To Danie. Thanks for being my beta/friend and for helping me out with all the suggestions. You truly are gifted for writing. I hope you continue to do so. And D, don't forget the catnip.
To all the W/T fans. May we always keep Tara alive in our hearts.
This story is absolutely AU. I may use some familiar dialogue throughout the story or mention things that may have happened on the show, but for the most part, the precipice of the fic comes from my imagination and former experience working with and growing up with animals. I hope you like this story and my way of having our girls meet up.
The ages of the Scoobies are around 25 years of age.
Buffy has a daughter named, Brittany, whom carries the nickname of Breezy or Bre. I don't have kids, so hopefully I will do an okay job with writing Brittany's character. If anyone sees anything that is out of place or you don't agree with something, please let me know.
Buffy IS the Slayer in this story. I'm going to try to stay as close to canon as possible. The only major addition is Brittany. Dawn may be mentioned a few times or given some dialogue, but I'm not really comfortable writing her, so you may not see much of her. Anya will probably be treated the same way. This story will mostly revolve around Willow and Tara AND Buffy, of course, since she works with Willow and is the Slayer. Joyce IS still alive and married to Giles. I just love the idea of them as a couple.
I'll try to make the descriptions of the Veterinary clinic as clear as I can for you. It's much easier to actually see it in my head. I'm taking my experiences at the last clinic I worked at and placing it into this fic.
The clinic itself has an open concept to it. Instead of individual exam rooms, the exam tables/computers/work space is out in the open. Any customers, who come in, can see what's going on with the pets that are there to be seen.
There are two exam rooms in the front and an extra table w/computer incase a third is needed. It's setup behind the reception desk. In back of the exam room tables are five cabinets each. Mostly containing prescription medications.
To the right is exam room 3. To the left, exam room 2. Behind exam 3, there is a small refrigerator above the sink, which holds some of the vaccinations for the cats and dogs. To the right of it, start the cabinets.
On the counter top behind exam 3, are a microscope and some other testing machines.
Once you go through the door to the back, on the direct left, is a larger refrigerator. In it, there are more vaccinations and testing supplies. To the left of that, is the dryer. On the opposite wall, in front of the refrigerator is the washing machine.
To the right of the door, is another counter. On top of it, there is a machine called an Autoclave, which sterilizes the instruments used in surgery and for some other procedures. There is also a sink for washing your hands or washing the instruments after surgery.
When you walk further into the back, directly in front are rows of cages. The top row consists of medium sized cages, 3. The second row consists of smaller ones, 3; and the bottom row, has two large cages. Looking to the left, you will see the same set up. There is a door beside the second set of cages, which leads into an isolation room for ill pets that come in and need to be quarantined. Inside there are three rows: two medium cages on top, two smaller ones in the middle, and one extremely large cage on the bottom.
The room can also act as a dark room, if anyone is trying to use sensitive machines/gadgets to detect ultraviolet organisms. Mainly this would be used for the detection of ringworm, which with a certain light (black light), glows green.
From the main door to the back, once you pass the counter on the right, there is another computer to the side; above it are another five cabinets. In them are surgery supplies, anesthesia medications, gauze, IV catheters, syringes, alcohol, electric clippers for prepping animals for surgery, and there is also sterilizing solutions to spray on the prepped areas before the pets go into the surgery room.
If you look to the right of the computer, there is a smaller room, which serves as the surgery suite. The anesthesia/oxygen machines are hooked up in the corner of the suite, along with the other machines used for monitoring and lights.
To the left of the computer, is a sink used for various things. In back of the sink, and directly to the right, is the office. In the office, there is a door, which leads out of the clinic and to the outside. Or if you turn right, it will lead you into the Grooming Salon.
I think I have pretty much covered everything. If I missed anything, I'll be sure and give more detailed descriptions in the actual chapters. If you have any questions, comments, please feel free to ask them or tell them to me.
One more thing: The pet store/Grooming/Vet clinic is all in one building. If you were to look at the store from the street, you would see basically a pet store. On the outside of the building and to the right, you would see a door, above it the words: Grooming. The store building doesn't not have the words Vet clinic on it, but the sign by the street does, does that make sense? Just to clarify. If you get confused, let me know and I'll try to explain things better.
And on that note, please enjoy!