think the kids were planning on going out on patrol tonight, if you're interested." Dianna whispers as she leans partially across the table, her eyes hooded.

"God, don't look at me like that." Joyce whimpers, unconsciously shifting down in her seat as she feels her blood heating up.

"Does it…bother you?" Dianna laughs softly at the obvious desire crossing Joyce's face. "Goddess, I am so happy I decided to come here."

Joyce growls softly and pulls back from Dianna, a small pout crossing her lips. "I'm happy to, but driving me crazy is not a good thing. The older and less horny theory pretty much has gone out the window."

Dianna tries to fight the smile crossing her lips as she looks at the taller woman. "You do know, that women hit their sexual peaks in their forties, don't you? We're getting close…"

Joyce groans as she picks up her wineglass and finishes off what's left. "Behave, or we're going to end up making out in my vehicle like a couple of teenagers."

"I bet you could hit a homerun first time up to bat." Dianna grins wickedly as Joyce whimpers and flushes darkly. "I'll behave, for now."

"Please. I don't know how much more teasing I can handle." Joyce admits softly, her eyes becoming serious as she looks into Dee's eyes. "I'm going to have to tell Buffy about us. I'm really sick and tired of hiding our relationship."

"You don't think she might have an idea?" Dianna tilts her head slightly watching as Joyce eyes become distant as she obviously thinks.

Joyce slowly shakes her head. "My daughter is clueless about a lot of things, Dee. She would probably never think of her dear old mom being with a woman. Kind of like she is completely in the dark about Tara liking her. After you mentioned the fact, I paid more attention to Tara and it's obvious if you know what you're looking for."

"I know." Dianna sighs quietly, before smiling sadly. "I just hope Tara doesn't end up with a broken heart. But I'm afraid that's exactly what's going to end up happening."

"We'll see. We'll have to let this little soap opera play out and see what ends up happening." Joyce reaches out to gently stroke her fingers over Dianna's arm and hand. "Dinner, love."

Smiling lovingly at the taller woman, Dianna gently pulls her hand back as the entrée is placed in front of them. "It looks wonderful."

Joyce smiles as she pours more wine in their glasses before they settle down and talk about inconsequential things, unconsciously agreeing to not talk about their families for the rest of the meal as they enjoy their food and the company.

Tara laughs loudly as she collapses against the wall of the mausoleum as she watches Faith glower at her from four headstones away. "I can't h-help it!"

"It ain't that fuckin' funny, Tare-Bear." Faith growls and swipes a hand down her face, snarling her nose in disgust at the slime she wipes away.

"But it's a p-pretty pink color." Tara points out trying to fight the laughter, but not having much luck as Faith snarls at her.

"And to think I considered you a friend." Faith continues to wipe the gunk from her face and body. Stiffening as she feels a demon, before her eyes widen as she sees movement on top of the mausoleum Tara's leaning against. Not even thinking, she yanks out a stake and knife in each hand, runs and uses the top of a tombstone to launch her up onto the top of the building as she makes short work of the vampire, groaning as she looks down at herself.

"Faith?" Tara questions worriedly as she shifts out away from the mausoleum to see Faith standing on top of it, snorting quietly at the sight of the slayer now covered with vampire leftovers that was adhering quite nicely to the pink demon slime still on the slayer.

"Don't you fuckin' dare." Faith warns, growling loudly as she hops down from the mausoleum. "If ya' laugh one more time, I'm gonna fuckin' hug ya' all over to make sure you're as coated as I am, got it?"

"Got it." Tara squeaks out the two words, biting her bottom lip as she tries to keep from laughing. Tears coming to her eyes with her trying to hold it in. "Maybe we should head home, so you can clean up?"

Faith snarls at the witch as she shakes her head. "No. We've been patrolling for a little over an hour, might as well patrol for another hour or so before heading back."

"If you're sure." Tara shrugs and follows Faith as the slayer nods and starts to head out of the cemetery. "What are you planning on doing tomorrow?"

"Finish the laundry, then head over to the school in the afternoon for training exercises." Faith curls her nose up at the thought. "I guess me and B are gonna trade blows so tweed can see what I got."

"Please b-behave tomorrow during the training." Tara whispers softly, her eyes serious as she glances over at Faith. "Can you try and get along with her, for me?"

Faith sighs quietly and nods her head as she looks over at pleading blue eyes. "Fuck, blondie! You're bad for me. Ya' want me to dress in regular clothes, go to school, and not be a bitch. It ain't fuckin' right."

Tara giggles quietly and bangs gently into the slayer's shoulder.

"Damn, you're gonna get this shit on you, Tare-Bear." Faith shifts away, frowning as she sees some of the gunk on Tara's shoulder now.

"It'll wash." Tara smiles at the slayer. "And you know I just w-want to help."

"I know." Faith mumbles as she kicks at the sidewalk. "I ain't used to people wantin' to help me, Tare-Bear. It feels fuckin' weird."

"Get used to it, Faith. Get used to b-being cared for, and p-part of a family, too." Tara warns quietly.

"Yeah, yeah." Faith stiffens, feeling a demon nearby, before snarling her nose in disgust as brood boy and the other slayer turn the corner. "Fuckin' lovely."

"Faith." Tara pleads softly looking at the slayer.

Faith growls quietly but nods her head sharply. "She starts anything, I ain't fuckin' laying down, though."

Tara sighs heavily, silently sending a prayer up to the Goddess to please let things go halfway smoothly between the two slayers.

Chapter 14

"What's wrong?" Angel finally questions, the two of them having been patrolling for the last two hours and Buffy had barely said five words the whole time.

"Nothing." Buffy practically grunts the word as she glares down at the sidewalk, her thoughts having been on Tara and Faith practically all day. Finally after another fifteen minutes she blurts out. "What the hell is up with Tara and Faith? I mean, it's like all of a sudden Faith comes on the scene and she's all over Tara."

"I wish." Angel grumbles under his breath.

"What?" Buffy looks curiously at the vampire, not sure she heard him correctly.

Angel clenches his jaw, not knowing what to say. Afraid if he says that maybe Faith likes Tara and vice versa that it would open a can of worms and possibly backfire in his face. "Nothing." Angel forces a small smile across his lips until Buffy looks away.

Buffy shoves her hands in her pockets as they continue patrolling her thoughts on the other slayer and Tara, silently wondering if the two women are patrolling together right now. Catching Angel stiffen out of the corner of her eye, she looks up wondering what he sees, a quick smile crossing her lips at the sight of Tara, before it drops from her lips at Faith walking beside her. Sighing heavily at the look in Tara's eyes, she stiffens her back and puts a half smile on her face as she looks at the two women as they draw closer to each other. "Damn, what did you run into?" Buffy finally questions as she gets close enough to see the pink gunk on Faith.

"Hell if I know what it was." Faith grunts, swiping a little more of the slime off her body. "All I know is that Tare-Bear thinks it's a 'pretty pink color'." Faith snarls her nose up at the stuff as she slings some more of it into the grass.

Tara giggles, then bites her lip and looks around, anywhere but at Faith as the slayer growls at her. "It is." Tara finally mumbles, fighting the laughter still wanting to escape.

Buffy smiles at the giggles coming from Tara as she looks at her, the twinkling blue eyes a dead give-a-way to how hilarious the witch thinks the situation is. "What did he look like, that way if he has any friends I'll be sure to kill them from a distance?"

Faith grunts as Tara snorts back a laugh. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." Faith growls, flicking a small amount of goop on Tara, smiling as the witch grins crookedly at her. "Umm. He was about five foot high, had kinda a purplish caste to his skin and was it five horns sticking out of his head?"

"Actually I think it was th-three horns and two extremely l-large, pointy ears." Tara offers, as she thinks about the demon. "He had very long, sharp teeth, and his arms were like an ape's arms where they pretty much d-dragged the ground."

"Anything special to kill him?" Buffy looks at the two women, before glancing at Angel who had moved a short distance away and was staring off into the night.

"Nah. Took his head and the bastard exploded not a couple seconds later. So, I'd suggest if ya' come across one, to do the deed and get the fuck outta dodge." Faith leans into Tara as the witch plucks a thicker piece out of her hair. "Damn, maybe I oughta go clean up, instead of continuin' on patrol. Or see if one of these houses has a hose and hose myself off."

Tara wrinkles her nose as she lets the piece drop to the ground. "Sweetie, you do have a lot more on you." Tara really looks at the slayer closely.

"We've been patrolling for roughly two hours and started at the other side of town. I'd say you were working from Tara's outward right?" Buffy questions, trying to keep from growling at the other slayer as Tara continues to pick pieces of the demon off Faith.

"Yeah. I wanted to do a three or four hour patrol tonight, though. Tare-Bear was gonna show me around town and help me with more of the hot spots." Faith glances up at the slayer, noticing the flame of jealousy in Buffy's eyes before the slayer realizes she's watching her and shuts down all emotion showing from the hazel depths.

"It's not going to go anywhere. We've probably done a good enough patrol between us, that we can all go home. Plus, it's getting cooler at night, and you might get sick if you don't get that stuff cleaned off." Buffy offers the olive branch to the slayer, surprised when a soft smile crosses full lips and Faith nods her head towards her.

"Thanks. I think that might be a good idea. Plus that'll give me a little extra time to work on some more laundry when we get back home." Faith darts a quick glance at Tara, noticing the witch was watching the two of them with a soft smile on her face. "I guess I'll see ya' tomorrow afternoon for trainin', huh?"

"Are you going to spend the day in the library again tomorrow?" Buffy questions curiously as she nods to the slayer's question.

"Nah. I got laundry and shit I gotta do. I'll show up a bit before the end of the day." Faith shrugs. "I'll probably be goin' there soon enough because I gotta, no sense in being there anymore than I hafta." Faith snarls her lip playfully at Tara, grinning as the witch smacks her gently on the shoulder.

"You n-need to go to school." Tara admonishes the dark-haired slayer, before grinning crookedly at Buffy. "Hopefully Mr. Giles can g-get her p-paperwork started and get her tested so she can get in before to m-much more of the school year is gone."

"He's probably already placed calls on it. Giles doesn't much like to wait for anything if he doesn't have to. Procrastination isn't in his dictionary." Buffy smiles fully for the first time that night as she looks at Tara. "Maybe tomorrow night, we can go together on patrol as a group?"

Faith darts a quick glance at Tara as the witch smiles hopefully at her. Turning her gaze quickly to the vampire whose back is to them, glaring at him for a moment before she sighs quietly. "Yeah, that'd be good."

