Kind of Hot

by Dan Knight

Copyright © 2003

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The characters of Willow, Harmony, and Kennedy belong to Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon, FOX, UPN, WB, and whoever else is involved with Buffy, who's name I forget. Bottom line, I don't own them. I simply wrote this story for the enjoyment of fellow fans and make no profit from any of it. So please don't sue me, I am a good boy.
Distribution: Dan Knight's Fan Fiction Archive:
The Mystic Muse:
I would appreciate if anyone asked first. Not because I am picky about who shows it, but I would like to actually see where it is going.
Feedback: Are you kidding? Of course I want feedback. Good, bad, indifferent, bring it on!
Spoilers: Some.
Author's Note: This fic contains spoilers for the final seasons of Buffy and Angel. Although after all of this time I question anyone reading a Buffy/Angel fic would not be caught up by now. But those who aren't…you have just been warned.
Pairing: Willow/Harmony

Summary: When Harmony looks at Willow all she sees is the high school dork of old.

Harmony walked down the corridors of the Brazilian branch of the new Watchers Council. It had been three months since she had taken her leave from Wolfram and Hart. Some might say she got fired, but luckily for her, her boss wasn't around to debate the issue so she said potato they said tomato. Or something like that, Harmony wasn't sure how exactly the saying went.

It had been tough at first for the blonde vamp to find new clerical work. Oh, sure a stint at Wolfram and Hart looked impressive enough on a resume. But most employers had this tendency to work in buildings where necro-tempered glass was not installed, not to mention their nasty habit of setting up interviews during daylight hours.

Fortunately, the ex-cheerleader had an uncharacteristic brainstorm and realized one employer that might be more accommodating, the new Watchers.

Sure, she was an undead evil thing and they were a force for good. But Angel was an undead force for good who once ran an evil law firm, so these were changing times after all. Harmony applied to the Watchers Council and soon discovered a recommendation from Angel, even after everything that happened between him and the Scoobies, still went a long way.

Like Wolfram and Hart the Watchers also had a no-kill policy, but Harm was more than willing to go off the human blood once again. Sure, she had briefly reverted back to her killing when she couldn't find work, a girl had to eat. Or she assumed she had to eat, the blonde didn't know what specifically would happen if a Vampire stopped eating, but Spike once told her it wasn't pretty.

So a letter of recommendation from one dead boss later and Harmony found herself working for the good guys once again. Sure, it would probably hurt her reputation, but she sucked at being a big bad and being alive was nicer then being a dead big bad that also happened to suck.

Of course there were some down sides to her new employment. The first of which being the new bosses she had to answer to, one of them anyway. Kennedy she didn't mind so much. Sure, was rich and kind of annoying which Harmony hated in people who weren't her. However, the Latina slayer was also pretty hot and that helped a lot in the blonde's eyes.

While Harmony didn't always favor the girls, she didn't mind the occasional lesbian experience either. Providing the other girl was hot of course. However, Kennedy was definitely sexy. Not to mention she was a slayer which meant she could kick Harmony's ass in an instant, which the vampire found even hotter. She was starting to get what Spike saw in that.

No, working for Kennedy wasn't so bad. The bad side was her other boss, Willow Rosenberg. Or Rosennerd as Harmony tended to call her. Not out loud any longer, Willow could have her girlfriend kill her, or cast some evil spell, or even worse fire her. But in her head Willow was still Rosennerd.

When Harmony was younger and popular the idea of working for Willow, the class geek, the mousy dork, would have been unthinkable. After all, it was "Willow Rosenberg". The former cheerleader was glad her old high school buddies couldn't see her now, actually taking orders from a dork. But again, a vampire had to eat and hunting prey was so time consuming, and messy, and carried the risk of a slayer killing her. Harmony found the slayer risk even more of a concern now. With there being like a bazillion of them.

So here she was, Harmony Kendal the cool girl in school, working for the girl she once tormented and the girlfriend Willow totally didn't deserve.

Done reflecting on her horrible situation, Harmony finally stepped into the office with the file she had in her hand. Willow and Kennedy were both there at the desk discussing some save the world stuff that was going clear over the blonde's head, as a lot of stuff tended to do.

As the vampire looked over the, in her opinion, much more attractive of her two bosses she couldn't understand what such a sexy slayer saw in Willow. But for some reason she was nuts about her. Harmony deducted that Kennedy must have felt sorry for her. The only other option would be she actually found the redhead sexy and Harmony was not about to accept someone who wasn't also a nerd would actually think that.

"Here's the memo Willow, all typed out and ready for faxing." Harmony said cheerfully, as she set it on the redhead's desk.

"That was quick." Willow answered, impressed.

"It's like I told you, I type as fast as a superhero would if that was their power." The vamp bragged.

"Yeah I remember the interview." Kennedy replied, amused.

"So is there anything else I can do for you?. Coffee, filing, maybe…ok so I can't think of anything else at this second but I am sure I could do something else if I could think of it." Harmony babbled in her usual obliviousness.

"Ohh k." Kennedy said, once again confused by some of the things that came out of her secretary's mouth.

"No. I think that's it for now." Willow answered.

"Yay! I get to take a long lunch break." Harmony said, excited, before realizing she just said that in front of her bosses. "I mean, um, a long working before lunch break."

"Well I guess I'll start patrolling then." The dark haired slayer said as she leaned in to kiss her girlfriend goodbye, much to Harmony's disapproval. Here the blonde was all available and game for some sexual harassment, but Kennedy was making out with Willow.

'Only the ugly ones ever want to sexually harass me.' Harmony thought disappointingly to herself. She then looked up at Willow and Kennedy and tried to forget she just saw them kissing.

"Well I will get back to my desk then." The blonde said chipperly as she turned to leave. As she did she heard Kennedy whispering something to Willow. Luckily for the blonde she had excellent hearing, one of the perks of being a vamp. It came in real handy for eavesdropping. Of course in a small building like this one there were limited opportunities to use it for office gossip, but Harmony worked with what she had.

"Go on, ask her. It's fun." She heard the slayer whisper to her girlfriend before leaving.

'Yeah right…' Harmony thought, as she walked to the door, 'Like Willow does anything fun. Well besides have sex with Kennedy.'

"Um, Harmony one thing." Willow called to the other woman, suddenly seeming a little nervous. If she had cared Harmony would have the redhead's sudden nervous tone weird.

"Yes?" The vamp asked.

"Could you get me the file on the Zanarath demons before you go." Willow asked a little hesitantly.

"Of course." Harmony answered mustering up her usual airhead smile as she opened the file cabinet and bent over to reach it.

As she shuffled through the files Harmony suddenly noticed the all too familiar feeling of eyes on her. When you are a sexy blonde you get used to it after all. 'Oh my…' Harmony thought to herself in shock, 'Rosennerd is totally checking out my ass!'

This was actually not a new trick, getting Harmony to reach for a file near the bottom of a file cabinet in order to provide a nice view of her well rounded backside. Kennedy had done it to her more than once. Of course, Harmony fell for it every time, one of the drawbacks to not being very bright.

But it was different to the young vamp when the slayer did it. After all she was hot, and Harmony was all for sexy men and women checking out her ass, how could they not? She had a nice ass. And besides, the more Kennedy checked out Harmony's nice toned body the blonde figured the better the chances she would realize how much she was wasting her time with miss braniac witch.

But Willow checking out Harmony's ass was totally annoying and unacceptable. And who gave Willow permission to look at her like a piece of meat anyway? Then Harmony thought about it for a second longer, 'Oh man, now she's going to fantasize about me. Wait! What if she already has? This is getting worse and worse.'

'Ok fine then.' Her thoughts continued, 'If Willow wants to check me out so much I'll give the dork a thrill. Show her what happens when you want what you so never could have.'

Harmony grabbed the file, stood up and walked towards the desk in her best sexy walk. "Enjoy the show?" Harmony asked with a wicked smile.

"Wh…what?" Willow stammered, blushing slightly upon realizing she was busted, "What do you mean?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know witchie…" The blonde replied, closing the distance between her and the redhead with each step. Moving right in front of her, Willow instinctively backed up. She didn't get far though as the desk blocked any hope of an exit for the suddenly very flustered redhead.

"I know you were watching. Checking out the way my ass moved as I bent over. Like what you saw?" The secretary finally inquired. Willow looked completely uncomfortable, as she should since Harmony completely busted her. Seeing her boss squirm like the high school wallflower of old was actually getting a small twinge of excitement from Harmony, despite herself.

"What? N…no. I…I…" Willow tried to spit out an excuse, any excuse. She was so going to kill Kennedy for convincing her to try that with Harmony. Who would have known the blonde actually could be self aware of, well, anything. Unfortunately for her, the former cheerleader's hand gently caressing her bare arm was making forming complete sentences very hard all of the sudden.

"It's ok sweetie." Harmony interrupted in a sensual voice, "If I had an ass like mine I would want me to bend over to check it out too." The airhead explained in her usual Harmony logic.

In fact, Harmony's completely nonsensical comment might have been enough to snap the redhead out the spell the other woman was already starting to put her under. Then Willow felt the sexy vampire's cold yet soft touch move down the side of her body slowly moving over her shapely butt, and suddenly she was flustered again.

"Wh…what are you doing?" Willow asked timidly.

The blonde simply smiled and gently squeezed the other woman's backside as if that was an answer. The redhead yelped slightly but the fact she didn't try to move had not gone unnoticed by Harmony.

"Oh come on Willow, you act like you haven't ever wanted me to be doing this." Harmony answered seductively.