Buffy notices the glare on Faith's face and starts to bristle until Faith answers without any sarcastic comments. "Good, we can firm up times tomorrow. You two be careful on the way home. I'll see you in the morning at the corner?" Buffy questions Tara quickly as the two women start to head towards Tara's house.

"I'll be th-there." Tara smiles quickly at Buffy before her eyes dart towards Angel who had finally turned back and moved to stand close to Buffy, her smile quickly falling from her face at the possessive way he's acting. Giving Buffy a quick wave, she turns her head forward and urges Faith to walk a little faster away from Buffy and Angel.

Buffy crosses her arms over her chest and watches the two women stride away, Angel having moved to where he was practically plastered against her back.

"You were very civil." Angel watches as Tara and Faith disappear around the corner.

"Well, Faith was also. Plus Tara pleaded with me to give her a chance." Buffy sighs as she drops her arms and relaxes.

"And of course, since Tara asked you'll do it." Angel fights the anger and jealousy wanting to flow through him at the thought.

Buffy frowns as she slowly turns, seeing a hint of yellow in Angel's eyes before he makes eye contact with her, his features purposefully bland and his eyes their normal brown. "Do you not like Tara?" Buffy stares intently at the vampire as he doesn't say anything but just stares at her with that damn enigmatic expression on his face.

"I need to check on a few things, I'll see you later." Angel grasps Buffy slightly rougher than he normally does and kisses her possessively before releasing her and striding away.

Buffy blinks and stares after the vampire as she rubs her hand over her bruised lips, silently wondering at the actions of her boyfriend, a slight feeling of unease working through her before she shakes it off and turns to head towards home.

Tara giggles quietly as Faith tries to look broody like Angel, before the dark-haired slayer laughs softly following her into the house. Turning to the living room, Tara squeaks before turning around with her eyes closed. "Mom, we're home." Tara slowly opens her eyes at the loud guffaw coming from Faith.

"Damn! Woulda gotten a floor show if we'd waited another fifteen minutes." Faith yelps as Tara smacks her firmly on the shoulder.

"That's my mom!" Tara glowers, as much as she can at the slayer as Faith puts on a pitiful look.

"Ain't mine though." Faith tries, before grunting and turning her back on the two women hurriedly buttoning their shirts and straightening the rest of their clothes.

"Sorry, honey." Dianna runs slightly shaking hands through her hair as she stands, feeling the blush heat her face even as she looks at an almost mortified looking Joyce.

"I knew I should have gone straight home." Joyce mumbles, groaning as she realizes she'd buttoned her shirt wrong and quickly undoes it and re-buttons it. "We're decent, and I'm sorry, Tara."

"It's okay Mrs. Summers." Tara slowly turns before sighing in relief as upper bodies are now covered again, glancing towards Faith at the somewhat shocked inhale coming from her. Realizing that Faith hasn't met Buffy's mom…and more yet, didn't realize the two women were seeing each other. "Umm, Faith, this is Joyce Summers, Buffy's m-mom."

"Yeah, I kinda figgered that out, Tare-Bear." Faith looks the woman over slowly, seeing some similarities between her and Buffy. "Ya' didn't tell me that these two were…" Faith trails off and wiggles her hand and eyebrows at the same time.

"Buffy d-doesn't know, yet." Tara looks pleadingly at Faith, smiling as Faith just rolls her eyes.

"That girl obviously ain't got a fuckin' clue about much of anythin'." Faith grumbles and looks back at Joyce and Dianna. "Hey. I'm Faith."

"Joyce Summers." Joyce nods towards the dark-haired slayer, looking past the cocky and somewhat belligerent attitude as she thinks about what Dee had told her about the young woman, seeing the scared girl under the bravado. "I should be going anyway. It was nice meeting you."

Dianna looks apologetically at Faith and Tara as she follows Joyce to the door.

"Your mom and B's mom are gettin' it on?" Faith hisses softly to Tara as she pulls the woman towards their bedroom. "I thought ya' just showed up here in SunnyHell a few months back."

Tara unconsciously plays with the necklace Buffy had got her for her birthday as she looks over her shoulder towards the door where her mom and Joyce are whispering softly to each other, smiling as Joyce leans down to kiss her mom before she's pulled unceremoniously into their bedroom. "Faith!" Tara grumbles quietly.

"I gotta get outta this shit, its becomin' stiff." Faith waves Tara towards the bed and quickly strips her clothes off, smirking as Tara slaps a hand over her eyes. "I ain't got nothin' you ain't got." Faith points out.

Tara whimpers and shakes her head. "That's n-not the point, Faith!"

"Yeah, it is." Faith smirks as she grabs an old tank top and shorts, pulling them on before settling on the floor to look up at Tara. "Come on, girl. Give up the 411 on these two."

Tara cautiously peeks between her fingers, sighing in relief when she realizes Faith had put clothes on. "They actually went to college together." Tara starts and explains the two older women's relationship to Faith, seeing the surprise then contemplation on Faith's face.

"So, B ain't got no clue that her mom and your mom are all hot and heavy? She's also out in right field somewhere in regards to you likin' her. And she's dating a friggin' vampire. I'm seriously thinkin' this girl ain't too bright, Tare-Bear." Faith points out, extremely serious. Seeing Tara about to argue, she holds up a hand and stalls the witch. "Ya' gotta remember, we're both slayers. Slayers are supposed to stake vampires and demons. That's why we were created…and she's fuckin' one of 'em!"

Tara jerks uncontrollably at that comment. "N-no. She's n-not w-with him l-like that."

"Yet." Faith qualifies the point, frowning as Tara pales considerably. "Look…if I had a choice between you and that brooding SOB, there wouldn't even be a debate. I'd be all over you like white on rice. I mean, come on, Tare!! I saw ya' liked her from the get go, so what does that say about her?"

"Sh-she d-doesn't look at w-women as p-possible dates. She's straight…c-completely straight." Tara looks down and twists her hands together.

"That's bullshit. She likes ya', she just ain't figured it out yet." Faith states with conviction. Knowing how jealous Buffy is of the witch, and knowing it's because she likes her but the stupid blonde slayer doesn't understand why. "When she does figger it out, I'd lay odds she'll drop Captain Broody so fast it'll make your head spin."

Tara slowly lifts her eyes from her hands to look into serious brown eyes. "I d-don't think she will, Faith." Tara slowly shakes her head and sighs at the thought. "No m-matter how m-much I wish it were true."

Faith groans quietly to herself, realizing she isn't going to get Tara to believe her. The witch has it in her head that Buffy will never be interested in her as more than a friend. Faith purses her lips slightly as she considers how far she might be able to push the whole flirting with Tara thing to get Buffy riled without Tara catching on to what she's doing. Deciding to try, Faith starts working on a game plan, hoping it might help Tara out. "I gotta shower. You want ta' go first?"

"No, you g-go ahead, you're a little worse off than me." Tara slowly grins at the slayer, the woman's hair starting to stick up where she'd run her hands through her hair and the demon slime had hardened into some interesting shapes.

"Yeah, I can just imagine." Faith grunts out the words, seeing where Tara's looking as she pushes herself off the floor. Ignoring the laughter coming from the witch, she grabs a new set of sleepwear, not believing Tara had talked her into getting them, though having to admit the somewhat shy witch had a point that she couldn't wear the same shirt and shorts every night to bed. Smirking at the dark blush that had come across Tara's face when she'd told her she normally slept in the nude. "I'll leave ya' some hot water." Faith tosses over her shoulder as she strides out of the bedroom.

Tara wraps her arms around her waist and stares at the pile of clothes they had bought Faith that still needs to be washed, but her mind is on Buffy, blinking when she hears her mom call her name softly from the door.

"You okay, sweetie?" Dianna slowly steps into the room and eases onto the bed beside Tara, not that surprised when she finds her daughter in her arms. "I'm sorry about…" Dianna sighs and hugs Tara tighter as her daughter shakes her head, realizing that isn't what had upset Tara.

"I j-just want you to be happy, mama. Mrs. Summers obviously c-cares for you." Tara whispers softly against her mother's shoulder as she rubs her cheek gently against the flesh. "Is it bad of m-me to want Buffy to r-realize I like her and actually l-like me back as more than a friend?"

"No, sweetie. No it isn't bad." Dianna rocks Tara gently and rests her cheek on her daughter's head. Sighing quietly at the thought that Tara has fallen hopelessly for the slayer, not unlike she'd done for Joyce all those years ago. Brushing her lips softly over Tara's head, Dianna closes her eyes and just holds Tara. Nothing else she can do or say to help her daughter, just the fact that time will eventually work things out. Unfortunately not necessarily the way Tara wishes they would.

Chapter 15

Giles watches the two slayers closely, but tries not to make it obvious as he watches them trade and block punches and kicks. Making notes of different weaknesses and strengths each slayer has, hoping that he can make them work together to help each other with their weaknesses. Having already made note of the quick, strong legwork of Faith, though the dark-haired slayer left herself too open and was taking more hits than she should. Having made the rest of the group leave after he'd seen Tara pale and obviously start to lose it when Faith had connected with one of her kicks, sending Buffy back and into the cage, though not hurting the other slayer. Thankful Faith had pulled the kick, or Buffy could have possibly ended up with some bruised internal organs to go along with the surface bruising he knows she'll have.

"Okay, time!" Giles yells, grabbing two bottles of water, tossing them to the two sweaty slayers. "That's enough hand to hand training today. I wanted to see how you handled yourselves ladies and you did well. There's definitely room for improvement on both sides, however."

Buffy rolls her eyes, catching Faith doing the same thing and starts to laugh softly as they make eye contact.

Faith smirks and reaches over to grab one of the chairs, sliding it towards the slayer before grabbing another one, spinning it around to sit straddling it, her arms resting on the back. Her opinion of the other slayer better, the woman obviously knows her shit, though she still thinks Buffy needs to have her head examined for overlooking Tara for that fanged imbecile.

"Now, I'd like for you two to go on patrols together at least three nights a week. I understand that things will come up to where this won't be possible all the time, like school work, studying for tests and the like." Giles looks at the two slayers. "Faith, I'm working with the Council on getting your transcripts from when you last went to school. We'll probably have to put you through some placement tests to see what grade they'll allow you in. Tara's already volunteered to help you study and learn what you need to so you'll hopefully be placed close to the grade you should be in." He turns his gaze on Buffy seeing the contemplation and curiosity in her hazel eyes. "Faith will probably be needing to study more and heavier at least to begin with before she tests out, so you'll probably have to take the brunt of the majority of the patrolling."

Buffy shrugs, not really that worried about it. She and Tara having done the majority of the patrolling before Angel came back and now Angel helps out with the patrol. "That's fine. Angel's here to help out."

Faith snarls her lip slightly and unconsciously at the vampire's name before covering it with sipping from her water.

Giles looks up from his notes and nods his head. "Good, good. Now, tomorrow I would like for us to go outside of town to see how well you two work with crossbows and other weapons. I'll head out here in a few moments and get it set up so it'll be ready for tomorrow. Now, why don't you two go shower and change then head home to eat dinner before patrol tonight."

"And we're dismissed." Buffy groans as she stands slowly rotating her body at the aches she's feeling. Having to admit the other slayer had kept her on her toes the majority of their training session, having been surprised at the dark-haired slayer's quickness.

"Yeah." Faith reaches for her bag and hooks it over her shoulder. "Can ya' point me towards the showers? T-Bear'll have my ass if I walk home soakin' wet. Damn girl'll worry about me gettin' pneumonia or somethin'."

Buffy bristles slightly before slowly relaxing, knowing Tara would get upset with anyone doing that and not just Faith. "She has a tendency to mother people. I'll show you where they are after I get my clothes and shower gear."

"Fuck. I didn't think ta' bring anythin' but a change of clothes and towels." Faith grunts out as she heads towards the door as she digs through the bag.

"You can borrow my body wash and shampoo if you want." Buffy trots after the other slayer after grabbing her bag, missing the small smile on Giles' face.

Sighing in relief at the sight of the two women obviously making the effort to get along, Giles had worried a couple times when they first started trading blows, the two obviously testing each other. Making his way back to his office, he picks up the phone to call Tara and let her know that both women were okay, knowing the witch was worried about them.

"Is brood boy gonna be goin' on patrol with us tonight?" Faith slips into her older clothes, not wanting to ruin her new clothes until she doesn't have a choice but to wear the newer items out on patrol.

"I think so." Tara mumbles as she puts a couple new potions she was working on in her fanny pack and belts it around her waist.

"I want you two to be careful." Dianna hands the silver cross she'd blessed and put protection charms on to the dark-haired slayer. "Here, even if you aren't religious, it might help a little."

"Thanks." Faith murmurs, feeling her cheeks heat up. Between Tara and Dianna, she doesn't know how to act as both women were doing their best to be protective and worried over her.

Tara opens the door as a firm knock sounds, chuckling at the sight of Buffy already brushing vampire dust from her clothes. "On the way over here?"

"Can you believe it? Actually about halfway down my block he was sneaking around in the bushes." Buffy grumbles as she steps back and lets Tara and Faith come out of the house. Smiling at Tara's mom she nods. "We'll try not to be out too late tonight, Mrs. Maclay."

"Just be careful." Dianna smiles as the three girls make their way down the sidewalk, the sound of Tara's giggles at whatever one of the slayers said making her heart happy. Slowly shutting the door, she leans her back against it and sends a silent prayer to the Goddess that the feelings that Tara feels for Buffy aren't for naught.

"Here. I w-want you two to try these." Tara hands each of the slayer's the small vials. "I've been experimenting with d-different potions that you two sh-should be able to activate."

"What do they do, T-Bear?" Faith looks curiously at the clear liquid with little flakes floating around inside it.

"Put up a p-protection ring around you. Hopefully." Tara grins crookedly at the two slayers. "You'll need to slam it into the g-ground at the same time whispering protect and they should work. I w-want you to try them out when you get the chance t-tonight so I'll see if it works or if I need to go b-back to the drawing board."

"Why are ya' doin' this when we got you to protect us?" Faith darts a smirk at Buffy before turning to the exasperated witch.

"I w-won't necessarily be here all the time." Tara half-heartedly smacks the dark-haired slayer. "It'll make me f-feel better if you two have something that you can fall back on just in c-case you get hurt and/or need to get out of a tight spot."

Buffy chuckles softly at Faith's comment, actually feeling better when Tara is out on patrol with her as the witch can put up a protection spell at a moment's notice. But since Angel came back, her boyfriend always seems a little testy when Tara's with her, so she'd started telling Tara that she could stay home and study during the week and go out with her on Friday's and occasionally Saturday nights.

"Okay, so we need to find some evil bastards to fight." Faith nods her head at the thought as she tucks the small vial in her pocket. "How long will the spell hold up?"

"Hopefully for ten to fifteen minutes. I f-figure that'll be long enough for you to g-get away from whatever you m-might be fighting." Tara purses her lips as she zips the fanny pack shut again.

"How long have you been working on this?" Buffy questions curiously after tucking the vial away in her jacket pocket as they continue on their way towards the first cemetery.

"A little over a m-month." Tara shrugs and grins crookedly at the surprise on Buffy's face.

"What else have you been working on?" Buffy furrows her brows as Tara blushes lightly.

"Just little things h-here and there. Both of you are mystical beings and have magic in you. I'm h-hoping there's enough to activate the spells." Tara tucks her hands in her jacket pockets. "If it w-works, I'm going to start some other things that might come in handy for you two."

"I'll take whatever ya' come up with, Tare-Bear. I ain't proud, and anything that'll give me an edge over these bastards I'll be more than happy to use." Faith feels her lips quirk up in response to the happy smile crossing Tara's face, her words obviously making the witch extremely happy for some reason. Somewhat surprised when Tara impulsively hugs her, Faith cautiously returns the hug, patting the witch gently on the back, unconsciously looking towards Buffy to see the flare of jealousy and hurt cross the blonde slayer's eyes before she turns and looks away from them.

"These could come in real handy if…when we…they work. We'll definitely have to try them out." Buffy hoarsely comments stuttering over how to phrase it since they don't know if they'll work yet along with the confusion of the feelings streaking through her at the sight of Tara so easily reaching out to the other slayer. "Giles would probably be more than happy to reimburse you for whatever you spend out on the ingredients, Tara. Hell, I would be to."

"We'll see." Tara smiles shyly at Buffy after she steps back from Faith.

Buffy can't stand it and steps up to hug Tara, sending a quick glare at Faith as the other slayer smirks at her. Swearing the slayer knows something she doesn't but can't quite figure it out. Rubbing her hands gently down Tara's back, Buffy sighs heavily at the feeling of the soft, warm body pressing against hers for a few moments before finally stepping back. "Come on, this isn't getting patrol finished. And some of us do have school tomorrow."

Faith snorts and shrugs her shoulders at the partial glare she gets from the blonde slayer. "Ain't my fault. Though I'm sure my ass is gonna be studying hard if Tare has anything to say about it here soon."

"You better believe it. You're going to go to school and g-graduate." Tara smiles, even as she feels the flush on her cheeks from the hug she'd received from Buffy. "Plus I d-do want to see if you two can make the spells work."

"Are these kinda like the spells you place around you that we can fight through?" Faith questions curiously as she pulls the small vial out again to look at.

"N-no." Tara sighs quietly at the thought. "It should j-just put a protective barrier around you that you can't fight through, but that other things can't get to you through either. It's basically just something to give you a chance to g-get the heck outta dodge."

"It's all good." Faith nods her head at the thought.

"If this works, I'll s-see what else I can drum up for you two." Tara smiles quickly at Faith before turning a fuller smile on Buffy as she feels the small blonde slayer's hand on her back rubbing it gently.

"I feel like Faith does, anything that helps us out is of the good, Tara. Thank you." Buffy let's her fingers linger for a moment as they reach the witch's hair, the soft silkiness feeling good against her fingers before she sighs and lets her hand drop as she feels a slight tingling sensation indicating a demon is getting close. "Feels like we might get to test those out here quick."

"You wanna test yours now and let me fight 'em, or me test it out?" Faith looks at the large vampire striding out of the darkness towards them, not knowing if she's happy that it isn't Broody Britches or angry.

"What do you want to do?" Buffy tosses it back into the dark-haired slayer's court. Honestly not minding one way or the other which one of them goes first. But she is curious as to whether or not it'll work.

"I got mine out. I'll test it first." Faith grunts out, striding to meet the vampire. "But I get ta' play first."

Tara chuckles softly at the slayer's words trailing back to them as they follow behind the dark-haired slayer. "She's w-worse than y-you for liking to taunt and tease them before taking them out. Unless she's afraid…" Tara trails off, sighing quietly at the thought.

"Unless what?" Buffy looks curiously at Tara.

"When she th-thought I might get hurt, she didn't play around last night." Tara admits softly.

"She hasn't hurt you since that first night, right?" Buffy whispers softly as she leans in closer to Tara so Faith can't hear her as the other slayer attacks the vampire.

"N-no, Buffy. She didn't mean to h-hurt me that night, and she's apologized multiple times for it, too." Tara looks into searching hazel eyes, finally seeing the softening in Buffy's eyes as the slayer nods and let's go about what happened on Tara's birthday.

"Okay." Buffy relaxes and smiles at Tara. "End of that subject. Permanently."

"Thank you." Tara turns her gaze back to Faith as the slayer finally slams the potion into the ground and barks out the word 'protect'. Holding her breath, Tara watches as the vampire takes a swing at the slayer and Faith stands there without moving to see if it'll make contact with her. "D-don't…" Tara cries out, afraid that the potion won't work and the slayer will take a hard hit.

Buffy unconsciously grabs Tara's shoulder at the witch crying out as she watches the blow glance off the slayer, breathing out a huge sigh of relief as Faith spins around grinning hugely at them as the vampire continues to try and pound the slayer into the ground, the confusion on his face obvious as his hits don't seem to make contact and just slide off at different angles just short of their mark.

"You sure I can't hit 'em?" Faith questions looking at Tara, seeing the somewhat pale witch glaring at her. "What?"

"What if it didn't WORK?????" Tara practically screams out the last word, angry that the slayer had taken that chance.

"It did." Faith shrugs, bends over and kicks back against the vampire before spinning around watching as he goes flying back about seven yards, landing against a tombstone. "I can hit 'em."

"I didn't think you would be able t-to with it." Tara admits quietly as she and Buffy make their way towards Faith as the dark-haired slayer pulls out the stake and strides towards the vampire, kneeling by the semi-conscious demon and staking him.