"What?" Willow started to protest, but before she could Harmony gently hoisted the redhead into a sitting position on the top of her desk. Her hand then moved down to her boss' long legs causing another momentary distraction as the blonde smiled once again starting to enjoy this game, even if it was with Willow.

As her hands caressed the other woman's inner thighs Harmony couldn't help but notice Willow did have some incredibly well toned legs. Nothing compared to hers of course, nothing about Willow compared to Harmony, and the redhead was certainly no Charlize Theron. Still, Harmony had to admit she was actually starting to get a small inkling of what Kennedy saw in her, and why she was always looking at Willow as if she was actually sexy or something. Although she was only admitting it to herself. Harmony wasn't stupid or anything.

"Oh, you know what I'm talking about Willow." Harmony replied to the redhead's weak denial, "Don't think me and Cordy didn't always notice in high school. The way you would look at us when you thought we didn't notice." The blonde explained as her hands moved up Willow's legs and slowly crept underneath her skirt. "You so wanted a piece of us. Not that you were the first one." She said as her hand moved to Willow's crotch from underneath the dress and began to slowly rub her womanhood through her panties.

"Ohh…oh goddess." Willow gently sighed using all her energy to keep her voice down. This was not a time she wanted Kennedy to hear a loud noise and come back into the room to investigate.

"And with hotties like us to fantasize about, is it any wonder you became a great big lesbo?" Harmony smiled.

The redhead let out a small gasp in an attempt to protest "H…Harmony." The redhead managed to finally get out of her mouth, despite the other woman's skilled fingers already providing quite a distraction. The blonde had definitely done this before.

"Oh don't worry sweetie, that is definitely not a bad thing." And for Harmony it certainly wasn't. The young vamp certainly liked the guys, they were all deep voiced, and muscley and strong. But there were definitely more than a few times she preferred a softer touch. A touch she hadn't felt in a while, which was why Harmony had decided she was getting way more into this than she thought she would.

"We…we shouldn't be doing this." The redhead managed to somehow get out. She was trying real hard to remember she had a girlfriend right about now. A wonderful girlfriend who loved her very much. And who would go ballistic if she knew Willow was busy being molested by her secretary.

Remembering that fact was getting harder by the second, however. Harmony wasn't wrong about Willow. She never admitted it out loud, never was really willing to fully admit it to herself, but even back in high school she had wondered more then once what it would be like to kiss another woman, among doing other things with them. And Harmony and Cordelia Chase had definitely been at the top of that list.

Willow wasn't sure what frustrated her more in those days, that she had those thoughts or that she kept having them about two girls who were so mean to her. But they were both so gorgeous and popular that the redhead couldn't help but occasionally have less then pure thoughts about them. Now here she was years later, alone and being seduced by the sexy blonde. It was like one of her fantasies was coming true right before her eyes.

Willow knew she should stop Harmony, be the right kind of girlfriend and tell the blonde to back off. And she definitely knew she needed to stop trying to rationalize that Kennedy was the one who told her to check out Harmony's ass or this would never be happening. And if Harmony wasn't leaning in with her head tilted and her lips so close to the redhead's, while slowly sliding her panties down her creamy thighs, Willow was sure she would have been able to tell Harmony to stop.

The blonde smiled as her head leaned in a bit as if to kiss the young woman before slowly moving back, teasing the poor flustered redhead. Harmony then slowly pulled Willow's lacy underwear the rest of the way down, sliding them down to her knees than moving her hand back up Willow's thighs, finally reaching her womanhood. "Shaved? Wow! Who knew you had a touch of naughty in you?" Harmony exclaimed, as the witch bushed. The blonde was actually impressed.

"Oh." Willow moaned softly as her secretary's hand slowly began rubbing between Willow's legs, the vamp's delicate fingers under her skirt slowly rubbing up and down her folds. "Oh. Oh my." Willow sighed tilting her head back and using what little willpower she still had left to not cry out.

"We…we shouldn't be doing this…Harmony." Willow whimpered, trying once again to do the right thing. How she was able to form sentences when Harmony's hands were doing such amazing things to her was a mystery to even the young witch, however. This definitely was not Harmony's first time with a woman. Although thinking that did surprisingly little to calm the redhead down.

"Then tell me to stop." Harmony answered, in her arrogance she had no doubt Willow would not be saying it.

The conflict was evident on the other woman's face, even to someone as dense as Harmony, but Willow wasn't saying anything. As the blonde knew she wouldn't.

"So do you want me to stop?" Harmony asked, with a big smile as she slowly inserted her index finger inside Willow.

"Oh…Oh goddess." Willow exclaimed clearly working hard not to cry out her pleasure loud enough for anyone else to hear. Harmony was enjoying the added frustration that was giving Willow. It actually surprised the blonde, who knew getting busy with the former class geek was actually going to be so fun?