"Hot damn!" Faith jumps up and grins hugely as she spins the stake around in her hand and tucks it back away. "Fuck, Tare-Bear. This is great. They can't hurt me, but I can kick their ass even if you're not here. This'll be great if we get in a tight fit, or against some big, really old fucker." Faith's eyes become distant and her voice low and guttural towards the end as she thinks about Kakistos. "That bastard'll never know what hit him." She snarls out loud unconsciously as she thinks about taking out the vampire she knows is somewhere on his way to Sunnydale. He has a score to settle with her, and she knows he won't give up until one of them is dead.

"Faith?" Tara questions softly, seeing the anger gleaming in the slayer's eyes. Knowing what she's thinking about since Giles had briefed them on what happened to the slayer, but Faith hadn't said anything to her yet and she doesn't know how she would react if she found out they all already knew about the old vampire hunting down the slayer.

Faith shakes off her anger as she hears the soft questioning tones of the witch. Slowly coming back and looking into worried blue eyes, she runs a hand roughly through her hair. "I gotta tell ya' guys that some really, really old bastard is after me. I don't know when he'll show up, but he ain't exactly happy with me and he's lookin' to get even."

"Then we'll talk about him, research everything we can find out about him and then kick his old, stinky ass when he shows up." Buffy let's the words rumble out of her chest, seeing the surprise and…respect finally flaring in brown eyes watching her. "It's not just the Chosen One anymore, Faith."

"Chosen Two?" Faith's lips curl up into a smile as she stares at the other slayer, honestly having felt like second fiddle with the way her watcher had went on and on about Buffy, but here is the slayer to end all slayers putting her on the same level.

"Damn right." Buffy nods her head, holding her hand out as she keeps eye contact with Faith. The truce offered, even knowing that the two of them will probably butt heads more often than not, but a silent promise exchanged that they'll work on being friends if not for Tara, because they're stronger together than separate.

Tara bites her bottom lip as she feels a streak of happiness flow through her as she notices the acceptance of the two women for each other, and the surprising lessening of anger, hurt and hatred in the dark-haired slayer's aura.

"Fuck, yeah." Faith grins, accepting the hand and shaking it firmly. "Come on, girlfriend. We gotta check out and make sure that magic potion works for you, too. Hey, why'd it let us touch?" Faith questions Tara curiously as she looks from where they're grasping hands to Tara.

"She isn't trying to h-harm you, it only w-works when someone's trying to hurt you. Plus it's been close to ten minutes, so…" Tara shrugs and grins crookedly at the two slayers.

"We'll have to play with this a little more when we get the chance." Buffy pulls her vial out and looks at it curiously, grinning at the soft laughter coming from Tara and the chortle from Faith.

"I wonder…" Tara turns contemplative as she looks at the vial and up into Buffy's intent eyes. Shrugging, she grins crookedly. "I was just w-wondering if it might protect you two from injury while you're training."

"But if we aren't meaning to hurt each other, it probably won't work, right?" Buffy points out the flaw in Tara's thought, hating to say it but knowing she has to. Seeing the witch's grin turn down and her shoulders droop, Buffy steps up to wrap her arm around Tara's waist. "It was a good thought, and it would be great if it did, that way we could go full out against each other to get a really good work out, but I won't complain if it won't. If it protects us the rest of the time, that's of the good."

"Definitely of the good. Don't worry or get upset about it, Tare. You did a good thing here, don't let the other thought get ya' down. It wasn't somethin' you planned on it doin' to begin with." Faith decides to try and lighten the sad light in Tara's eyes as she darts a glance at Buffy who's still got her arm wrapped around the witch's waist. Wiggling her eyebrows at the witch she looks obviously at Buffy before smirking at Tara. Laughing outright at the huge blush coming up on Tara's face.

Buffy turns and looks at the laughing slayer, furrowing her brows at the laughter before turning back to look at a blushing Tara. "Did I miss something?" Buffy steps back, raises her hands and rolls her eyes as Faith laughs even harder as Tara groans and covers her face. "What?"

"N-nothing." Tara steps up and smacks Faith on the shoulder. "You need to behave."

"Not possible. Ain't no fun behavin'." Faith smirks and starts to swagger as she heads towards the cemetery exit. "Come on, girlfriends. We got a patrol to finish."

Tara cautiously looks at Buffy, seeing the curious look in her eyes, Tara whimpers. "She was j-just being her." Tara finally shrugs as Buffy groans and does a half eye-roll.

"I have a feeling Faith being herself is going to be enough to drive everyone crazy." Buffy grumbles as she stays close to Tara as they make their way out of the cemetery after the dark-haired slayer.

"Probably." Tara giggles at the thought, gently bouncing her shoulder off Buffy's as they both start to laugh at the thought.

Chapter 16

Faith glares as the pile of books grow larger and larger on the table in the library. Two weeks after running into Tara at the Bronze and moving in with the witch and her mother the Watcher's Council has finally manufactured some kind of papers for her and she has to start studying for tests in all the main subjects so they can place her in the proper classes.

"I'll be more than happy to help you study during the day while Tara is in class then Tara can take over during the evenings." Giles unconsciously steps back as Faith literally growls loudly at him as he places the last of the books on the table in front of her. Pulling the glasses off, he starts to clean them as he looks down at the floor. "I've taken the liberty of ordering study sheets, workbooks and have talked with the different teachers for them to give us quizzes and tests for you to take as you make your way through the chapters."

"Fuck me." Faith snarls her lip up as she glares at the piles of science, history, math, English and God only knows what other texts. Honestly, she'd always enjoyed history and science when she did go to school. English she was so-so on and math usually left her confused and angry. Snatching one of the history books off the pile she flips through it, she has a thing for remembering dates and honestly can remember just about anything history wise, even stuff she had learned back in first grade is still floating around in her head. Finally looking up at Giles, she sighs heavily. "I'll probably be okay with the history and science shit, tweed. But math and English'll probably kick my ass."

Giles slowly smiles at the admittance coming from the slayer, having seen her grades and noticed that the young woman had a good learning curve in her history and science classes with math giving her a serious problem and English being kind of around the average grade-wise. "Not to demean you in any way, but Buffy had some serious problems with math, also. But Tara was able to help her immensely in helping her to understand it. I don't doubt that she'll be able to help it make sense to you, also."

"She's real smart, ain't she?" Faith questions seriously, looking up at the Watcher. "Tara ain't never said anythin', but I can tell. She's got intelligence practically comin' outta her pores."

Giles chuckles and pulls out a chair, sitting across from the slayer. "Yes, she is. But because of her home life before moving here, she missed so much school that her grades suffered because of it. When she was in class and able to take the tests and do the reports, she pulled down straight A's, but because of missing other quizzes, tests and reports, she averaged C's. I think that's something that really bother's the young woman."

"Between me and you, if those bastards ever show up here, they're gonna learn ta' not pick on a woman ever again." Faith warns softly, her voice deadly, surprised when she sees a flare of anger and hears a low growl coming from the Watcher.

"You'll have to get in line." Giles warns in even a more deadly voice. "I'll string those two bastards up by their balls then work my way through my weapons alphabetically."

Faith slowly smirks and nods towards the old man. "Fuck, yeah. Now that's what I'm talkin' about."

Giles returns the smirk and sets his glasses back on the table. Rubbing a hand over his eyes he sighs quietly. "We really need to start your studying right now. But first I want to ask you, would you like to take a practice test for each subject to see how you'll do and then us work on your weaker subjects or do you want to study for a week or two and then test?"

Faith growls as she rubs the back of her neck with one hand while tapping her fingers on the history book in front of her with the other one. "Let me read through some of these books first on history and science, maybe have Tara help me out with the math and English and then take a test. I don't wanna feel any stupider than I already do by taking a test now and flunkin' it so bad they'll send me back to second grade."

"I somehow doubt that, but we'll do as you wish. I picked up a lot of notebooks, pens and pencils for you to use and make notes with. I'll get them for you along with a soda if you want?" Giles offers as he stands, not having much else he can do now that he's pulled all the books and the slayer is wanting to read and study what she has.

"Yeah, sounds good. Thanks, Tweed." Faith starts sorting through the books, stacking them up from the ninth grade texts to the twelfth grade texts and sorting them by subject. Sighing heavily at the stacks, she grabs down the ninth grade History text and flips it open to the first page and starts reading, unconsciously accepting the soda the Watcher hands her along with the pens and paper, flipping open the notebook and making notes automatically.

Giles steps back away from the table, watching somewhat surprised as the slayer works her way methodically through the history book, taking notes while reading, the woman starting off slowly and gradually working her way quicker through the book. Silently wondering if the 'hard, bad-assed' slayer actually enjoys history, or possibly school given the chance. Frowning, he makes his way back to his office and pulls out the file on the slayer and settles down at his desk, deciding to actually read the file instead of skimming it and concentrating on the more recent happenings to research her past a little more.

"Hey, sweetie." Tara whispers as she settles in the chair beside Faith, not wanting to surprise the slayer as normally Faith would look up and smile at her whenever she'd come into the library, but today the dark-haired slayer seemed engrossed in what she's doing and not aware of her being there.

Faith blinks as it finally registers on her that Tara's there. Shaking her head she looks up at the clock and unconsciously straightens her back, groaning quietly. "Eatin' lunch?"

"Planning on it, if you're going to join me?" Tara grins crookedly as Faith focuses in on her, having seen that the slayer seemed to be already halfway through the history book she's looking at.

Slapping the notebook into the history book and standing up, she nods her head as she rolls her neck, grunting as it pops. "I'm hungry and I don't think Tweed thought to order food in today."

"Come on. Mom g-gave me extra money for our lunch since they're having pizza today." Tara grins at the slayer, the pizza actually good at the school.

"Good. I could eat about ten or fifteen of the slices." Faith rubs her growling stomach.

"More like twenty or thirty." Tara laughs as she hears the slayer's stomach grumbling loudly.

"Yeah, probably." Faith chuckles as she hurries out of the library, Tara on her heels as they make their way towards the cafeteria. "If I get any smart-assed comments from anybody, I'm gonna knock 'em on their ass."

"You won't. I'll give them the e-evil eye." Tara jokes, laughing as Faith snorts and rolls her eyes at her.

"Yeah, that'll work. Your evil eye is about as good as my innocent look." Faith grins back as Tara bounces her shoulder gently against hers.

"Has Snyder stopped in today?" Tara questions curiously as they step into the cafeteria, her eyes automatically going to the table where Buffy, Willow and Xander were sitting, waving to the group to let them know they'll be there in a couple minutes as they head towards the short line.

"Not yet, little fuckin' twerp." Faith growls at the thought of the little prick bastard. Really not liking the man and knowing for a fact that nobody else liked the Principal.

"Faith!" Tara hisses softly to the slayer, rolling her eyes at the smirk Faith tosses her way as the slayer turns back to the cafeteria helper and tells them to give her fifteen pieces of pizza. The worker does a double-take but does as asked and then looks to Tara. "Just one." Tara smiles shyly as she accepts the plate with a piece of pizza on it as she goes by and grabs a small salad and an apple juice. Paying for their lunches, Tara follows Faith towards the table that the rest of the group always uses.

Faith smirks as Buffy reaches over and automatically flips around a chair for her. "Thanks."

"Anytime." Buffy pats the empty chair on her other side and motions Tara to it. "How goes the great studying expedition?"

Tara purses her lips and refuses to look at Faith as she uncovers her salad, hearing the low growl coming from the slayer.

"Got about three dozen friggin' books to go through." Faith snarls as she folds one of the rectangular pieces of pizza and shoves half of it in her mouth biting it off and chewing viciously.

"Oh, man. That sucks." Xander commiserates with the dark-haired slayer.

"We'll help her through it." Tara smiles at Faith.

"Yeah, I heard you're pretty good with helpin' us weak-minded slayers with math." Faith snorts at the kick she receives from Buffy under the table. "What? Hit a little close ta' home, did it B?"

"Hit the nail on the head, F." Buffy growls at the slayer. "Tara helped me out a lot with math. She explains it so it actually makes sense to me and I remember how to do the problems. So, I don't doubt that she'll be able to help you."

"We're selling candy for the school band, would you like to buy some?"

Faith grunts and looks at the girl with a flute case tucked under her arm and carrying a large box of candy. Knowing she doesn't have the money for the junk food, she shakes her head, not surprised to see Xander and Willow putting their heads together as they pool their money to see if they can buy some.

"I think I have some money…" Buffy digs in her pocket and pulls some cash out. "Mom likes the candy bars with the almonds in them."

"How many?" Michelle smiles as she looks at the group. "They're two dollars each."

"I'll take five of them." Buffy grumbles, pulling out a ten dollar bill and handing it to the girl and accepting the five candy bars after the flute player digs through the boxes to give her the right kind of candy bars. Tossing the candy into her book bag, she chuckles as she watches Xander and Willow grumbling back and forth before Willow finally hands him the money.

"Straight up chocolate." Xander grins goofily as he hands four dollars to the girl and gives one of them to Willow as he unwraps and starts munching on one.

"Thanks!" Michelle tucks the money away in the envelope before hurrying away to the next table.

"You actually gonna give them to your mom, B? Or are ya' gonna be snackin' on 'em later?" Faith smirks at the slayer even as she grabs another one of her pieces of pizza and starts to munch on it as she gets a glare from the blonde slayer.

"They're for mom. I'm in the dog house for breaking her favorite coffee mug. Which I'm really upset that I couldn't find another one like it at the store, so sweet, sugary goodness can't go wrong." Buffy grumbles before finishing off her milk.

"You should have said something, I can look on-line and see if we can find a replacement one." Willow offers, grinning at Buffy.

"That's okay. I think she's about finished grumbling, I only got a heavy sigh from her this morning when she pulled down another mug to drink her coffee from." Buffy grins as she hears the quiet giggle coming from Tara. "Let me guess, you heard about it from your mom?"

"Yep." Tara giggles again, actually having heard it from both her mom and Joyce as Joyce laughingly told her about how Buffy had been walking on eggshells around the house and doing extra cleaning as a serious suck up.

Faith snorts softly, having heard the whole story, too. Buffy still doesn't have a clue about the fact that her mom and Tara's mom were dating each other and neither she nor Tara are willing to enlighten the other slayer about that fact. Things having actually relaxed between them quite a bit, of course the vampire deciding to head out of town again for some reason or another was seriously helpful to that point.

Buffy hears the snort and growls as she half-heartedly slaps the thigh beside her, chuckling as Faith grins at her. "There's something not right about the fact that you guys know when I'm in trouble." Buffy pouts as the whole group at the table busts out laughing. "Figures, no respect." Buffy drops her head down to the table, a soft smile crossing her face as a gentle hand rubs across her back.

"Poor Buffy." Tara chuckles as Buffy turns her head and grins at her. "Are you two going to train tonight, or is operation s-study in effect?" Tara questions curiously looking from Buffy's twinkling hazel eyes to Faith's smirking countenance.

"I think I'd rather train and go on patrol tonight. If I'm gonna be studyin' in the library every day, and havin' ya' help me with my math and English, I should be good. I'll try an' alternate out what I'm workin' on. I'm doing a History text right now." Faith admits, picking up another slice of pizza, having demolished the majority of them and is now down to three.

"You don't w-want to overdo it, either." Tara points out softly. "Make sure you take breaks, okay sweetie?"

Buffy chuckles at the growl coming from Faith. "Now, sweetie…" Buffy yelps as a hard smack catches her on the thigh, before she starts laughing harder at the disgusted look coming from Faith.

"Ain't fuckin' sweet." Faith snarls, glaring at Buffy before darting a quick smile at Tara. Turning back to her pizza as Tara grins crookedly at her, knowing the witch realizes they aren't serious.

"Yes, you are. Tara says you're a sweetie…" Buffy snorts and bounces up out of the chair so Faith misses with her next swipe. "I'll see you at the end of school. Feel like a little hand to hand today?"

"Sure." Faith grunts out, nodding her head as Buffy trots away as the warning bell rings, watching as the rest of the group gather up their belongings amidst talking and laughing. When Tara slips into Buffy's chair and leans towards her, Faith looks at her questioningly as she shoves the last bite of pizza in her mouth.

"I just want to thank you for working things out with Buffy." Tara admits smiling somewhat shyly as she wraps her arm around Faith's shoulders and hugs her gently. "Thank you."

"Ahh, Tare. It ain't that much of a biggie. She's actually pretty cool when ya' get her away from brood boy, and she gets that stick outta her ass." Faith mumbles, slightly embarrassed at the hug. She'd been getting more used to Tara's displays of affection, as the witch was always rubbing someone on the back, arm or shoulder or giving them hugs. It's just the way she is, and she'd learned to actually enjoy the small displays of affection.

"Yeah, she is, isn't she?" Tara grins crookedly and stands, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Faith's head. "Make sure you make notes of anything you need help with, or have questions on." Tara orders as she backs away, realizing if she doesn't hurry, she'll be late for class as the cafeteria had already emptied out.

"Go, girl. Don't want ya' to get in trouble with little prick." Faith orders nodding to Tara's suggestion even as she waves the witch out of the cafeteria. Chuckling as Tara grins at her before turning to jog out the double doors. Gathering her dirty dishes and tray, Faith strides towards the trashcan as she thinks about the witch, and in turn Buffy. Tare's feelings for Buffy were practically there for anyone with two eyes to see, and yet Buffy still doesn't have a clue. Hell, actually none of the group seems to see it.

Shaking her head at the group and their lack of ability to see what's right there, she makes her way back to the library, silently wondering what she can do now, to maybe make Buffy jealous as the small blonde had relaxed and didn't seem to get so irritated with her anymore after they'd called the truce. Short of actually walking around with her arm wrapped around Tara, or holding hands and kissing her, she doesn't think Buffy would get her fur in an uproar anymore. And Tara would definitely do or say something to her, if she started doing that. The witch would probably nail her hide to the wall for playing games, truth told. Chuckling at the thought of the quiet, shy blonde that will blast her in a heartbeat now, if she does something wrong. Actually happy to see the woman standing up for what she thinks.

"Now, we gotta get ya' to say or do somethin' with B." Faith mumbles under her breath as she slips into the library, unconsciously looking for the Watcher, waving to him as he looks out from the stacks to see who it was that walked in. Chuckling as he waves and grins at her before disappearing again. "Fuckin' weird group of people we got here. That's for damn sure."

Settling back down at the table, Faith pulls the text back in front of her, flipping it open and pulling her notepad back beside it as she prepares to go back to work.

Chapter 17

"Thanks, mom!" Buffy yells out to her mother as she shuts the door. "Oh! I forgot to tell you, I bought you some of those candy bars you like with almonds, they're on my dresser." Buffy sticks her head in the open window, grinning at her mom.

"Suck up." Faith whispers to the blonde slayer as she shuts the door behind Willow as they all climb out at the mall, planning on spending the day window shopping and going to the movies.

"Gotta do what I gotta do." Buffy smirks as Faith rolls her eyes at her trying to imitate the Bostonian's accent.

"Give it up, girl. I got it, and you don't." Faith snorts and ducks the swipe at her as she jogs after Willow and Tara, the two witches heading towards the mall entrance after shaking their heads at them.

"You girls have a good time…and try not to get into any trouble!" Joyce yells after the teenagers, laughing quietly having a feeling that telling them to behave is a waste of breath. Eyes twinkling merrily, she puts the Jeep in drive and heads towards Dianna's house to pick her up. The two women planning on taking advantage of having some alone time and spending the afternoon sunbathing in her back yard and possibly have some adult fun.

"Iced tea." Joyce offers softly, smiling as she eases down onto the blanket beside Dee. Groaning quietly as Dee accepts the glass, and teasingly lets the cold condensation trail over her upper chest before tilting the glass and taking a sip. "You're a tease." Joyce grumbles, reaching out to run a finger over the trail of liquid, half tempted to gather it with her tongue.

"I remember a time where you loved to be teased for hours on end." Dianna chuckles as she sets her glass out of the way before relaxing back onto the blanket.

Joyce sets her glass down besides Dee's and eases closer to the other woman, smiling at the small smirk crossing the woman's lips. "I wonder what kind of response we would get now, if we teased each other for hours on end?" Joyce trails a finger over Dee's upper chest and around the edge of the bathing suit as she contemplates the pale skin. "I remember you driving me to a quivering mass of need in college, Dee. I've never been pushed to those boundaries since. I'd love to find out if it's still possible."