"I take that as a no." Harmony continued, smiling.

The former cheerleader then inserted another finger into Willow and expertly began moving them in and out. Watching with pleasure as the redhead began to breathe heavily, her modest chest heaving as sweat began to form.

The blonde continued for a minute, her fingers moving in and out of the redhead's womanhood, getting wetter with every thrust. No doubt about it, despite her attempts to protest Willow was definitely enjoying what Harmony was doing to her. Harmony wondered if Kennedy did her this good. She always thought the slayer looked like she would be a great tumble. But then again Harmony also wondered what she was doing with Willow, so that might explain it.

A whimper from the Wiccan returned Harmony's thoughts to the task at hand, literally in this case. The redhead was clearly about to reach an orgasm, Just what Harmony was waiting for.

"You want me to finish Will?" Harmony asked in her best sexy voice, "Want me to get you off?"

The redhead could only moan in frustration, but that answer was not good enough for the vamp.

"Come on Willow…" Harmony continued leaning in closer, "You want it don't you.?" She asked again.

"Oh yes." Willow finally exclaimed.

"Well then…" Harmony exclaimed, as she started to speed up her pace. Then suddenly she stopped, and removed her fingers from Willow's sex. The redhead whimpered at the sudden loss of contact. "Too bad you have a girlfriend isn't it?" Harmony said with a wicked smirk.

"What…wha…huh?" Was all the other woman could reply while trying to regain some kind of bearings and wondering what just happened.

"Why Willow…" Harmony responded, in mock seriousness. "You mean you would want to cheat on Kennedy? Shame on you!" Harmony admonished sarcastically, as she moved over to the door.

"You…You." Willow said pulling her panties back up as she suddenly realizing what Harmony's game had been. The redhead's lust was slowly being replaced with anger once she realized the dumb blonde had actually made a fool of her.

"Well then, I guess I should probably get back to work. The phones need me." Harmony continued with a satisfied smirk, as she turned around to reach for the door.

Willow suddenly moved from on top of the desk. She was not letting Harmony get away with her game this time. They weren't in high school and Willow wasn't some dork the former popular girl could just jerk around anymore.

Before Harmony could reach the door she felt the redheads hand on her. Ordinarily little Willow couldn't have turned the vampire around but it caught Harmony so off guard the other woman had managed to turn around and push her against the door.

"Wha…?" Harmony exclaimed. This wasn't what the blonde expected to be Willow's reaction. She was supposed to be on the desk still in shock and arousal from the blonde's expert teasing. But before the Harmony could say anything else Willow leaned in and pressed her mouth against the other woman's.

Willow began to kiss the blonde, first slowly then with more passion as her tongue slowly parted Harmony's glossed lips. Willow kissed the cheerleader, it was the same kiss she was always able to count on when she wanted to stop Kennedy or Tara dead in their tracks.

Feeling Harmony's resolve melt the witch moved her hand up the blonde's side before making her way to her ample breast and squeezed lightly. Getting more into the kiss Harmony started kissing back as each woman's tongue wrestled with the others. Willow seized the initiative and moved her hand down between the other woman's legs and squeezed, the contact caused Harmony to moan inside her mouth.

Things started getting so intense for a moment the redhead almost got lost in it. But somehow, Willow managed to pull it together and broke the kiss, this time causing a frustrated moan to escape Harmony' lips.

"Now we're done." Willow slowly exclaimed.

"What…we're what?" The blonde replied, before finally realizing the former nerd had just one upped her. "No, don't be done." She pleaded.

"You want to get fired?" Willow asked.

"Umm…will you have sex with me if I am?" Harmony asked.

"I'll tell Kennedy." Willow answered.

"Ok, done. Fine, I can be down with not having sex." Harmony answered quickly, having a feeling the slayer would not appreciate finding out what had just gone on between the two. If she was a little sharper she might have wondered if Willow would have told Kennedy something that would have gotten her in just as much trouble. But Harmony's dimness combined with her desire to not be staked over a girl she didn't even go all the way with won out.

The blonde turned to leave, still so flustered she briefly bumped into a plant before stopping, attempting in vain to still look composed then moved to leave again. As she reached for the door she heard Willow's voice stop her.

"Oh and Harmony…don't ever do that again." Willow said hiding her smirk from the fact she totally had her beautiful former tormenter squirming, in more ways than one.

"Not even…" the blonde began to protest.

"No." Willow snapped not having time for the other woman's blondeness.

"Right, not ever, got it boss." She said as she left before Willow had a change of heart about telling Kennedy.

As the secretary moved towards her desk she groaned out in frustration. This had not started out as a good day, not at all. She didn't even know what was worse, the fact that she was now all worked up and couldn't do anything about it, or the fact after the way Willow had turned the tables, gotten her worked up and then made a fool of her actually made Harmony think Willow was kinda hot.

The End

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