"I'd love to push you to the edge, Joy. Even past it, but do you think we're ready to re-consumate our previous relationship?" Dianna question softly, reaching up to cup Joyce's cheek. "I love you, Joy. I honestly never stopped loving you, but I am still married and you haven't told Buffy about us. I know it worries you how she'll react, wouldn't you rather…"

Joyce leans down and kisses Dianna softly, stopping her words for a few moments before easing far enough away to where she can look into warm, loving blue eyes without them being blurred. "I love you, too Dee. Yes, I am worried about how Buffy will react. But you make me happy and no matter what I'm not willing to let you go a second time. Buffy may end up being confused, hurt and possibly even angry but I'm positive given time she'll come around to us being a couple. As for you still being married, in your heart that marriage is ended. We don't need a piece of paper to make it official. I love you, and if…when you're ready you just have to say the word."

Dianna exhales softly at the softly spoken words, Joyce not holding anything back as hazel eyes show the honesty and love coming from Joyce. "Oh, Joy." Dianna whispers, reaching up to cup the woman's cheek, urging her down into a soft, loving kiss.

Joyce can't help the low whimper that escapes her lips as Dianna kisses her, the woman seemingly able to put all her feelings into the kiss. Shifting slightly, Joyce settles her body lightly over Dianna's and cups the witch's hip, squeezing gently.

Slowly deepening the kiss, Dianna threads her hand through Joyce's soft hair, their kisses alternating between soft pecks, to deep explorations and everything in between as they mesh into a continuous alternating cycle. Moaning and arching upwards as a long fingered hand makes its way upwards to cup and caress over her breast. "Goddess, Joy." Dianna pants, closing her eyes at the delightful feel of the other woman's hand caressing over her body.

Joyce kisses and nibbles her way slowly down Dee's neck, a small smile crossing her lips as she hits the sensitive spot that always drove the other woman nuts.

"JOY!" Dianna arches her neck uncontrollably, pushing the flesh into the teasing mouth working its way knowingly over the flesh. Her body pounding with want and desire.

"I could so easily make love to you right now." Joyce finally whispers after giving the area attention for a few minutes, leaning up to look down into heated blue eyes. "But…" Joyce shakes her head and leans down to press a firm kiss to Dee's swollen lips. "Chocolate qualifies as runner-up." Joyce pushes away from a bemused Dee and grins at the woman.

"Chocolate? I don't remember seeing any chocolate in the kitchen earlier." Dianna pushes up and chuckles as Joyce runs lightly shaking hands through her hair. "Joy…"

Joyce holds up her hand and shakes her head. "Whenever you're ready, Dee. I'll never push for anything regarding our relationship."

"I know." Dianna smiles softly at the tall woman.

"Chocolate. In need of serious quantities of chocolate and I know just where to get some…" Joyce winks at Dee before hurrying towards the house, musical laughter following her.

Buffy unconsciously rolls her eyes before catching Faith doing the same thing, both women laughing at catching each other. Buffy tilts her head in silent suggestion for them to leave Tara and Willow to their giggling as Willow tells Tara about the new boy Oz she'd met at school while they look through the clothes in one of the shops.

Faith strides out of the shop beside Buffy, the two slayers walking almost in unison as they step up to the railing looking down at the lower level of the mall.

Buffy looks at the dark-haired slayer out of the corner of her eye having to admit that though the other girl is definitely rough around the edges she obviously really cares about Tara, smiling as she remembers the big bully that had pushed his way through them when they were walking through the mall earlier and Faith yanking him around to make him apologize to Tara who'd been pushed against the wall. Watching as a frown comes across Faith's face as the slayer seems to look down and around with a more intent stare, Buffy looks at the teenagers and kids in the mall. It taking her a few minutes to realize that there're only a few adults, the majority of the mall filled with kids instead.

"B?" Faith questions curiously as she looks around them, only really been to the mall a couple times since moving here, but swearing that there's usually a hell of a lot more adults around.

"I see." Buffy agrees, getting a bad feeling in her gut. "Get the witches, and let's see if it's just an oddity or if something's up."

"Gotcha." Faith grunts out and jogs into the clothes shop to get Tara and Willow.

Buffy purses her lips and makes her way slowly along, glancing into the different shops, only seeing the very occasional adult. When the rest of the group comes to walk beside her, she picks up her pace.

"I don't know." Tara admits, looking around. "Something doesn't seem right, but…"

"Just…feel, sense or whatever it is ya' do, Tare." Faith gently squeezes Tara's arm before she moves to bracket the women on the other side, effectively putting Tara and Willow between her and Buffy. The redhead unfortunately not strong as a witch, though she has been working with Tara, but the redhead is definitely smart and notices oddities almost as well as she and Buffy do.

Tara unconsciously nods, opening her senses more to anything odd, though knowing unless a spell is being actively caste or there's a major spell placed on someone, that she probably won't pick up on a small spell. If she's lucky, she might sense an oddness and be able to follow it, and that's what she's trying her best to do.

"Definitely something has to be going on." Willow comments as she looks around, the group of girls making their way down the stairs to the main floor of the mall, the lack of adults extremely noticeable, even to the point where some of the stores are unmanned.

"Shit! Let's head to Giles', maybe he has an idea." Buffy notices the same thing Willow does as the group picks up their pace heading towards the exit, glancing over at the table that's set up outside as they step out of the mall. The group of adults buying the candy bars surprising her but she doesn't think much about it as they head towards Giles.

Tara unconsciously looks towards the concentration of adults, looking over them curiously, something not sitting right with her but nothing really setting off her senses.

"What the hell?" Buffy stops and stares in disbelief as she notices Giles dressed in tight blue jeans, a t-shirt with a pack of cigarettes rolled up in it and his hair slicked back flirting with this other woman as they lean against the outside of one of the buildings. When he leans in, whispering something and the other woman laughs almost girlishly, she groans.

"I have a feelin' he probably ain't gonna be much help." Faith comments looking to where Buffy's looking.

"No, but I'm damn well going to try." Buffy growls, ignoring the other adults running around acting like teenagers as she makes her way towards her Watcher.

"I have a very, very bad feeling." Willow admits, her eyes wide as she looks around. "They all seem to be acting…acting like us!"

"Yeah, exactly!" Faith snaps her fingers and nods in agreement with the redhead. "They're actin' like they're teenagers instead of adults. What the fuck?"

"But not all of them are acting th-this way." Tara points out to a few adults that look confused as they hurry away from the other groups. Frowning as she looks around, Tara nibbles on her bottom lip in consideration. "A spell of some sort has t-to be the cause of this, but it seems to be only affecting the majority of adults, I d-don't see anyone else acting odd."

"What the bloody 'ell?" Ripper tries to dislodge the strong hand gripping his arm. "Look, you ain't me father, and I was about to have me a good time, I was. Now let me go, girly!"

"Shut up, Giles. You're under some kind of a stupid spell!" Buffy hisses at the Watcher as she pulls the resisting man along with her. "Just look around you! You're a Watcher and spells and demons are like second nature to you! Don't you think something's up?"

"I ain't no bloody Watcher! Those bunch of stiff-pricked bastards are a bunch of ol' fogies and don't have a clue what the real world is like!" Giles growls as he tries to yank his arm away from the girl again, frowning heavily as he can't budge the diminutive blonde.

"How old are y-you Mr. Giles?" Tara questions softly.

"Ripper, my pretty little one." Ripper smiles engagingly at the voluptuous blonde. "I'm eighteen, how about you?"

"Oh, God! Save me from my Watcher that's old enough to be our father hitting on Tara!" Buffy groans deeply and yanks the Watcher away from Tara as he reaches for her.

"Bloody 'ell! She likes me, she does. Let me go, will ya'?" Giles tries to get loose again, yelping as the grip tightens on his arm painfully.

"Giles, you're my Watcher, I'm your slayer, along with Faith and there is some kind of spell screwing with the majority of the adults here in town. Now, we need to figure out whom or what is doing this so we can undo it! UNDERSTAND???" Buffy hisses loudly at the Watcher as she drags him towards his apartment. "And so help me, if you flirt with Tara again, I may rip your tongue and eyeballs out." Buffy snarls extremely softly under her breath, besides the feeling of sickness she'd felt, she'd also had a serious streak of anger and jealousy going through her at the sight.

Faith barely keeps from snorting at Buffy's added little comment, keeping her eyes on anything but the other slayer as they make their way to the Watcher's apartment.

Ripper's mouth opens and shuts a couple times as he looks down at the small blonde, not believing what she's saying until the rest of the group look at him, the seriousness on the girls' faces making him re-think everything he's been told. "You're not yankin' me chain?"

"No, G-man, we ain't." Faith growls deeply. "Somebody's fuckin' with the adults in this town makin' 'em act like kids. We gotta find out who and how they're doin' it so we can stop it."

"And why." Willow points out as they finally arrive at Giles' apartment.

"And why." Faith agrees with a sharp nod of her head as they enter the Watcher's apartment, moving to the couch, she flops down in a corner and throws her feet up on the coffee table. "So what's we gonna do?"

"Research." Tara and Willow answer at the same time even as they split up to grab books that might help them find out what kind of spell is being used.

"You mean I still end up followin' in ol' dad's footsteps? Bloody 'ell!" Ripper exhales loudly and shakes his head in disgust. "Could use a pint." He grumbles already having a gut feeling there's no beer in the apartment, even though he doesn't know it for sure. "Alright, I guess I got to trust you. You wouldn't know what you do else-wise."

"Then help us find out what's going on." Buffy finally releases the tight grip she had on his arm ignoring the fact that he's rubbing the place quickly with his other hand.

Faith grunts and glares at Tara as the witch tosses a book in her lap.

"Research." Tara ignores the glare and settles on the couch beside the slayer, opening another book and leaning over it to try and figure out what's going on.

Chapter 18

"Joy-Joy!" Dianna laughingly calls out to the woman, watching hazel eyes dance merrily as Joyce looks at her as she disconnects the phone.

"I ordered us a pizza and garlic bread, I'm absolutely starving." Joyce slowly prowls after her girlfriend, smirking as Dee giggles and darts through the kitchen to the living room. "Oh, it's going to be like that, is it?"

"Pizza, Joy! Pizza's coming." Dianna points out, laughing delightedly as Joyce darts towards her, pulling her tightly against her long body.

"But we have thirty minutes until it gets here. I'm sure we can have some fun beforehand." Joyce laughs against Dee's neck, nibbling playfully along the flesh.

"Are we going to spend all day in the house?" Dianna can't hold back the soft moan escaping her lips as Joy's teeth scrape gently over the sensitive skin of her neck.

"Yep. I have a nice large bed upstairs that hasn't been broken in properly yet." Joyce licks tantalizingly up the other woman's neck, smiling as Dee presses her body hard into hers.

"Goddess! That feels so good." Dianna exhales softly and closes her eyes as Joyce starts to suckle on the tender skin just behind and below her ear.

"You never could resist this." Joyce growls playfully into Dee's ear, nipping gently on the earlobe.

"I could never resist you." Dianna admits, looking up into hazel eyes, threading her fingers through Joy's hair, pulling her in for a deep, tantalizing kiss.

"Can you now?" Joyce becomes serious for a moment, searching loving blue eyes.

"No. Never can resist you, Joy." Dianna reiterates softly, pulling Joy back in for another kiss, a soft loving one this time.

"I'm about to say to hell with the pizza, Dee." Joyce warns softly, stroking her hands slowly down Dee's back to grasp her ass, pulling the woman firmly against her.

Dianna moans and rubs herself against Joy, the feel of the woman's body against hers something she feels like she can't live without.

Joyce leans in to nip once more on Dee's earlobe before pushing gently away. "Food first, then playtime."

"Food, chocolate and then playtime." Dianna slowly smiles at Joy, the other woman's sensuous smile a mirror to her own.

"Wonderful idea. I think there's a three more candy bars left." Joyce licks her lips at the thought.

"Odd number…have to save the last one." Dianna grins wickedly as thoughts as how to best use the last candy bar starts floating through her head.

Joyce exhales softly at the absolutely lascivious look crosses her lover's face. Getting lost for a period of time just looking at the woman that has captured her heart, she isn't knocked out of the trance until the doorbell rings. "Shit!" Joyce glances over at the clock and hurries to grab her purse.

Dianna laughs softly, running to the kitchen to grab soda and napkins, carrying the items back to the living room.

"What the hell is causing this?" Buffy glares at the television as it shows Sunnydale being pretty much a huge playground as the majority of the adults run around acting like teenagers, narrowing her eyes as she starts noticing something of a trend. "Does anybody else notice the inordinate amount of candy bars being eaten by the adults?"

Tara's head jerks up and stares at the television from where she was double-checking the books, but not having any luck.

"Candy bars! I think I still have a couple left. Those things are delicious!!" Giles bounces up from the chair, grunting as Buffy tackles him to the ground. "Bloody, bint! What do ya' think you're doin'?"

"How many have you had? And where are they?" Buffy growls into her Watcher's face, narrowing her gaze on him.

"Hell if I know! Three or four, I guess. I got a couple more left in the freezer. I like 'em frozen." Giles tries pushing the blonde off him, surprised when she disappears quickly and runs into the kitchen.

"SHIT! These are the same candy bars they were selling at the school." Buffy growls looking at the two candy bars in her hands.

"At the mall…" Tara starts and stops remembering they were selling the candy bars there and how all the adults were gathered around the table buying them up quickly.

"Do you think there's some kind of spell placed on the candy bars?" Willow grabs them from Buffy before the slayer demolishes them in her grip. "I mean, me and Xander ate a couple each, but we didn't have any weird reactions."

"You're already teenagers, Red." Faith points out, sending an obvious glare at Giles. "It seems to make adults ACT like teenagers, so if you're already a teen…"

"It won't make any changes." Willow concludes, slowly nodding her head in understanding, handing the candy bars to Tara as the witch holds her hand out for them.

"If all the c-candy bars have a spell on them, it was probably done where they were being made." Tara looks up at Willow from where she was unwrapping one of the bars, handing the wrapper back to the redhead. "Can you do y-your special brand of magic and s-see if you can find out where that is?"

"Gladly." Willow grins happily, grabbing her ever-present laptop out of her backpack and plugging it in as she boots it up.

Tara nibbles on her bottom lip as she concentrates on the candy bar in her hand, it taking a while but finally 'seeing' the spell. "You're right, the candy h-has a spell on it." Tara looks up at Buffy, watching the slayer as she stares at the television, the absolutely livid look crossing her face making her tune into what's happening.

"Fuck me! Why would anybody wanna go kidnappin' babies for?" Faith bounces around the living room, sending a glare at the television. "Do ya' think it has anythin' to do with the whole candy mess?"

"Probably." Buffy growls angrily and deeply. "Faith, we have to stop the whole baby-napping first. Then we'll go from there with whatever Tara and Willow find out." Buffy looks at the redhead. "Make those magic fingers of yours fly, Willow." Turning to look into worried blue eyes, Buffy sighs quietly. "We'll be back as quickly as possible."

"If you c-come across whoever is d-doing this, don't attack him. He's obviously a v-very strong, adept magic user. You m-might need my help." Tara watches as a stubborn look crosses both Buffy and Faith's face as the two slayers look her way before Faith softens first, the dark-haired slayer nodding her head towards her.

"Check, babe. No attackin' evil dude without you to magic-mojo his ass." Faith shoves Buffy towards the door, having seen the argument about ready to come from her. "We'll be back soon."

"HEY!" Buffy yells even as she stumbles through the door with the not so gentle push coming from the other slayer.

"B, don't even fuckin' argue about it. You know as well as I do, that she can take care of herself. When it comes to the magic voodoo shit, we need her." Faith growls at the obviously angry slayer. "I don't like her puttin' herself in harm's way, but would ya' rather us be with her, or her do it on her own?"

Buffy snarls at the dark-haired slayer, slowly calming down before pushing her lightly. "Don't push me around, damn pain in the fucking ass."

Faith smirks at the obvious capitulation of the blonde. "Hospital first?"

"Yeah, then we'll try and find out anything as we expand our search from there." Buffy nods her head as the two slayers start running through Sunnydale on their way to the hospital.

Buffy and Faith look at each other as they follow the skinny, somewhat goofy looking man as he takes the baby from his helper and disappears into the warehouse.

"Call T, now." Faith looks around the alleyway, the stacks of boxes with chocolate bars the other giveaway as to what this place is. They had lucked into seeing the guy on their way to the hospital, so they followed the baby carrying guy, both their guts telling him that the child wasn't his.

Buffy and Faith both slip around the corner and jog to the previous block, tossing the change into the machine as she punches in Giles' phone number.

"Joy…" Dianna whimpers her lover's name as she trails the chocolate bar slowly down her body, warm lips and tongue following behind the last candy bar, licking up the chocolate.

"I don't know which is sweeter. The candy or you." Joyce nuzzles tenderly against the breast under her lips. With each candy bar they ate, it slowly reverted them completely back to their days when they were younger, and after the first rushed, heady coming together they had slowed things down and were now teasing each other mercilessly with light touches, soft kisses and teasing flicks of tongues over each others bodies. The last candy bar now making an appearance as the first piece melts slowly on Dee's body as Joyce trails it over the woman's flesh.

"Goddess, Joy." Dianna arches up into the warm lips circling her nipple to suckle at the chocolate coated flesh. "My turn." Dianna begs softly, Joy having teased her for the last half hour with the piece of candy. Joy never going below her belly button with the candy but teasing her breasts mercilessly.

"There's still some left." Joyce shows the sliver of chocolate between her chocolate coated fingers after releasing her lover's breast. Coating the other breast thoroughly, Joyce pouts as she realizes that's the end of the chocolate piece. Groaning as Dee grabs her hand and pulls the chocolate coated fingers deeply into her mouth, her tongue swirling teasingly around and over the digits before sucking firmly on the flesh. Dropping her head down to her lover's breast she laps slowly over the flesh.

"I love you, Joy." Dianna whispers as the hot mouth finally captures her breast, sucking as much of the flesh as she can into the warm cavern.

Joyce groans long and deep, knowing Dee loves the vibrations over her breasts almost as much as she likes it when she does the same thing further down her body. Chuckling as fingers dig into her scalp, holding her to the flesh as the smaller body arches up into her, Dee climaxing as she sucks strongly on the flesh. Releasing the hot flesh, Joyce places tender kisses around the hard nipple before resting her cheek against the breast, finally lowering her body against Dee's. No surprise when wet heat rubs against her chest and legs hook around her back. "I love you, too, Dee." Joyce finally responds, her fingers stroking over the flesh she can reach, content to touch and caress her lover.

Stroking her fingers through Joy's hair, Dianna lets the fingers trail further down to knead and stroke the warm flesh. "I want to taste you, Joy. It seems like forever since I've tasted your sweet flesh."

Joyce moans softly at the thought. "You're the sweet one, Dee. Flavored so sweet and light that I could drink from you forever."

Dianna swallows at the loving, yet arousing words. "Please, Joy-Joy." Dianna begs softly, not knowing if she's begging for the woman's mouth on her body or to be able to make love to Joyce.

Nuzzling tenderly against the flesh of her lover's breast, Joyce smiles. "Together?"

"Oh, yes. Come to me my sweet lover." Dianna whispers hoarsely, tugging gently on a lock of Joy's hair, not wanting or willing to wait a moment longer to taste Joy, or to feel Joy's lips and tongue making love to her.

"Gladly." Joyce shifts up to kiss Dee deeply and slowly, not wanting to rush their time together. At least not this time, wanting to take it slow, and spend hours on her lover giving her any and all pleasures she can dream up.

Dianna whimpers as with the kiss, she knows things aren't going to go as quickly as she wants, but willing to give Joy anything and everything she could ever want.

Chapter 19

Buffy stares at the warehouse, her hands on her hips while Faith paces behind her as they wait for everyone else to show up. "Where the hell are they?"

Faith rolls her eyes and slowly paces back and forth. "They were tryin' to work up some kinda mojo to counteract the chocolate's effect and a possible defense against rat-faced boy in there. It might take 'em a bit to get here."

"Meanwhile, God only knows what he's doing with the babies!" Buffy's hand waves as another flunky walks by carrying a baby in his arms, though having to admit everyone they'd seen carrying them seemed to be very gentle and caring.

"Definitely wig-worthy tryin' ta figure out what he's up to." Faith has to agree with Buffy on that. Sighing in relief as Willow, Tara and Giles come pulling up to the sidewalk, jumping out of Giles' car.

"We found a spell to counteract the spell on the chocolate Giles ate." Willow blurts out happily, waving to Giles.

"Yes, well, quite. Unfortunately we don't have a cure-all for everyone, just in a person to person basis." Giles blushes lightly as he remembers how he'd been acting. "Now, who or what is responsible for all these shenanigans?"

"He should be coming out about right now." Buffy points towards the warehouse.

Giles turns along with the rest of the group and stares at the warehouse. When Ethan Rayne steps out from the shadows, Giles hisses. "Bloody hell! Tara, come with me and follow along with what I'm doing. Buffy, Faith, find another way in the back of the warehouse and find the babies to take back to the hospital where they belong. We shouldn't have any trouble with him. Willow, God forbid there is trouble, call the police and drop them an anonymous call that the missing babies are here."

Buffy starts to open her mouth to question Giles but when he glares at her, she snaps her mouth shut and takes off down the block to come at the warehouse from a different angle, Faith staying with her.

"Come on, be prepared for what would be considered a level three magic user with a serious bent for chaos." Giles lets Tara know what they're going to face, the slight confusion on her face makes him sigh quietly. "Tara, you're like a level eight or higher magic user. One of your protective spells being cast should last against anything he could ever think up. He should never be able to get past one of your shields. Protect us is all that I ask."

"Oh." Tara blinks in surprise, following behind the Watcher. Shaking her head she prepares the spell for the shield, knowing Giles understands probably better than she does how these things work, especially when he's questioned her about the spells she's used and how Faith and Buffy explained excitedly how they could fight through it even as it still protected them. "Ummm… absorbing, deflecting or mirrored?"

Giles' grin turns wicked as he looks at the witch. "We really need to discuss more of what you can do, my dear. Mirrored. Let him taste his own spells being sent back to him. It's just what he'll deserve."

Tara works the spell quickly, toning down her signature so that it hopefully won't give the other man an inkling of what she'd done. "It's r-ready." Tara walks slightly behind Giles as he turns and starts to stride towards the warehouse once more, tossing a worried look over her shoulder at Willow, who gives her a thumb's up and grins at her.

"It won't be long now, Lurconis." Ethan comments to himself as he settles the newest baby in the makeshift bed with the other babies, smiling evilly. The demon living down in the sewers will be more than pleased at his offering and chaos will reign supreme for years to come as he looks at the babies he has gathered. "Stupid fools. Nothing like a little spell to send all the adults back to their carefree, just worried about themselves, teenage years." Ethan chuckles wickedly at the thought, as he played into most peoples weaknesses with the chocolate candy.

Turning around he makes his way back out of the room and towards the main area of the warehouse, looking at the stacks of candy bars, his plan working flawlessly as his minions grab the babies from the hospital and are now working on going to individual homes to gather the last ten babies that are needed to make the sacrifice. Looking at his watch, he realizes the next delivery truck should be arriving any moment to take another load of chocolate out to students unknowingly helping him in his endeavors. Chuckling wickedly at the thought, he hurries to the loading dock when he hears the sound of someone there.

Giles smirks as he watches the laughter disappear from Ethan's face and a look of anger with a thread of worry appear. "Enough, Ethan. It's time to stop whatever you have planned and return the babies. Call off your goons." Giles glares at the man he'd grown up with and doing things with in his misspent youth, he honestly hopes none of the young people he deals with finds out about.

"It's time for chaos to rule, Ripper." Ethan barely spares a glance for the young woman standing just a step behind Giles. Gathering the magic around him, he sends a blast towards his ex mate, planning on slamming him against the opposite side of the alley and knocking him out before tying him up and proceeding with his plans. Noticing too late the gleam in Ripper's eyes as he stands his ground, eyes opening wide in stunned shock as the spell backfires and slams into him, sending him flying back through the warehouse and into the boxes of candy bars, stunning him.

"No, it's not." Giles takes off after the magic user, using good old physical powers to knock the man unconscious. Shaking the brief flare of pain in his knuckles he turns to Tara. "He's arrogant, he's probably here by himself if none of his minions are dropping off anymore babies."

"I'll let Willow know w-we're okay." Tara watches for a moment as Giles rips a cord from a lamp and uses it to tie Ethan's hands behind his back before ripping part of the man's shirt from him and shoving it in his mouth.

"We need to do something with the chocolate here and take the spell off." Giles waves towards the boxes of chocolate, not wanting it to get out to the public, the chocolate already out doing enough damage as it is.

"We'll f-figure it out." Tara offers softly before jogging out of the warehouse, sighing in relief that it looks like they may have this particular nasty taken care of with a minimum of fuss.

Giles makes sure Ethan's secure before heading through the warehouse, exhaling softly as Buffy and Faith come through, surprisingly enough Faith's holding two babies gently against her while Buffy holds a short sword as protection. The sight of the dark-haired slayer holding the babies like she'd done it before something as a shock as they head towards him at a quick clip.

"Any problems?" Buffy looks from Giles to behind him, seeing the rat looking man unconscious on the ground and trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.

"No, but I will need to do an interrogation on the stupid bugger to find out what exactly he had planned." Giles admits, frowning as he looks back at Ethan. "First, we need to get these babies back to the hospital and knock some sense into the idiots working for Ethan."

Willow comes jogging in with Tara, seeing a computer in the back corner, she heads quickly towards it. Settling into the seat, she starts punching away as she calls over her shoulder. "This is probably his, so I'll do my thing while you guys take care of the rest."

Buffy hesitates, not wanting to leave Willow with no protection but they need to get the babies as quickly as they can back to the hospital and find the other men taking them out of the equation.

Faith looks from one person to the next, realizing why Buffy's hesitating. Turning her gaze to Tara as the witch reaches for one of the babies in her arms and holds him gently, Faith speaks up. "Me and Tare can work on takin' the babes back to the hospital and makin' sure they go where they're supposed to. Tweed can stay here with Red to make sure that she's protected and be here when rat boy wakes up to discuss things with him. Buffy, you can start searching out the rest of the idiots and we'll help after we get the babies taken care of."

Buffy clenches her hands around the sword as she searches Faith's eyes, before looking towards warm blue eyes, the soft smile crossing Tara's face reassuring her more than anything. "We'll meet back here and decide what we have to do."

"We can get the babies in probably two trips." Faith thinks about the six babies in the room they'd come from.

"Go, I'll start looking for the others." Buffy turns a glare on the magic user lying on the ground unconscious. "And he better pray that no one was seriously hurt."

Tara looks over at the chocolate, eyeing the quantity. "We can p-probably take the spell off the chocolate without too much problem. I'll make sure at the h-hospital that there are enough nurses and doctors unaffected before we come back for the other babies."

"That would be the wise thing to do. Thank you." Giles relaxes even more, thankful more than he can say at the grown up and levelheadedness of the young people working with him.

Buffy heads for the door as Faith makes her way back to the room the babies are in to carry another one, surprised when Tara follows her in.

"I can carry two, also." Tara offers softly, holding her free arm out to the baby in Faith's arms, taking it from her with a soft smile down at the newborn as it snuggles against her, a small fist waving in the air before landing against her chest.

Faith gently gathers two more babies and nods her head towards Tara in silent command for them to get moving, following the blonde out of the warehouse as she looks down at the babies in her arms, her eyes sad as memories flow.

Tara hands the last baby over to the thankful nurses, ignoring the confusion as the people that hadn't eaten much of the candy start to come back to themselves, watching as the nurse double-checks to make sure the baby goes in the right crib, leaning against Faith as the unusually quiet slayer stands beside her.

"Let's get back and hook-up with B so me and her can find and take out that Lurconis demon." Faith grunts out softly, spinning around on her heel and heading for the exit of the hospital.

"Are you okay, Faith?" Tara questions softly as she practically has to jog to keep up with the swiftly striding slayer. Knowing something's bothering Faith, but not knowing what it is and not willing to push the dark-haired slayer as she knows eventually Faith will talk about it. But wanting to give her the chance in case she just needs an opening.

"Yeah, Tare. I'm okay." Faith more whispers than says the words, having been somewhat lost in the past a good part of the afternoon, but not willing to open this particular can of worms just yet, knowing this isn't a good time to say something as she's likely to break down one way or another if she opens up about that part of her past.

Tara nibbles on her bottom lip for a moment, but lets Faith slide. "I need you and Buffy to be careful when you go after this demon. Doing the little t-truth spell on Ethan we know that he told us the truth, but…"

"I know, Tare. Don't mean that there ain't shit that we didn't think of askin' him that could help or even hurt us." Faith grunts out softly, darting a quick look towards Tara and offering the witch a smile. "Me and B'll go in loaded for bear and demolish this son of a bitch then go see what the parental units are up to, 'kay?"

Tara grins crookedly and nods her head. "Thank you, sweetie."

"Yeah, yeah." Faith returns the grin as they hurry back towards the warehouse, Buffy having called and said she'd found the last minion that was helping Ethan and put the fear of God in him making him leave Sunnydale for good. The slayer planning on meeting up with them after making a pit stop at the Watcher's apartment for more weapons, so everyone can do their own thing to finish cleaning up this mess that Ethan had caused.

Tara giggles as Faith slings her arm over her shoulders, happy the slayer more and more frequently reaches out for physical touches, though she has noticed Faith seems to get more touchy when they're around Buffy. The slayer definitely trying to push Buffy's buttons, making Tara roll her eyes at the thought that Faith actually believes it makes the blonde slayer jealous.

Faith smirks as Buffy grins at her, a can of hairspray in one hand and a lighter in the other, the both of them turning back to look at Lurconis as the snake-like demon makes a high-pitches squealing noise as he goes up in flame, his head jerking back and forth before he disappears back into the tunnels under the city from where he'd come from. "Do ya' think he's done for or do ya' think we should go after him?"

"I'd rather get some flamethrowers and look for him with them, truthfully." Buffy relaxes and looks at the two items in her hands, another set in Faith's. Buffy shakes her head at the thought of Giles telling her that it might be best to take them as they'd at least make mini flame-throwers and could come in handy with this particular demon. "Let's go and meet up with the rest of the group. It just occurred to me that mom might be running around acting like a thirteen year old with the candy I bought for her!" Buffy's eyes widen at the thought.

Faith snorts. "Yeah, your mom's probably studyin' to be a straight A student or somethin'. She don't seem the type ta' be out runnin' around, B."

Buffy laughs at the thought. "I don't know. She has occasionally dropped a hint here and there that she wasn't all sweet innocence in her youth, but she's never given me anything concrete to go with."

Faith chuckles at the thought, wondering how B would react if she knew her mom didn't just drive stick, but liked to check out the automatics when she was younger. "Come on. Let's check on the witchy contingent and see what's up. Make sure they got their shit done." Tucking the lighter away in her back pocket, she flips the empty aerosol can around about ready to toss it, but a little voice in her head, that she calls her 'Tara voice' tells her to throw it in the proper receptacle instead. Growling softly at the imagined voice, Faith keeps hold of the can.

To be continued…

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